Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Somewhat," replied both boys. Exiriya said "we've met her once or twice in passing but she might be worst than dad and that thought itself is scary." Usasiel came in and sais "let the trials begin." He smirked.

He kissed her deeply and whispered "I'm scared to fall in love with you." Xredos came in and sais "I'm sorry to bother you but... Its time."
She kissed him back and smiled but her hands were shaking and then she sighed "Do I still have to go on trial, if so can I have a moment to make myself look presentable?" her eyes were dark from lack of sleep and she had never felt so scared...she knew that she would return to hell if she was beheaded but something about the day just had her on edge, she thought about her dreams again.
Semira looked at the vampire. "What trials?" She asked standing and crossing her arms.

Nadia smiled at his comment and gave him a plate. "It may be poisonous i haven't cooked in ages. " she joked giving him eggs bacon and toast.
Axoret nodded and said "fine but you only get ten minutes and for the record, I have little to no say in the decision. My counsil makes the decisions. So don't get mad if your guilty. I'll be outside." He waited outside the room.

"To decide whether or not Queen Demonia will get beheaded," replied Exiriya who just shrugged unaffected by it.
She sighed and went over to her maid and began to drink gaining some color around her eyes and cheeks, once she was done she quickly fixed her hair made herself presentable. She untied the maid so that she could follow and Umbra flew to Demonia's shoulder then she opened the door and walked out with the maid behind her.

Duanna looked at the castle as they rode in, a group of 12 guards followed behind the carriage. "Do you think mom will be fine?" Nova was worried "If they behead her and there is no word from mother then we will lay waste to this land." Duanna was determined to make sure that her mother stayed alive. Sephrith had left his weapons at the kingdom knowing that he wouldn't be able to control himself if the judgement was a beheading.
Semira looked surprised. "Wiat wasn't Nadia under trial to?" She asked looking straight at Xeliran. She feared for nadia when she remembered something that Nadia had said.
Axoret smiled and then tied her hands behind her back. "Just for a precaution." He brought her into a room. Xeliran and Exiriya followed them and following them was the queen. The king sat her at the center table and sat with the rest of the royal family. Exiriya had told Semira to Sit with everyone else and not with the royal family. Exiriya smirked. Everyone secretely wanted Demonia to be guilty so they can watch her head be chopped off.
Demonia did not struggle as her hands were tied and her maid started to laugh quietly, Demonia kept her head held high even in the middle of her fear as her trial would soon begin.

Duanna smiled as she felt her mother's energy and held Nova and Sephrith's hand using a spell that made them appear where the trial was being held.
Usasiel and Xredos stood in front of the row of all good looking men that somehow held a lot of wisdom within them. Xredos said "Demonia here is Queen of Hell and she is being charged with entering the Kings kingdom without proper permission and for apparent attempt assault on the prince. The trial will now begin." Usasiel ran a hnd through his hair and sat down with Xredos. The leader of them looked at her and said "give us a reason not to kill you. I mean we both know everyone here is to see a powerful Queen like yourself be killed."
"I was attacked by some rebels of my own kingdom by the time the fight was over with I had noticed that I was in new lands, not sure if I was in my domain or if I was on earth. Hell has many unknown portals to the surface world and I must have fallen through one of them. I was try to look for my way back home not realizing that I was getting further away and deeper into unknown lands. It wasn't until the king found me that I had realized that I had broke a law or was even near a prince. I mean no harm to anyone in this Kingdom, I have come to love it like I love my own. If I am set free I wish to make a pact with this kingdom so that its beauty in the dark and light can be preserved. I am also a mother and two of my kids would be very upset if you do kill me, I do hope you will let me go so that my daughter will not wage war. I wish to keep everyone in this kingdom safe from harm of the outside world." She looks down having nothing more to say. Nova went into his dog form and ran next to his mother getting pass everyone in his way and Demonia noticed and looked worried. Duanna stood up "Nova get back here right now." nova stayed next to his mother.
"Take that child away!" Yelled the head of the counsil. "He can die with his mother." King Axoret stood up and yelled "wait! I veto that verdict." Everyone seemed shocked. "She can live and all charges on her will be dropped if she agrees to marry me." Elyra stood up and said "what?" Axoret looked at her and said "I'm annuling our marriage and if you say otherwise, you will be killed instead of Demonia." The counsel look at them and the head said "allowed."
"I agree to marry you." she smiled and Nova looked shocked that his mother would agree to something so quickly. Duanna walked over and picked up Nova and then went to stand back next to Sephrith. Sephrith led Duanna out of the room, some part of him was angry that demonia wasn't being her cold self.
king Axoret hugged her knowing that marrying her would be the only way he could save her. He kissed her deeply. Exiriya stood up and screamed "No!" Xeliran stood up and ran out of the room quickly. Exiriya followed him out. Axoret frowned but held his new fiance close to him. He looked around to ser that Elyra was gone. Everybody else was disappointed.
She kissed him back with the same passion and smiled as she used fire to burn her binds away "Thank you for saving me. I hope they don't hate me too much and that none of this causes a big problem for you..." she wondered what her future would hold for now. "I may go ahead and give my daughter the throne to hell so that I won't have to be in two places at once." she giggles and her blood maid runs after her with a knife in hand and then falls to the ground in pain "Just wondering would your knights like a gift that never runs out of blood?"
Usasiel smirked as he came up from behind her and he whispered "give us as much food as you want. You will certainly earn our favor my dear." He kissed her neck playfully but Axoret yelled "that's enough!"

