Key Blade Wars

Bella listened closely. She hoped that he had enough information to at least point them in the right direction. Even if they traveled to other worlds, they wouldn't know where to go and what was important that they should be doing in each one. Maybe Jack could tell them about the shadows. "There were creatures... they looked like they were made of shadows." she spoke up. "Do you know what they might have been?" If Jack knew Sora, chances are he also knew Sora's purpose: Who he fought and what they were called, how he saved the worlds, whatever else they needed to know. Right now they were only going on passed-down stories.
Jack looked over. "Well I don't know of any shadows but he did fight strange creatures. I think he called them Nobodies." he said. "But all I know is once he got whatever it was he needed he pointed that Key Blade at it and somehow the creatures were gone." he said. Seth nodded."Thank you Jack. Do you know anything else?" he asked. ​Jack shook his head."No I'm sorry lad." he said.
Bella thought about it. It was more than they had before, but they still didn't know anything about the current threat. "My grandma said there were also things called Heartless..." she said to Seth. "Maybe the creatures were Heartless?" she hadn't noticed any of the red symbols on the creatures, but maybe she had just missed them in her panic. It was something at least. She didn't think they were Nobodies... But then again, she had never actually seen any of those things in person, Heartless OR Nobodies. It could be anything. Maybe it was something completely new and different. All she knew is that they could be defeated only with the Keyblade, or a Keyblade wielder's magic.
Seth turned." Who knows." he said. he turned back to Jack. "Thank you Jack I owe you a drink." he said with a smile. "So what now?" he asked.
Cloud reached the overlook,and retrieved his sword. It was truly enormous;as long as he was tall,and about twice as wide. However,Cloud lifted it with ease. He sat down,allowing his legs to dangle off the edge. "So,what now?" Leon shrugged. "If we don't get back soon,Aerith will have our heads." "Aerith? She's too gentle for that. Now,Yuffie or Tifa...They're a different story." Leon and Cloud nodded. "Fair point." Leon Used his gunblade to push himself to his feet;it was obvious that his back was still in pain. "We're going to have to geet Aerith or Merlin to check you out." Leon waved his arm dismissively. "Nothing broke. I'll be fine after a couple days." Cloud dropped down from the overlook,holding both his sparring weapon and his buster blade. "You know...You really need to stop being a headstrong ass." He walked ahead. "I'll meet you at HQ." Cloud ran off ahead of them,going down the aequaduct back to the town center. Leon waved for Alistair to follow. "Go on. I don't need a sitter." Alistair shrugged. "Alright. Whatever floats your boat." Alistair ran after Cloud,following him to the Restoration Comitee's HQ.

Alistair entered the headquarters a few minutes later,and deposited his sparring pipe in the umbrella holder by the door.
"Hey,I'm back." "Where's Squall?" Aerith was there to greet him. She always insisted on using Leon's actual name,no mater how much he hated it. "He's probably about fifteen minutes off. I finally topped him in a sparring match. I think I may have done something to his back,though. Mind checking it out when he gets in?" Aerith smiled and nodded. "All right. Merlin's in the back. He wanted to speak with you." Alistair nodded. "Thanks. I actually wanted to see him. See you later,Aerith." Aerith waved goodbye to Alistair as he walked to the back of the building. He passed through the computer room,where Cloud and Cid were working on optimizing the city's grid,while Yuffie sat in the corner,looking confused and bored. He waved to Yuffie,who gave a half-hearted wave back;She must've been bored silly.

Alistair walked into the back room,and saw Merlin sitting at a table,reading a book,as usual. Merlin heard him enter,and said,
"Ah,Alistair! Come,sit." Alistair sat down on the chair opposite Merlin. "Was there something you wanted to discuss,Merlin?" Merlin looked up from his book,and said, "Yes! I wanted to know how you were progressing with your spell. Quite useful,the Magnet spells. Great for everyday use,as well as in combat." Alistair smiled,and said, "I think I got a handle on it. Nothing explodes. And it always goes off,so...Mastered?" Merlin smiled under his beard,and said, "Show me,young Soren!" Alistair nodded,and extended his right arm out,knuckles locked. He shoke his fingers as magical energy arced between his palm,fingers,and the air around his hand. He closed his fist as he shot his arm above his head. Suddenlt,everything in the room that wasn't bolted down began to move towards Alistair. Merlin kept to his chair by gripping it tightly. Then,after a few moments,the magic ceased,and everything fell to the ground. Several pots broke. Alistair winced. Tifa won't be happy. "If anyone asks,it was your idea." They both laughed,and Merlin replied, "You do have a point. Well,that was all. As you were,Alistair."

