Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axoret called out "come in!" Xeliran was in the room, speaking with his father softly but when they heard Demonia, they stopped talking.
Axius looked up to see a wood elf talking to him. A wood elf? In the city? He thought it especially weird, but decided there must ave been a reason, because not only was she in the city she was in the palace of Axoret. He eventually replied, "No I am not lost, are you?" Hinting at the fact that most wood elves were not welcomed here.

Lucius had just made it back from slaying an escaped demon feeding on the towns souls. It was a usual case for him. They got boring due to the amount but were still difficult to finish well. He made it back to the castle and was walking around looking for Axius, however he ended up in the dungeon.
She walked in "I just met the angel and demon." explained what little she had seen happen and what little she had heard.

Nasir looked annoyed as he sat in his cell and he tended to his wounds the best he could.
Axoret stood up and said "what!? They stole the siblings!? Explain this contract... I didn't think anyone could make contracts except Lucifer himself."
Demonia laughed as she heard that name Lucifer and then calmed herself down "From what I know contract seals are easy to make if you know the magic, its more common in demon of hell than anywhere else. My mark is a forced contract..." sighs "I guess that's why it was so easy to get rid of..." Nova smiled when he heard the name "Surprising as it may be my mother has never met Lucifer so to her he is a mythical being."
"He's a mythical being to us all. He hides in the shadows and only appears when its most convenient to him." Xeliran narrowed his eyes at Demonia and said "describe these boys. They sound familiar. Especially the contract they formed with Serien and Eriath."
Semira blinked and looked at Xeliran. "If i don't come back alive... don't blame your brother." She said simply and ran off with Exiriya.
She described them and Nova seemed confused, waited for her to finish talking then asked "Mama you could have drawn them down. You always make the wanted and reward posters in hell so why not sketch these two out?" she looked at Nova because I have to sleep and let my memory take control of me." She looks at Axoret "But if you would like I will be more than happy to draw them out."
Exiriya wrapped his arm around her as they left the palace. He smiled, kissing her lightly.

Xeliran leaned against the wall and said "no... I know who your talking about. King William and Prince Michael. Michael is a seripham angel and can be extremely deadly. Especially since he can return people to hell and entrap them there so they can never come to the human realm again. William I know less about. His powers are unknown but I know he can make contracts. Strong contracts. They are similar to the contracts Lucifer makes. Its even as bad as selling your soul to the devil because with one flick of his wrist, he can kill you if you go against him."
Nova hugged Demonia and looked scared "But what if we get sent back then mama will be sad again because she'll never get to see daddy again..." Demonia looked down "Don't worry I'll make sure that we get to stay here." she kisses Nova on the cheek and looked at Axoret "I will see you later, I have a few things that I need to deal with, just wondering is there an area of the palace that no one goes to?"

Lilith ate and thanked Misa "I must go now, please watch after the kids and protect them well." she grabbed her bag and left the orphanage heading back to the palace no longer caring if she was captured again, she had a bad feeling in her stomach and it was a feeling pulling her towards Azriel.

Kit looked around and sensed something was off "Well old friend I have to go, we'll continue our conversation another time." Kit picked up his sword that he had left next to the pub door.

Duanna looked out her window of hell's castle and saw the rebel army heading towards the surface world. "Sephrith I think its time that we paid my mother a visit." she saw that her father wasn't leading the army. Sephrith gathered a few things and had two flame horses ready to go outside. Duanna left a trusted adviser in charge and they used a second portal to get around the army and to the kingdom faster.
Semira pulled away as soon as his lips touched hers. "I'm sorry I'm just nervous."

Nadia giggled softly. "No just helping out. I'm sorry who are you? I'm princess Nadia!" She said cheerfully and walked over to him. She smiled softly to him and bowed.
King Axoret thought about it and replied "there may be part of the forests that don't have anyone lurking around but you need to be careful." He frowned. He was worried about Demonia. He kissed her deeply.

