
Tokshi felt her punch connect with Warren's shield yet she missed Eric's. His shield smashing into her she held her arms up to block the attack and punched the shield as it made contact with her breaking it. "Clever little sneak!" She was going to go for Eric but saw Warren's plan which Eric praised she didn't get why. "What do you mean smart?" She jabbed three times at the shield breaking each shield separately. "Doesn't matter if you line them up like that I'll just break them one at a time." Next she had her eyes are Eric who had his back against a wall. "What you both morons!?" She dashed at Eric and threw a punch at his shield. "Go ahead and try to run with my range and speed you won't escape!" 

@Scrubnoppon @Sir Les Paul @Midnite
Yuto interjected, seeing Tokshi only throwing jabs with the knuckles. "Hey dipshit, use both fists. You get the same strength, just no sparks. You won't learn how to focus for a while," he yelled out, specifically at Tokshi. The way the Knuckles worked, her passive potency jacked up her strength for sixty seconds - and it wasn't exclusive to one arm. As for what he meant by focus was lost on her, but it didn't matter.

@Nenma Takashi (I lied.)
Eric was not going to lose another shield so as she came at him she only had three options and her mistake was coming at him straight on.

"Mistake number one" he says deactivating the shield  and countering head on punch with a right cross to the face then he spun around her her while she was stunned ...and created a shield again ramming her into the wall and holding her in place...."Moron his idea was smart just the execution was lacking...hard to throw a punch when your being forced into the wall hands pressed against you" he says then backed up against the opposite wall "in boxing the slower fighters best option is sucking the faster opponent into their tempo as long as i see you coming and limit your options to attack me its my best option. ..either left right or straight on" he says 

@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul
Tokshi held her face as she was punched the shock of being countered allowed for Eric to get behind her. She turned her head seeing Eric had sent another shield her way it smashed into her back and sent her at the wall. Tokshi grit her teeth as Eric went on about tempo and some other boxer bullshit Tokshi didn't care about. "Blah blah blah tempo blah blah blah. Way I see it your the one who made a mistake!" She was keeping herself from pressing against the wall using her legs. When she saw the shield come at her she had jumped up and used her legs to stop her course with the wall then quickly punched the shield breaking it. "If you think you'll win just cause you're smarter you got another thing coming. This battle between you and me right now way I see it it ain't got nothing to do with brains, or brawns. It's all about how well can you and I struggle and let me tell you something. Ain't no one in this god forsaken town struggle harder than me!" She dashed forward and feinted another jab but really she stomped Eric's foot and sent a right hook aimed at him. 

@Midnite @Scrubnoppon @Sir Les Paul
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Eric was familiar with dirty boxing as she attempted to step on his foot he moved it and spun around getting under her and using jujitsu to flip her over his she hit the ground 

"Never said i was smarter just you assume i will try to use my mind to try to beat you. Anyone can lose Tokshi brawling doesn't necessarily beat technique" he says as he doesn't create another shield just gets in a defensive judo stance

@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul
Tokshi flipped herself so she landed on her feet then dived for Eric's legs. "Right back at ya!" As she grabbed his leg she turned her body and went for his arm getting him in an armbar like she tired on the demon she fought with Warren. "I'll make you use up those shields if it's the last thing I do!" 

@Sir Les Paul @Midnite @Scrubnoppon
Eric was not caught off guard by the armbar...  

"Your still brawling against Judo bad match up" he says 

Judo was designed to be used against stronger opponent's as he reversed the arm bar by not letting her get a definite lock and threw her off

@Nenma Takashi
Tokshi smiled as she grabbed onto Eric and lifted him up. "Bet they never taught ya how to counter this!" She yelled as she tossed him across the room. "Bad match or not I've been telling you it doesn't matter. I'll win because I can't afford to lose!" 

@Midnite @Scrubnoppon @Sir Les Paul
"Whaddaya mean 'Flawed execution?!' I think that was... OH FORGET IT!" 

Warren couldn't protect himself anymore, or Eric for that matter. 

Eric was in trouble, Warren had to do something. 

"I don't hit girls... I don't... JUST THIS ONCE!" 

Warren took a running start, dashing for Tokshi, 


Warren threw an extremely weak punch to Tokshi's arm. About as tough as a three year old at full strength. 


