Key Blade Wars

Erebus looks up at Alex but doesn't really SEE him for a few seconds "....H-he friend I don't understand why he's doing this. I haven't seen him in years....he just vanished " He looks back at Resh and sees hes closer now but still walking very slowly toward them.

Resh points his Keys at Alex and Bella and with a deeper than normal says "STOPGA" sending two spells at them (if it hits it will freeze you in that spot its just so he and Erebus can "talk" if you feel the need to dodge it go a head but nothing bad is gona happen if you get hit i promise)
Bella looks at Erebus as he explains what's going on, then returns her attention back to 'Resh' just as he shoots a spell at her and Alex. Her eyes widen, but not having enough time to react she puts her hands up defensively as the spell hits her. She notes that she is still conscious, but can't move or hear, she can just see what's going on.
From a distance a man heard the word of a very familiar spell spoken. The words stopga was said a spell used to slow down the casted. A single clap was made by a man approaching the group. He wore a tribal black and white drench coat and had a very interesting weapon attached to his belt on his left side. This weapon was a keyblade similar to others but Geara's was unique. The man stepped forwards taking off his hood revealing his cyan hair and glowing red eyes. "An interesting spell"
Alexander's eye's widen as the Keyblade was pointed in his direction. With quick thinking, he dived out of the way, barely escaping the spell by a hair. Picking himself up, he prepared to rush at him before hearing the clapping. Looking in it's direction, he saw the man in the drench coat. After the hood was pulled back, he recognised his face in some of the reports Alexander saw in his travels. If he was here, then things must be really bad.

"Wow..." Alexander said darkly. "This is a real gathering of warriors. What next? Another mysterious figure saying this was a plot to ensnare us all? Wouldnt see THAT coming."
Seth blinked a bit after hearing his brother say that Resh was his friend. "WHAT?!?!" he yelled. "He can't be your friend! He was the one that killed our parents!" he yelled then he ran at Resh and attacked him. "Die you son of a BI*CH!" he screamed.
Geara stood with a grin upon his face, his glaring red eyes looked upon those who stood before him. The man pointed his the palm of his hand forwards towards alexaner. A flicker of light shined form his palm with the same grin locked upon geara's face. This flicker turned into flickers as he kept his palm pointed in the same direction until the word "Thundaga" escaped his lips. From above winds began to spiral with a massive falling of lighting bolts falling from the heavens towards alexander. This lightning storm was falling like chain lighting as it struck down at Geara's target. But why was a keyblade user attacking another, it was simple, Geara may have been human. But he was recruited by organization thirteen years ago, The man now was recruiting a new organization. The chasers of Darkness.
Alexander raised his keyblade to block the thunder spell, but the force from it pushed him backwards towards the water. As the sparks subsided, smoke began emitting from the keyblade ad Alexander stood up straight out of his defensive stance. His mentor taught him to withstand such attacks, but that one had a lot of power behind it. Noticing Seth rushing forward towards his parent's killer (who would have thought?) Alexander turned his attention back to Geara.

"I've got time...lets dance." He said darkly.

Bolting into a sprint, he charged at Geara swinging his keyblade yelling "Gravatia!" Balls of darkness flew in Geara's direction, and Alexander kept his weapon ready to attack or defend.
Geara took ahold of his key blade a smirk still upon his face as he placed it forwards. This key blade was black and white with a black pendant chain hanging from the hilt. The blades's edge was sharp and had a disturbing feeling far from light. Once alexander's attack gravatia moved towards geara he let the attack press against his key blade. The ball of darkness dissolved into geara's key blade, once the key blade absorbed the darkness geara opened his left hand. "Tch.. Darkness from a key blade user....hmm interesting." An exact copy formed within his left hand making duel keyblades. The reason that Geara was able to absorb the strike was that his key blades were forged in a dark realm and made of condensed dark matter. Pressing off his right foot geara moved bolting towards alexander. His key blades at booth sides ready to strike, with a swing of booth arms he would slash his key blades at alexander in a x formation slash.
Watching the darkness being absorbed into the keyblade, Alexander saw he had to take it to a whole new level. Seeing the incoming attack, Alexander cursed, seeing his opponent summoning another keyblade. Rushing forward, he slid on his knees while slashing upwards, aiming for Geara's left hand. He wasn't planning on taking it, but he had to level the playing field and keep things equal. After slashing, whether he hit his hand or not, Alexander pushed himself off the ground and tried throwing another slash behind Geara's back while twisting in the air.