Alistair nodded,and left the room,just as Tifa was running down to the door. Before she could say anything,Alistair said,
"It was Merlin's idea to use Magnet magic in there. Blame him." Tifa glared at Alistair,but said nothing. They passed eachother and continued on their way. When Alistair entered the computer room,he heard Tifa shouting at Merlin in the other room. "I hope she doesn't hurt him too much..." Suddenly,the computer started bleeping,and red signatures started to appear on the city map. "Another false flag?" He looked at the screen. Not just one. The entire screen was suddenly red,as if Radiant Garden was suddenly invaded in focre. "What the..." Cid was typing furiously at the console,repeatedly muttering under his breath, "Please tell me this is a bug..." Alistair looked at Cloud and Yuffie. "What the Hell is going on!?" Yuffie sprang to her feet,as Cloud made a break for the door out. "We're under attack! Come on,we're going to get Squall!" Alistair nodded. He ran after Cloud,hoping that his pipe would be enough...
Bella sighed. "Well... maybe if we start traveling to the other worlds, we'll come across someone who knows more about the things that attacked Destiny Islands." She acted more hopeful than she actually was. What if no one else could help them? They would have to do this on their own... Which could be a real pain, since they didn't know much more about the shadows than anyone else did.

She smiled and waved good bye as they left Jack and walked back down the road. Everything seemed less pleasant now. "Well, if we are supposed to 'lock the worlds' or whatever it was, we could start with Port Royal." she suggested. At least then there would not be a threat here and Seth wouldn't have to be worried about whether or not he would be able to return home after this was all over.

"I wonder what we're supposed to lock, though...." she said. She glanced at a few key holes on doors as they passed them. She thought about it for a minute. "What if there was like... I don't know, a Keyhole? One that would lock the whole world so that the shadows couldn't get in?" she asked. It was at least a good thought. It was possible. They would just have to locate it. "I mean, there was a Keyhole on that door you opened back on the island. Maybe we should just look around for a strangely placed Keyhole similar to that one? I think the Keyblade would do the rest, just like back on the island. It opened the door all by itself, all you had to do was aim it. Maybe it would be just like that?"


Is this thread going to die already? ;-; It didn't last very long.
Seth looked around. "Maybe." he said looking at Bella. "Wonder where we should go first?" he said walking down a small path to a lake in the woods near the beach. He was looking for anything weird.

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] Sorry I've been busy.
((It's okay. Also I don't remember where it was in the actual game so if you don't know either we'll have to make something up))

Bella followed close behind. She looked around for anything out of the ordinary. It wasn't all that easy for her since she'd never been here. Everything looked out of the ordinary to someone from another world.
Name: Alexander Squire

Age: 17

World (Where are you from): Hollow Bastion/Radiant Gardens

Race: Human

Key Blade: Rapture


Spell: Gravitia



Personality: Alexander doesnt make friends easily because he always mistrusts people at times. He see's the beauty in things, but when in a fight, shows no mercy no matter who it is. He sometimes questions himself on what is right and wrong, but mostly think that all it comes down to is who is more powerful.

History: Alexander grew up in Hollow Bastion fighting relentlessly for his survival against the Heartless. He was orphaned at a young age when his parents were killed in a raid by the Heartless. Since then, he didnt have different choices to follow since very few came and went, so he honed his skills as a warrior, fighting wave after wave of Heartless with a sword and axe he salvaged from the battlefields. When Hollow Bastion was being rebuilt, Alexander tried learning new skilled and learned how to use magic, though it was rather weak at the time. He would have began a new life until the Heartless came back in full strength. He wanted to fight on, but a lot of people turned him away constantly because they thought he wasnt ready, no matter how much he tried to convince them. After the battle, a new darkness dwelt in his heart, tired of being seen as a nobody, and wanted to learn new ways of strength. The One-winged Angel Sephiroth took notice of his darkness, and made an offer to take him up as a student to learn how to control it and use it. After years of brutal training and influence, he became a user of the darkness, and a powerful warrior under the guidance of Sephiroth, with the Rapture Keyblade as his gift from master to student.
(( [MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION] I replied :3 ))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Also, I changed my Keyblade in the first post. It's still blue though, so all my other posts are still correct))
Alexander stood atop the cliff, looking across the valley. He noticed an incoming horde of strange creatures. Something was clearly odd about them, and not from their looks. He gripped the hilt of his keyblade with anticipation.

"What are your thought at the moment?" Sephiroth asked darkly, walking up beside Alexander.

"Another phenomenon related to the Heartless or Nobodies might be occurring." he replied, studying the battlefield below them. "I can see some of the other fighters getting ready again, and i'm tempted to show them what i can do now."

