
Tokshi listened as Yuto denied them the chance to leave and even scolded them for it. She watched as before she knew it he had smacked Warren to the ground then before she could say anything received the very same treatment. She rubbed her face she clearly hadn't been hit as hard but it still pissed her off to get hit for basically no reason. Then she heard the hit Yuto had been hit by something and hearing Arimi speak she knew exactly what happened. Tokshi ran past Yuto and stood between him and Arimi her arms out as if she was a wall between them. "Yuto....don't hurt her she didn't know any better. Besides look at her her stats must be trash if ya breathed on her wrong she'd probably be in the hospital." She was worried Arimi might be facing Eric's fate soon she had no problem with him hitting herself and Warren they were both used to it. But Arimi was another story the girl seemed to frail that a hit from Yuto would no doubt send her head spinning. "Just make her run laps or or I-I'll take whatever punishment you were gonna give her. Just don't hurt her okay!"

@Sir Les Paul @QuirkyAngel @Scrubnoppon
Yuto listened to them. The girls. Warren was still laying on the ground. Maybe he hit him a little too hard. In fact, Yuto probably did hit him a little too hard. While he didn't think it would knock Warren out, it could have definitely left him dazed. Still, Tokshi managed to get up and he only held himself back a little more for her. Maybe, just maybe, Warren was actually using his brain and it just took up all his energy to do so. Either way, his motionless body gave Yuto time to take in what Arimi and Tokshi were saying. The man breathed in slowly through his nose, then exhaled before finally letting off an even longer sigh.

"First, Tokshi, Arimi made valid points. To say she didn't know any better is a discredit to her. Besides, if I wanted to knock her to the ground, there is nothing you could do to stop me," Yuto told Tokshi in a sobering series of words. It was an odd perspective. To think that Tokshi whom was acting like a vanguard for Arimi was actually being quite rude in her wording. 

"Let me explain something to you. Those speeches Warren gives you? They will get you killed. Think about it. He tries so hard to inspire you, himself, and Hell, probably even Eric a little. Let that sink in. I scolded Tokshi earlier for encouraging Warren, but what if Warren was enabling Eric? I've seen it. The person that tells you what you want or need to hear really doing more damage than they help because they don't understand the repercussions of their words. It is not that I dislike the ideals of teamwork or what he means, it is that I know with absolute certainty that his mentality is one of the greatest dangers to you. Right now, you want to pause training. Why? Your friend died? Because of his own stubborn attitude? An attitude that likely would have gotten you killed anyway? You want to stop training because of the loss of a liability? Oh... but he wanted to go on and train and train to make something out of himself. To prove some point. He killed himself with a blast he was warned would kill him because he couldn't stop."

"You all lack this single ability that will make you survivors or get you killed. None of you know when to persevere and none of you know when to quit. You don't think your actions or words through,"
Yuto added, wrapping up his prior lecture.

"As for just whom I was talking to: all of you. You are not the first set of people I have trained, you are not the first to have a death, and you're certainly not the first to have so many fuck-ups this early in training. I see trends and patterns and I have the same ability Eric had: premonition. I can see into the past just by touch. I know far more than you think and I became a mentor not because I couldn't go on to become a more prestigious Spirit Detective, but because my perspective has a high success rate for those that pass my training. Many Sr. Spirit Detectives will coddle you and make sure you grow strong only for you to die in the field. That doesn't work. Others are even more harsh than I am; if a trainee doesn't show any promise, they'll give them a few 'exercises' and move on until they either sink or swim. I do neither. I address you each individually. Your flaws, what will get you killed, what will make you survive, and then I make you grow. I have heard so many tell me I just wanted to feel more powerful, but what you don't understand is I forfeit my opportunity to become a Rank A to teach you little ingrates in hopes at least one person per Reaping might survive," Yuto then continued on with a whole second lecture, this time explaining slightly more about himself. More than any of them had known prior; and, even then, it was still vague.

"Let me make this clear. I am not without reason. No speech I give you is without purpose. No action I make is not for your better. So, when I tell you that your training isn't over... when I tell you that you don't have time to mourn... when I tell you that something will get you killed... you best fucking bet I know because I saw someone die from it ," Yuto said to them all, even Arimi this time, and his tone was still fairly aggressive. "So, now tell me... is that clear?" he asked them.

@QuirkyAngel @Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon
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Warren was taken to the ground, and slid across it before stopping. He looked up to see Yuto slap tokshi to prove a point to him. 


