Key Blade Wars

Bella walked over and picked up Radiant Guardian. She felt that there was a fight coming on, and her Keyblade would be no match for a legendary one. The Radiant Guardian glew with the power of light in her hands. She waited to see where this was going. She and Seth had come to help Reiko take out Geara, but who would have known Seth's brother would be here, too?
Seth stood there."Damn." he said seeing his brother. He had the look of blood lust. He shifted into his new form. ( He lifted his arm and opened his hand. "Come to me X-Blade" he said (is still called key blade but it is from the game and is called X-Blade looks like this:Χ-blade_(Complete)_KHBBS.png) His key appeared but this key was from his heart. "This is the legendary ninth key!" he yelled. "I will use this to destroy all darkness1" he yelled.
Bella watched as Seth brought out a ninth legendary Keyblade. She never knew anything about the legendary blades but she thought there were eight total. Seth was always surprising her. She smiled. There was no way darkness was going to defeat light. Not this time. Even when brothers had chosen opposite sides. She waited to see who was going to make the first move. There were three on darkness' side, and three for light. They seemed pretty much evenly matched, minus the fact that Bella couldn't fight to save her life. But they didn't need to know that. She would still give it her all, even if it meant helping from the sidelines by casting healing spells. The Keyblade she held was enchanted with the powers of light, and she knew that it would greatly increase the effect of her curing spells.
Seth stood there. With the X-Blade in hand he heard a voice. 'This is my weapon when I sealed the darkness away.' it said. Seth knew the voice it was his father speaking through the X-Blade. 'I knew you would be the one to unlock this power.' it said. He looked back at Erebus. 'What do I do? He's my brother.' he thought. 'You must lock his darkness away.' it said. "Yes father." he said. Seth took a battle stance. "I will end you!" he yelled to Erebus. He then looked back at Bella. "You got my back right?" he asked.
Bella nodded reassuringly. "You know it." she said. She prepared to attack if need be. She would not attack first but would retaliate if someone came after her. She wanted to help, but needed to stay safe, too, in case someone needed healing. She couldn't very well do that if she was unconscious. She glanced over at Reiko to see what he was doing, making sure that he was still in this with them as well. She looked back at Seth, waiting for the first move to be made.
((my best energy grew an arm and sucked the key blade into me its literally inside me i thought the heaven and hell was one key that could transform or split like *you have the key in fire form then you wan to use ice so it turns blue and if your strong enough it can split into both*
Seth waited for Erebus to make a move. He looked at the X-Blade. "Thank you father." he said to himself as he looked back up. "This will lock away that beast inside you!" he yelled.
(( yes that is exactly what imssaying [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]))

Erebus flashes away all his keys and dakes a deep calming breath moving into a martial arts stance. he simply closes his eyes and nods at his brother

Seth growled. "This ends NOW!" he yelled as he charged Erebus. He swung the X-Blade. Then he opened his hand. "Blaze!" he yelled as a gold fire ball flew.
Seth spun around and swung again. "Stop scewing with me!" he yelled. 'Don't you lose yourself to your anger.' said their father. Then he the X-Blade disappeared and he took the asking hand stance. "This will be just like when we were kids." he said.
Erebus smacks Seth's hand away and dodges he punch he knew was coming after, grabbing his arm and spinning behind Seth. He whispers something in Seth's ear and kicks him into the Legendary pedestal
Seth flies back over Bella. As he passes he grabbed the Radiant Garden. He flew at Geara. He slashed as Erebus did. Then he threw the key through Geara's body and caught Erebus's.
((yes we spam this too much))

(btw im using omega for this)

Erebus catches RG and kicks off Geara as Seth does the same. they jump tward him and make an X with their slashes landing next to each other. Erebus tosses RG back at Seth. "Ready?"
They both point their keys at Omnis and both say "Jackpot!" a purplish black beam fires from the OS and a golden white beam from the RG spinning together and pulsing slamming hard into Geara's stomach
Bella stands awestruck, gladly handing over the Radiant Guardian when Seth reaches for it. They were both attacking Geara. Her jaw dropped as she watched Erebus attacked Geara too. Soo... He was on the good side?

