Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Might I ask, lord Axoret, I join you on such a mission?" Thea pleaded, eyes wide, her Smoke twiddling with excitement. Her tail lashed.
King Axoret smiled softly and replied "of course. As long as you can fight. Your his body guard right?? Exiriya walked out and yelled "lets go!" He walked ahead as everyone slowly started to follow.
Lilith looked pissed but followed along to keep an eye on her mother. Demonia got on Quicksilver and then had nova climb up, she seemed to be having a little trouble in keeping him steady and she whispered to him then he calmed down. Lilith didn't mind walking, she had been doing it for years.

Duanna had found some paper and a pen. She had passed the time by drawing her mom, her brother, even some angels that she had met in the past, once she was done she had seen that she had used a lot of paper and hoped they didn't need it for anything. Duanna started to clean and tidy up what she could, she hated a messy home.
King Axoret rode beside Lilith without looking at her. "You having trouble riding?" He smirked at the thought of it. "Explain to me why you agreed to going..."

Xeliran slowly sat up, his long hair was out of its usual pony tail and was messy. He seemed to have just woken up. He grunted and said "what are you doing?"
"I hate riding horses, I like to walk, and I tagged along to make sure that I will always get to have my revenge and in order to do so I have to tag along to make sure that my mother doesn't get sent to Hell." Lilith didn't glance at him even once. Demonia watched as the two spoke, she hated Lilith's reason but hoped that she would change her mind if she saw just how much Demonia does care for those around her.

Duanna looked at him "I am cleaning and about to start on food, I am hungry and I would like to eat soon." she had started on a stew. "I thought I would make the most out of our time here, the more I occupy myself with work the less time I will have to worry about other things." on one of the walls it was lined with paper and every piece of paper would have a few lines the wouldn't look like much if the paper was by itself but with all the papers together it formed a very detailed image of what the Kingdom of Hell looks like. Their was enough depth to the photo that if it had been done in color and not black ink that you would almost think you were looking at the real thing from a distance.

Diva was walking around her garden on earth, as much as she loved her husband she had never stepped foot into hell except a few times when it was an emergency. Diva cared for her and Zafon's kids when ever he was away. Today she had seen dragons and the days before she had seen flocks of ravens in the same area, she was starting to worry about what was going on and if Zafon was involved in any of it, she knew her husband was strong but that didn't make her worry any less.
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When they got to the outskirts, Exiriya commanded everyone to spread out and search the grounds but before he could finish his thought, he was attacked. Serien stood there with a bloody sword. Exiriya's shoulder was covered in blood. It seemed like Serien wasn't aiming to kill him but he could if he wanted to. King Axoret jumped off his sword. "Exiriya!!!" He ran over to his side but just then, he felt the life being sucked out of him. He tried to cough but couldn't. He fell to his knees. Looking up, he saw Michael saying "just where I wanted you." William rode over and said "wait. Let him suffer. Don't finish him off." Exiriya was crying out "please! No don't!"

Xeliran grunted and said "well, there not home. I can't hear them anymore. Wonder where they went." He looked around. He came up from behind her and tasted the stew. "Its alright. It could be better."
Demonia jumped down from her horse and ran over standing in front of them both protectively and Nova at her side in his dog form growling, she had started to summon the dead, those that had died on the land and the rebel army that had been slaughtered earlier she wasn't going to use them unless she had to. "Leave them alone. What do you want from us?" She glared at Michael and then William.

Duanna smacked his hand with a wooden spoon for tasting without her permission. "I am working with what I have and if you don't like it you don't have to eat." she stuck her tongue out at him "I'd like to see you do better when all we have to deal with is whats here."
William suddenly was behind her as he ran his finger down her neck. "You better be careful... don't want to end up like your little boyfriend over there." King Axoret was struggling against life and death but Michael was making sure he didn't go to Hell. He was making him suffer through the pain.

"I don't know how to cook. I have someone who does that for me. I'm not even aloud in the kitchen." He grinned at her as he leaned against the wall. "Their afraid I'll hurt myself somehow. I don't get it." He rolled his eyes.
Demonia quickly turned around and slapped William "No one touches me unless I allow it." she turned and looked at Micheal "And you better stop hurting my love or there will be Hell on Earth and not just in it!" the dead slowly started to circle around them "I came out here to see if there was something that we could work out but you are really starting to tick me off."

Duanna sighed "In Hell we don't have many servants so from time to time when we have a lot of guests that come and the royal family ends up helping in the kitchen. Its fun if you ask me but mom hates it because she normally gets covered in flour." giggles a little.
Michael yelled "they attack and I kill your pretty little king."He smirked. "I'm not afraid to kill him either." William laughed and said "he almost sent Xeliran to Hell so I wouldn't put it past him."