Warren's anger kept him stuck to the ground. we wanted to get up and kill Yuto. Not even metaphorically, Warren wanted to strange the life out of Yuto. 

Warren finally got up after calming down a little. 

"You know what. Fine. I'll listen to you. I'll listen to every. Word. You. Say. Whatever you want. I'm being 100% serious. But you know what you need to do in return? You need to be a fucking man. 

You seriously hit someone- a girl no less- over a FUCKING JOKE?!" 

Warren was red in the face with anger, he wasn't just angry, he was livid, maybe beyond that. 

"I don't need you to be gentle, because, obviously, we're past that, Just be a man, because right now, you're lower than that- scum. If you're going to hit anyone- hit me.I don't care what you do to me, hit me, stab me, shoot me, but you better not do that to them. Now after I finish this, we're off the topic. I don't want to hear another WORD about this. Okay? Oh and this isn't a Speach, this a request, because if you shoot me for one of those 'annoying speeches' so god as my witness you will be back with botan in an instant. I'll listen to every word you say. I honestly want to better myself, but I find it hard to take advice from you when you act like that." 
Tokshi was glad to know Yuto wasn't going to hurt Arimi and nodded her head then looked toward Arimi. "Right sorry Ari didn't mean to insult ya like that." She understood what Yuto was saying he was doing everything in his power to make sure they could survive he was a good teacher or at least the best for them. "Right Yuto I'll listen." Tokshi's look snapped to Warren who went on a rant saying Yuto should be more of a man she clenched her fist then clicked her tongue. "Ya know if you ask me Warren your the one whose acting less of a man. You trying to say I can't take a hit? Or maybe that I'm some fragile flower that needs to be protected?" She walked over to him leaning forward to look down at him. "This whole 'I don't hit girls cause I'm a gentleman' crap needs to end! If you were fighting a female spirit or demon or whatever then what!? Ya just gonna let her kill you cause you don't hit girls! Ya know kinda like how when we fought that evil spirit before you wouldn't fight back then!" She slammed her fist into the palm of her hand. "Maybe you forget but I'm not weak my strength is higher than yours. I can't stand that kind of crap I'm just as powerful if not more than you so don't go looking down on me or Ari by acting like we need you to be our white knight in shinning armor." She sighed looking back to Arimi nodding her head to see if she agreed with her. 

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel
Yuto walked directly up to Warren. He stared the kid in the eyes for a moment. There was something in his eyes that wasn't able to be described in the brief moment Warren had the chance to. Darkness, like the abyss, but more than that. It was cold, yet warm. Frigid from the somber approach Yuto had to everything, but warmed by the sole fact he intended to teach these few how to survive. It was his job - his duty - to teach them how to survive, but at the same time, they were becoming liabilities to others. Within his eyes, it was apparent what Yuto saw Warren as now: a child. A child that needed tended to. A nuisance until he died.

Around that point, Tokshi started to spout off to Warren, but it was too late. Yuto grabbed Warren by the arm. His grip was beyond firm; it was like being caught in a vice grip. "You will either get them killed," Yuto told Warren with a distinctively serious tone in his voice, "or, you will die first. You aren't against men anymore. They don't care if you're a man, woman, young, old, rich, poor - you are beyond that now. Do not tell me to be a man; I'm teaching you to fight things far worse." With that, Yuto jerked his wrist. In the motion, he broke Warren's ulna, then let go of his arm. After that, he even stepped back.

"You're dismissed. Go to the ER, get a cast put on it. You're young enough to be covered. Tell your parents you got into a real bad fight and lost - I doubt it'll be a surprise to them. Whatever you do, get the fuck off this property," Yuto told Warren.

"I've made the judgement call, Warren. You are a greater liability to Arimi and Tokshi than you are an asset. If I could kill you now, I would just keep your mouth from running. I don't want you back here at all. You are not part of this team. You are not my student. You will not get them killed," Yuto explained to Warren with an extreme prejudice in his tone. It was as if Warren was a dog that just bit a child. There was no consideration in his tone. Not only that, there was a huge emphasis on one final thing: Warren was now a danger to Tokshi and Arimi.

Yuto then looked back to Tokshi and Arimi to tell them, "And, you are not to communicate with him until I deem otherwise."

@Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel
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"N-no tokshi that's not what I... I just wanted to prote-" 

Warren screwed up. Bad. He tried to help tokshi and ended up making things worse for him. 

Yuto walked over to Warren, and with every step he took closer, warren felt smaller. The extreme amount of pressure given off from him froze him in place. 