As he tried to grab Tokshi's attention he quickly looked up to eric, flashed his eyes to the side telling him to reposition, and stood there, ready for what was to come. 
"Thirty seconds," Yuto announced. "Dimwit, you've already failed. You can't even get them to make barriers," he continued on, "so new rule. If you touch Warren, Eric loses. If you touch Eric, Warren loses. And, if you punch either of them, they're probably dead anyway."

Yuto then eyed down Eric and said, "your challenges will change often. Get used to it."

@Midnite @Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi
Tokshi clicked her tongue as Yuto pointed out how she only had thirty seconds left and then changed the rules. She was worried for a moment then saw Warren was close by. "Yo Short stop let me win and I'll go on a date with ya!" She said reaching out to grab him she hoped he'd accept her offer and let himself be caught. Either way she figured she'd managed to catch him somehow with her speed. 

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Sir Les Paul
Eric scoffed now he had to protect Warren. ...

Tokshi tossed him but he created a barrier mid air to hit the wall and push himself off the wall  and into Warren getting in front  of him and knocking him out of the way with the barrier protecting them both

@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul
"Woah wait really? H-HEY!" 

Before warren could think about his choices, Eric slammed into him, pushing him out of Tokshi's reach.

"Oh! I get it now!" 

Warren smiled. "Eric, we can't loose now! We're halfway there!" 

Going on a date with tokshi sounded like an interesting prospect, but Warren wasn't ready to put up with what Yuto would have to say. 

"Next Time, babe!" 
Tokshi clicked her tongue. "Great there goes that plan!" Then got an idea she kicked off the ground and punched the barrier smashing it. She then sent a straight at Eric's chest she figured he'd either dodge or counter, or maybe he'd screw up and get his chest punched in who knew. All Tokshi was focused on was not letting her time run out. 

@Scrubnoppon @Sir Les Paul @Midnite
Eric was familiar with her plan but he wasn't going to let a broken barrier get in their way... he didn't counter if it was between either him or Warren losing he chose himself he ducked out of the way grabbing Warren as his body tripped her up and she fell to the ground  he tossed Warren on top of her... unfortunately it was in a provocative position as the two almost kissed

"Guess i lose...and Tokshi you forgot i deactivated one of my barriers so you only broke 3" he says 

@Nenma Takashi


@Sir Les Paul
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"Hehe! You won so it seems- tokshi- you need to go on a date with me!" 

Warren stood up and extended his hand out to Tokshi. 

"We can hash that out later, but I think it was a good fight on our- well your guys' parts. I honestly didn't help out all that much. But I think as we get stronger, We'll just fight better and better! Oh- but hopefully as allies..."
"You all suck," Yuto commented, directly interrupted Warren and his speech. In fact, he cut him off about midway through it intentionally.

"Tokshi did exactly what I said she would: run in head first with her newfound strength thinking she could outpower her opponent. In less than fifteen seconds, she let Eric figure out a way to make her lose: simply stop making shields. No strategy whatsoever," Yuto spouted off, first criticizing Tokshi.

"You two, however, didn't even attempt teamwork and what little you did have was fleeting and fruitless. This entire exercise was in your favor and you still nearly failed. Right off the bat, the easiest solution would be for you to run to opposite ends of the room. Tokshi couldn't possibly break all of your shields if she couldn't get to you. I intended for that to be the point I changed the rules, but you idiots fought her head on. She could have fucking killed you. I was holding my breath this entire time thinking I was going to have to shield your dumbasses. One punch. One graze. And, you're asses would have been seeing Botan again - no jokes, dipshits. Eric, you had no reason to try and fight Tokshi. The only reason you did get your ass shredded is the fact she wasn't accustomed to her strength or thinking straight. And, Warren, you might as well have been useless with how quickly you used up your Reikai. If you two would have worked together spacing yourselves out enough to kite her around and shielding the other when necessary, she would have had no chance," Yuto explained, ranting at both of them. While Eric had strategy, it wasn't grand enough.

"Matter of fact, let me make a point clear here. Tokshi, take off your knuckles. Eric, put your watch back up. I want you to brawl. I want you to understand just how easily she could have killed you if she focused more on her fighting and less on those knuckles. Warren, come stand by me. Get your ring and put it on, too," Yuto instructed the entire group. It was clear from his tone that he was mildly disappointed in them.

