
Tokshi watched Yuto storm up the stairs clearly mad at them all. She just stuck her tongue out as he did and waved him away she sat down against the wall. Seeing Eric was back she stood up sighing. "Yeah he's up the stairs I wouldn't bother with the asshole though. I swear as soon as I'm tough enough I'm gonna punch that guy so hard in his mouth, he'll be barfing up bits of his teeth for weeks." She walked past him and towards Warren. "Just a heads up I'll be busy this week so we'll have to have that date friday- oh wait never mind me and Uta are hanging out then so Saturday. Sound good Short-Stop?" 

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
"Well you know what... I think we should go up and tell Yuto himself what we think, flat out! I think I'd we all work together, we can get through to him! Then, he may realize that there is a better way to go about training us! Idunno how he'll take it, but it's worth a shot!" 

Warren stood up as he spoke to the two. 

"Oh and Saturday sounds good. I have no objections to that!" 
Eric stayed and meditated he actually rested while in the training facility 

He called his dad to tell him he was staying at a friends ...when he woke up he would just work out

@Sir Les Paul
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Sarayashiki High School, Paranormal Clubroom

Rank: DStrength: EAgility: EStamina: EMaximum Reikai: BReikai Potency: C 

“Woah! T-the card. It changed!”

“Of course it did.”

“Hmmm…your physical stats seem pretty low, Prez.”

“No surprised there,” Mitake snickered. “I’m impressed they aren’t F's”

“E is the lowest ranking,” Arimi huffed, folding her arms across her chest. “And I’m working on it. I do know a bit of martial arts, you know.”

Both boys nodded, similar grins on their faces, as if recalling a pleasant/amusing memory. Arimi rolled her eyes and pushed up her glasses. She scanned the oak card thoughtfully for a moment before, turning to leaf through the little black book which contained information on many different spiritual entities, demons, and creatures. “Anyway, assuming the rank of a creature in this book represents its threat level to a spirit detective, it’s probably best to avoid challenging demons/evil spirits with a rank higher than D—since that seems to be my current rank.”

Not that Arimi planned on fighting very many demons or spirits in the first place. The goal of Arimi’s Paranormal Club wasn’t to kill demons or evil spirits. No. The goal had been to make contact with spirits and otherworldly entities. To learn about them and, possibly, befriend them. Her original goal when she'd formed the club was to reunite with the friends she'd vaguely remembered talking to as a child. Letting out an audible sigh, Arimi shut the little black book.

But Arimi wasn’t just the Parnormal Club’s President anymore. She was a Spirit Detective…in training. Should she become a full-fledged Spirit Detective, she’d probably have to deal with malicious spirits and demons who threatened the human world the same way she’d dealt with the Kuchisake-onna. With violence. Thinking of the Kuchisake-onna, reminded Arimi of the other Spirit Detective candidates she’d met. Tokshi. Warren. Eric.  Then there was the Death God, Botan and the Sr. Spirit Detective, Yuto. She wondered how they were all doing.

“Okay!” Arimi reached into the pocket of her army jacket and pulled out the mystic mirror and flipped it open dramatically. “Now that we’ve done our research on the ghosts that have come back to life, confirmed their actual existence in the living world, it’s time to initiate contact. Stand back please.”

“Eh? But if we do that it’ll be harder to see...” Mitake whined.

“I want to talk to a formerly dead dude.”

“Don’t blame me if the mirror explodes cause I put too much Reikai in it or something,” Arimi warned. That seemed to make the two members of her paranormal club take several steps back. Both Mitake and Akira had been there when Arimi practiced the spirit gun the other day. While the boys couldn’t see the bullet itself, they saw the small dents on the wall that had been formed as a result. Arimi smirked.

“I was kidding~”

They didn’t move from their spot. Arimi pouted and stuck her tongue out at her faithless friends. She then closed her eyes and concentrated on the person she wanted to see…or rather people she wanted to see…pulling on her memories of when she’d been a disembodied spirit. Tokshi. Warren. Eric. Yuto. She tried to contact all of them. Not Botan-sama though. She figured the Shinigami probably wasn’t a Spirit Detective and probably didn’t have a mystic mirror. Besides, Botan-sama was in the Spirit World and,  while Arimi was curious whether the mystic mirror’s range extended all the way to the spirit world, she was already doing one experiment by attempting to contact four people at once. Adding another factor would muddle the experiment.

