Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

She said a few more things then left and then headed to her new home, before she left she took one last look at her kingdom "I can always come back here..." she looked down at 'Silver' "part of our life is here so its not a final goodbye." then she headed off to the kingdom but let 'Silver take a small detour so that he could run and get some energy out of his system by the time she returned she has twigs in her hair and her dress was wet and muddy she looked at her horse "you did that all on purpose..." the horse made a whining noise that sounded like laughter.
Semira smiled. "You are so irritating! You don't even have a ring do you?" She asked and giggled softly to his gentle touch. She stopped his hand to prevent him from tickling her anymore.

Nadia gasped and seemed slightly hurt in a playful way." She took a handful of flour and threw it at Ash getting him in the chest. She smirked and crossed her arms. "Payback! And if i wanted to poison you i would have done it ages ago with how annoying you are." She joked and returned to baking.
Axoret was in the stables brushing Shadowmere. He had other horses but he seemed to give most of his attention to Shadowmere. The horse muzzled her face into him and he laughed. "I love you so much." He kissed her muzzle.

Exiriya laughed and said "I'm going to England soon. I'll get you the most expensive ring I can find." He kissed her deeply before slipping out of the bed and throwing his clothes on. "Dads back home. I should go greet him."

Ash laughed and said "aw I like this shirt." He snuck up behind him and started to tickled her. He smirked.
she led Quicksilver to the stable after asking a servant where it was. "Well I must look the same as when you met me, Silver here though it would be fun to run though a stream and then a dense trail or no trail..." she sighs "That's what i get for letting him have his way..." Silver just shook his head to show how proud he was of himself.
Semira pouted. "Your leaving me already? You always seem to do this. What are you doing in England anyway?" She asked as she slipped on her clothes as well. She kissed him one last time and whispered. "Now it's your turn to come to me when you want affection... I'm done running after you." She teased and walked off.

Nadia screamed in surprise and fell to the floor. "Stop!" She begged in between laughs as she grabbed his hands trying to pull them off. She finally got her bare foot between them and pushed him off gently. She sat up and threw more flour at him himbut this time sshe dashed for her room when he came after her.
Axoret chuckled and said "that's fine. Your cute either way." He kissed her deeply and then went back to brushing Shadowmere.

"There's another kingdom like this in England and we have to make some kind of treaty with them so we can trade with them."

He grabbed a bag of flour and chased her, throwing some at her in a playful way. He finally tackled her to the ground, flour going all over them. He was laughing.
Zurtho woke up, from a deep long sleep. He was hunched over a simple dragon scale armor for King Axoret. He had stayed up 3 days attempting to finish it, but failed to do so. He looked up, and saw all he had left was polishing the armor, and presenting it to the king. Zurtho decided his armor would be a bit better, but also take a while. He grabbed his wash cloth, rag, and polisher and quickly got to work on the armor, not wanting to lose his contract, which would mean certain death.
Nadia coughed and wiped flour from her face. "She was laughing as well but when she noticed her newly whitened home she groaned. "Ok ok you win now off we still have to visit Xeliran remember? " she said and sat up in front of him.she shook her hair and a white snowfall of flour covered the floor. "Now I'll be finding flour for weeks!" She said and cupped some in her hand and put it in a neat pile on his head. "Aw ash now you fit your name!" She laughed seeing the similarities between ashes and flour.
She found an empty stall and put Silver in there. "So just wondering do you have an area where you keep dragons? I was thinking about bringing two of my pet dragons so that getting dragon scales won't be too hard."
Ash laughed, shaking the flour out of his hair. He smirked and ran a hand through his hair. "Shall we get ready then and... Shower?"

"No but I have a zoo in the courtyard. Come with me and I'll give you a tour of my wolves and tigers and other animals alike. Rlyra was a familiar master."
She smiled and followed him, she no longer caring that she had twigs in her hair or that her dress was a mess. "I'm not sure if you have been told but the scales from hell has been rumored to be unsurpassed by any other dragon scale, it is suppose to be the strongest but with the right heat and magic it can be used for armor. I gave your black smith a bag full to make the armor you had requested, I wonder how that's going for him..."
Nadia stood and patted down her outfit. "Yes deffinently!" She said and went to take a shower. "You have a guest shower so feel free to use that." She said and got in the shower watching the clumps of flour fall off her skin.
He smiled ablittle and said "got to love you... always thinking ahead. I need strong armor." Axoret gently touched her cheek ever so slightly. He kissed her lightly. He walked into the courtyard and there were caged animals of all kinds. There was even a caged dragon. He had the biggest cage and he seemed happy. "I was thinking of selling all of them unless you want to take care of them." He smiled ever so slightly. A wolf that wasn't caged walked up to her and sat in front of her, looking at her with beautiful blue eyes. "Some aren't as wild as the others so they can roam free. They are well tamed so they don't runaway.

He went into the guest bathroom and slipped off his clothes. He stepped in the shower, turning it on as he did so. He smiled, watching flour fall off him. He let out a sigh and when he was done, he walked out in a towel. "Hey! Do you have clothes I can borrow?"
She enjoyed the feeling of having her breath taken away with every kiss she felt, it made her feel like she could really live for once and not just exist, she saw the wolf, smiling, she pet him "I'd have to say what I love most about this world is the animals and the moon, its all so different from what is in Hell. And I finally have a new love of this world." she looked at Axoret and smiled and then looked at the dragon. "Is the dragon tamed?" she saw the cage and almost seemed a little sad "He seems happy but something about animals in cages has always upset me. I guess its because I know what it is like to live caged away from everything. Seeing only as far as you can but never able to go there. We are happy until we escape or get lost then we realize there is more to life than our hole of safety..."

