Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Zurtho woke up late morning, with Eris by his side. He did not fully open his eyes and just let them adjust to the light before looking around.
(Guessing you didn't skip to where she has to tell him the news...)

Eris shifted to face Zurtho. She groaned softly and opened her eye's. The light hit her eye's as soon as they opened and she hid her eye's in his neck. "It's to bright for this..." she sighed.
Zurtho looked back into her eyes, smiling, and said, "I love you too." He had not said it before so it felt weird on his lips.
Eris sat up and fanned herself slightly. "I'm hot. Are you hot? " She asked but the room was pretty cool. It was just her skin that seemed to be abnormally hot.
"The weather is actually slightly cold, are you sure it is not just something left over?" He asked though her skin was rather hot.
Nettle made her way through the market avoiding the people who kept shoving object in her face to get her to buy them. She kept her eyes on the ground hoping no one recognized her as human. She made her way through turning down random roads hoping one of them was an exit, but she kept finding dead ends. The place was a maze and she felt trapped in the middle.
Eris sighed. "I guess it's nothing." she said and walked to the bathroom taking a cold shower. When she got out her skin seemed to be hotter than before.
Eris shook it off. "Nah i'm fine. I'm just really hungry. " She moved over to the fridge and grabbing a steak. She opened it and smelled the raw meat."hmmm..." she said and tried a bite.
Exiriya paced past both Eriath and Serien like an army Sergeant. He lifted Serien's cheek and then slapped him across the face, watching him hit the floor hard. He was coughing hard. He glared at Exiriya and asked "what was that for?" Exiriya smirked and replied "you weren't standing upright." When Serien didn't get up right away, he yelled "get up!" Serien hurriedly got up and stood up straight this time. When they actually got to the training, they had to mostly run laps and do push ups. When they didn't keep the proper posture, they were whipped. Exiriya seemed to be enjoying himself. Eriath wasn't use to fighting face to face with an opponent so she wasn't use to the training, therefore she was weaker. She was whipped a lot more than her brother and even fell a few times. Exiriya yelled at her to get off her lazy ass and get back to training. Serien would have protected her but knew that it would do no good.
Eris licked her lips and laughed."Raw? I didn't eat raw meat this is-" Eris turned to see the raw meat. "I could have sworn this was... but i..." she seemed confused and looked back at Zurtho.
Demonia walked into the castle still holding Nova and thought about how it should be easier to find herbs here than in hell.

Duanna looked at Damian "Thank you, when you report back to my mom let her know that we are going to continue down this way. Their leader has the antidote for my brother,"
Semira stormed through the castle doors. "Exiriya! ! Xeliran! !" She screamed angrily and wasn't in the mood to be messed with.
Xeliran stopped her and asked "what's wrong? Exiriya is busy and I suggest not to bother him. He has a whip right now and Exiriya and any weapon don't make a good combination. So talk to me. What's wrong?" He grinned, childishly. It was his signature in moments of distress. He would act adorable to avoid being yelled at.
Semira slapped Xeliran. "Where is he?! I want to whip him across the face! Exiriya! !" Semira yelled looking around for him.
Demonia had a servant go find Axoret and then looked down at Nova "Don't worry we'll get you everything that you need..." goes and sits in a guest bedroom and she brushes some hair out of Nova's face.
"Eris, you are starting to worry me dear." He said walking over to her, holding her arms gently event though they were hot. He wanted to look in her eyes and see if she was messing with him.
Eris looked back in his eyes. "I think i want to go to the doctor now." She had fear in her eye's that was clearly visible even when she tried to hide it.
"Where is the closest one that you know of? I have never really actually gone to a doctor here." He said sincerely, ut realizing how it sort of sounded funny when he said it aloud.
"There is one close by. She is a demons doctor and specializes in these things." She said and moved away from him. "She hates men though... so um... you'll have to stay here."
Axius' knife was through a rapist's hand and into a wall. The man was screaming, and crying ultimately embarrassing as he still had not pulled his pants up since the act. Axius had a scowl on his face, as he drove his one other knife into the other man's hand and into the wall. Lucius was tending the woman, who surely was not going to be fine after this. Axius' disapproving frown changed into a smile as he dragged his finger across the man's body leaving a deep bubbling cut behind it. "Despicable... ruin the woman, and the game," Axius spat at the man, though he was just using the act as an excuse he would have just as easily done this to someone else. Out of nowhere a long full duel hand sword came flying from behind and buried itself into the man's chest, severing the spinal common. The man's eyes lit up from man, and then his body fell limp, only being held up by the blades in his body. Axius seemed to quickly and sloppily absorb the man's life force, and turned quickly to confront Lucius, the thrower of the sword, but he was cut off. "Show some mercy, Axius. He suffered enough." Axius ripped the blades out the man, and wiped them off on the dead body. He shoved the sword into Lucius' hands obviously aggravated.


Zurtho replied, "Okay, I understand just be careful." He kissed her good-bye for now.


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