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Fantasy Kine Arts Of Magic High

Dante nods his head "ah I see" he looks over at her "are you sure it wasn't cause of the controller magic and how people would react?"
Raven's fist clenched. "Absolutely. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. If they have a problem they can say it to my face. I'm not gonna hide like a weak little girl who can't fight her own battles." Raven hard a hard time keeping her voice calm and steady.
"You sure? You know with it being a lost magic and the ability to control people would think your evil controlling witch" he looks away from his voice steady and monotone while saying it all "but then there's others who have actually encountered magic like yours before and know what to expect"
Raven tensed and forced tears back, her eyes not even clouding. She could control herself as well as others and she wasn't letting herself look weak. "And which are you?" She asked, her voice monotone like his.
"We'll I'm the second of the two" dante's voice getting less monotone and puts his head as recalls a memory "remember when I told you I practically raised myself and I was alone a lot?"
"Well for a time I had a girlfriend before I came here she was a magic user and she told she used a lost magic, controller magic, and back then I never knew what it was so we dated for a while and when I finally did research on it and figured out what it did I was flat broke she used her magic to make me buy her what ever she wanted and when I finally came to my senses I kicked her to the curb and I signed up here to get away from her she was a evil controlling bitch" Dante finishes a scowl on his face remembering his evil girlfriend
Dante smiles and looks at raven "no I think your completely the opposite I got to talk to and joke with you I got to know you a little and from what I learned is that you are nice person raven" Dante finishes still with a smile on his face
Dante keeps smiling "the magic you use doesn't make you a monster it's how you use it that defines you my elemental magic doesn't make me a monster but I could easily turn into one by destroying a small village or city but I don't cause I choose not to and that's the same with you. You could evil things with your magic but you don't so your not a monster raven" Dante smiles at her with gentle eyes his hands still in his pockets looking down at her
A single tear came from Raven's covered eye. "Dante... I have done evil things with my powers. I AM a monster." She said quietly.
"You might have done evil things before but if you were truly evil why would be here? This school is for people could control their powers for good there are other schools out there you could've gone to gone to learn evil ways for your powers but your here and besides" Dante wipes the tear away from ravens eyes as he speaks "would a monster cry about the evil things she's done?"
Raven looked at him, slightly stunned. "I tell you I've done evil things, that I'm a dangerous monster, and yet you still say otherwise. I barely know you. How can you be so sure?"
Dante puts his hands back in his pockets and smiles "I'm good at reading people and I listen to the elements and they always have a good hunch on people as well"
Dante laughs "no problem just sorta habit" Dante puts his hand back in his pocket stilling smiling at her
Dante finishes the shake with a smile then thrusts his fists in the air "boo-yah made a friend" he laughs receiving a few weird looks from his classmates

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