Lilith was hiding in the woods trying to heal the wound she had on her leg "Damn it...cursed illness...I'll have to feed for days till it stops and heals...." she gets up and heads out of the woods before she is found. "I wonder where the closet town is from here..." she licked over her teeth and felt fangs "Not too much, just enough for us both to live..." her vision started to blur and she leaned against a tree then passed out.
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Nadia rolled her eyes and tossed him some clothes. "I like to help others out so of course i have extra clothes!" She said and got dressed herself. She pined up her hair into a high ponytail. "Hurry up before i leave you!" She called and walked out the door but stayed within rang.
Lilith was laying against a tree not to far from where Nadia is and the blood from her leg was soaking the ground, her skin was being pale from blood loss. A raven landed next to her and started to tap on her to see if she would wake up.
Nadia smelled blood and rushed over to the source. "Are you alright!" She asked but soon realized she was unconscious. She waved her hand and vines tightly wrapped around the wound to try and control bleeding.
Lilith made a slight noise as the vines wrapped around but she never woke to see who was there but she whispered "blood..." the raven flew away almost looking angry and cawed at Nadia.
He nodded and said "yes, he is well tamed. He just has violent tendency. We've lost a few trainers because he tends to kill people if he doesn't know them. He only seems to like Elyra but all animals like her." He chuckled. He leaned against a tree and explained "I know what its like to be caged. Like Xeliran, I've never wanted to be king. I wanted to sleep with women, drink, smoke, and just be myself. Be a reckless a teenager. I never got that. People would stay away from me so I didn't grow up with any friends. People were afraid of me. It was the shittiest feeling you could ever experience. I always wanted to live a normal life. Never got that. My dad died when I was thirteen and my mom died while giving birth to me. I was forced to become king. My master forced me to marry Elyra when we were only sixteen years old so we would unite our kingdoms. I hated her. The moment I saw her. She was too good to be true. She didn't know what it meant to suffer. She's the reason I'm like this. The first time I beat her, it was so fun. I nearly killed her that day. Her pained face gave me pleasure. She feared me but she knew she couldn't leave me. One day, I couldn't hold back my sexual urges so I threw myself at her. I raped her. I showed her who dominated this relationship. She suffered but I took pride in it. She still didn't get it. She still kept that disgusting smile on her face. So I got rougher with her. So many times I've attempted to kill her. The thing was, I couldn't leave her without a good reason. Found out that little wh*re decided to sleep around with a human without telling me and get pregnant with his kid. She hid it from me all this time. She abandoned the little shit in a forest with wood elves. I haven't brought this up with the counsel because I would prefer them not getting involved in our social life." He looked away, ashamed at all the things he'd done to Elyra. He was abusive but when women were infuriating to him, he let them know it.

Ash, after getting dressed, hurried outside. "Oh dear..." He kneeled on the other side of her. "Who did this to you?" He demanded. He brushed off some dirt off of her cheek. "We need to get her real help, Nadia. That wound looks bad."
"My father locked me away in a tower until he went off to war and I got out, honestly I made myself queen, wasn't until nearly a thousand years later when he returned I told him that the throne was mine and he wasn't getting it back, he didn't say anything or disagree...I was hoping for a fight with him..." she sighs "and about the dragon, I think he just needs some live food for when a trainer goes in. Has that ever been tried, I have tamed all of my partner dragons that way."

"The king..." she had become so weak her voice was like as soundless as a slight breeze.
He smiled softly and said "I didn't get much of an option." He sighed. "Its frustrating but the feeling of people fearing you is more than enough." He walked off.

Ash said "great first the queen says she's my mother who decided she would abandon me and now a girl who is wounded by the asshole king. Oh and Nadia, your friend is dating one of the princes. We really need to get rid of our relationship with the royal family."
Nadia looked at ash. "But Xeliran had nothing to do with this! " Nadia looked down at the wound. "I need to clean this but until i see how bad this is we can't move her. Get some towels and a bowl of water!" She demanded and tried to keep Lilith responding.
Umbra lands on her shoulder and caws, and then flies around her in a circle, she sighs and hugs him "I will be back soon, Umbra wants me to follow him somewhere...when I get back we can talk about our future and you can tell me how things work here." kisses him and then starts to follow Umbra.

"She's coming....she'll kill me...." she opens her eyes a little and tries to get up and move but her loss of blood makes unable to move.
Nadia tapped her cheek lightly. "Hey stay with me! No one is coming after you!" She insisted and looked around to make sure.
Demonia walked up "is she okay?" looking worried and bends down "Lilith...whats wrong?" Lilith opened her eyes completely and glared "What come here to finish the job that your fiancee started..." Demonia saw Lilith's fangs "Have you really lost that much blood already, how?" Lilith spit at Demonia and her eyes suddenly went red "Go back to the hole you crawled out of." Demomia restrained herself from strangling Lilith and pulled a knife from her pocket. "I knew you came here to kill me..."

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