Key Blade Wars

Bella laughed. "In case you've forgotten, I've already joined you." she said. "I'm Bella." she introduced herself to Alexander and Erebus.
Alexander turned in the direction of the shriek. He felt the air get colder, and not from the winds on the horizon. "Something that wants to consume."

He drew forth his keyblade and looked to the ships. "My guess is it's after us after all the attention we drew to ourselves." He turned to Jack quickly. "How far is the Pearl?"

"A couple of minutes if we run."

He turned back to Seth and Belle. "You three go on ahead, i'll buy some time and catch up with you. Dont worry about me for now, just get the ship ready and i'll find you presently."

Looking back in the direction of the beast, he wondered if he can get them to leave him alone with it, he could put his darkness to good use.
Bella turned towards the noise. Alexander had told them to run to the ship. She looked at Seth, Erebus and Jack wondering whether they were going to run or stay here. After all that fighting earlier, she knew Seth probably wasn't in any condition to fight again so soon, but if he was staying she would stay here too to help.
Seth shook his head. "No, I know that noise. This thing isn't going to go down so easily. I'm going to stay." he said drawing forth his key blade. "Alexander, you may not be able to defeat this thing on your own." he said. "Bella you go with Jack and Erebus. I'll fight with Alexander." he said.
Bella pouted for a minute. Just because she was a girl didn't mean she couldn't fight. But then again, she probably wouldn't be a ton of help either. She nodded and walked with Erebus and Jack towards the ship. "So where is this Isla de Muerta, anyway?" she asked them once the three of them were further away.
Jack turned. "Well lass you can't find the island unless you have been there before." he said.

Seth walked to the edge of the water. "Time to end this!"
Alexander watched the trio ran away and turned to Seth at the edge of the water.

Insistent guy isnt he? Cant say I blame him.

Walking up besides him, he stood ready for whatever incoming creature was rushing forward. "How did you beat this thing last time?" he asked.
Seth looked at Alexander. "Uh well I never actually fought this thing." he said. He looked at the ground. "I just hope we can stop it." he said.
Bella looked at Jack confusedly. "What?" she asked. What did that mean? "Then how would anyone ever find it?" she asked. "You know where it is, though, right Jack?"
Bella noticed that Erebus looked upset. "Hey..." she said, stopping. "Maybe you should go. You never know, they might need you back there." she heard a voice calling to the Delmogs, ordering an attack. "Sounds like they'll have their hands full. Who is that?" she asked, wondering where that voice had come from.
Alexander's eyes widened as the creature came at him. " i see why we need to be cautious."

Sephiroth always said if someone is afraid of something, that gives way to caution. When the hell will i learn??

Hearing the voice commanding the Delmog, Alexander followed it's sounds and focussed of a figure on the beasts back. He couldnt get a good look, but he saw the figure holding a keyblade in his hands.

I guess I'm not the only rogue out there. And this thing is so big...big enough for us to separate...i can use the darkness while Seth handles him!

"There!" Alexander yelled, pointing at the figure, "He must be controlling it! I'll keep Moby **** busy, you take the other guy out!"

((LOL, didnt mean to put a swear in there :P ))
Erebus' head snapped up. "Really? i can go help?" he said with a massive smile on his face "thank you......" he yelled as he ran off to join his brother.
Bella smiled at how eager he was to assist his brother. Once he had disappeared, she turned back to Jack. "So, I guess it's just us waiting on them now." she said. She continued to walk with him towards the ship, hoping the others would be okay but somehow knowing they would be. She still wondered where the new voice had come from, but knew that whoever it was she probably shouldn't try to take them on herself.
Seth looked at Alexander. Then he placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a keychain."thank you brother." he placed it on his key. The energy surged through his key."Brother lend me your key!" he yelled and a second key blade appeared in his hand. Seth nodded at Alexander's plan and attacked the man on it's back. "Die you son of a b*tch" he yelled.

Jack looked at Bella and nodded."Seems that way lass." he said
Bella and Jack kept walking, finally making it to the ship and boarding it. She looked over the edge, back to where the others had stayed on the beach. They weren't too far away, she could make out Erebus, Seth, and Alexander's forms, along with what she assumed was the Delmog making the noise before. Then she noticed that there was another form. Squinting she could barely make out the person's features. He quite obviously wasn't a friend. She hoped the others would be ok, leaning against the side wall of the ship to get a better look. If something went wrong, she would be able to see it and be there in only a couple minutes.
huh, two of them? i gotta learn that trick.

Alexander rushed forward underneath the creatures legs, hopping the water's surface with each step. THAT trick Sephiroth was insistent that Alexander would learn. He was careful not to get crushed under the creatures foot or get blasted by any waves of darkness, that happened too many times when he was in-training in a hostile environment. While close to the creatures face, he threw a dark ball of gravitia to stun it, and landed on one of the sides. Making sure nobody was looking, he thrust his keyblade into the beast beneath him, but not to harm him. He tore open a small veil of darkness, and one by one, six Heartless emerged.


He wanted to get more out to help, but he didnt know how strong he was to command a larger number, and he wasnt willing to test it now.

Pointing towards the Delmogs front, he commanded in a strong authorization voice "Attack to front while i go for the legs!"

They charged past Alexander to their task, and he jumped down to one of the front legs, hacking away at it.
Erebus runs up to Seth and Alex and his Key flashes into his hand as he pulls out another key chain and hooks it onto his making Seth's Key appear in his other hand. He looks nervously at his brother "You ready?...." he looks back at the delmog then up at the man on top....His eyes get wide and he falls to his knees. "R-Resh!?!?"

Resh looks at the beach and sees someone running up to the other boy. He looks closer and realizes its Erebus. He turns his head in confusion. "STOP!!!" The delmog he is standing on stops dead in its tracks and lowers into the water a little. Resh slowly walks down its back and head slashing at a few of the heartless as he steps onto the water making small ripples but not getting wet at all. His eyes stay locked on Erebus.
Bella looks into the distance where Erebus approaches the others. They seemed to have focused their attention on the person in control of the creature. The Delmog lowered itself, no longer poised to attack. "Ok, something's wrong." Bella said, looking over at Jack. "I'm going over there. I don't know what's going on, but it must be important. It's not attacking now..." she gave the pirate a last glance before jumping over and landing in the sand. She made her way quickly to where the group was standing, looking up at the person who was controlling the monster in the water. "Who is this?" she asked Erebus, who seemed to know the person.
Noticing that the creature stopped, Alexander took hold on the side of the Delmog's foot and glanced around. Noticing the dark figure standing on the water (I have to learn THAT trick) he let go and quickly made his way towards Seth and Erebus. He saw Bella coming this way as well. Either she was that worried, or this so-called "Resh" was THAT strong. Alexander stood next to Seth, still having his Keyblade drawn. "Friend of yours?" Alexander asked.
Character sheet:

Name: Geara Omnis

Age: 18

World: Unknown

Race: Human

Key Blade: Black Out

Spell: Thundaga

Looks:Cyan Hair, bright red eyes and he wore a black and white tribal drench coat

Personality: Strong intellegent, quiet and reserved

History: Many things are unknown about Geara, he is a fighter fighting for what he believes. He moves job to job acting as hired muscle using his spells and his key blade. Whatever job assignment is given to him, Geara would get completed with no questions asked. This much is known many heartless have been killed under the key blade of geara.

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