"They turned you away before, what makes you think they'll take you up on you now?"

"After all i've been through, few can surpass me."

"Your arrogance is blinding you, Alexander. While I gave you your strength, you can your dark intentions rule you. you rule them."

"...Apologies, master."

"Even if you were the best, do they deserve it?" Alexander stayed silent for a moment. "Take pleasure in that they will wish for help, but their prayers will go unanswered."

He turned his back to the view and started walking off. "There's a disturbance in Port Royal. I will return to the Felsteed while you investigate."

"Understood, master."

Alexander dived off the cliff edge, and disappeared into a portal of darkness.
Seth walked up to the lake."I loved coming here." he said smiling. "Well looks like everything here is the same." he turned around and looked at a large cave. "That wasn't there before." he said walking over to it. "Should we go in?" he asked.
Bella looked at the cave. The last time he'd left a decision up to her, she'd messed up big time. She may even be the one person who managed to be dumb enough to release the shadows. She sighed a little, playing with her sky blue hair a little before nodding slightly. "As long as we don't open any mysterious doors, we might be okay." she said softly.
Alexander stated walking along the beach front. He remembered his time as a child on a beach with his parents before they were taken. Those memories were precious to him, but he felt they wouldnt help him now. Looking about, he noticed a small town further up the beach.

Must be the main port.

Suddenly, he heard screaming, and gunshots in the distance. A fight was already underway.

"Time for some practice..."
Bella heard the gunshots and screaming. She turned to look in the direction they came from. "That sounded close." she said. Bella turned back to Seth. "Should we go check it out before we head in there?"
Alexander began running from rooftop to rooftop, hunting for some of the flying Heartless throwing their fire balls, but it was getting harder with the cannon-heartless firing cannon balls at him from below. He had tougher challenges though. Charging through the alleyways, he came across the main port, where two ships were stationed. One was a strong vessel named the "Jolly Rodger", the other had black sails.

"Just be a good fellow and surrender!!"

A man dressed in red and a hook for a hand emerged from the Jolly Rodger, and on the other ship, another drunken looking pirate brandished his blade at him.

"And leave my ship and rum in your care? You'd lay waste to it before dawn mate!"

A pirates banter? and here i thought this was important. Still, a pirate commanding Heartless would prove troublesome in the future. Plus how did he get this large a force in the first place?​

Running towards the Jolly Rodger, Alexander quickly climbed up the side of the ship, and pulled himself on deck. All the heartless and both captains took notice of him and looked at him strangely. Taking a stance, Alexander drew forth his keyblade.

"Lets start the slaughter first, then the interrogation."
Seth turned and nodded. "Yeah." he said in a cold voice. 'This can't be happening.' he thought. Seth ran back up the path. "Damn they're here too." he said slashing at a creature. "I think these are the heartless." he said looking at the strange monsters. Seth attacked more of the creatures. "Die!" he yelled.

A Delmog flew up and attacked Alexander. "How dare you attack my master." he said in perfect human speech. (looks like this : )
((So wait, are Delmogs basically Heartless that can talk?))

Bella took out her Keyblade, fighting off a few off the Heartless and dodging their attacks. They were too late, the Heartless and other shadow creatures were already here. One of the shadows spoke to Seth. Bella's mouth dropped. "That thing just talk??" she asked, stunned. She shook her head, fighting off a few more before noticing that there were a few other people here as well, two pirates and someone who definitely didn't look like he was from Port Royal.
(( The smaller ones are creepier >_> ))

Bella looked at the creatures. The smaller ones were even worse than the bigger ones. "These aren't Heartless..." she said. "Then what are they?" The bigger ones looked like what was on Destiny Islands, but there hadn't been many smaller ones there. Plus some of the things on her home world had probably been Heartless. They definitely hadn't talked, that was for sure.

Bella attacked a few of the shadow creatures. They were a lot harder to kill than the Heartless. She wondered how many there were here and if they were just going to keep appearing all over the place like the Heartless did.

Seth attacked the smaller delmogs. "I...I don't know." he said. Then a delmog attacked him. *SLASH* "GRHAAA!" he welled then he spun and struck it. "Damn things" he said holding his wound. "This is very bad." he said. Blood dripped out of his wound. "Damn!" he said dropping to his knees.
Bella used Heal on Seth's wound. "These things are really strong..." she said. She took out one of the smaller ones. "I don't know how much longer I can do this..." One of the Heartless attacked her, and she hit it back, making it disappear after one hit. "The Heartless are easy, it's those things that worry me..." she motioned to the Delmogs.

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