Yuto grabbed his arm, and then-



Warren slumped to the ground as he looked at his arm. 

"D-did he just break my arm?!" 

That wasn't even the worst part. 

I don't want you back here at all. You are not part of this team. You are not my student. You will not get them killed,"



"N-no way Yuto... this... I said I wanted to..." 

Warren thought about what Yuto said. He could get them killed?...

"shit... I didn't..." 

warren got up and stood outside the doorway. 

"You're goddamn right I won't get them killed." 

Warren walked away without another word...


"Hey! Owwww!"

Warren went to the ER, and was getting a cast. His dad was notified, he brought his sister along. 

"How did you-"

"I told you, I screwed up big time and lost a fight." 

"it's okay big bro! I'll fight whoever broke your arm for you!" 

"Hahah- no." 

The nurse finished the cast and walked out with warren's dad to pay for the visit. 

"Hey big bro. You said you wouldn't get hurt when you go out!" 

"Sometimes I have to protect you."


Warren's sister couldn't come back. She fully grasped the idea. 

"Okay... but don't get hurt too bad, okay?"

"I promise this time!" 

Warren's dad walked back in. 

"It's payed, let's go." 


Warren got home and laied down in his bed. He made sure nobody was around and grabbed the compact mirror from the kit and tried to contact botan. 

"C'mon botan! pick up!"

"oh man I fucked up soooo hardddd..." 
It was a brief few moments, but it worked. Not long after Warren reached out to Botan, his mirror lit up and her face was there. "Ohhh, hey Warren. Didn't think you guys would realize this works for me, too," she said in her odd, bubbly voice. She was far too chipper for the day he had.


Warren sighed a sigh of relief knowing It worked.

"I accualy didn't know it worked for you, I thought it was worth a shot."

warren chuckled a bit before getting serious. 

"Okay. So I've gotten into trouble... and it's all my fault,  and I know it, but just hear me out." 

Warren explained what happened from the start of training with Yuto to the death of Eric. 

"So here is where I screwed up big... so... I said something, a joke. And Yuto took it to heart. He slapped Tokshi for it and I got mad. I don't like seeing other people get hurt because of me. It's happened to me in the past and... it wasn't pretty. So anyway... I snapped at Yuto. Then Tokshi yelled at me because she thought I was theating her like she was useless... And I don't think that at all. So then, making things worse, Yuto snapped, my arm to be exact." 

Warren pointed the mirror down to his cast. 

"It doesn't hurt too much though." 

Warren moved their camera back up to him. 

"Sooo... he kicked me out and renounced me from being his student. He thinks I'll get the other two killed. I mean, we're all on edge because Eric died, and I took it too far. I fucked up, but I want to be his student. I said I wanted to better myself, I said I wanted to follow directions, but I came off... not very professional..." 

warren paused for a second to gather his thoughts. 

"I want to be a good spirit detective, but I can't without someone to teach me... So, Botan if you could help me In any way, you don't know how much I'd appreciate it."
"Warren, I have a simple question for you," Botan replied. "Are you trying to get me to fix your mistake?" she asked. There was some simplicity to her approach. It wasn't wound-up or long-winded, although at first, neither was Yuto. Still, her bubbly personality made it even more evident that she was pointing out what Warren was doing.

"No, well... kinda... I want you to help me get through to Yuto. You know well that if I set foot in there again He'll... do something pretty bad. But if you help me... I think we have a shot!" 

Warren gave a hopefull smile. He wanted badly to be with everyone, 

"I don't care what I have to do, I'll do it. You just say the word." 
"What's this we-stuff, Warren?" Botan replied to Warren. "You got yourself in this situation yourself," she told him, "and, really, you just kept digging your grave deeper."

Warren looked up from and lowered the mirror. All that was visible was the "GAME OVER" on his shirt. 

He thought about what botan said. 

"You're right. I got myself into this situation, and I'm getting myself out!"

Warren lifted the mirror back up to his face. A firey passion surged through him. 

"Okay, what should I do?" 
"That seems to be your problem, Warren," she answered him. "You try too hard. You try for the ladies, you tried for Eric, you tried for all your friends. You even tried to protect someone and it got you killed, isn't that right? You try too hard," she told him. It was a simple answer and oddly insightful.

"So, stop trying," she suggested.

"S-stop trying?..." 

She had a point. It was trying that got him where he was in the first place. 