Maybe next time.

Letting her aura passively flow into the object in her hand, Arimi spoke in a decidedly chipper manner. “Hello, fellow Spirit Detectives! This is Arimi speaking~Do you read me? How’s it going?”

Arimi peeked one bright eye open to see who she’d managed to contact with her attempt. All of them? One them? None of them? Or, if she was extremely lucky, she'd somehow miss-"dialed" and found herself in contact with a whole nother entity.  

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi


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Warren felt the mirror tight in his hand as he waited for a response. As he stood, he yawned and stretched a bit. It has certainly been a long day. 

"So I was thinking that-OHMYGODWHOSTALKING?!" 

Warren almost dropped the mirror from being startled by Arimi. 

Warren looked down to notice Arimi on the screen. 

"Oh! Hey Ari'! I haven't seen you in forever! How've you been?"
Eric was working out he stayed at the training facility he wasn't working on anything that had to do with Reikai or anything just simple pull ups and push ups ...he hadn't seen Yuto he just needed to vent really but he did think Yuto was a jerk.

He saw his mirror glowing. ..."Arimi i didn't expect to see you. Are you going to come to the training facility i don't know if you've been training" he says 

Seeing people behind her ...."Hi everyone you must be the paranormal club... she told us about you all....Mitake and Akira right. Well Arimi try to get in contact with Yuto" he says 

Eric was still doing pushups he was tired but his Reikai still wouldn't return for a couple of more hours so he kept doing sit ups

@Sir Les Paul

Tokshi was on her way home when she felt her mirror get a call. Opening it up she saw everyone was there she sighed. "Gang's all here it seems." She shook her head as Eric told her to get in contact with Yuto. "Don't bother no way he'll pick up. After you left he basically told us to fuck off, sorry wait no he did tell us to fuck off. Guy thinks we're all a bunch of babies who won't last a day. I swear he really knows just what to say to piss me off, I'm starting to wonder if that some kind of special skill of his." 

@QuirkyAngel @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
Warren and Eric were the first two people reflected in her mirror. Then Tokshi.  Arimi nodded, opening both eyes. A wide grin stretched across her face.

“Hey Warren! I’ve been good. Mom’s been a bother ever since I got released and school hasn’t gotten any better, but otherwise I’m holding out.” Arimi tilted her head. It hadn’t even been a week yet since what Arimi labeled the ‘Spirit Detective Incident’ and Warren was already going on about haven’t seeing her in ‘forever’. Then again, she supposed it would feel like forever for someone as friendly as Warren.   

Arimi remained silent as she listened to others chime in. She could feel the tension, see it in their faces, if they tried to act as if everything was fine. Not that Tokshi was trying very hard to mask her mood. And Eric was doing some sort of physical exercise from what she could tell of his pauses and grunts.

He had said something about a training facility…


“You’re Eric right?”

“Did you really d—?”

Arimi  waved her hand to shush Mitake and Akira. This was Spirit Detective business. And, from what she could read of the atmosphere, it wasn’t exactly the best time to be introducing her classmates to her Spirit Detective, formerly ghost, friends. “Too late for that, Tokshi. I already tried contacting him. All of you really.” She tucked a bleached, orange lock behind her ear and stared curiously at Tokshi. It seemed Yuto had upset her…which was odd. From what she remembered of the red haired spirit detective that Botan introduced, the guy had seemed like an amiable sort of guy when he showed them Noct. Then again, perhaps it had been an act for Botan-sama’s sake. Whichever the case, Arimi refused to make a judgment on the senior spirit detective until she interacted with him herself. She’d never really been one to believe in rumors normal people like to spread about each other…unless they were the paranormal kind. Those she tailed like a starving.

“Whether he picks up or not is his choice. Or not.” There were other reasons a person might not pick up a call, reasons that had nothing to do with spite. Tokshi’s reasoning seemed more emotional than logical. Then again, Arimi had figured Tokshi was that sort of person when she’d seen the dark haired ghost attempt to fight off a Kushisake-onna with her fist. All to help her friend. She didn’t seem the type to insult someone out malice.

“Though, I’m surprised he told you guys to ‘fuck off’Arimi said ponderingly, using the exact wording the delinquent girl used. “Yuto seemed pretty friendly when we’d last parted.”

Arimi paused.

