Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Nadia smiled and hugged him back. "I'll be in my room." She said and both Semira and Nadia walked to her room. They talked about what it was like being 'dead' as they waited for Xeliran.
Demonia wondered the halls of the castle and Umbra had found a way to get out of the locked room. He flew around looking for Demonia and cawing every so often to see if she would respond to him.
After Semira left Nadia went to visit Ash in his room. "I though this would turn out better than it did... Xeliran is talking with the king what should i do?"
Ash smiled and said "I doubt it will be that bad... though the king is terrifying and our heads could be on a stake if we do anything wrong so there's that." He chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

King Axoret yelled at Xeliran foran hour before he sent an angry Xeliran to his room who, of course, did not go to his room as instructed. When he found Nadia he said "I have good news and bad news. My father is angry about me having relations with you but... he'll allow it. That was after he called me a worthless piece of shit. Oh and after everythings that happened, he's letting you live. Bad news is... dad wants you and Ash to leave. He's kicking you out. He doesn't trust me living under the same roof as you and as for Ash... well he just hates your kind."

The king was pissed as he walked through the palace. When he saw Demonia, he smiled softly at her. "Good afternoon, my lady." Usasiel and Xredos walked out of their rooms. Xredos had some blood on his lip but didn't seem to care. "Is this more food, my liege." The king rolled his eyes and said "no. Let me introduce you to Demonia, Queen of Hell." Xredos chuckled at the introduction and said "yeah so food. That servant didn't satisfy me. She was all skin and bones. Give me blood!" Xredos unsheathed his sword and walked toward Demonia but the king stepped in front of her, cutting down Xredos with amazing speed and accuracy. He didn't aim to kill Xredos but he was severely wounded. Usasiel kneeled down beside Xredos and said "you kind of did deserve that." Xredos hissed at him. He seemed to be cranky because he was hungry but the king didn't care. "You can go hunting at sundown. For now, stand down! Or I will kill you next time! No one lays a hand on our guests." Xredos looked at him coldly and smirked at the site of the king. "What's wrong, my liege. It's not like you to protect guests. Your as likely to eat them as we are. Don't tell me your in love with her. The queen, no matter how much of a push over she is, won't approve." The king hit Xredos back to the ground. "Silence or I will permanently silence you!" He walked off.
Nadia ran up to Xeliran and literally jumped in his arms. She kissed him deeply before pulling away but she kept her arms around him. "It's alright... we need to return anyway... just promise to visit me?" She said and kissed him one last time.
Demonia giggled and followed the king. "Thank you and I am feeling happy since I was able to see my son and my best friend. I was wondering if it was alright for them to see me again. Nova is still very young and misses me when I am gone for to long." Smiling
Xeliran smiled, holding her close to him. "Yes. Of course I will if I'm not too busy." He kissed her again and Ash said softly "we have to go." He took Nadoa's hand.

Thr king thought about before saying "alright but if they cause trouble then I will disallow it." He walked ahead of her.
"Thank you so much, I am sure that they will be very happy, and when you judge me I do hope you'll see that I am not threat and possibly make an alliance. I find your kingdom so lovely, it reminds me a lot of home. I should write them a letter to let them know that they can come visit." starts to think about something and talks out loud to herself "I should see is Sephrith can bring the blood maid...I really hate being hungry and the smell of blood didn't help any with my thirst..." starts walking back to her room.
Axoret chuckled as he watched her walk off in deep thought. "Invite your friends and family to the trial tomorrow," he called after her. He walked the other way, in hopes to find Queen Elyra but as usual, she was in the back playing with the animals. He rolled his eyes.
Nadia pouted a bit but let Ash lead her out. She sighed and touched her lips when they left. "Did you see that Ash?! He kissed me! But it wasn't like a simple one it was like... a i love you kiss! Oh Ash, he makes me feel like I'm flying in heaven when he does that!" She spun around seeming to just relize she was in love.
Ash nodded and said "well remember... He will be king soon and don't think you'll be able to spend every waking moment with him when he becomes king. Plus if he's anything like his father than I wouldn't trust him but that's just me."
Nadia popped Ash in the back of the head. "He isn't like that!" She hissed and ran off ahead of him in anger. This probably wasn't the best idea since the were in the same woods she got attacked in.
"Oh I meant to tell the king about the dragon scales that I had brought here from hell...I'll just tell him next time I see him." she sits down at the desk that is in the room and writes a letter for Duanna, Nova, and Sephrith and then she looks at Umbra You don't mind sending the message do you?" he cawed in protest "I thought you might say that.

There was a young lady walking though the woods and heavily armed "Seems mother has come to the surface world." she smiled and sensed demonia's energy coming a few miles ahead of her and she looked around "I will finally have my revenge for you killing my father..."
Ash yelled "stop! Its unsafe for you, my lady!" He chased after her. When he finally caught up to her, he said "I'm sorry but I state the truth. You know that." He held her close.

