Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Demonia walks over and looks at the boy "Can I have the boy? I like a kid with spunk and I like the way his eyes has a fighting spirit in them" she giggles and her eyes flash red as her darker side comes out.
Jun frowned. "I've lost my head already! Why don't you care?! There are people down here starving! Help them!" He turned around at the lady, and replied, "No! I'm no mans servant! Not... Any..." Jun, being poor and thin, fell to his knees, and collapsed. "Another failure..."
Eris crossed her arms. "I always get ignored! You wwould think i would get all the attention in the world but now even a hug from my only father figure is asking to much!" She adjusted her blindfold to hide her tears and she turned to Zurtho. "I suppose it's just us again hmm?" She asked and rubbed her arm to warm herself.

Semira sighed. "I think i will just avoid him for a while until i get my head straight. Oh Xeliran... don'tkiss aanother girl if your dating Nadia. If she finds out it would kill her inside."
Axoret growled, grabbing him by the throat. "I don't care cause your worthless commoners that don't deserve to be near me. Usassiel!" Usassiel appeared beside him and Axoret says "throw him in the prison. We will show him pain and suffering."

"Guess I am my father's son..." he said simply before walking off.
Demonia looked annoyed "Damn and I wanted him...oh well I guess I'll find something else to be my play thing." some blood from her finger dripped to the ground, she never much cared for healing herself if it wasn't a life threatening cut or wound.
Jun, clearly driven mad, punched the cruel bastard. He jumped out of his grip, and went for a kick in the face against the man. He yelled, and he flew toward the royal.
Demonia grabbed the boy by the neck and dug her nails in "You must be mad to attack my king. You are filthy and you tried to touch him." lets her fangs grow and looks at Axoret "Can I be the one to torture him, please my dearest?"
Jun choked and coughed. "GAH!" He tried to break free from her grip, but he couldn't. He was too weak. He continued to struggle, as the pain of the woman's nails dug into him.
She smiled at the little boy "You know what I don't think I really need to ask if I can hurt you. So you may look like skin and bones but you also might be just what I need, I'm a little hungry you see and my fangs are itching to bite into something and they think you are good enough so I'll give you a choice. You either return to where you came from or you become my meal." she lightened up on her grip just enough for him to talk.
Eris winked at Zurtho. "I must go but visit me any time... you are definitely welcome. " she walked off and explore . Slightly looking for Xredos and familiarizing herself with the castle again. She wondered if she would see that forger again and looked at her hand remembering his rough hands.
"I... Ugh..." Jun attempted to kick the woman, but I had no affect. He tried to break out of her grip, and he failed. "Beat me up... Eat me... I'll still kill you." Jun choked out.
"You may not know this but I can tell you where you will end up if you die, and I can assure you that you will see my face again. Naughty little boys go to Hell and I am the queen so I will be your eternal tormentor." the laughter that follows her words ring through the halls "Still think you can kill me." she starts to walk to the room she had has a guest and takes the boy with her.
She caught his foot and slowly started to twist it "What, are you scared now that you know who I am? You know you trying to fight me only make me hunger for your blood more." she tossed him into her bedroom and shut the door, her pet raven saw that the window was open and quickly closed it and locked it and then lands on her shoulder. "Seems my friends Umbra wants to see what is in store for you."
Jun's leg hurt, and the impact of the floor was excruciating. He coughed up a little blood, and layed there. "Damn you..." Jun couldn't move because of his leg, and now he knew this woman was going to beat the crap out of him.
"You know if you hadn't attacked my fiancee I wouldn't be so pissed." kicks him in the stomach "Now then tell me, do you fear death?" smiles and bend down close enough to be within reach.
Nettle raced through a field chasing a jack rabbit. She knew being out in the open was dangerous, but if she didn't get food soon, she was going to starve to death and it wouldn't matter. Her feet beat quickly across the grass trying to catch up with the animal. She had tried to lead it into a trap, but it hadn't worked. She hoped she would be quick enough to stab it. She had created a make shift arrow out of what she could find. If she could throw it and hit the rabbit, she might have a morsel of food to eat.

She watched the rabbit suddenly disappear before her eyes. She stopped her heart racing realizing what happened. She could hear her deep breathes escaping her mouth. She raced to the spot where the rabbit had vanished finding a hole in the ground. "No!" she screamed and bent down on her knees peering into the den, but couldn't see anything. "No!" she yelled dropping the sharp object and pounding her fists against the dirt in defeat. Her forehead hit the ground as she sobbed in frustration. Her fists grabbed at a handful of dirt gripping it angrily. "No.." she whimpered sadly lowering her voice.
A girl (Lilith) steps out of the shadows with the rabbit "We're you trying to catch this little thing?" holds the rabbit that is now dead up by the ears.
Nettle lifted her head from the ground quickly hearing a voice. She turned looking up at the blond haired stranger, her eyes wide with fear. She stared at the rabbit in the girl's hand, her mouth watered at the thought of getting able to eat one bite of the small animal's meat. She turned her eyes back toward the girl's face her heart racing in her chest. She nodded slightly "Yes" she replied unable to find the strength to run. She didn't have the option. She was too hungry to say no to a free meal.
Tosses the rabbit in front of the girl "The names Lilith, friend to humans, enemy to demons. Do you need some help preparing a meal with that rabbit?"
Nettle looked at the rabbit that was tossed in front of her. She stared at it in disbelief then lifted her head toward the kind stranger. She thought about saying no and running off, but the girl had been beyond kindness. She had not known much kindness in her life. She nodded her head. "Yes please" she replied softly.
Lilith looked around "Lets get out of the open, don't need that damned king to find us." reaches out to help her up and picks the rabbit up off the ground "So what's your name?"
Nettle accepted the girl's help and got to her feet with some effort. She followed at the girl's heels. "Nettle" she answered quickly giving her real name. She didn't have a last name. Her father hadn't had one and she was never told her mother's name. Her eyes kept wandering down to the rabbit in the girl's hand as if she were a dog waiting to be fed her treat. She was only following the girl to get the food. As soon as she had her meal, she would be gone. At least, that was her plan.
Lilith walks into a run down cottage where she has coals in the stove "I don't mean to alarm you but I could tell you were human by your smell and energy. I guess that's one perk to being a half breed..." she said the word almost as if she was trying to spit out that part of her. "Father was a demon hunter who fell in love with a demon anyways come on in and make yourself at home. I found this place while walking to get to another town and since it was rundown I checked it out and found that no one was here." there was bread on the table and creek nearby, she started to skin the rabbit being careful to not damage the skin.
Nettle stopped int he doorway looking into the cottage. The fireplace looked inviting, but being indoors meant she was trapped. There was only one exit. She tended to avoid places with few escape routes. She remained silent listening to the girl speak of her past. She stepped inside slowly seeing her work on the rabbit. She licked her lips moving in front of the girl while she worked to fix a meal.

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