"So... you want me to... stop trying to be yuto's student again? But I need him to train me! What if something comes up and I can't protect anyone... and I'm trying too hard again aren't I..." 
"Yes, yes you are, silly goose," Botan replied to him. "But, really, I have no idea how to get Yuto to take you back. He thinks you're a danger to Arimi and Tokshi, and is he really wrong? This isn't some Shounen manga, numbskull; sheer determination won't get you through anything. It'll just get you killed."

"W-wait! This ISNT a shonen?! Huh... could have sworn... That's besides the point though..."

Botan almost reminded Warren of his mom. They sounded similar, said similar things... if Warren didn't know better, he would have thought botan was his mom. 

"I really don't want to give up on Yuto... well, more like I don't want him to give up on me, but... I don't think there's much we can do at this point..." 

Warren looked down in thought. 

"Where do I go from here?" 
"Hmmmm," Botan replied. A moment of silence permeated the air. It was like she was humming an answer, or she had it on the tip of her tongue. "I have no idea, Warren. After Eric, he might not be willing to take you back since you were part of that mess," she told him. Again, her bubbly personality meshed in an odd way with the answers she gave him.

"Well... I think I'll have to just talk with him. A civilized, friendly talk. Don't get me wrong, Yuto is a dick, but I've genuinely learned from him. I mean like, Yeah the spirit guns hurt, but With every spirit gun, it's hurt less- ohhhh myyyy gooooodddd...I get it now. Everything he's done... 

oh my GOD! AM I BLIND?! 

Its all a lesson... every action...

OH MY GOD HE EVEN SAID IT! IM BLIND, DEAF, AND DUMB! LIKE I GOT MY ARM BROKEN BECAUSE OF THIS... OHHHMYGOD.  Ya see? This is the kind of teacher I need... You know what... I think he'll be happy to know I figured that out after- what like a week? 

Yuto isn't really a dick... its all just tough love. Really, REALLY tough love... I've been so mad at him that I've never taken his words to heart! oh Botan you've awakened me to the truth! I've woken up and seen the light! Thank you for waking me up, Botan! Thank you for waking me up!" 

Warren was just about as bubbly as Botan. He finally figured it out. He looked up to the ceeling in thought. 

"I owe everyone a serious appology... Thabks botan for helping me see how I messed up. I knew counting on you was the right idea!" 
"Uh... Uh, Warren," Botan said, trying to interrupt him. It wasn't until the end of his rant that she finally got a word in edgewise, "You may want to rethink that. Yuto officially requested permission to terminate you."

Even Botan and her bubbly personality couldn't make the reality that someone actually requesting to end your life cheery. "On the bright side, that break in your arm would normally take two months to heal! Now, it'll only take two weeks - tops!" she said, somehow ending the conversation on a slightly brighter note before hanging up.


It was a lot for Warren to take in at once. 

"W-wait do you mean like termination as in death termination, or like work terminatio- oh..." 

Botan hung up, and the air filled with dread. He was all alone, nobody to help him. 

"Y-Yuto wants to kill me. Yuto... my teacher... wants to kill me... his student... T-that shouldn't be aloud! Why can you request permission to literaly terminate someone!? Ahhh... shit shit shit..." 

Warren ran the hand of the non broken through his hair and and tried to calm down. 

"Okay... I need to get out of the house..." 

Warren didn't like it one bit, but it had to be done. He couldn't let Yuto- or any spirits for that matter- harm his family. 

"So I am a liability huh..." 

Warren grabbed his quite large suitcase and packed. Not easy with one broken arm. 

"Maybe... this is just another lesson... No no you don't just file termination on someone..." 

Warren stopped packing for a second. he sighed and went downstairs. 

"Hey... guys?" 

Warren's dad was just starting to prepare dinner, and his sister was finishing with homework. 

"Yeah? What is it?" 

Warren's dad turned from the stove to say. 

"We need to talk..." 

Warren's dad pulled out the chair next to his sister and sat down. 

"So... someone... filed for termination on me." 


"Yeah! L-like what the hell?" 

"Dad? What does termination mean?"

"Oh, like it means-"

"SHHHH- dad don't tell her! she'll just be worried!" 

"How did you find out?" 

"Just someone told me." 

"Who's looking for you?" 

"Same guy that broke my arm." 

"Do you know why?" 

"No! That's why I'm freaking out!" 

"Okay... you have two options... to leave the house so he won't find you, or to lay low so he won't find you." 

"Yeah, i need to leave. I'll just be putting you guys in danger." 

"W-what?! Big bro why are you-"

"it's to keep you safe-"

"you say that every time! And every time something worse happens! Your arm breaks, your now the terminator!" 

