Key Blade Wars

A beam of light fell down from the sky as it cracked through the darkness. Through this pillar of light Reiko fell holding his keyblade with his right hand. The man collapsed into the ground feet first but the man landed like a cat with not a single scratch. With reiko on the ground the light above faded, the man wore a white sleeveless vest and blue jeans. He had red short hair and red eyes that looked at the woman bella. "Where is Geara! I have unfinished buisness with that man"
Bella looked at the man that must be Reiko. "He said if you came here he would have to leave..." she said. She didn'tnotice Seth standing behind her; she was too focused on figuring out a way to help him. "Geara said you might be abe to help Seth..." she said. Then she realized Reiko wouldn't know who Seth was. "Seth is... A really, really close friend... I'm worried about him and Geara said..." she must have looked like an idiot babbling on like this.
Seth fell silent and turned to walk away. He stepped on a twig with a snap. Then stopped. "Close friend." he said quietly looking down.
The man looked at bella with a very odd look as she spoke "What did geara say exactly? You know what he is dont you?" Reiko looked around seeing the man bella spoke of behind her.
Bella heard a twig snap behind her and turned to see Seth. Her eyes lit up when she saw that he was ok. "You're back!" she said. "I was worried... You just sort of ran off again..." she looked down. Was he mad at her? That would have been a good reason to leave, but she didn't know what she'd done. "I was worried you wouldn't come back..." she said. Her voice was barely above a whisper. "I don't know what I would do if you left..." She hoped she wasn't blushing like before, but had a strong feeling that she was.

Trying to distract herself, she turned to Reiko. "What do you mean?" she asked.
"Geara is the embodiment of darkness, he is basically the ultimate evil. That man use to be one of us, a Chaser of Light. He went by the name of Jing, and together we created the organization. Together we were going to change the world, and jing he was the strongest of us. But one day he became one with his nobody.....Geara. That day Geara took full control of Jing, that day he tried to destroy the organization we built. But he failed, i sent him into a abyss of darkness and havent seen him since. I havent even felt his energy until now."
Bella looked at him, a surprised look on her face. "Oh. Well I guess that explains why he couldn't hang around..." she looked over at Seth, who'd been quiet all this time. "Um, give me a minute." she said to Reiko. She walked over to Seth. "Hey..." she said. "What's wrong??"
Bella figured Seth meant he hated Geara. She didn't say anything about that, though, determined to find out what was troubling him. She pulled him away, out of Reiko's earshot. "That's not true." she said. "Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" The hurt look on her face betrayed her feelings.
Seth looked at her. "...its just I really like you and I feel like its clouding my thoughts. I can't stop thinking about you. And I can't stand the hurt look you get when I transform..." he looked down.
Reiko stood not feeling a single iota of geara as the man looked into the horizon. He stood about to leave this world when he turned to the two. "Didnt you say your friend needed saving? can i ask what this was about"
Bella looked at Seth, who seemed really upset. "Really?" she asked. She knew she was blushing, she felt like a tomato. "Well... Then we need to talk later." she said, a small smile playing on her lips. Good, she thought. At least he felt the same way. "Right now, I want to help you." she said. "Geara brought this person here because he might be able to help you learn to control that power that transforms you." she motioned towards Reiko. "This is Seth." she said to him. "The person I mentioned before. His emotions cause him to change into a Delmog, and I was hoping you could help him."
Seth smiled at the face she was blushing. he walked back you the rock. "Yes I can't seem to hold it back. But I don't want it gone I just want to control it. I like the power just not the anger." he said looking down.
The man turned from the two thinking. "A delmog eh..... Son of a *****....Jing" Reiko turned looking at the crashing waves below remembering what happened years ago. In the past Jing had a girl friend her name was amy, she was pregnant with a kid. On a day much like today she went into labor on the beach, that same day Jing was taken over by the darkness known as Geara. Once she was in labor stress weighed down on her due to Jings condition and seeing how evil the man acted. Amy didnt make it that day, but her son did. Bella and Seth must have reminded whatever piece of jinG that dwelled inside of geara of what happened to amy. "Seth how do you feel about joining the Chasers of light? It will let you control that power"
"By becoming a chaser, light will supress the evil within you allowing you to control the power of a delmog without anger, evil and hate clouding your mind."
Bella smiled. "It could be really useful, having all that power and being able to actually control it." she said. She wanted Seth to be happy, and being in control of his power would accomplish that. She gave him a reassuring smile.
Bella nodded. If that was what he wanted, then so be it. She looked back at Reiko, giving him a look that was asking if he was willing to help.
Reiko nodded pulling out a vile from his pocket. "In this vile was a source of light, once ingested the liquid of light would fill the user with a great inner strength. At first you may expeirence pain but in the end, this will make you stronger. This will make you a chaser of light" said reiko holding the vile forwards handing it to seth.
Erebus walks out and finds Geara "hey you...uh you know the light chasers or what ever their they're called" He looks in the direction of Seth "I want them dead, they're messing with my brother and i don't like it."
Reiko stepped back from seth with a sigh. "That darkness geara posses youll never be able to defeat him without light. Believe me we havent seen the last of him. I dont know what he said to you two, but that wasnt the usuall geara. That man will be ruthless next time."
Geara meditated floating above the ground with his legs crossed. Darkness lifted him from the ground when he heard the foot steps of another. Geara stood firm upon the grond seith it was no other than erebus. With a chuckle he listened to his words. "Interesting so you want the chasers dead eh?"

(oOC: Im far from seth bella and reiko)

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