Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Sephrith sighed "I told you that you weren't done learning, she stopped after her brother started to learn how to fight." Duanna sighed and calmed down a little "Sorry its just when it comes to my family I like to handle it all. Would you please help me?" she looked like she was ashamed of refusing help.
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Serien was chuckling and Eriath slipped her dagger out of her boot. Serien said "no. We won't kill him unless neccessary. He is no threat to us." She slipped the knife back in her boot." 
Michael nodded, getting behind her. He rested his hands over hers and channeled his power through her. A bright light showered the room as his angel wings appeared. He let his power increase by the moment.
Duanna smiled as she felt his power, it had been a while since she felt a power like it and she felt a pain in her back but she didn't show that she was in pain until her mother was healed. Sephrith had to look away so that the light wouldn't hurt his eyes.
When Demonia was healed, Michael released her and stumbled to the wall for support. "I've used too much power today." He coughed. "I'm going to rest." He stumbled out of the room, using the wall to guide himself.
Duanna tried to follow after him but stumbled herself, the pain was becoming unbearable for her, she dismissed Sephrith from the room and ordered him to take her mother to Axoret's room, he left doing as she had asked. Duanna shut the door and made sure that a seal was setup around the room before she started to scream, she heard a ripping noise in her back and then passed out as the pain subsided. She didn't even see what had caused the pain.

Sephrith walked into the room where Axoret was, he didn't know if he would be awake or not but he still carried Demonia into the room.
Michael was sitting by the wall looking really weak. He almost looked dead. "Hey... G-Get Will." He coughed up blood. He came in here because he figured he might be able to steal Axorets life force but decided not to. He made a promise.
Thea crept up on the side of the cabin. "Sorry to cramp up the place, want me to give you eyes inside?" She asked. Surely Thea was concerned.
Sephrith laid Demonia down on the bed and looked at him "I think that might be too late, maybe I can be of some assistance. What is it that you need?"
Nettle turned looking at the dragon. "They left" she replied sitting down on the wooden floor not sure what to do now. "I guess I'm free now." she murmured not sure what to do now that she had the freedom she had always yearned for.
Michael winced and replied "I need to steal some of your life force but I don't think you'd like the way. I've only done it with Will because he's my servant for all eternity."
"Oh, in that case..." The magical dragon just then sat on her behind, watching the wounded man. She didn't know what was going on, but she just watched.
(Starting at; Axoret said softly "Are you the only person who can save my son?" Michael nodded. King Axoret looked down, tears in his eyes. "Please save my son...")