Usasiel and Xredos were wandering the forest until they came across a strange girl. She had an evil presence about her. Xredos unsheathed his sword and twirled it in his hands. "Strange place for a girl to be. I bet your mommy is worried." Usasiel laughed as he followed him. They both bared their fangs and stood in the ready position. Xredos asked "you going to stake us hunter?" They were obviouy mocking her.
Nadia pushed Ash away. "No i refuse to believe your nonsense!" She said and stormed off towards her castle. "After all he has done you still think he is evil?!"
She laughed "Go ahead the last vampire that drank my blood shriveled up and died, and it would be funny for my mother to worry about me since she is the one that I am hunting." she pulls out two arrows from her quiver in the blink of an eye and already has it set in the bow and pointed side ways so that she can try to hit them both if she needs to. "I was trained to be a demon hunter so I won't die easily."
Ash sighed slightly and decided whether or not he should follow. He decided he should. Who knows what could happen if he didn't go with her? He kept his distance as he followed her to her palace.

Xredos bit his lip hard. Usasiel had come from behind her and sniffed her. "She smells of Demonia. She might be the offspring of her. Should we tell the king?" Xredos shook his head. In the light, she could see his black eye and his shirt was torn revealing a deep cut from his shoulder to his stomach. Usasiel appeared back with Xredos and smiled lightly. "The king won't like his new plaything dead but come to her trial tomorrow. You'll find out if she's going to be beheaded or walk free. One she leaves the palace walls, you'll be free to kill her.
"And what if I say that I'll be finding her tonight and slaughter her in her sleep and if I fail then I will make sure that she dies during the trial tomorrow free or not she will die by my hands and no one else." she jumps into a tree and quickly heads towards the town.

Demonia handed her later to a dead servant and once they vanished she sighed "Lilith is heading this you think we should hide in the shadows?" Umbra just stood on the back of the chair cleaning his feathers. "Some help you are..." she looks outside a window"It was so many years ago when I saw her last, she calls me a coward because I always run from our fights but she is my daughter and I could never hurt her..."
Nadia sighed. She didn't want Ash to be so distant from her even if she was mad. She turned and suddenly hugged him. "Ash sometimesi hate you so much for the fact that i can't stay mad at you!" She growled slightlyunder her breath but ccontinued to hug him.

Semira walked throughout the castle doors and sighed looking for Exiriya. She needed someone to talk to but she didn't want to face Xeliran.
Xredos and Usasiel disappear into the shadows but soon reappear in the shadows of Demonia's room. "were here to protect you, my lady." Xredos told her, bowing delicately. Usasiel smirked, baring his fangs at Demonia. "I can't wait to watch her scream as we rip her throat to shreds." Xredos laughed at that comment. "So animalistic. I like it."
Demonia looked scared "No you can't hurt her, just because she wants me dead doesn't mean I wish harm on her. Look I don't mind if you subdue her but she is still my daughter and I don't want her hurt..."

Lilith circled the castle and then found her mother's room and waited for an opening where no one would see her and she ran up as close as she could to the window and jumped up busting through the window and then stands up quickly "See you have some little bats keeping you safe mother." smiles and laughs.

"Lilith please don't do this...?" worried about what harm might befall Lilith if she doesn't leave.
Ash told her "you know I only look out for you so I'm just concerned about your well being. He could hurt you and I don't want that to ever happen." He stroked her cheek.

Exiriya practically bumped into Semira and he smiled "just the girl I was looking for." He kissed her gently but noticed something was wrong. "What's wrong?"

The two boys step in front of Demonia and Xredos said "you have to kill us to get to her." King Axoret walked in and said "you'll have to kill me as well." The boys smirked. "This is my land. No killing from outsiders is aloud. Don't want the death penalty like our dear old mom now will you." He stepped foreward and watched her with a terrifying stare, "Get off my land!"
Lilith hissed at him "That wretched queen there is my pray and..." she passed out and Sephrith caught her and smiled "Seems that some trash got into your castle, do you mind if I take it out? I thought you might need some help but I didn't realized you would be protected so well" a girl stepped out from behind Sephrith and sat down and her cloths looked like something a servant would wear and there were bite marks all over her. "I also brought the blood maid with me" he started to head out the window with Lilith in his arms. Demonia looked at Lilith and then turned away so that no one would see a few tears run down her cheeks.
Nadia sighed. "I know but i practically never leave your side. So even if he does hurt me... i know you'll always be there for me. Come on.. i know your tiered so you can rest here if yyou'd like." She said and welcomed him into her home. The castle was pretty much a waterfall but it was surrounded by little homes.

Semira looked down. "Did you really fall for me... or did you say that just to kiss me... because I've noticed you care but you seem to be controling yourself pretty well now... and what of that human slave that you loved... i know i am your 'plaything' but if you'reloving others more than i just tell me so i can leave." She turned her back to him and took a deep breath.
King Axoret smirked a little bit and said "that's what I thought." He walked out of the room, his servants following him out.

Ash smiled a little as he followed her. "Thank you so much. I don't think I've ever come here before." He was amused by that fact.

Exiriya sighed and said "I'm just stressed because my brother and I are back to arguing if you couldn't tell. I did fall in love with you despite how much you piss me off. I don't want you to leave me but I won't be heartbroken if you do. I'm used to being let down... Let me tell you a story about a dark elf boy who was oblivious to the world. He fell in love all the time and being irresistable, girls were all over him but... When they found out he had no right to the throne unless something happened to his healthy older brother. He realized they didn't love him and only wanted to be with him because he was a prince. He became cold and distant. He built a wall up so no one could break it down. He hated his brother and everytime he tried to kill him, he failed." He looked away.

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