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Fantasy Kine Arts Of Magic High

Aspen followed who she thinks is the teacher outside and looked at him, confused at what he said. Beat him up? She asked herself, he want us to beat him up? She blame herself for coming late to class and didn't hear the instruction that the teacher might have said before she'd arrived, or maybe he didn't say anything and wanted to see what kind of magic we've all got. She waited and see if anyone make a move towards the teacher.
'Beat him up?' Erline followed behind the group moving outside. Being as she only got here a few minutes ago, she had no clue about anything that was going on. Was this some sort of beginning-of-the-year test? Something to help the teachers understand their students powers a little better, maybe. Surely this guy wouldn't ask a bunch of magic-users to fight him if he wasn't strong enough to handle it. She moved around until she stood at a wall near the back, pressing herself against it in an attempt to appear small compared to the other students. No one ever wanted to be first doing these things, certainly not her. 'I'd rather not have to use my magic in front of strangers..' She furrowed her eyebrows at the thought. It was easy to get nervous and make a mistake.
Dyst looked around nobody was doing anything everyone was just waiting it seems nobody wanted to make the first move. "Well then if nobody makes the first move I will." Dyst said attempting to intimidate them into attacking him since if he attacks first it means he will be on the offensive rather than to defensive giving him more room to react and fight which wouldn't be smart on the students part. He pulled out two of his wands his fire wand and his wind wand he then began to wait once again.
He's joking right? She thought. Aspen saw the teacher took out two wands, she stood there still, not moving. She hoped that the teacher, somehow, won't pick her. She didn't want to be the first, but if she volunteer then she'll be able to attack the teacher first. What should I do? She wondered, should I just go first? Or should I wait and see what happen? Aspen shook her head then look at the teacher as he waited.
Raven shifted nervously. Please tell me he's joking. No way can I do it in front of everyone! She looked at the others, hoping the Dyst didn't see her.
Justin saw he wasn't lying and he didn't want anyone of the students like him hurt so he was gonna make a move he ran up and jumped in the air and yelled to everyone "Get back!" He said the made a few lightning bolts going at the teacher.
Dyst smirked as he saw someone finally try something. "Only one of you." Dyst said as he moved to the side in order to dodge the lighting. He ran over to where Justin was and jumped up to the same height as Justin and acted like he was going to use his magic at the close range but instead went to kick him in the stomach. "If only one of you come at me at a time you will stand no chance." Dyst said trying to get them to fight as a team rather than just solo.
Raven bit her lip, trying to keep her powers in control. Don't don't! Raven stepped forward. Whelp. Guess we're doing this. She took a deep breath and glared at Dyst. She raised both her hands and began concentrating on keeping him still. "Get him! I can't hold him for long!"
Dyst eyes opened he complete forgot some of his students used a lost magic. "I forgot about your lost magic." Dyst said he was going to use code 63 but then he remembered he said he wouldn't luckily she was still relatively new to using the power so breaking out was much of a challenge. "You used it to early since now I know who did it." Dyst said as he landed on the ground and head at full speed over to the girl and attempted to punch her in the stomach hold back most of his force since he didn't really want to hurt any of them.
Raven feel backwards and gasped softly when she hit the ground. "Crud." She stood up and glared at him. She ran and did a roundhouse kick to his chest.
He saw the girl get hurt and he got angry "now I'm mad" he made a red lightning ball and threw it at him then a red lightning bolt on the side of him for extra insurance.


Jason saw the destruction magic and was surprised it was a strong destruction magic just like some can do it but only very few can master it.
Dyst grabbed the girls leg as she attempted to kick him but then he noticed the lightning and if he dodged it the girl would get hurt badly. "I'm going to have to use it." He muttered. "Sorry Jason it seems I may have lied." He said smiling as he got ready to use code 63 better know as dimensional Magic. He made his own dimensional it was a simple plain white room since he didn't want to hurt anyone or else he would have got more creative. He dragged himself and attempted to drag the girl into it.
Raven struggled but fell into the dimension. She looked around, panicked. 
Raven pulled away from his grip and got in a fighting stance, glaring daggers at him.
Dyst sighed. "If I wanted to hurt you here I would have made it a bit more intimidating this was just ot make sure none of us got hit by that attack." Dyst said as he then forced the dimension to shut forcing the two back out of it.
Raven gasped at the sudden change of dimensions. "Give me some warning next time." She muttered darkly. She stood up, shaking slightly and remembered she'd just shown everyone her powers. Oh no. She ran.
Anna looks around "great now the whole class think am weird" she mumble to herself while she let hunter disappears as a soul into Anna Body "it's my fault i can control demons..." she mumble again to herself and she hide her face behind her books than the left side of her eyes turn pure black "no... i must remain in control" her eye return to normal
Raven ran into the hallway and slumped against a wall. I had to use my powers. Of all the stupid, idiotic things to do on a first day.
Anna looks down at her book silently "i gotta learn how to control my powers" Anna take long deep breaths and she counted to 5 "1... 2...3...4...5" she still seem nervous what has happen in class as than hunter jump out of her pocket try to calm her down "huh hunter hey how did you!?.... never mind" she realize hunter only come around when she feeling sad or happy although Anna emotions what keeping him alive
Raven sighed and took a deep breath before walking back into class. I'm not gonna run and hide. I'll have to face them eventually. She kept her gaze cold, her face emotionless and firm. She walked back to the group calmly, standing straight and stood in the group waiting for the teacher to start, well, teaching.
Dante stood in the back watching as everything went on 'hm so raven uses lost magic and by the way she was acting it seemed like it was the controlling kind and the teacher seems to be using wands and he's no easy person to fight from the looks of it' he watched as raven ran out then came back in 'hm that was odd' then Dante walked over to raven and stood next to her "why did you run out like that?" He asks her
"Is that all?" He asks then looks at her "if so where's your book?" Then he goes back to looking to the front of the group
Raven mentally cursed. She kept her face emotionless like she was bored and shrugged. "Back pack. Over there." She gestured to her backpack in the corner of the room.

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