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Fantasy Kine Arts Of Magic High

Rune watched as the girl scampered over and gave a small giggle as the girl flustered over her stuff and saw her rip a piece of paper and took it and read the words.

Thank you

Smiling at the girl Rune shook her head and smiled, writing on the back of the piece of paper she handed it back to the girl and smiled. It read.

No problem :)
Jason sighed and looked at the girl passing notes "No note passing or you will be meeting me in my office." He said to them both. He was strict because he wanted all the students to exceed full potential.
Rune blushed and nodded smiling at the girl once more before looking at her task in front of her and focused on the lesson.
Embarrassed being called out Nyx stopped writing her next note and crumbled it up and organized her desk, ready to learn
Jason looked at her and smirked "Nyx Hydrangea user of Water Destruction very powerful doesn't look on the bright side... Hm, nice mind functioning you have the gloomy ones usually have more strength and more stable." He smiled at her.
Sebastian's eyes glanced over at Jason, scanning over the male. Is that the Headmaster? He's kind of loud...and annoying. the Summoner thought to himself before raising an eyebrow and turning his head to face the other. "Headmaster Pakia. Are you the one teaching our lesson today?"
" ...thank you??? " Nyx mumbled not sure if the head master was complimenting her or not, but didn't say much more.
He turned to the boy and smirked "A summoned..." He said and sighed "No Dyst is the one teaching" then sat in the back and smiled kindly at them.
Dyst was ready to start the class. "While then I want all of you to tell me your names and magic first." Dyst said he knew them all but he wanted the rest of the class to know each others.
Sebastian blinked for a second when he was addressed, giving Jason one more glance before turning his head back to face Dyst. His small dragon familiar had slunk off the Summoner's shoulder and took flight, flapping its wings and making way over to the teacher, floating in front of the male with a tilted head, eyes blinking occasionally.
Justin sighed he wanted to be the first one to announce "Name, Justin magic, Lightning destruction and the other classified under certain circumstances." He said to everyone and smiled
Up next Nyx stood up and quickly rushed her introduction with broken sentences " Nyx Hydrangea, water magic, Done " sitting back down in a flash.
Sebastian listened when Justin and Nyx spoke. Lightning and water destruction magic? Interesting.. The summoner let out a quick, sharp whistle that issued the small dragon to return to its master's shoulder, it's wings still spread in full display. "Sebastian Morrow. Study of magic: The summoning arts.."
Dyst smiled. "Well then class I guess I could introduce myself i'm Dyst Mace I use wand and undead summoning magic as well as another magic but I would prefer not to name it just yet and I will be your teacher." Dyst said. "The first lesson will be a test so follow me class." Dyst said he was planning to test them all by fighting them all at once.
Rune looked at them and sighed, Do I say my one? Might as well... Even though it is a little late...

"Rune Kalypso, music and writing magic~"

Smilign at them she got up and followed the teacher, I wonder where we are going?
(might be easier to wait for @Bills352 to reply again... Or you can just make her stand up and talk to Rune~)
Dyst smirked. "To fight them all to test them." Dyst said as he led them outside.

((Won't be posting for now got to tally up what we made at work today and its taking a while.))
"First day in this new school for me, ah, entering late to school...That's not good" Okami though while entering to the school building.

He started walking through the halls with no direction, he haves no idea of where to go or what to do.

"Guess i have to see the director" He said while looking for the Director's Office.

(Help me to enter into the plot! /(o-o/) )
"Your insane you can't fight them all at once with code 63... You should assign everyone on teams for them to learn teamwork . If they all fish they will do what they please." He said to Dyst and sighed @Bills352
Dyst shacked his head. "No No No I wouldn't use code 63 did you forgot i'm also a wand mage and if i'm not correct this is my class so I should be able to teach them the way I want if I test them I will then know whose power will go with who making the team more effective." Dyst said smiling as he turned to face the class since they where outside now.

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