“Fuck off from where? His house?” Arimi’s eyes darted to Eric. “You mentioned a training facility I'm supposed to be at. Are all of you guys training together right now or something?”

She glanced at the clock. Then back at the three faces reflected at the mirror.     

@Nenma Takashi



@Sir Les Paul
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"Well we were all training together i kinda had an outburst now he probably wont train us personally. ..but i can give you the address we can all meet up here and hopefully he'll get his panties outta a bunch and realize that we are human and not machines he can just program" he says. ...

"So come by whenever im gonna be here at least and yes I did really die along with Warren and Tokshi" he says answering Akira and Mitake

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"Lemme explain." 

Warren scratched the bridge of his nose as he gathered his thoughts. 

"Well, Yuto wasn't as... nice as he seemed around botan. You see, his training methods were questionable. He shot me with a spirit gun to see how much I could take. It REALLY hurt. And he did it again because We didn't exactly follow his directions! So after some training we all left, and came back today. Some... stuff happened, Yuto flipped out and left. And I mean FLIPPED OUT. I, honestly feared for my life..." 

warren sighed and shook his head. 

"Yeah, head over if you want. You can evenhelp us! I know this sounds daunting, but he needs this, for us- and for him. If we can get through to him... he might realize how much of a- I'm uncultured... 

wait... what? Why can't I say- I'm uncultured... SEE! There it is again! 

Huh... how strange..." 
Once Warren finished his explanation, the entire group heard a chuckle. A familiar chuckle. From Yuto. It was about that moment that everyone in their call realized Yuto was probably on the line the entire time.

"Arimi, I would ignore the petulant attitudes of your comrades," Yuto responded. His tone wasn't necessarily polite, but it wasn't as abhorrent as it was to the other three. "You've taken formal martial arts lessons, so I'm sure you're even more aware than Eric is of training methods," Yuto explained, this time ot more of the group than anyone. At this point, Yuto had adjusted the mirrors so that the other three were muted, keeping them from interrupting. "In fact," he said, "I'll explain to you the entire rationale behind each method of training used. We began by acquiring their stats. Eric has D's across the board - which I acknowledged as effectively a good trait. Starting from the very basics allows for the most well-rounded training without allowing yourself to make a crutch on any one stat. Doing so makes one predictable. Onward, Warren has a C in Stamina and Tokshi has a C in both Strength and Agility. Both Tokshi and Warren acted accordingly. Tokshi was hyper-aggressive during the next round of training and Warren continued on without a plan. The next exercise involved both Eric and Warren creating barriers under a time limit and Tokshi simply needing to smash them. She became so wrapped up in her newfound strength that I had to alter the rules: instead of breaking barriers, all she had to do was touch them. Now, mind you, at her point in strength using the Storm Knuckles, she could have killed either one of them in a single hit - meaning that I had to wait on standby the entire time to save them if she succeeded. However, she didn't. She stampeded through like a raging bull allowing Eric to outperform her despite her strength due to his experience in the ring and Warren... well, he's Warren. I didn't expect much to begin with." At this point, the group would also find that shutting their mirror wouldn't even quiet the conversation. Yuto was capable of overriding the normal protocol - either due to permissions by Botan or just his skill level.

"But, I do digress. After the fight, I told Eric and Tokshi to have a simple spar. The point was to illustrate that Tokshi with her higher stats had the entire potential to win the challenge - which she lost - but didn't due to her behavior. The real winner of the duel, however, miss Arimi, had nothing to do with either contestant. I rejuvenated dear Warren to allow him to pick them winner with the blast from a Spirit Gun. So, let me tell you how this played out. Eric lost - as suspected - as even his skill simply can't compete with higher stats. There is a valuable lesson in that. You will encounter spirits far stronger than you and sometimes you won't be able to compete. Furthermore, I did tell Warren that if he didn't fire into one of them, I would blast them with a Spirit Shotgun. You're not aware of the technique, but needless to say, it's not pleasant. So, he dug even deeper into poor Eric and blasted him while he was down. Now, that's a recap. Let me give you the rationale. Despite my threat, if Warren would have displayed some inherent level of camaraderie - or intelligence, but let's be honest - I might have given some lenience, but instead, he frustrated Eric."

