Key Blade Wars

Bella felt awful. "None like that..." she said. She knew a healing spell, but nothing that could be used for offence. She looked around at the shadows. "Maybe there's a part of the island they haven't reached yet?" she said. She didn't know what else they could do except try to escape. She looked out to the ocean and could see her boat, a tiny speck in the distance, but close enough they might be able to get to it from the connected island. "Over there!" she said. "The boat is close to that island, maybe we can get to it before the shadows reach that island."
Seth turned."Fine lets go!" he said grabbing her hand and running. "This is very bad." he said. He hit another shadow. "Firega!" he yelled then another fire ball flew from his hands. It blew up a bunch of the shadows. They manage to get to the other island."Quick get in." he said swinging his key at another shadow.
She started down the ladder and got into the boat, which was starting to sway back and forth violently from the wind and coming storm. She just hoped they would make it back to the other island without sinking. The shadows completely covered parts of the island, and bigger ones kept appearing. "This doesn't look good..." she said, waiting for Seth.
Seth turned and looked at Bella."Go I'll catch up with you!" he called. He hit another shadow. "I'll be fine just go." he said. "Firega!" another fire ball flew out. BOOM another large group of shadows died. 'I'll end this and shut that door.' he thought then he ran back towards the cave hitting shadows along the way.
Bella watched as Seth ran back towards the cave. "No-" she started to call, but he was already out of earshot. The waves splashed against the boat, rocking it almost completely over. Bella grabbed the ladder on the island as the boat hit the wall, causing part of the side to crack open and water started to fill the boat. "Well that was helpful..." she said to herself. She climbed back up onto the island, still covered in shadow. ~They're going to destroy it, just like before...~ she thought. The shadows moved toward her, and she tripped, falling backwards in an attempt to dodge it. They came closer, and she held up her hands defensively. One leapt at her...

But never hit her. She opened her eyes, feeling something in her hands. She saw a blue key, like Seth's but covered in stars. "A Keyblade?"
Seth ran into the cave and shut the door. "That's done now to meet back with Bella" he said then a large shadow with black wings appeared."Damn" he said then he lunged at the creature. Slash! but it didn't phase it."Crap!" he yelled then he got hit and flew back and hit the wall. "GRAHHH!" he screamed. then he got back up."Die!" he yelled."FIREGA!" then a huge ball of fire flew from his hands. BOOM! the creature went limp. Seth started walking but he was hurt bad."Not... sure.. if I.. can.. make it." he said trying to not pass out he managed to get out of the cave before he collapsed on the sand.
Bella saw Seth emerging from the cave and collapsing on the sand. If she could make it over there, she could heal him. She stood up, hitting a few of the creatures and causing them to vanish. But for every one she killed, two more popped up. She ran for the bridge, which was slowly being torn apart by the creatures. As she started to go across it, it collapsed and she fell into the water below. Some of the larger shadows appeared around her as she stood up and ran for the beach. One of them hit her- hard. She fell forward, dropping the Keyblade. She reached out and grabbed it, swinging for the shadows. It didn't seem to phase them. They attacked. She watched around her as parts of the island started to tear apart and disappear. What would happen when there was nothing left? She was wounded, and still hadn't reached Seth. As the beach around her began to vanish, she passed out.
Seth woke several hours later on a small patch of sand. "BELLA!" he yelled. "Damn the one person I liked and she's gone. He got up seeing floating pieces of sand. he jumped from one to the other. then he saw Bella. he quickly ran towards her. "Bella are you okay?" he asked softly.
She was sitting on the edge, looking over the side. She heard someone behind her and took out her Keyblade, jumping up and turning around. When she saw that it was him, relief washed over her face. "I'm fine, are you alright?" she asked. She looked around. "I don't know what's going on. The island is all torn up and all over the place. Some of the areas have those shadows on them, but this one didn't..." they were standing on the largest one. Smaller ones around them teemed with shadows that watched them and waited for them to leave. "Everything is destroyed..."

Seth nodded."Yeah this place is gone." then his key started to glow a dark red color. then it flew out of his hand and turned into a glider."Wonder what this does." he said then he stepped onto it. The glider lifted off the ground."Wow maybe we can use this to travel to the other worlds." he said with a large smile.
Bella grinned. "Maybe!" she said. In spite of the situation she couldn't help but be excited at the thought of traveling to another world. She held out her Keyblade and it also turned into a glider. She stepped on it.

((sorry it's so short I'm in the car lol kind of weird to do this with a motion sickness headache lol))
Bella agreed, hoping his world hadn't suffered the same fate as Destiny Islands. "Unfortunately, I don't know how to get there, and I doubt you know either..."
Seth looked down. He saw what looked like a portal. "Follow me." he said and he flew down to it. "This should lead us to Port Royal." he said pointing at the portal.
Bella followed him. "If you say so." she said, eyeing the randomly placed portal. She hoped he was right as she followed him into it.
Seth was right the portal did lead to Port Royal. The town was old and filled with people. "This is my home." he said landing on the beach. he pointed to a shack on the end of the beach."That's where I live." he said. he walked over to it. the shack was small and falling apart. "Its not much but its home." he smiled at Bella.
Bella landed, her glider turning back into her Keyblade and disappearing. She looked at his home, which seemed able to fall over at any moment. He seemed to like it though, and that's all that mattered. She smiled, looking around the beach and at the town. It was so cool. She was on another world!
Cloud and Alistair fought. Their weapons clashing hard and fast. They matched eachother's movements,meeting the blows half-way,or outright dodging them,while the other closed the distance. Cloud threw low kicks,Alistair threw punches. They both slashed and chopped at eachother. Not a single blow made contact with the other. "Hah! You got better,Alistair!" "I beat Leon,didn't I?" They lunged at eachother,parrying eachother's blows,high and wide. Alistair used his right hand to spin Cloud around,and went for the finishing lunge. However,Cloud continued the spin,and slammed his own weapon into Alistair's side before he could start the lunge. Alistair was knocked to the ground,ribs sore,but laughing.

