Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Semira wanted to stop him but she couldn't bring herself to speak. She slid down the wall and cried softly. "Don't leave me Exiriya! Please!" She cried and looked back to see if he had stopped to listen. "You say you don't want me to suffer but it will be worse without you... You hurt me so much but i only love you more for it." She choked out and looked down defeated.
She looked at him "I think he's been poisoned...its hard to find herbs in hell so I brought him here...Duanna and Sephrith wasn't at the castle either so my only guess for why she would leave is she thought this might have something to do with her father..." thought about Nasir "Her father had always sworn that he would find ways to make my miserable..." she tried to wipe her tears away but they kept streaming down.
Kit was wondering through the market looking around. He was thinking about his past with lilith, some part of him loved her but most of his heart was filled with darkness and had no room to show love anymore.

Lilith sat at the bedside of her son watching over him. it had been years since she last stopped by the church to see how he and everyone else was.
Nettle back away from the towering wall. She could see the entrance from where she stood. People were walking in and out. There were countless windows above her that put her in the view of anyone that looked out. She turned around looking back the way she came wondering how far it was back to the market. She didn't really want to go back there, but where was she supposed to turn?
Takashi was traveling in new area's one day when he came across a near by village that he had sensed a old friend in, a smirk crossed his face "well I'll be..." he spoke to himself then vanished and appeared on top of a village hut, he looked around then saw his old friend Kit, he jumped off the hut and walked toward Kit, once he caught up to him he put his arm over his should "hey there Kit, how's it going..."

Misaki entered the orphanage and looked around, she noticed a girl that was setting next to a bed with one of the children in it, she walked over and smiled a little at the girl "hello miss...I don't believe i have seen you here before, I'm Misaki, but most call me Misa...I'm one of the angel's that help protect the children"
Kit looked over at him "thinking about things, the past, things I may or may not regret." he sighs

Lilith looked at the angel "My name is Lilith, I am surprised that you you don't know me since I helped make this place what it is today and how long have you been working here?"
Takashi sighs then looks around for a pub, he smile when he sees one, he looks at Kit "you could use a couple drinks, its on me" he drags Kit into the pub.

Misaki bowed her head to lilith "I have heard of you but never seen or met you, I only just came here a few years ago and have been helping out here since.." she looks around at the other kids in the room "seeing all these kids with no home, i felt that i wanted to stay and, i was asked to stay" she looks at lilith.
Nettle turned around racing back the way she came to the market. She entered the market looking around over her shoulder every so often and searched for another way out back to her little wooded area.
"Sorry if I sounded rude, its been a rough day and I am just a really protective of my son right now so you will have to forgive me for anything I might say..." Lilith runs her hand through his hair and seeing how long it is she sadly sighs "He's been like this for so long I worry that he may never wake up."

"alright, I guess I could go for a drink..." sighs "I saw my ex today..."
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Misaki shook her head and smiled gently "no, its ok, i understand..." she looks at the boy then looks at lilith "he'll wake up one day..i'm sure of it..dont the mean time, can i get you anything"

Takashi sits down at one of the tables in the pub the orders two bottles of sake with two shot glasses, he looks at Kit "so...did she say anything"
Exiriya had stopped and turned around to look at her. ".Why? Why do you make my heart so confused?" He let out a sigh.

Exiriya smiled and said "my research on the siblings said one can heal. Do you want me to speak with one. Exiriya should still be with them."
Semira stood and rand over to him. She hugged him tightly and cried into his shoulder. "It's true love i guess." She muttered and kissed him deeply. "I can't let you go." She whispered and licked the blood off his lip.
Demonia was worried that they wouldn't help but if Nova wasn't looked at soon and something was done she knew he would die. "Please...I don't know if they'll help but not doing anything will only hurt Nova more..."

"That she wishes I was my old self...I took her to the dungeon and you should have heard the words coming from her mouth...she was really pissed off with me. I swear if I didn't have her hands tied she may have tried to punch me." he said and takes a shot.

"What can someone get for a mother that just wants her son to wake life was so well after he was born, I had stopped doing so many things, I was trying to patch things up with my mother but then my fiancee...something happened to him and he changed into a monster. I just wish my life could return to the days before everything turned dark." Lilith couldn't think straight to know if she did need anything.
Theaphonora soared through the blue skies in a sudden boom, her speed reaching high proximities at a very fast rate. She zoomed past watch towers, and flew out of sight in less than 2 seconds. Her speed then vanished as well as her body, in a misty, dark flash and reappeared miles away from the village in yet another flash. Her speed was amplified to 2,000 mph, until a mountainous range was at her domain.

"Agghh!" Thea roared, rearing and steering her slim frame up until her speed slowed to 20mph, as she silently fell and made her wings flap elegantly atop a stone platform. The view was of the forest, and in the very distance, was the Kingdom of Azriel. The black smoke whisped upon her crown, and watched the birds and wild, immature dragons. The exotic, alien birds couldn't seem to notice a sightseer.
Exiriya sighed and kissed her gently. He then flashed her a cheeky smile and said "plus, work doesn't give me the pleasure I get from teasing you."

Axoret nodded as he brought her into the training room but when he didn't see Exiriya, he frowned. He walked in, seeing the two siblings together working on healing each other. Well, Serien was healing Eriath. Axoret grinned and said "so one can heal!"
Semira pushed him back as she rolled her eyes. "Well... i gave you back the ring so i guess we are at a stand still... what will you choose to do?"
Demonia followed Axoret and looked hopeful when she saw that one of them can heal "Have you ever healed someone that been poisoned? Please say you have, my son was poisoned and I need someone to help him."
"I think I'll make a fortune off it at the marketplace." He walked off without another word.

Serien looked up and said "yeah but will I? Probably not." Axoret was at him in a flash, with a knife to his throat. "What was that again? If you value your life, you will save him." Serien groaned knowing he had no choice anymore. "Fine fine. I'll save him." He pushed Axoret away as he got up and went over to Nova. He ran a hand across the young body and said "this isn't a normal poison but I can heal it."
Takashi sighed "if you want I'll talk to her for ya" smirks and laughs "though i have to admit, when i met her once before, i found her very interesting, even though she tried killing me"

Misaki looks down "I'm sorry cant give you what you wish for...but the least i can do if proved you food and water..."
He turned around and hugged her, laughing. "I was only kidding. Semira, will you marry me." He showed her the ring that he had in his pocket."
"It's a poison of hell so no its not going to be normal but I am glad that he can be healed..." sigh of relief and then looks angry "I swear once I get my hands on Nasir, I'm sure that he is the one that is behind this...I am going to kill him, maybe have him brought here so that you can kill him." smiles at Axoret when she thinks about him killing Nasir.

"It would be your funeral if you get to close to her but if you want to talk to her you can." Kit drank from the bottle of sake.

Lilith sighed, "Thank you, just a small bit of food, I don't eat much."
Semira suddenly began crying. "Don't do that! Your so mean to me! I hate you!" She shoved him back and took the ring from him. She turned her back on him as she slipped the ring beck on.

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