"Oh, and that gets us to where we are now. Eric threw a tantrum, so I kicked him out of my training area, Tokshi followed, and Warren was sent as messenger boy to go tell them to stay the fuck out. And, by the sounds of this conversation, rightfully so. Not a single person in this group is taking responsibility for their actions. Not one. So, I'm not going to train them. However, no harm, no foul. You, Arimi, may still arrive at any time you want. Simply ask me and I'll escort you. As for the others, they'll either come to their senses, or people like their parents, like that pesky detective, or those two who just nearly lost their second son, or even dear little Uta will wind up dead because your souls will eventually start attracting spirits... that will kill you and everyone around you. Cry, whine, bitch all they want, they're the ones that made the deal knowing full-well what they're getting into, so when bodies start dropping because they're too petty to be trained and too weak to defend themselves, it will only be their own fault. I've already received word from Botan. Her boss isn't reassigning them to a new Sr. Spirit Detective and quite frankly, the only reason two of them are even alive his his intervention."

"So, let me reiterate the last thing I told Warren before he left. There's plenty enough money on the ground to go buy a nice little pistol and some rounds. If they have no intention on adjusting their attitudes and coming to terms with their situation, they each might as well go put a bullet in their head and save their families the loss. Next time you want to establish contact, do so directly to me," Yuto finally said before severing his connection, ultimately allowing the others to continue communicating. His addition to the call was nothing less than a lecture, but this time, there was the outside perspective of Arimi. The entire group saw Yuto as some jerk that couldn't be rationalized with, but in his speech, every single action taken had a distinctive purpose and rationale. Each one of them acted exactly as he predicted. Above all, his suggestion to literally kill themselves made far more sense in this context. He wasn't telling them to rid the world of them; he was telling them to save their families...

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite @QuirkyAngel
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Tokshi began to listen to Yuto explain his ways she clenched her fist knowing he was right only made it hurt more. She began to clench her teeth as well expecting each word to hurt more than the last. The Yuto predicted everyone of her moves the way he sounded like parents disappointed in their kid for getting a bad grade. She closed the mirror trying to shut him out and end the lecture for her but she could still hear him. She clutched the mirror tightly as Yuto began to explain that eventually Uta would be killed due to her. Tokshi's eyes widened as she pictured Uta began eaten up by an evil spirit her arm dropped to their sides as Yuto finished. She put the mirror away and walked to her apartment with her hands in her pockets when she got home she saw Uta sitting on the couch. He turned to her and jumped off the couch running to her. "Big sis! Big sis! What's for dinner huh what's for dinner!" He tackled into Tokshi to give her a hug she didn't budge from his small body like usual she grabbed his shoulders pulling him off her a little so she could crouch in front of him. With a smile on her face she tilted her head asking him. "Well what do you want?" Uta thought about it for a moment then smiled clapping his hands. "Mama mia I wants a pasta!" Tokshi laughed at his terrible Italian accent and patted his head as he went back to the couch and she went to the kitchen to cook. She got out the noodles and a knife to chop up the vegetables as she got ready to cut the tomato she thought about what Yuto said. "They each might as well go put a bullet in their head and save their families the loss."  Tokshi stared at the knife and thoughts began to run through her mind at lightspeed it seemed. 'Should I just kill myself here? No that's crazy! But if I'm around Uta's in danger! Well he's always been in danger. But he'd be in danger neither me or the gang could save him from! Fuck that Yuto guy what a fuckin asshole! This is all his fault! No this is all that short stops Warren's fault! NO It's all that crybaby Eric's fault! NO this is all that book nerd Arimi's fault! NO It's that blue bimbo Botan's fault! NO It's that monster Rin's fault! NO It's that asshole who stabbed me's fault! No it's! It's! It's gotta be! It just has to be! IT''s all my fault.' She felt something wet hit her hand and was jerked from her thoughts to see a drop of water hit her hand. "Huh is the roof leaking?" She looked up to see nothing was wrong with the roof in fact it wasn't even raining then she felt another drop this time on her face as it rolled down her cheek. She touched the spot and realized she was crying she put down the knife and fell to her knees. Uta came running to her side worried about her. "Big sis I knew you couldn't just be fine after being the hospital that long hang on I'll call and ambu-" She stopped him from running away by grabbing his arm and bringing him in for a hug. Uta was surprised by the sudden hug but returned it nonetheless. "Hey Uta." She spoke in a low quiet tone one she hadn't spoke in for a good few years. Uta returned the tone. "Yeah." Tokshi's tears began to fall onto Uta's back and he could already tell what the question was. "Do you wanna stay with Big sis?" Uta squeezed harder this conversation was the same one they had when their parent's had died in the car accident. The only difference was Uta was the one crying last time and Tokshi was the one to comfort him. But Uta understood this time he had to be the one to dry her tears. "Yeah I'd love that!" Tokshi smiled weakly as she let go and so did Uta she pet his head. "Of course you do, who wouldn't I'm the shit!" Her tears had stopped falling and she wiped the rest of her tears. Uta laughed as he pointed to the swear jar table Tokshi sighed putting a dollar in it then looked to Uta. "Hey you ok with pasta another night I got something-" Uta gave her a determined look. "GO!" Tokshi smiled running out the door she opened her mirror. "Yuto pick up c'mon pick up!" 