"Ha! That was a good move,Cloud!" Cloud chuckled,and helped Alistair up. "Hey,you nearly had me." "Close only counds in horseshoes and hand grenades." Alistair rubbed his side. "Go get your sword." Leon laughed as Cloud groaned,and ran off. "So,Alistair. Were youalways that good?" Alistair turned around,raising an eyebrow. "I asked if you were always that good. You don't go from cheating to combined arms in one fight." Alistair shrugged. "I just came up with it on the fly. I guess it works."
Seth smiled at Bella."I can't believe it I'm home!" he cheered then he opened the door."Brother?!" he called but there was no answer."Huh must have gone into town." he said. Then he turned to face Bella. "Speaking of town would you like to see some of it?" he asked holding out his hand with a soft smile his eyes warm and friendly.
Bella smiled excitedly. "Of course!" she said. She took his hand and let him lead her around town. "This place is amazing. It's more wonderful than anything I could have ever imagined." she said. She smiled the whole time. She took in everything, from the odd wardrobe - well, odd to her - to the way the buildings were made, the food, the smells. Everything. This world was so different from her own. Hers was bright and sunny almost all the time. There were sandy beaches with kids playing on them and practice fighting. Here, it seemed a little dark, but not in a bad way. People wore elegant looking attire, had beautiful hairstyles, and carried guns on occasion, something very rarely seen on Destiny Islands. When someone did have a gun, it ALWAYS meant that they were the law enforcement. As if Destiny Islands needed any law enforcement. It was the most peaceful and homely place in the universe.

Bella stopped smiling. She dropped Seth's hand and stopped walking. She looked down at her feet. Her world had been torn apart by shadows in front of her very eyes. What if she could never go back? What if, this time, it couldn't be saved? She had a Keyblade, but she was no Sora. She couldn't save all the worlds, maybe not even with Seth's help. She may never see her island again. Or her parents. She wrapped her arms around herself. Her parents. What happened to them when the world was destroyed? Were they... dead?

She wouldn't cry. She couldn't, not now. Not after all they had gone through, and not later. She knew there would be a lot more coming their way, and she had to be prepared. She couldn't break down, and she couldn't give up hope.
Seth turned to Bella. He understood her pain. Not knowing if her family survived. he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her."Look I get it." he said softly. "I understand what you must be thinking." he said."If you can't go back home for whatever reason you can stay here with me." he said his eyes were warm. He looked down.'Her world was destroyed right in-front of her' he thought. "I really sorry but I swear I'll save your world." he said with a small smile.
Bella tried to smile, as difficult as it was. She had to keep going. Who knew, maybe some miracle would happen and she would eventually get to go home after all. "Thank you..." she said. "Well, I wanted an adventure, and I guess I got it. If in the end, my world can't be saved, I want to save as many others as I can. I won't let this happen to the other worlds." she said. She didn't know how they were going to stop it, whatever had come from the open door. She took out her Keyblade and examined it. She knew that the stories usually said something about 'locking' worlds. Maybe that could apply here as well? Maybe, if they could lock the worlds before they were destroyed - maybe before they were attacked to begin with - they might be able to save them and get rid of the shadows for good. "First things first. We need to find out what we're up against. We have to learn more about the creatures that came from the door."
Seth smiled and nodded."I think I know just the guy." he said. He grabbed her hand and led her to a bar. "Uh, just stay here." he said. Seth walked in. after about five minutes there was a loud crash and people fighting. Seth walked out with Jack Sparrow. They were laughing. "Oh who might you be lass?" Jack asked seeing Bella.
((Gah I totally love Jack Sparrow >3< Just thought I should throw that out there, lol))

Bella smiled. "I'm Is-" she stopped. She didn't really have to introduce herself as Isabella... No one ever called her that anyway. Still... "Isabella. Or Belle, or Bella..." Once again she realized she was rambling, something she did on accident almost every time she had to introduce herself. She looked back and forth between Jack and Seth. They looked a lot alike, minus Seth's red eyes.
"Well miss Isabella. I am captain Jack Sparrow." he said. Seth smirked."He says that all the time." he joked. "Look Jack we need your help." he said. "Anything for you Seth what do you need?" he asked. "What can you tell me about this?" he asked holding up his Key Blade. "Ah I see. You have the Key Blade." he answered. "So you know what this is?" he asked."Yeah a young boy had one like it about ten years ago." he said. "His name was S-something." he said. "Sora?" Seth asked. "Yeah that was his name." he said.

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