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Nenma Takashi
Tokshi took Warren's hand to help her up but then flicked his forehead. "I believe the deal was you let me catch you and I'd go on that date. So the deal's off but maybe if I'm bored I'll think about it." She listened to Yuto wishing she was strong enough to punch him and it actually hurt. Then he described what Eric and Warren should've done rather then going head to head with her they should've teamed up to run away. She took off the knuckles and looked to Eric clenching her fist she looked at Eric. "Oi I'll warn I was being careful since Yuto said with these gloves I'd kill you but if we fight now I won't be doing that. I'll kick your ass like your any other punk on the street." She faced him and leaned forward a bit staring at him. "You ready?" 

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Sir Les Paul
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"Ugh again with this... Just can't please Yuto, huh?" 

Warren spaced off during the conversation, wondering where to go with Tokshi on the date. 

(Hey, I'll think about it isn't no!) 

he really only listened when his name was said, and even then, not fully. 

"Huh? Oh ring okay." 

Warren grabbed the ring out of the kit and slipped it onto his index finger. 

"Ugh I look like such a tool with a ONLY a ring on my index finger but okay..." 

warren stood beside Yuto. 

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Eric looked at her....after Yuto's rant he sighed. .."well Warren used up all his shields right off the back i was her only focus so i had to try to defend and keep space between us."

he says 

Eric got into fighting stance..."Not everything ends up in a brawl you may be a street fighter but I have my technique.'ll see im not just a defensive fighter don't bank on a easy win" he says switching his stance up to a brawling stance...

(Being able to see the past is a real blessing and my trump card i just have to adapt and trigger it) he thought to himself 

Eric dashed forward hitting her in the mid section right in the middle her solar plexus 

"Your wrong Yuto...the better fighter doesn't always win and I'll show you why"

@Nenma Takashi(i don't plan on him winning we can decide later but hes not a power fighter idk if you ever watched Hajime no ippo but Eric is modeled after a boxer who was a doctor also he had decent power but was a threat because he hit the right places in the body that damaged circulation of blood weakened stamina messed with breathing things like that)

@Sir Les Paul
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Yuto slapped his hand on Warren's back and chuckled. "Just stand back and watch, bitchtits. This go around, you aren't getting hurt," Yuto told him. Yuto then began to channel minute amounts of his Reikai into Warren; just enough to rejuvenate him. It was an odd sensation, like cold water hitting his back then like a cold shower after a long day. The fatigue he felt was gone for the most part due to it; immediately cementing the connection between this energy and his body. "Feel that? I just recharged you," Yuto said. He then leaned in to whisper something into his ear before pulling his hand off his back, only to put it on Warren's shoulder and lean on him. 

@Scrubnoppon (I'll tell you what I whispered when it comes time. For now, just know he's on full charge and that the next bit of IC will be between Nenma and Midnite.)
Tokshi watched Eric carefully her arms hanging loosely then as he charged she threw her arms where his punch was heading. "Better fighter doesn't win this isn't some shounen manga. Just cause you believe in yourself doesn't mean your gonna win this." She grabbed his wrist and turned aiming to slam his back into the ground like he had tried with her. "I told you already what decides a winner in a street fight the one who struggles the most is the victor!" Tokshi began to realize she was somewhat enjoying herself. It'd been sometime since she'd fought someone who had made her heart race like this. 

@Scrubnoppon @Sir Les Paul @Midnite
Eric landed on his back.."says the girl who came back to life because of a shinigami" he says gripping her wrist....

"Fine you want a brawl" he says as he gripped her wrist tightly and came up with an uppercut narrowly missing but pulled her close and knees her in the stomach still holding her wrist. ...

"Shounen manga or not technique and tactics can win especially if your speed is limited" he says tossing her over his shoulder then removes his shirt...

He kept thinking he thought gripping her would trigger something but it didn't. 

He was upset at how unreliable his ability was but had to keep fighting 

@Nenma Takashi
Tokshi lost some breath getting hit in the gut then as she was thrown over his shoulder she twisted her body in order to land on her feet. "Ok true but still I'm not gonna back down just cause you know more technique.  You only get to talk like that cause you didn't grow up fighting like I did!" She dashed at him grabbing the shirt he was taking off and pulling it over his face. She pulled on him aiming to slam her knee right into his face. 

Eric head was rocked back from the knee but he recovered. ..grabbing her by her clothes and pulling her into  a supplex ...this was why he took off his shirt as after slamming her into the ground he rolled on top of her and used his shirt to tie her hands up and put his knee to her throat. . ..

"I fought all my life to i can take a brother was a prodigy" he says driving his knee in harder...

His nose was bleeding but he didn't mind it

@Nenma Takashi

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