Key Blade Wars

Seth nodded. "Yeah." he said getting off the ground. "Firega!" he yelled blasting a Delmog in the face. "Damn!" he said. "This is getting very hard." he looked at the main Delmog."If we can destroy that one the other might die as well." he said pointing at it. Then Seth ran at it. "Die!" he said swinging at the Delmog. It disappeared. "Damn!" he said.
Bella nodded in agreement. It disappeared, though, when Seth went to attack it. "Where did it go?" she asked quietly, looking around. It was nowhere to be seen. A few seconds later it appeared again.
Alexander spun round when the creature came at him, then was surprised to see other keyblade warriors join the fray. A boy and a girl. They seemed Alexanders age, but they had the same weapon he did, only different. One thing at a time! turning back to the fight at hand, he dived into the fray, slashing with vicious speed and power.

He heard the boy's theory on the leader and tried the put it to use. Noticing the teleporting trick it was using, Alexander had his own idea.

He glanced at the other keyblade kids. "Get clear." He ordered darkly. Spining his keyblade in a figure eight motion, it built up a dark energy around the blade. He charged to slash the beast, and when it teleported out of the way, Alexander used the momentum of the slash to do a 360 slash.

"Gravatia!" multiple spheres of black and purple energy shot out of his keyblade, covering most of the ship. The beast teleported back, and was caught in a blast of black energy. Before Alexander could move in for the kill, more of its minions began to swarm over him. While fighting them off, he noticed a cannon lose from it's wheels, probably movable.

"You!" he shouted at Seth and Bella, "The cannon!"
Bella was fighting off more of the Delmogs when she heard the new person speak to them. Something about a cannon. She finished off the creature she was fighting and looked over to the ship where a cannon was loose. She wanted to help, but her healing spell wouldn't light the cannon. She looked at Seth. He had a fire spell and would be able to. "Seth, over there!" she said, motioning for him to light the cannon with firega.
Name: Erebus

Age: 18

World: port royal

Race: human

Key Blade: Nega Star

Spell: (not a technical spell from the game more like an ability) Glide/fly

Looks: like an older taller riku with black hair and "piratey clothes"

Personality: darker than Seth and only looks out for him

History: Seth's brother protected him when their family was killed now his life's goal is to protect his brother at all costs

Name: Resh Dernes

Age: 18

World : port royal

Race: human but is bad and working with the Delmogs

Key Blade:dual-wield

chaos flare and

wilted chaos

Spell: Stopga

Looks: looks like Axel with white hair and glowing red eyes

Personality: just like Axel but says "forget about it" instead of "got it memorized" will take down anyone or anything that gets in his way

History: killed Seth and Erebus' family and is now looking to finish what he started by killing them too
Bella looked frightened at what happened to Seth. He had turned into one of them. But he was still attacking them, which was good, right? Bella took out a few more Delmogs as the cannon went off nearby, hitting and killing the biggest Delmog. Once the leader was taken out, the small followers started to retreat into the shadows, eventually disappearing altogether. Bella looked at the two guys. She didn't introduce herself to the new one just yet, instead she wanted to make sure Seth was okay. "Seth?" she asked timidly.
Alexander saw Seth turn into one of those things. Before he could question what was going on, a slash from a sword came from the corner of his eye. Ducking, he readied himself in stance and was face to face with the pirate with the hook for a hand.

"Must i carve up every keyblade wielder i come across?!"

Alexander gave a confused look. "That's what it's called? A keyblade...can we save the talking after i crush you?"