@Sir Les Paul (mentioned: @Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel @Midnite

Eric called Warren the next day

"Hey Warren meet me at the training warehouse... if Yuto won't train us doesn't mean we have to stop we will begin to attract spirits in time so come on" he says sending the same message to Tokshi ...Arimi told them she is apparently in his good graces still

Eric's Reikai had returned as he entered the warehouse so far still no sign of Yuto Eric was wearing a grey and black shirt with black jeans and boots on.

Eric remembers the conversation he had with his parents telling them thatsomething happened to him and they may be in danger.

"Dad this danger is not something you can beat up or shoot. ..its more spiritual and I've realized that im not Miyata and I can't emulate him boxing was his niche and yours losing showed me its not mine" he says 

His mom froze..."danger and fighting Eric is the devil after you?" She asked clutching her cross...

"In a sense mom you could say that but i can learn how to keep you and dad safe I just have to go away for a while but i will stay in touch" he says getting up 

His das gets up and hugs him...."i never wanted you to be Miyata son I love you and trust you be safe and find your own path grow into your own man" he says crying as his mom hugs him to.


Eric had a sword and an actual gun with him as his dad was a military man before his and his brother's birth. The sword was from some punk that tried to rob him earlier at least he was above regular humans.

He had also bought a metal staff a shield and a chain.

He did this because he read in the book that spirit powers manifest in different ways....


Eric wanted to know how to discern what form is his Reikai trying to take...he doesn't feel compatible with the spirit gun... he can do it but its not as effective as Warren's. You would think the knuckles would suit him but same as the ring he can use it but not as effective as Tokshi.

Eric came to the conclusion that boxing although had its strengths wasn't suitable for him either. He was in the middle with all D's yes the weakest but still well rounded.


@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi


The first of all his potential students to contact him was Tokshi. Yuto thought it would be Arimi, but that was apparently just wishful thinking. While the students didn't realize it, the next level up was actually an entirely different training room. Yuto was always training in some form of fashion. Even the stairs in the warehouse that thus far only he stepped foot on were designed to become increasingly heavier. So heavy, in fact, that it would be impossible for a D Rank Spirit Detective to even ascend to the next level of this training. While that notion was both metaphorical and literal in a sense, it also meant that he had complete solitude in the higher platforms from the others. In his time away from the students, Yuto was hanging from the ceiling using two chains made completely of solidified Reikai. In this exercise, both his mind and body were tested as his endurance with both his Reikai, its efficiency and his own personal strength kept him mid air.

This was also the training that Tokshi interrupted. Yuto knew it was her as well. If it were Warren or Eric, he likely would have ignored it. Warren was too soft as it was now and Eric was too angry. But Tokshi? Tokshi was an odd area in-between and she seemed to care for Uta - whom Yuto addressed by name - far more than the others seemed to consider their own parents. Uta was like a sibling and a son to her, and not that type of love was something that Yuto fully intended on playing on. Yuto leaped from his chains onto the ground, performing a mid-air somersault before landing. Once he did, he picked up his mirror off the chair he tossed it on - another notable feat being able to sense the call from his distance. He flipped it open to answer Tokshi, "You have one sentence to keep me from hanging up on you like I would those other two numb-skulls."

@Nenma Takashi
Tokshi didn't expect him to answer but was glad he did. "I'm sorry I'll listen I will just train me please!" That was her one sentence she knew she had to get him to agree to train her again. Tokshi figured a face to face apologia was the only way to do so she had to get him to tell her. She had to get stronger she had to protect Uta she just had to she didn't go through everything up till now to just give it all up now.  As she ran she headed for the warehouse she knew he'd be there but what she didn't know is if he'd train her or not. As she got to the warehouse she looked at the mirror hoping he'd agree she closed her eyes tightly as her eyes began to sting from the tears that tried to form. But she forced them down she didn't wanna cry in front of Yuto not him only Uta was allowed see her cry not Yuto not Warren not anyone else. 