Exiriya said "as I suspected... She's torn our family apart." He clenched his fists.
Semira looked at Exiriya. "Ugh your so complicated! I can't tell if you're sad or happy!" She groaned and crossed her arms. "So which are you?"

Nadia cleaned the dishes after they ate and "I'm off to see the forest and greet my friends... would you like to accompany me?" She asked with a smile.
She smiles at her blood maid and then Usasiel "You can have her then, she tried to kill me so she is now your blood maid and toy. Do whatever you wish to her." the maid tried to crawl away in fear. Demonia looks at Axoret "Please don't hurt me like the others...?" looks scared about falling in love all over again.
He punched a hole in the wall and stormed off. He went into Xeliran room. H e actually seemed furious this time. He held Xeliran close to him, comforting him.

Ash nodded and said "yeah. Of course ." He chuckled and said "shall we go now?"

Xredos jumped on the back of the maid and sunk his fangs into her neck. He drank until she passed out in which the boys dragged her off. Axoret rolled his eyes and looked at her. "I will never hurt you. I'm the type of person that when I want something, I will get it and cherish it."
Nadia smiled. "Yes i also plan to visit Xeliran..." She said but had a feeling he already knew. She grabbed his hand and walked out the door.
She smiled and hugged him "Do you think our kids will forgive us? Or forgive me...I feel like I have almost torn your family apart..."

Duanna walked towards the carriage. "I swear I will not stand for mother has lost her mind!" Sephrith sighed "If your mother gets hurt again then I do hope she will learn her lesson." Nova was growling in Duanna's arms the entire time.

Lilith woke up and started her way towards the castle again and realized that she wasn't feeling any pain so she started to run there "I wonder what has happened that has made the pain go away." hoping that her mother is dead but also hoping that she hasn't been just yet so that she could kill her mother herself and then stops thinking about what happened last time she tried to enter the castle. "I need to do this carefully or I just might end up on the chop block...."
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Ash smiled softly and said "cool. I haven't seen him in a while." He walked outside and saw a women in a cloak there. He looked at her curiously and she said "Ash. We need to talk." Ash looked at Nadia and asked "who are you?" She chuckled and said "y'know its pathetic when a son doesn't recognize his own mother but I guess that's my fault." She took her hood off revealing the Queen.

"The princes will realize that this is what needs to happen." He kissed her deeply as he held her close to him. "I will never leave you because your everything I wanted."
Her lips became slightly warm when they use to have a chill to them, her heart skipped a few beats as he kissed her this time and nearly took her breath away "So I guess this is how real love is suppose to feel like..." whispering just loud enough for him to hear and then kissed him back, once she was done she looked into his eyes and smiled, there was even a chill to her body but it was starting to turn to warmth "Would it be alright for me to return to Hell so I can get a few things in order for me to be able to stay here?"

Lilith was just close enough to hear the queen and Ash but crept closer to see if she could get any information on what has happened to her mother.
Nadia's eye widened. Her heart skipped a beat and she looked at Ash seing if he would attack. "Ash you can't kill her!" She said knowing what ash needed most was both comfort and rrestraint. She looked at the queen with a glare. "Why would you do this to him? You leave him then try to take him back when he is doing so much good! You're pure evil!" Nadia hissed and took Ashes hand.
The head of the counsel stood up and said "we will settle the arrangements immediately for you two to get married. But Axoret, you know you could have just veto'd it and we'd have accepted it. You didn't have to annul your marriage with your wife so you can marry someone else." Axoret smirked and said "I know but... I won't let this one slip from my fingers. I knew that after she left my walls, she'd be excused from my protection and we'd continue our lives without each other. I couldn't let that happen. Now Lilith, would you stop hiding and come kiss your new father." It was obvious he was teasing her.

The Queen shook her head and explained "I hid him from the king because I couldn't let him kill my newborn son. I gave him to the elder of an elf village and the elder said that he would protect my son with his life but soon after I gave him my son, he died. You both should know its against the law to have any kind of relations with humans but this human made me feel wanted unlike the king did. The king would beat me if I did something wrong. This human made me feel different and I fell in love with him. So much so that when he left me after he found out I was pregnant, I didn't leave my room for months and I couldn't stop crying. The king didn't care. He didn't ask. The human left because me pregnant was proof that we had something going on and he was just so scared of being executed that he left the kingdom. I never wished for you to hate me Ash but I did what I thought was best. How could I explain to the king that I was pregnant if he hasn't even touched me since Exiriya was born. During the time I was pregnant, I hid from him. His little mistresses were always more important than me, his wife. Now that he has annulled our marriage finally so he can marry the Hell Queen, I am here to take you home." Ash stepped back slowly and said angrily "you abandoned me, wondering who my mom was so I can finally plunge my knife into her still beating heart and watch her cry out in pain. But because you abandoned me, I have made a life of myself out here in the woods. If not for Nadia, I would be nothing. No thanks to you. What did you to me? Grant me protection? I have never felt protected. I have had to kill animals for food and for years I have cried myself to sleep and had constant nightmares. You abandon me and expect me to runaway with you because everything you've known has been ripped away from you!?" He had now raised his voice but not only that, tears were running down his face. "Your a stranger to me! You always will be! I have no interest in reconnecting with you because the girl who is everything to me is standing beside me not in front of me." He punched Elyra to the ground. He has rarely ever lost his temper like this. He had always seemed calm, cool, and collected but he was like an animal at this point and you can't stop an animal from killing.

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