((I noticed lol, usually I just let it go a bit before responding
xD ))
Geara laughed seeing the attacks move towards him, he place the Last Echo inplace of the two rissing energies with wide grin. Once the purplish beam and golden white beam moved towards him it would make contact with the Last Echo, the legendary keyblade would absorb the spell energy. With the energy within the keyblade Geara pointed his second legendary keyblade Blackened Sun at the two simply saying. "Black Hole" The energy that was absorbed would explode forwards in the form of a black sphere. This sphere had a circumfrence of 8 feet, this sphere was a black hole. Although it could not sustain itself no longer than 5 seconds once it made contact with its target. Once the black hole hit its target, not only would the target be taken into the black hole but everything within 10 feet of the hole would be taken in as well. The black hole would move forwards at Seth with great force while geara moved backwards along with jing.
Seth blinked awstruck. "How?" he asked. Then he saw the black hole. 'Use the X-Blade.' said their father. Seth nodded. He opened his hand and flashed the blade. He jumped forward and slashed the ball in half. He absorbed all the dark energy in it turning it into a ball of stone.
Reiko stood in disbelief seeing his old friend stand before his very eyes. But luck was not in his favor, darkness had overtaken the former member of the chasers of light. Jing was a deadly warrior and it was going to be a hell of a fight to defeat both Jing and Geara. Luckily though Seth's brother had turned from geara's side to theres. He looked at the keyblades that erebus held with a grim look on his face. "Erebus! get rid of the Omega Strike! youll loose your mind if you continue to hold that." Reiko yelled before turning to jing."Sorry old friend i cant put our friendship before the sake of the world." said Reiko. He pointed his keyblade forward until dawn at jing with its ability activating. All around Reiko were copies of the Forwards until Dawn keyblade. These copies floated around reiko and could be controlled by his mind. Running forwards the key blades followed him, then right before the intial strike from the two keyblades reiko held the eight copies went for jing.


The embodiment of darkness looked at the way seth used his keyblade, it was interesting. The darkness thought of the magic within this unknown ninth keyblade. For the years Geara had researched about these legendary blades he only heard of eight blades. So why was there yet another blade with a unknown magic. From geara's observations so far he thought the blade to be of a light and earth magic thus explaining the stone and light. But that was all the keybalde had shown so far. Geara grinned opening his mouth with a mist of darkness exiting his body. This darkenss expanded forming into a sphere, but in seconds the sphere formed into a second geara forged of darkness. This was a piece of geara, he extraced a part of himself to create the duplicate. Within this duplicates hands were the black and white keyblade black out. Geara's copy opened his left hand with a copy of his keyblade in his hand. The copy ran forwards at seth with his keyblades striking forwards at seth. While Geara watched observing the power of the ninth legendary keyblade.


Jing opened booth palms as darkness formed in each hand bringing him his keyblades. In his right hand was the keyblade Infinity, jings original keyblade. Within his left hand was the keyblade excalibur a keyblade that was held by a former chaser of light. That chaser of light was killed by Geara, once he was defeated geara took his keyblade holding it for the day Reiko would come for him. For years geara planned to use Jing to destroy the chasers of light and there was no better way then to use the blades of the chasers. Jing walked forwards stepping with his arms at booth sides holding his blades. It appeared as almost with no effort the Jing took out the eight copies keyblades. Jing was fast on his feet and quicker with his arms, with firm stances the man alshed showing pure skill as he sent each copy keyblade hurtling backwards in different directions. Then there was Reiko, adjusting the position he held the Inifinity in reiko blocked his strike. He held the keyblade forwards with the hilt of the sword aiming upwards in a stabbing like position. But as he blocked the strike jing bent his knees and pulled his left arm back. He aimed his left arm keyblade excalibur at reiko then pushed his arms forwards with the perfect striking angle.

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