"Its only natural but don't worry. I'll be on my best behavior." He chuckled, amused. "We can't be long though. Xeliran told me of a threat in our kingdom."

Serien and Eriath saw Lilith and smirked. Serien approached her and asked "what are you doing back?" He touched her cheek, his eyes turning completely black. "You know the king will be mad if he sees you here." Michael stepped forward, angel wings open. He asked "do you think we have time to be playing around with demon hunters." William came out of nowhere and kneed Serien in the stomach. He hit him to the ground. "Silence! I never told you could speak!" Serien was shocked. Eriath tried to protect him but Michael looked at her with a look of hatred.
"Why would a forest elf be helping Axoret?" He said not giving a name to the overly bouncy and peppy elf just yet. He did a simple head bow back just as a sign of respect of the fellow person.
"I'm dating the crowned prince of cours! " she turned to see the progress of the wall and sighed seeing as they didn't get very far.

Semira shook her head. "No, last time i spoke with my parents i promised them I'd kill them. " she suddenly stopped him. "Promise me you'llnever let me and my father in the same room alone. Never!"
"I won't let that happen." He was curious on what happened but wouldn't pry in case it was a sore subject. He kissed her cheek.
Demonia kisses him back and nova makes a gagging noise and then giggles. "I'll be back at the end of the day to late afternoon tomorrow."

Lilith ignored them and continued walking but she kept her hand on her sword.

Duanna and Sephrith came to the palace and they walked into the palace.
Xeliran rolled his eyes and said "sounds good. Dad, I'm leaving. I have work, believe it or not." Axoret smiled and let him leave the room.

Michael and William continued roaming the town, making contracts with people. As he made contracts, people followed him. In a half an hour, he had a small army.
Semira looked at him. "Will you kill my father if he raped me?" She asked and looked away. Either way she didn't seem to care as long as he was dead.
Exiriya's eyes widened, shocked at what she just said. "Of course I would. Don't tell me-" He was now pissed and would kill her father. They couldn't touch him after all."
Duanna and Sephrith walked to the office, Duana led the way since she felt her mother in the direction "Hello, sorry for the sudden appearance but the rebel army is on there way here, they might just now be leaving Hell but I thought you might want to know." and then Lilith appeared in the office from a window "Can I possibly join in this party, an army from Hell threatens humans so I won't stand for this." Demonia nearly jumped when she heard and saw Lilith.
"And the King has knowledge of this?" Watches her attempt the help construct the wall to no avail. It slightly amused him, the incompetent workers, and their leader who could not rally them or tell them what to do, though his face only showed a facade of concern, because he knew better than to insult the royal family. Even though he has killed a few relatives himself, no matter how separated they may be.
Axoret seemed shocked but then straightened himself out. "Sadly, Exiriya has left and he's the leader of my army." He frowned.

Michael and William found the army resting a little. They attacked the army, from the shadows catching them off guard.
Misaki bowed her head to lilith and watched as she left.

Takashi sighed and smirked "your worried that she is going to get hurt aren't you..." he finishes his bottle of sake then stood up.

Vivian was walking through the town with her hand on the hilt of her sword, her hair blew to the sudden gust of wind, she stopped and looked around, she looked forward and saw a kingdom, she continued on walking but toward the kingdom.

Zafon was walking through a near by forest toward the Arziel kingdon, he smirked "seems this might be fun"
Lilith sits on the windowsill "Seems like the entire family is here." Duanna has her hand on her sword waiting for a reason to attack Lilith. Demonia looked concerned "Yes almost, just one person is missing but I don't know if we'll see him."

Nasir smiled as he heard the screams of the his rebel army
Semira looked back at him. "Calm down you can't kill him unless he does something. "She turned and began walking again.

Nadia looked back. "Yes he is allowing it because I'm royalty." She said still half distracted by the worker's sloppilyworking.

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