@Sir Les Paul
Warren didn't say anything after Yuto finished talking. His lecture brought some bad memories back to Warren. He said nothing and left.

on the bus ride home he sat down, and really got to thinking. 

"Is Yuto right...? What if I can't protect Ava, or dad, or anyone! I couldn't protect mom, how can I protect anyone else!..." 


Warren walked into his house and stretched as he spoke 


Warren began to walk upstairs before he was stopped 

"big broooo! Dad said you'd help me with my homework!" 

"Ugh, but I'm tired-" 

"But dad said!" 

The mention of his dad struck fear into him. His dad would show no mercy if he didn't listen to him. 


warren walked over by the desk in which his dad would work, which his sister used to do her work. 

"So did dad get called into work?" 

"Yeah, he cooked before he left, He left some for you, in the fridge." 


Warren plopped into a chair as he spoke. 

"So whadda we have Here..." 

warren looked at the page. Simple math. 

"You're struggling with this?" 

"Yeah... I just don't get it..." 

"oh it's not too tough. So what you do is..." 

after they got into it, they were flying through. 

"...hey big bro?" 


"Why won't you tell me where you go every night?" 

"What did I tell you about that?!"

"and you yell at me every time I ask!" 

The two were silent for a few seconds.

"well... you know how dad protects us?" 


"It's kinda like that. But instead of people it's... worse than that." 

"What do you mean by worse than that?" 

"Exactly what i said. I leave so I can get better at protecting you and everyone else!"

"Oh... i See. That's cool big bro!" 

"Listen, just don't tell dad, okay?" 


After Ava was done, she put her stuff away and went upstairs. She stopped halfway up. 

"Big bro?"


"Promise me you won't get hurt again."

"don't worry... I won't." 


the next day, Warren made his way over to the warehouse. Eric was already there when he entered. 

"Hey Eric. You seem pretty pumped already." 
Tokshi didn't expect him to answer but was glad he did. "I'm sorry I'll listen I will just train me please!" That was her one sentence she knew she had to get him to agree to train her again. Tokshi figured a face to face apologia was the only way to do so she had to get him to tell her. She had to get stronger she had to protect Uta she just had to she didn't go through everything up till now to just give it all up now.  As she ran she headed for the warehouse she knew he'd be there but what she didn't know is if he'd train her or not. As she got to the warehouse she looked at the mirror hoping he'd agree she closed her eyes tightly as her eyes began to sting from the tears that tried to form. But she forced them down she didn't wanna cry in front of Yuto not him only Uta was allowed see her cry not Yuto not Warren not anyone else.

"If you want me to train you, Tokshi," Yuto replied to her, "You will have to learn to do the things you hate. You will have to temper your anger. Control yourself. I can teach you to fight, I can teach you ab out Reikai, but only you can commit yourself to control." Yuto shut his mirror, but he knew when she was there. He could sense her. Twice she interrupted his training, but both times, it served a purpose. Unlike the others, her drive proved she was motivated to change. As she walked in through the doors of his training facility, he walked down the stairs shaking his head. "You know, I could just tell the guards to keep you kids off my property; you'd end up setting in a jail cell, for whatever that's worth," he responded to her. It was true, too. Not a single one of them realized that this entire time, they were training on private property. "But, I have a different plan for you. No doubt, Warren and Eric will try to come back. No doubt, they won't understand the depth of their actions. Not like you do. I have no intention on training them until they do," he explained to her. His tone was becoming ominous. As if she was making a deal with the devil at this point. "Even you need to redeem yourself, so I have one simple task for you. Show up ten minutes earlier than normal and when or if either of them attempt to use these facilities, beat them to a bloody pulp then remove them from the premises. Show them that you are not on their side. Show them that they are wrong. And, prove to me that you are willing to move past what was holding you back."