After those words, the two of the were locked in a fight within all the chaos.
Bella watched as the other guy went into combat with one of the pirates. She turned back to Seth, who was one of the shadow creatures. She stepped a little closer, unsure if it was still really Seth in there. He had attacked the creatures, so that meant he was still one of the good guys, right? Just being cautious anyway, Bella stayed a few steps away. She was already at eye level with Seth, and she looked straight at him when she spoke. "Seth..." she said, wondering if she would get his attention. "Can you hear me? Are you okay?" she was unsure as to what she should say.
Seth turned and staired at Bella. He couldn't speak. But he nodded slightly. He growled a bit. Then he attacked a Delmog behind Bella.
Bella jumped a little when he moved so suddenly. All of the Delmogs had supposedly retreated, so she hadn't heard that one creeping up on her. "Thanks..." she said quietly. She studied Seth for a moment. "I don't know how to get you to change back..." She said sadly. She paced a little. "Maybe you will change back on your own?" she said, hopeful. "After all, you changed into this on your own. Then again, it looked like it had something to do with that creature attacking you. Do you suppose they can turn people into one of them?" She tilted her head to the side, sighing a little. "I just hope you aren't a shadow permanently."
Seth growled a bit. The he shifted back and he passed out on to the ground. He woke up several hours later still on the beach. "Are they gone?" he asked Bella.
((Lol, I imagine a lot would happen in several hours and she wouldn't just be standing in the same place))

Bella was sitting on the edge of the beach with her feet in the water. She had no idea where the person from earlier went, she hadn't seen him since he started battling that pirate. She had dragged Seth as best she could to a safer area and waited for what felt like hours for him to wake up. She eventually heard movement. She looked around to see that he was awake, and he asked her if they were gone. "I assume you mean the shadows, and yeah, they're gone..." She said. She stood up and walked over to Seth. "You finally changed back." she said, smiling a little. "I was getting worried. You changed back right before you passed out and I brought you here so that you wouldn't be around the sparring between that other Keyblade weilder and those pirates..."
Seth smiled a bit."Thanks." he said softly. Then he looked around. He was still a little freaked out from when he transformed. "Did I hurt you?" he asked looking at Bella. His eyes were filled with fear.
"No." Bella said immediately. She didn't want him to worry about something he didn't actually do. "Are you okay?" she asked. "You've been out a few hours."
After a few minutes, Alexander came walking up the beach front towards them. He was soaking wet from the sea, and he had a few cuts and bruises from the fight. Walking up beside him was the other pirate captain from the fight.

"And then old hooker showed up with his crew of heartless, then if im not mistaken, you lot joined the fray." He explained drunkenly, "Is there a club or whatsit to get one of those blades?"

"That's something i want to ask myself." Alexander mumbled. They looked up in front of them to see Seth and Belle before them. "I guess introductions are needed. I'm Alexander. This Jack Sparrow."

"Captain! Captain Jack Sparrow!"

"No offence when i put emphasise on this," Alexander glanced at Seth, "But who or what the hell are you?"
Seth looked up."I'm Seth. Seth Elwood." he said with caution. "And I already know jack." he explained."But I don't know you where are you from?" he asked placing his hand on his keyblade. "Where did you get that?" he asked.
"One question at a time." Alexander said. "But if you must know, I got this as a gift, from master to student." he raised his keyblade for all to see, then let it dissappear. "Where I am from isnt important right now. But anyway, im not here for early interrogation, and i wont pry on how you became...whatever they are, which is what i want to ask. What the hell are they?"
Erebus floats down silently behind Seth holding his index finger to his lips. As he lands on the sand he drops down to his knees and hugs Seth tightly. "SETH!!!! Where did you go? i came home and you were gone i was so worried!!!!"
Seth smiled seeing his brother. "I'm fine." he said giving him a hug. Then he turned to Alexander. "I think they're called Delmogs." he said. then he looked down at his hand. "I don't know anything else." he said turning back to Erebus.
Alexander seemed a bit surprised at first seeing the new visitor, but felt pretty envious that Seth had a brother to help him.

"Fair enough then. I dont mean to break up the touching moment, but if these things are still haunting Port Royal, then they should have a base of operation. And seeing as this part of the ocean is entrenched in dark energy and curses, a likely start would be..."

"Iles de la Muerta." Jack said coarsely. "It isnt the first time someone tried to start a show there. I can get my ship ready, but if you want me to take you there, i'll need all hands on deck. Savy?"
Seth smirked and nodded. "Yes, Ill help out." he said. He turned to Bella. "Will you join us?" he asked with a small smile.

Resh sat silently on the top of the Elwood shack a mini delmog sitting on his head. he chuckles softly and throws the delmog into the air above the group. as he does this he points one of his key blades at it and says "[______]" the delmog grows and a large ring appears above its head. it crashes down in the water behind the group and shrieks.

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