Remember the training. Take momentum and use it in advance. Land, make space, defence!​

Landing on the ground with both feet, he back-flipped an arms length away from Geara, ready for another bout.
Geara dropped the key blade from his left hand avoiding the strike to his hand. But as soon as alexander moved upwards into the air, geara stepped forwards. He knew that the man was most likely to use a follow slash to his back. So geara moved forwards while moving his left hand with a chuckle escaping his lips. Once he moved his left hand, his key blade that had fallen levitated into the air. The blade blocked the strike that alexander sent his way. With a smile sparks clashed at from the blades colliding, once alexander back flipped geara waved his hand once more recalling his other key blade. Once holding booth key blades, they would begin to glow purple, this glow was a power of the black out. Once the key blade struck an object or person with the key blade glowing. That object's weight would double, for it would inflict mass upon what ever it touched. Geara slid his feet apart preparing himself to attack alexander once more, bolting off the ground geara raced forwards. Once in arms length geara would swing his right key blade at alexander knowing he would most likely block the strike. At that moment Geara would deal another strike with his left key blade aimed for alexander's stomach.
Bella finally unfroze. The sudden ability to move caught her off-guard and she fell forward into the sand. She noticed Alexander was in battle with someone new. She hadn't gotten a good look at this person, being unable to turn around ecause of the spell. Who were all these people? They all had Keyblades. So why were they fighting one another? Shouldn't they be teaming up? Maybe not all Keyblade weilders were the good guys...

she stood up, wobbly from the fall. She looked overto where Resh, Erebus, and Seth were still standing. This battle was apparently just between Alex and this new Geara person. She didn't know what to do at this point. Was she supposed to assist someone? She looked between all the others who weren't fighting. Erebus and Seth knew Resh... He had killed their family? She was almost hit by the two in battle, so she retreated back a little, still unsure of what action to take.
Seth stopped his attack. "What do you mean? He killed our parents! I should end him right now." he said coldly. Then a burst of red energy formed around him. It formed into a tail.
Bella looked at Seth, amazed. He'd stopped his attack, but... Grew a tail?! She thought about it for a minute. Was he turning into a Delmog again? She moved towards the two brothers in case something bad happened.
Seth just stood there. He heard Bella closer. "Stay back." he said."I don't want to hurt you." he said almost struggling to get the words out. He placed one hand over one eye. Then another energy tail grew. "GRAAA!" he yelled in pain.
Geara stopped his attack against alexander leaping backwars as he did so he threw his second key blade at alexander. The key blade formed into a darkness that would try to trap the man. This darkness would be in a form of a sphere acting as a temporary prison until the darkness magic would wear off. With geara's gaze turning from alexander he looked upon the man transforming before his very eyes. "Yes embrace that hatred, embrace that darkness. Embrace your inner evil." Geara said walking towards the others with his key blade within his right hand.
Bella glared at the person who was telling Seth he was evil. She didn't back away from him, more concerned about what was happening to him than her safety. "Don't listen to him, Seth." she said quietly, inching up but still keeping a safe distance if he attacked. "You don't have to become this. You aren't evil."
Seth screamed in pain."Stay back!" he yelled. Then a third tail grew. But when he heard Bella's voice he calmed down and the third tail disappeared. "I'm not evil." he said. Then the second tail disappeared.
Bella smiled. Something was working, and it wasn't what Geara said. Maybe if she could talk him down, he wouldn't turn into the same creature he had before. "No, you're not. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are." she reached and touched his shoulder. "It's your choice, and you can fight this."
Seth turned quickly to see Bella standing with her hand on his shoulder. But then what Geara said hit him. 'Embrace your inner evil'. His voice echoed through Seth's head. Then the second tail grew back. "Bella please get away!" he yelled in pain.
Bella backed away, an obvious look of disappointment on her face. "You're better than this..." she said, looking away. She shot another glare in Geara's direction. "He's wrong, you know."
Erebus scrambled to pull a scrap of paper with a intricate symbol on it out of his pocket. he places it on his palm and pressed his fingers to the center which darkens the lines. He then slams it agents Seth's forehead and twists him to the ground and places the tip of his key to the paper. As he does the paper glows and his key goes into Seth's head through the paper but not damaging him. he twists the key like it was in a lock and the energy starts to fade and Seth is returned to normal. "I thought you got over that...."
Seth turned to Geara. "Get out of my head!" he yelled. Then he turned back to Erebus."Thanks." he said then he turned to Bella. "Im sorry." he said
Erebus gets up and looks into Seth's eyes. "Wana finish that thing like we used to do as kids?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Erebus shifts out Seth's key so he just has his own "you ready?"

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