Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Kit let the girl go, only reason I haven't fought yet is because I know our son would hate it if I did. Let the girl go and I won't kill everyone here." Kit smiled "you'd have to release more of your demon blood to get rid of all of us and then your friend would be in danger." Lilith glared "I'll make sure to leave you and my friend alive meaning to take care of these small fries would be easy."
Nettle swallowed. She felt sick to her stomach realizing something might go terribly wrong and she would be associated with the incident. Her eyes were wide watching the two go at each other.
Axoret smirked and held her hand tightly. When they got to the trial room, they put the siblings in the middle of the room. Axoret brought his children and Demonia to the place where the royals sit.
Eris smiled when he bit her lip. She pushed Xredos off her neck and turned her full attention to his brother. "Your making my blood demon come out." She said softly as her nails grew long and sharp.
Usassiel smirked as he licked up her neck. "I can't help it. Your body is just so irresistible. I want to drain you dry." Xredos laughed a little at how hungry Usassiel was. It was obvious that they hadn't fed in a really long time.
Lucius swooped down over the castle walls, and entered the castle. He walked right up to Axius, finding him easily. "You did it again didn't you?" Lucius spoke in a condescending way, until Axius vocalized back, "What is it exactly that you are talking about? I have a number of habits I repeat." Axius spoke slyly knowing what Lucius was talking about but just not wanting to answer directly. "Murder, Axius. You murdered another person." Lucius did not seem so angry as he was disappointed. "He deserved it! He was murdering his slaves, his family. And I got paid decently." Axius spoke the last part with a twinge of shame. Perhaps Lucius was getting to him? But Axius was part of the clan and could not stop. He did not want to stop, "I am headed to see a trial anyways, perhaps you could join? I know you like judging people." Lucius shook his head, but also did want to see the trial. So they walked together into the trial room to watch. "Axius, this conversation is not ever though." They sit down in a nicer section since they both were technically nobles.

Zurtho had returned home and gotten changed. He headed to the castle to work on his own armor for a while since Eris was gone doing something.
The counsel soon walked in and went to their spots. The head asked "what is your crime?' Prince Xeliran stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "They directly attacked me and made a threat to the royal family. I have heard of them though. These two runaways are elven nobles, related to the royal family of a kingdom that were allied with."
Eris laughed. "But then you wouldn't get anymore." She shoved him back forcefully and climbed onto Xredos' lap. "Your turn." She said kissed him with her bloody lips. She was a lot more wild in her blood demon form and her appearance changed.
Xredos kissed her back. He dug his claws into her arms. He pushed her head to the side and sunk his fangs into her neck. Her blood was so good. He was possibly addicted to it.
Demonia smiled as she was able to watch this time.

Lilith saw Nettle's expression and calmed down, continuing to walk saying nothing more and Kit grinned as she became quiet.
Lucious looked around the room, especially the nobles. eventually he found a woman by the king who especially interested him as she was someone whom he recognized. He gentle nudged Axius and said inconspicuously, "The woman, to the right of the king, that's the Queen of Hell."

Axius looked up and saw her. He looked for a while but looked away so that he did not appear to be staring. He turned to Lucius, "You are just messing with me for sure," Axius could barely believe it. "I'm afraid not." Axius looked back at the woman who hardly looked imposing and most of all was human.
Eris completely shifted into her demon form. She reached out for Usassiel. "Join us..." she hissed softly the magic in her blood was twice as strong now.

King Axoret kissed her gently and asked quietly "do you think they should die for their crimes or suffer?" It was a legitimate question but he kept that evil smirk on his face. He noticed Eriath was crying and he rolled his eyes. "How pathetic. They act tough but there just children."

Usassiel kissed down her arm and then sunk his fangs into the other side of her neck. Her blood was just as rich as always.
Eris growled. Usually she would have stopped them by now but the fact they haven't ate in the longest time gave her the strength to handle them taking a bit more.
She thought for a moment "Honestly I think they should die but that's because they have harmed your son, if it had been anyone else of high blood I would say torture." she smiled and no longer saw a reason to protect children.
They continued to feed from all over her for a while before they were full. When they were done, they dropped her. Xredos licked his lips and said "we have a trial to go to." He left and Usassiel chuckled. "He's never changed."

He laughed and said "lets see what happens." He kissed her neck playfully before he noticed the head consel looking at him with disapproval. Serien looked at Eriath and she smirked, knowing exactly what he was looking at her for. She looked at the head counsel and said pleadingly "please! I don't want to die." Tears ran down her cheeks. "Please! I promise we'll leave the kingdom as soon as possible." Her eyes dialated and the head counsel stopped what he was doing, hypnotized by her look. They seem to be having some kind of a psychic connection. He said "who needs a trial! These two are both released because obviously they were falsely accused!" King Axoret's eyes widened, knowing that it didn't sound like what the head counsel would say. He then realized what happened. "Attack the girl! She's a psychic. Restrain her and imprison her." Serien broke free from the rope and was in front of the king with a knife to his throat. King Axoret didn't flinch. He just stared at Serien waiting for him to do the worst decision he would have ever made.
Demonia's clothes changed from the robe to her dress and she summoned her sword and pointed it at Serien's neck "I suggest you back away before you become my next victim." her eyes instantly turn red in anger. "Back away and I won't send you to hell."
Eris panted softly. "I swear i should stop feeding him sometimes. Will you take me to the castle after i get cleaned up?" She asked and stood stretching. She moved over to her potions and downed one causing most of the bites to disappear. she began cleaning up.
Serien smirked and looked at her darkly. Eriath approached and asked "what are you going to do with my brother? Kill him?" She laughed coldly. Serien growled and told them "you dare hurt my baby sister, I will cut off your hands. I will make you suffer. I will make you cry for mercy." King Axoret looked at him coldly and asked "you done?" Two soldiers came up from behind him and tazored him causing him to fall to the floor. Axoret rolled his eyes. "Don't threaten me if you can't hold up your bargain. I am king. You can't touch me."

Usassiel smiled and said "yeah of course. We kinda got carried away." He rubbed the back of his head.
Demonia's fangs started to itch "the queen of hell asking for mercy..." she thought about it and then laughed "now I would love to see that." she directed her attention towards the girl and smiled, she wanted to mark someone so much with how much anger ran through her but she kept herself under control thinking that it might be bad to let everyone see a public feeding.
The king raised his hand and the guards backed off from Serien. "They will be imprisoned and forced to serve me for the rest of their worthless lives. Their hate and anger is what I feed on." People shouted insults at the king for his decision but the king ignored them.
"Maybe you wouldn't have if you come see me more often." She smirked and changed again. She walked out the door holding his arm.
"Do they really like to watch executions that much? I mean if they want to someone beheaded I can summon a demon from hell that serves me and they can watch them be executed." wondering why the people were so upset.
"I'll keep that in mind," he replied as he wiped up some of the blood.

"Its entertainment. As long as they aren't the ones getting beheaded, they enjoy going to the trials." He smirked with amusement. "But... I like their determination which explains my decision. Sorry you didn't get to see them be killed by my hand."

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