"Want to teach me sometime sis?" He chuckled as he kissed her cheek. He seemed to be teasing her just like he would to his real sister.
Vladimir blinked once before lifting off into the air above the army. His wings buzzed with the excitement of flight and the rush of adrenaline that he got every time he flew in low altitudes. The giant beast looked down at Queen Demonia as she rode atop her mount. Disgusting are horses. What foul creatures they are! Vladimir shook his head in disgust while continuing to circle low over the numerous troops of humans. Suddenly a cry from the Queen drew his attention back to the front line. There he spotted the captors of the Prince and Princess; Michael and William. A thunderous roar bellowed from the dragon's throat and he dove down towards the ground. The dog boy stood by the queen growling, and around them stood an army of the dead. Vladimir continued to dive, til finally he spread his wings and landed with a crash behind Michael and William. The giant dragon reached out with his mind into that of the Angel. Harm my king and you shall face the wrath of my flames. That goes for you and you friend. He stood many feet taller than the Angel himself and could easily reach down and crush him between his jaws. Choose wisely, or you may not like the outcome.
Serien stepped forward growling. William grinned and grabbed Exiriya by the hair. He stabbed him without thinking about it. Michael yelled "No!!!" He ran over to Exiriya who was badly wounded. He didn't care that Exiriya was bleeding in his arms. Michael looked at William with fear. That obviously wasn't part of their plan. King Axoret was now released and was by Exiriya's side. Michael said, defeated "I will show you my hide my hide out but leave the army." Michael healed him as much as he could but there was no promises.
Vladimir growled angrily and bent his head down towards William, shoving him roughly towards the ground. Filthy little imbecile! I told you not to harm them! The dragon shot out a small plume of fire, scorching part of his body. He growled deep in his throat before lifting his head and leaping back into the air. His giant red wings sent gusts of wind down onto the ground. Once he was a good distance up in the air, Vladimir looked down at the injured Prince. His injuries were great but it did not seem as if he would die.


Evelyn rushed from her spot in the army, and made her way to the King's side. "Sir, please allow me to accompany you on the way to the hide out." She knew that the kind would probably decline her offer but it was worth a try. "It is my duty to protect you, sir, and if you let me, I will assist in finding your son." She felt wind rush over her body as the dragon lifted off into the air once again and thought silently to herself. Because of Vladimir the king remains alive.
Demonia made her army vanish and return to dust, she was worried about what would happen, she did remember a time when all creatures were loyal to the kingdom of Hell but that was so many years ago. She had put great fear into people back then for them to respect her as much as they had.

Duanna giggled "What is a big sister." she wasn't sure who was older but if she was going to teach something then she was going to call herself the oldest, handed him a knife "You and I are going to cut those." she smiled and was showing him what to do at a slow pace.
Evelyn watched as the army vanished into dust. "Your Majesty," She said, addressing the Queen, "Let me go with you." Queen Demonia was quite capable of handling herself, but Evelyn didn't trust Michael, not even in the least. Where ever the blasted Angel was hiding Prince Xeliran, it couldn't be far. While waiting for them to reply she turned to whistle over her shoulder. A deep black horse trotted up beside her bobbing its head while it approached. She clutched the reins and turned back to the Queen.

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He started cutting the strawberries with such precision. He had a warriors touch and even his hands were calloused.

King Axoret stood up and saw Michael and William walking off. He picked up his son and carried him. He followed after them, leaving Demonia to the decisions.
Demonia whistled for Quicksilver "Its alright to come along, I don't see what the problem would be." Smiled at Evelyn and then followed behind Axoret.

Duanna smiled and watched him "Do you think dad, I mean your dad would be angry to see you doing this?"
When they got to the hide out, Michael said "here they are." Xeliran turned to see them. He went over to Axoret but noticed Exiriya in critical condition. "Exiriya!!!" Exiriya opened his eyes slightly but closed them shortly after. Michael looked at them. Will was staying away from everything.
Duanna saw and took the stew off the stove "What in the Hell happened?!" she wiped her hands off on the apron she was wearing. Demonia saw that Duanna was safe and sighed a little with relief.
Michael put his hand out and Xeliran fell to his knees in pain. He was screaming in agony. "No! Please! No more!" He continued to scream until his body went limp. Michael pointed his hand at William and watched him scream in agony. "You disobeyed me... you must die." William screamed in agony as he collapsed. He continued to scream, hissing as his skin started to burn. He seemed to have been more affected by it. He watched him go limp. He pointed his hand at Duanna but King Axoret pushed him to the floor. "No!" Michael seemed to be caught off guard.
Duanna took a few steps back, even though she grew up in Hell she hated to see people around her in pain, she wasn't sure what would have happened to her. Demonia hugged Duanna and then looked at Michael "I know you weren't about to hurt my daughter?" glared at him.
King Axoret stumbled over to Xeliran's limp body. He was screaming for him to open his eyes but he didn't. Tears ran down his face. "X-Xeliran... No. I can't lose you. No... please." Michael sat up and said "she's evil. She must be eliminated." He was like a robot at times. He didn't seem to care.
Evelyn drew out her sword, gripping the hilt tightly as she drew it to Michael's throat. "Leave them be!" Her voice rang throughout the room. She felt her skin ripple slightly, not noticeable to anyone but herself. Not now... She thought. Evelyn clenched her jaw, almost physically pushing the wolf inside of her down. She shook it off before pushing the tip of her sword into the flesh of his neck. A small stream of blood coated the edge of her sword. "Don't move." She held his gaze firmly.

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