Key Blade Wars

Bella gave him a confused look. Either that meant he wasn't going to answer her, or even he didn't know why he was here. She noticed a change in his disposition, it seemed he noticed something that she couldn't. Immediately assuming something might be wrong, she began looking around to see what had caught his attention.
The man turned away from the distraction looking back at bella with his cyan hair swaying in the wind. The man scratched the back of his head with a sigh knowing that his last response was one to dodge her question. "However it may be i still have a beating heart within my chest. I cannot simply ignore a woman who is obviously in some sort of distress" Said Geara
Seth growled. 'Beating heart my a$$!' thought. Then the red energy formed again. He couldn't stand to hear Geara speak. "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" he yelled as he jumped down from the rock. He jumped infront of Bella and glared at Geara. "Don't say another word or I'll rip your 'heart' out of your chest!" he said in a rage.
Bella shook her head "No! No, I'm not... Distressed..." she said when he spoke. She looked down at her feet. He said he had a heart, but she still wasn't going to spill out all her thoughts to someone. She didn't know what else to say. Did she look... Distressed? She thought she'd left with no one noticing. Then she realized someone was missing. "Wait... Where's Alex??" she asked. Sure, she didn't know Alex terribly well either, but wasn't that who Geara was fighting earlier? And Erebus was nowhere to be seen, either.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bella's thoughts were interrupted when Seth jumped in front of her. Had he been around the whole time without her knowing it?
Looking at the woman he turned his head ."Well i can see when someone is deep in thought and has alot on there mind" said geara. But then he saw as another figure landed just before him. Geara opened his drench coat as he extended his right hand into a open palm. From under his drench coat geara's keyblade floated into the palm of his hand. "well well well for if it isnt seth." Spoke geara now gripping his keyblade with a grin upon his face. "Rip my heart out eh... id like to see you try."
Bella saw Geara take out his Keyblade. "Guys, don't..." she said. Just what they needed, another fight. It wasn't going to accomplish anything, and she and Seth were supposed to be traveling and protecting worlds, not getting in fights with everyone that came along. She sighed, seeing they were not backing down. She reluctantly took out her Keyblade. She didn't want to fight, but she definitely didn't want to leave herself defenseless in the situation.
Seth growled. "Are you challenging me?" he asked in a very creature like voice. He didn't want Bella seeing him like this but it was to protect her just in case.
Holding his keyblade within his hand he grinned listening to seth speak. "Was it no you who challenged me with such strong words" Geara pulled up his keyblade resting upon his shoulder as his eyes remained upon seth.
"Awe Twisting you words.... i would never." Said Geara as darkness began to radiate from his body. A large aura of black drakness began to expand from the man's body as his he kept his keyblade upon his shoulder. "How is that anger working out for you by the way" Said Geara in a antagonizing way.
Bella stood silently, watching the two argue. This wasn't going to solve anything. This Geara person was just going to get Seth upset to the point where he'd turn into that... Creature, from earlier. "Seth... Don't fall for this. Just leave it alone..." she said quietly so only Seth would hear. "This won't solve anything." she would do anything to discontinue a fight. She was a very collected, passive person ((sorry couldn't think of a better word ^.^'''')) and couldn't stand to see people hurt each other. Especially Seth.
Geara looked at bella as his darkness faded, he put away his keyblade back within his drench coat. Once his keyblade had been returned to its holder he zipped up his coat and turned away from seth facing the direction of the beach. "Your lucky this time" said Geara. "I dont know what i is but i can see this woman has a sadness to see you in that condition. I dont know what it is but somehow it pains me." said geara looking upon the waves in the distance.
Seth looked at Bella. His energy disappeared. ~I'm sorry.~ he mouthed with tears falling down his face. ~I love you~ he mouthed. Then he turned to the rock and climed up it. And he was gone.
Bella's face showed nothing but relief when Geara put away his weapon. She nodded in a sort of thanks before he turned away. Her Keyblade disappeared from her hand and she turned towards Seth, waiting for him to do the same. She didn't know what to say to either of them, but she was happy that Seth wasn't going to change again. There had to be some way of preventing that from happening again other than avoiding conflict althogether, and she wished she knew what that was. Suddenly Seth apologized, mouthed something, and took off. "Wai-" she started. He was gone again. She looked down. Something was seriously wrong. She decided to follow him this time, climbing the rock he had just gone over.
Geara looked into the distance seeing bella turn towards seth. The man spoke in a calm voice looking at the waves still reminding himself of his former self.

"There is a way to prevent that form you know" said Geara
Bella stopped where she stood on top of the rock. Seth was already out of sight. Geara said something about preventing his change, and she couldn't help but be curious. If she could figure out how to stop it, maybe she could help him. She sighed, realizing she was about to ask for help from the same person who had told Seth he was evil and then almost gotten into a battle with him. She turned back, slightly facing Geara. "And... What would that be?"
Geara spoke with a firm and calm voice. "yeas ago after Sora destroyed organization 13 another one had formed. A organization created by sora and a few other keyblade users. This organization was called the Chasers of Light, once one becomes a Chaser they are introduced to light magic keeping them from sucuming to evil."
Bella listened then finally spoke. "So... If we find the Chasers... Or if Seth becomes one, they can take away that... Darkness?" She didn't know how it would work, but if it was going to help Seth then it would be worth a try.
"That darkness can never go away, that darkness will be concealed deep within Seth. The chasers may be capable of teaching Seth to control that power. Im not to sure about there knowledge of delmogs. I do know one chaser of light, although you will have to see him on your own. I cannot speak with the chasers of light."
Bella wondered why Geara couldn't talk to the Chasers of Light, but didn't question it. Maybe they would be able to help Seth. He could lock his darkness deep in himself and he wouldn't have to change into one of them again. He obviouslyhated that it was his curse to begin with. Maybe Geara could send them or lead them in the right direction. "I'll do whatever it takes to help Seth..." she said to Geara, hoping he hadn't made this up but somehow knowing she had no other choice but to believe him. "Where can we find this person?"
Geara sighed looking at bella "I can get him to come here, although once he is here i will leave. His name is Reiko shingan, he is a chaser of light." Reiko said as he turned away looking upon his hands. Darkness covered his body with a sigh escaping his lips once more he rose his hands into the sky.
Bella thanked Geara for helping. She watched as Geara raised his hands and wondered if he was somehow summoning Reiko. She hoped Seth was somewhere close by so that when Reiko arrived they could speak to him and come up with a way to help Seth.
Seth returned to the rock Bella was there. "Hey." he said looking down at the ground. He did hate the beast inside of him. He was born with it. His parents tried to seal it. But when they died that seal was broken. "I just wanted to see you again I was hoping we could talk." he said softly.
With his hand raised up towards the sky, he unleashed his darkness. Spreading up so high the darkness could be felt by other worlds. Once the man unleashed the darkness he would fade away into the shadows

(oOC: i invited my friend reiko that i use to rp with on another site. We have a bit of history rping since were using the same characters we used before in a kingdom hearts rp.)
Character sheet:

Name: Reiko Shingan

Age: 17

World (Where are you from): Earth

Race: Human

Key Blade: Dawn

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Spell: Firaga

Looks: Reiko has red hair red eyes and a white sleeveless vest. A pair of blue jeans with a hook to the side to place his keyblade Dawn.

Personality: Reiko is a strong hero type who puts others before himself.

History: Reiko is one of the five founders of the organization the Chasers of Light. Once organization thirteen took over the man wanted to be sure that they would never rise up again. Thus the organization was formed.

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