@Nenma Takashi (If you agree, my suggestion would be do so, then join in on the conversation the other two are having... forcefully. Assuming Tokshi does agree to the deal. I can retcon the type of training he would give her to smooth things over.)
Tokshi was glad Yuto actually decided to see her she nodded her head to his terms. "Of course anything Yuto." That anything would soon form into something Tokshi for a moment wasn't sure of. Beat up Warren and Eric if they showed up and tried to use the facility without first realizing they were wrong. 'Beat them up but.' Her thought was stopped when her mind went to Uta this was for him this wasn't about her. She had to get stronger for Uta this was no different than when Rin asked her to kick the shit out of some guys who turned their backs on the gang. She nodded her head and turned leaving. "Ten minutes right." 

The next day

Tokshi did as she was told and arrived ten minutes late as she walked in she sighed seeing Warren and Eric. "Yo Eric listen I got a question." She approached him like it was any other day. Stepping within arms reach of him and took her hands out of her pocket sighing again. "When the hell are you gonna learn?" She asked then brought her knee up into his gut. She yelled towards Warren not taking her eyes off Eric for a second. "Don't you move an inch Short-Stop!" She then grabbed Eric by the shirt. "Now this is privite property and your not welcome here. So both of you fuck off!" She let go and shook her head. "Don't make me get violent Eric." 
@Sir Les Paul @Midnite @Scrubnoppon
Eric saw Warren. .."Yea Yuto is being softer than a jigglypuff but i won't let him stop me... either I'll die or I'll get stronger. ...i read the book some more did you know some spirit powers humans can develop is things like a spirit sword or there was recorded of someone who's power resembled a sniper rifle even a kid who could turn reality in his area into a video game crazy right." He says as Tokshi comes his way kneeing him in the gut....

Eric laughed. .."really Tokshi your pathetic Yuto put you up to this tell him your weak ass wont break me this time and to come do his dirty work himself. ..your attack felt a lil weaker maybe i am getting a lil more durable"

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi


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Tokshi sighed shaking her head. "That right there is what Yuto's talking about your the pathetic one Eric." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I held back on that just in case you would listen to words. But who am I kidding of course you wouldn't this makes what three times we've fought." She sent a low right hook into his face using more force this time which would no doubt send him to the ground. "I'll ask one more time leave."

@Midnite @Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel
"WOAH! Those sound cool! Imagine what it would be like if I could make reality a video game..." 

before warren could think about that, Tokshi attacked Eric. 

"Tokshi! W-what is this?" 
Eric stood his ground. .."ok you want a fight fine then ...but im not giving up so your going to have to kill me...." he  charges in and grabbed the chain off the ground and wrapped it around her neck pulling her in and hitting her in the stomach with the storm knuckles. ..." you thought i was gonna be the same...well i can brawl to" he says punching her one time in the face with the storm knuckles. ...

He slipped them off...and slipped the ring on..."Tokshi im willing to die i can't go back home and be the cause of my parents death so im going inside now " he says turning his back on her after two hits with the storm knuckles she had to feel that

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi



Warren didn't want the two to get hurt. Before they were fighting as friends, but now they're really fighting. If he didn't step in, one of them may be strong botan again soon. 

"What's gotten into you guys? This... This isn't okay! What if one of you gets hurt!"
Tokshi stood up she pulled the chains off her neck. "Your not strong enough so I was able to stop you from choking me." She looked at her hand as she had used it to block the punches that came her way. "Your not fast enough so I could block your punches." She kicked Eric's legs sending him to the ground then mounted him her legs hooking his arms so he couldn't punch back. "At this angle you can't use the ring to shoot me nor can you lift me off you." She began to unleash a flury of punches onto his face. "You fucking idiot learn some respect! You won't get anywhere acting like your top shit just cause Yuto went and hurt your feelings! If you wanna learn from him swallow that weak shit you call pride and ask for his forgiveness! Ask him to train you! Ask him to make you better! If you can't do that then get the hell out of here before I do have to kill you!" 

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite 
Eric didn't falter...."your the one thinking your top shit... spouting off about your stats...i never said anything like that i tried speaking to Yuto...didnt he tell you he didn't answer me or Warren. your argument is irrelevant. ...Tokshi your going to have to kill me.." he says  as he had the watch on and slammed the watch to his side creating an orb shield pushing her off of him...

"Im not gonna waste another ounce of Reikai on you so your only option is to kill me but i warn you if you come at me again we'll both be seeing Botan again real soon" he says tapping into his life energy. ...

"Yuto said this was dangerous so lets see how far your willing to go" he says 

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi



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