Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Eris laughed. "Neither is being alone. He will find me regardless it's just a matter of wilk anyone notice in time." She said and crossed her arms. "Besides, my dieing wish is to be with you" she said looking into his eyes.
A shadow creeped it's way through the castle of the demon royals, tailing the queen herself as she made her way through it's halls. It didn't wait long to make it's move, snaking around her feet and shooting forward a few feet in front of her before springing upwards, it's shape suddenly growing more solid as a dull, peachy shade melted out of the black. In a split second there was a tall, dark clothed and haired man standing in front of Demonia, his eyes cold and empty as he looked down at her just before closing them and bowing deeply. "I have returned, Your Majesty," he says, keeping his head down in respect.
Nettle stared out at the crowd standing on the stage at the slave market. She turned to look at Kit who was off to the side of the stage. He had told her to climb the steps, but she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do after. She brushed her tangled hair behind her ear uncomfortably shifting her weight. A nervous expression had been plastered to her face since she had been caught. Her eyes glinted with fear as she turned her head looking around her.
Demonia smiles "I'm surprised that you found me so easy on the surface world." he gaze had become slightly warmed but it still had a cold feel to it "Did Sephrith tell you were I was?"

Kit watched from behind all the bidders and the man said a few thing that kit had told her she would be sold for a few people offered bids but a lady was the one who was very adamant about buying her.
Nettle fiddled with her fingers in front of her waist nervously. She turned her head looking at each bidder in turn as they tried to buy her. It was strange being the object for sale. It felt like she was piece of furniture that a few people thought might look nice in their house.
Damien's head lifted, his eyes open and meeting with the queen's at her answer. There was a pause in his words, a thoughtful gap as he straightened his back and let his arms fall loosely to his sides. Again he spoke, still sounding empty and flat as he said, "If I required his help to find you then I wouldn't be useful to you as a guard, Your Majesty."
The lady said a high number and everyone laughed and people made comments such as "you are going to buy something that will break in less than a week" or "a cat would be more useful her." the lady won the bid and she stood at the end of the stage, it seemed that there were other children behind her and they looked very frightened. She was waiting for Nettle to follow her off the stage.

Demonia laughed "I suppose not. So you sensed that I wasn't home? I knew there was a reason I sent you on the tougher jobs. So were my royal slaves behaving or plotting to go against me?"
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"Two of them seemed to be up to no good when I found them." His right hand twitches sporadically for a moment, something he doesn't acknowledge or seem to notice. "I took care of a matter. They're both alive and I'm certain they won't make the same mistake twice. I apologize for slowing down the work you wished all of them to do. They'll be back at it in another two days."
Nettle looked down ashamed by the words spoken about her. She slowly made her way down off the stage and approached the lady that had bought her. She stood in front of her looking up at the women nervously.
"Its fine as long as it was meant to stop the starts of a rebellion. So I do believe we should go some to speak of what has happened recently." she smiled and led the way to an office room.

She smiled and led her along with the other kids away and when they were out of the village the other kids giggled and spoke whispers about them being free and not having to be worked to death.
one of the children spoke that they were all to live in a big house and no one would ever take them away and even as adults they could stay in the house another kid mentioned that all they are required to clean is there own messes. the lady was walking them towards a very large black build and there seemed to be statues all around the building and the women looked around before she opened the doors and the children ran in and the sounds of other kids filled the air "don't be afraid, we are here to help, not harm." the women smiled at nettle.
Damien quirks a brow at her words, following just behind her as she led him towards her office. "Has their been a problem here? Had I known, I would have arrived earlier than I did."
Demonia giggles "Damian in case you haven't noticed this isn't hell. this is the world above hell. While you were gone I was attacked by some rebels I wasn't hurt by them but I did become lost. I was soon found by by an elf named nadia, she said I could stay with her but then the king of the lands insisted but it was more of a made to stay in his castle, a two days later I was put on trial to see if I would be beheaded or not" laughs at the thought "when they decided that I would the king overruled the decision, annulled his marriage and said that if I married him my life would be sparred...Nova had ran next to me and they were going to put him to death as well so I agreed to the marriage. I had told Duanna that until everything is finalized she is the temporary ruler of hell."

"Well yes, me and my friends care for human children that are sold into slavery, we buy them to keep them out of it. my dear I would be able to care for a hundred or more kids on my own." the women giggles "were you wanting to be a slave?" looks at nettle concerned.
Damian doesn't react to the news, barely even blinking as he listened. No smile, no nod of understanding. Just listening. When she finished up the explanation he crossed an arm over his chest and gave a short, respectful bow. "Shall I begin with the execution of this king and his associates, Your Majesty, or do you wish to hold off such violence for the time being?"
She laughs more "No, if I do marry the king it is because I am truly in love with him...he's made me see what love is meant to be. His family will become mine and my family will become his." smiles "I can honestly say that I don't remember that last time I felt like this."

"I understand that you must be scared but I am worried that if you don't find a safe home soon that you will be caught and made to serve someone who will not treat you well and may do horrible thing. Would you come in and think about it? I can even show you to a room where you can be alone to think."
A flash of emotion shows in Damian's eyes as he looks up at the queen for a moment. Something like annoyance or rage came and gone as quickly as they came though as he straightened up again it was long gone. "Hold it off it is," he said, letting his arms hang loosely again as he asked, "Is there anything new you require of me then?"
She shut the front door and someone locked it "We don't want demons to wonder in so we keep every and window locked, it does get suffocating from time to time and we do allow the other kids to go outside and they know the dangers of wondering off" she opened a door to a room with a bed that had cover already on it. "if you decide to stay please let someone know or if you see me let me know and I will give you a tour of the place that way if you ever need something you don't have to rely on us to get it for you." she smiles and leave the door cracked as she walks out of the room.

"As of this moment I only need you as my body guard, my daughter Lilith is somewhere and she had already tried to kill me twice. You know I hate hurting my kids...I don't think I can use the curse mark that I gave her anymore...every time that I do a part of me dies." Demonia looks down

Kit is walking around the town after making sure that Nettle wasn't sold to any of the creeps.
"I suppose that means I don't have permission to kill her either as of yet," he said, watching the queen's expression carefully before a light sigh escaped his lips. "I'll remain at your side then, Your Majesty. I'm at your beckon call."
Nettle sat down looking out the window. She pulled her knees to her chest chewing on her cheek. She thought over the women's offer. It seemed like pleasant place, full of kids and nice people. She rested her head against the window looking outside. But what happened when you grew up? It seemed like a trap. Once you stayed there was no getting out. Where would one go? If you had to leave, it would be so different out there. She picked at her dress. Would she let her walk out the door? Or was she going to sell her back to the slave market. It was hard to trust people when things had gone so terribly when she did. It was hard to think about going back to her solitary ways after this adventure. She brushed her hair behind her ear wetting her lips. She sighed resting her forehead against the window.
"You still have that old blood lust running though you, don't you? Maybe we should let a rebellion happen so that you can use some of that energy." she smiled at him.

A child around the age of seven peaked in "are you new here miss?"

Kit wondered about some of his friends from his past.

Lilith was in the same building as Nettle but was in the infirmary area sitting next to her sons bed.

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