Key Blade Wars

Seth stabbed the Delmog and Erebus did the same then they kicked their key blades through the Delmog. As Erebus's key flew out Seth caught it so did Erebus. They slashed the Delmog.
Erebus jumped back with Seth next to him as he tossed Seth's key back Seth tossed his own to Erebus "Remember what we used to say?"
They both point their keys at the giant Delmog and a blue beam shoots from Erebus' key while a red beam shoots from Seth's they both spiral around each other and drill straight through the Delmog's head causing its whole body to expand and explode
Bella watched the two brothers battling the giant Delmog. It exploded, which was pretty interesting to watch. She sent the Delmog's creator a smirk, as if saying 'ha-ha'. She crossed her arms. Alex and Geara were no longer battling, since Geara had spoken to Seth. Resh hadn't spoken up, either. She wondered if he would be mad that the Delmog had been destroyed or if he would simply summon up another.
Resh walks slowly up to Erebus and Seth "Its been a while Erebus..." he smiles "and shorty" he smirks at Seth "so how have you been?" he flashes away his keys and hugs Erebus in a friendly embrace but whispers something to him "[______ ______ ___]"

Erebus' eyes get wide and he smiles nodding "yea alright"
Bella watched Resh walk over and hug Erebus then tell him something quietly. Why were these two such good friends if Resh was the one that killed Seth and Erebus' family? She watched to see Seth's reaction to this reunion between two who should be enemies.
Resh and Erebus hug one more time then in a hushed voice still loud enough for Bella to hear (eaves dropper) "Seth I'm.....I'm so sorry" he flashes his key and raises it ~as everything seems to slow down~ (going for an actual video game moment)
Erebus swings his key down toward Seth with time still slowed with a pained look on his face "I'm sorry I......" (come on Bella i need you to react all slow-mo here)
((lol okay))

Bella watched as Erebus took out his Keyblade to attack Seth. "Look out!" she called to the unexpecting brother. She ran (in slow-mo, happy now?) over to him, pulling out her own Keyblade just in time to deflect Erebus's attack. She stood defensively in front of Seth, blocking Erebus.
Bella breathed a sigh of relief when Erebus redirected his attack at the last minute. He had been deceiving Resh by pretending to attack his brother. She was lucky; she hadn't really been ready to fight Erebus if she'd had to. She looked over at Resh, expecting to see a surprised look as he had been betrayed by someone he thought he was close to. Bella lowered her Keyblade and relaxed a little, happy that Erebus was still on his brothers' side.
Seth blinked a bit when time flashed forward. He looked at Bella who was now infront of him defending him. "You tried to save me." he said to Bella. "Why?" he asked a bit confused.
Bella looked back and gave him a cheesy but cute grin. "Why wouldn't I?" she asked. Her Keyblade disappeared from her hands. "We're friends, aren't we?"
Seth blinked a bit. "But friends don't just risk their lives for each other. I mean at least ones that have kind of just met each other." he said rubbing the back of his head.
Bella tilted her head a bit. "Nah," she said. "It's okay. I'm just... Like that, I guess." She meant protective. She'd always been protective of others.
Seth shrugged a bit. 'Damn she thinks we're just friends. I wanted to be more.' he thought then he walked away not saying a word to any body. He left the group and went to his secret place. He sat on a rock over looking the ocean.
Alexander felt helpless in the bubble of darkness. He slashed and pushed against the sides, but couldn't do much to any avail. Over the account before him through the bubble, he heard everything and just as he saw Erebus raise his keyblade to strike, Alexander roared in the bubble with rage, and for a moment, an all-consuming darkness took hold of him and he burst out of the bubble in fury. At the moment, he didnt take notice of what Seth and Belle were doing. All he was focussed on was killing Geara. With fast, animal instinct, he slashed, kicked, and when he struck him or his keyblade, the force was hard to resist.

He spoke with each strike, "We choose what we are, because we're free. to. live!!"
Bella watched Seth walk away, about to follow, but she stayed behind. He seemed upset about something. Whenever she was upset, she wanted to be alone. She didn't want to bother him if he was mad or had something else going on. She blushed and looked away, brushing her hair behind her ear. She wouldn't say anything. He was just a friend, right? The thought made her blush more. When she saw Geara being attacked - which she was perfectly fine with, of course - she snuck away. She found a secluded part of the beach near the water, just as she always did when she had something on her mind. She sighed and sunk down onto the sand, leaning forward the rest her arms on her knees, and looked out to the sea.
Geara dissapeared in a burst of darkness but then immediately reappeared a few feet behind Alexander as laughed. His voice echoed through the area as a darkness began to fill his left hand creating another keyblade for duel purposes. He stood with a keyblade in each hand as he looked upon the struggling warrior. "you may be free to live for now... But thatll all change when the organization returns." Spoke geara in a mocking tone. "You see im no simple human, im a nobody who fused with its human and took control. Although i have a heart, it is as black as could be" Spoke geara as he took a step forwards towards alexander raising his right keyblade at him and resting his left key blade on his shoulder. Darkness ripped forwards in a wave form at alexander. But this wasnt a wave to hurt him, from this darkenss wave lied twelve delmogs forged of darkness. With a smile Geara watched as the twelve attacked alexander.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Once Geara sicked his delmogs at alexander he faded into darkness moving away from the man once again. Perphaps geara was overconfident but he though the twelve could actually kill and consume alexander. Once faded into darkness the man moved to the beach as he appeared behind the woman sitting on the sand. "What troubles you woman" Geara said standing before the woman with booth of his keyblades put away.
Bella jumped when she heard someone appear behind her. She immediately shot up and saw Geara standing behind there. He didn't seem like he was here to fight, but what he did earlier still had her upset. He'd tried to convince Seth that he was evil, and she was definitely not okay with that. She spoke with no emotion, unheard of for her, but she wasn't about to give personal information or share feelings with someone she didn't know well. "And why would you be concerned?" she asked, crossing her arms.
Seth looked at the water sparkal. Then he saw Bella walk and sit on the beach. She looked upset and confused. He watched from the rock. "I just wish I can tell her how I feel inside. How much she means to me." he said to himself. Then he saw Geara. He glaired at him. 'Get away from her!' he thought as red energy started to form again. He shook his head and it disappeared.
The man smiled lightly listening to bella speak about what geara said earlier. "That is a good question young lady, why does the world spin. Why is the sky blue and why does humanity always repeat its mistakes? Somethings are left unknown for with knowledge comes destruction." Geara said in a calm voice as he turned his gaze feeling a uprising force around him.

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