Evelyn was shocked. Shocked at how easily the king would give away his kingdom for the life of his son. Anger coursed through her body as she slipped her sword back into its sheath. The demon that had come up behind her was now standing beside the Angel. "F*ck you." She growled storming out of the cabin. She slammed the door behind her and sat down on the steps. "Great. Now the whole kingdom belongs to some psycho Angel and his undead demon sidekick." Evelyn clenched her hands into fists, angry that she let that ugly demon disarm her. The sound of conversation drew her from her thoughts and back into the cabin. The king was kneeling over his son begging Michael to heal him. How pathetic. She thought silently to herself. Eventually the Demon and Angel left, taking Duanna and her mother with them. She glared as they walked past her. Evelyn watched them go, deciding that it would be better if she stayed with the Ex-Princes and Ex-King. Axoret screamed, punching a whole in the wall. Then, as if to damage the cabin as much as he could, he stormed out, breaking the door off of its hinges when he slammed it shut. Just as he left Prince Exiriya awoke, gasping for air. "W-whats going one? Where am I?" Evelyn rolled her eyes. "You're in a cabin genius." She turned and walked out of the cabin, letting Xeliran explain the 'What's going on' part. The King had gone off to sulk. The Princes were catching up on everything that had happened. The Queen and Princess were headed back to Azriel doing who knows what. "What's the point of being a warrior if I can't even protect the Royals?" She sighed walking down the steps towards her mount. The black horse stood tall and proud, waiting for her to return. Evelyn had been given the stallion as a present from her father. He was one of the last things she had from him. "Here boy." She called and he came, trotting up, bobbing his large head. "Steady." The stallion snorted at her. She smiled rubbing his nose with the palm of her hand. Suddenly a wild look flared up in his eyes, and he jerked his head back, looking around frantically. It took her a second to realize why he was acting like this, but then she spotted the dragon. A medium sized, amethyst colored dragon had just landed in front of the cabin. Upon the dragon was a girl, a human girl. Evelyn gave the horse a gently pat on the shoulder before walking over to the young human. The two princes came out and the three of them struck a conversation. She listened for a while, but soon became bored. Just when she was about to head for the castle, a demon appeared, ready to lead the royals down to Hell. She glared at the messenger as they left, disappearing into nothingness. Quickly Evelyn mounted her horse and began to ride back to the Kingdom of Azriel. As she neared the gates they swung open, allowing her in. She rode swiftly towards the palace, weaving through the cobblestone roads. When she got to the castle, Evelyn tied the reins of her horse to a post and jogged into the palace. "Michael!" She called, her voice echoing through the halls.
Serien shrugged and thought about it for a few minutes. "Well were bored obviously and I figured you'd be fun to hang out with. Now that were not Micharls servants anymore, were really bored." Eriath nodded.
Sephrith kneeled before Michael "Take as much as you need, Demonia granted me my immorality when I was just a simple human once. Over the years I have stored about the lives that I would have been born into. I have plenty to spare so take from me what you need, you have save both Duanna and Demonia, the most I can do if return the favor in this way"
Hearing no response Evelyn began to walk up the steps, searching for the Princess. She came to a long corridor, and lining the walls were many separate doors. Walking down the hallway, Evelyn began to open the doors. After searching multiple rooms the palace had begun to become rather creepy. She quickened her pace, looking faster, nearly jogging. Just when she was about to give up, Evelyn found her. Princess Duanna was lying on the floor unconscious. "Princess!" Her hands flew to her mouth for fear that someone had heard her. Evelyn knelt down beside the girl. She placed her had on her shoulder, shaking her slightly.
Duanna woke up, the pain that she had experienced in her back the day before was because of the wings that she now had, her back was covered in blood from where her wings had came out, when the light hit it just right it was many colors, her wings were iridescent but without the light they looked see through "Your the girl that tried to help us..." duanna gave her a weak smile.
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"Yeah. That tried to help you." The anger she had for her failure was hard to hide in her voice. "Are you okay?" Evelyn glanced up at the massive black wings protruding from her back. "Wow..." She murmured before returning her worried gaze to the Princess.
"I'm fine, but I need you to find someone for sister Lilith stabbed my mother, my mother has been healed but I want Lilith brought here so that she can be punished for her actions. She will put up a fight but do whatever it takes to bring her here alive." Duanna never mentioned if her sister was not to be harmed.
"Who is Michael?" Axius had been with drawn in his clan's fortress for a while as they were inducting new students, and then having to train them. He had no clue of the power switch or what had happened, though the two would not be able to see the confusion on his face due the hood obscuring it. 
Lucius smiled upon the city, finally another angel, a seraphim, and ruling the city no less. Lucius was just a Cherub a member of the Cherubim level of angels. Lucius flew across the city and into the castle, his wings no longer hidden, but shown. The people moved out of his way thinking he was close to Michael. Yes, I like this.
Duanna tried to stand up and winced as her back hit the wall, she didn't understand that the pain was from wings that she had grown. The next time that she tried to move she bit her bottom lip to hold back a scream but a slight one had escaped. About four servants were starting to line up around Duanna in case she needed help.
"Lilith? Where can I find her?" Evelyn asked, thinking back to the army as they marched out of the kingdom. She helped Duanna up, gently sitting her upon the edge of the bed. "There, now where can I find Lilith. I need someplace to start." Her voice was gently but beneath it there was a seriousness. Servants had lined up in case Duanna needed help, but Evelyn shooed them off.
"Lilith constantly visits an orphanage, if anyone fights you do not hurt them, most of the people that live there are human and the statues outside that looks like real angels well that's what they are. its best to just call Lilith outside." Duanna didn't really want Lilith hurt but she knew it might be unavoidable, she knew that's what her sister lived for is a good fight.
"An Orphanage. Got it. I won't let you down Princess." She smiled sweetly at Duanna before adding, "Don't worry about your sister. I'll do my best not to hurt her." And with that Evelyn turned and stalked out of the room, her black hair flowing behind her as she strode down the hall. Outside, tied to the same place she'd left him was her noble steed; Felix. The black stallion pulled slightly on the reins that held him to the post. "Eh, boy." She walked up to the horse, untying him from the post, and then swinging herself up onto the saddle. With a gently kick to the gut, Felix began to trot down the road. They went on slowly, headed towards the Orphanage. Finally when they got there, Evelyn dismounted. "Lilith. I know you're here." She called.

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