"No that's not what it means... it means someone wants to kill me." 


"And he'll kill you too if I don't leave!" 

"...big bro..." 

Warren's sister embraced him, and began sobbing into his shirt. 


"No it's okay... I'm not going to die! I'm just leaving." 


"But if I don't leave then I'll die!" 

Warren's sister clung onto Warren with a grip almost matching Yuto's. It hurt him deeply to see this but it was out of his controll. 

"I'll be gone untill this boils over. Okay?" 

His sister weakly nodded. Warren walked upstairs to speak with his dad. 

"I talked to some people at the station, they said there are some apartments in town we can place you in. They aren't very nice, but considering the situation it's the best you have." 

His dad closed the suitcase and zipped the zipper. 

"I'll have to get a job to pay rent, and get food..." 

"yep. We can place you but from there you're in your own." 

Warren nodded and grabbed the suitcase. He took it downstairs and placed it by the door. His dad followed behind him. 

His sister came over and hugged him for an uncomfortable amount of time. 

"I'll see you soon, okay?" 

"Bye big bro..." 

Warren walked out of the house and into the car. 

After a 7 minute drive they arrived. Warren walked into the apartment. It was small, but it worked for one person. Not the best out there... but when you're about to be terminated, it's not bad at all. 

"Warren, you should take this." 

Warren's dad unhosltered a mosquito pistol. 

"A gun?! But I'm not old enough to-" 

"I don't care. If your life is on the line you need something to protect yourself." 

Warren placed it on the counter in the small kitchen area. 

"Are you sure you don't want us to-"

"No. I won't get you killed..." 

"I love you Warren."

"love you too dad." 

His dad closed the door. Warren looked around at the apartment. Warren saw a couch sitting directly across from an older tv on a stand, a bathroom, a kitchen area complete with fridge, stove, and microwave. The hallway to the right of the kitchen lead to the bathroom and bedroom. 

"Mom always said to keep smiling through it all, right? So if I stay optimistic! Things'll get better!... I hope..."

Warren sat at the couch and looked at his arm. 

"Well, I kinda got myself into this situation... I have to live with it."

warren turned on the TV. Some show called "Yee Yee rockuno" was on.

"Wait a second... that's literaly us!" 
Arimi was honestly surprised when Tokshi stepped in front of her, arms splayed out protectively. She hadn’t expected Yuto would actually hurt her, given everything she’d seen from him, but, even if his rage did get the best of him—like an abusive adult who wouldn’t listen to the rantings of a child— it would’ve been entirely on her. Tokshi’s reaction touched her. At the same time, it reaffirmed everything Yuto had been trying to say. That their actions, knowingly or not, might get each other killed. Pensive, Arimi listened to Yuto’s lecture, taking in the parts she deemed relevant, and discarding the rest.

That was how Arimi dealt with teachers of Sarayashiki High—the ones who insisted on a certain order of doing things if they wanted a proper place in society. Go to school. Get good grades. Attend a prestigious University. Get a job. Get married. There was a built procedure in the Japanese schooling system that turned students to mindless drones. Arimi did not want to be a part of that. Telling her mother that she wanted to join the military had been, for the most part, an act of rebelliousness on her part. Yet here Yuto was trying to drill his perspective into them and telling them it was their greatest chance for survival. Arimi had heard it all the time.

It’s for your own good.

Monsters and ghosts aren’t real, Arimi. You’re too old for this.

Act more like a girl, Arimi. Do you want to be lonely for the rest of your life?

Lowering her arm, Arimi closed her hand into a fist. The existence of Spirit Detectives proved them all wrong. But, even the Spirit World had its own system to it. Sink or swim. Follow orders or die like Eric did. The reality of what it meant to be a Spirit Detective was sinking into Arimi with every word the Senior Spirit Detective spoke.

“Crystal clear,” Arimi replied when questioned, not feeling the need to add any further. The Spirit Detectives were the police force of the Spirit World. Their military in the human world…and even the military had an order to it. Arimi didn’t have a death experience like the others…but it seemed her out of body experience would cause spirits to be drawn to her regardless. Before Eric, she hadn’t really considered it a bad thing. She’d been looking for evil spirits her entire life. However, seeing the way Eric died gave a new perspective on things.

She also came to another conclusion as she watched the scene continue to unravel. Warren is stupid. Undeniably stupid. Arimi could only shake her head as Warren managed to piss off both Yuto and Tokshi with his words. Could he not sense the atmosphere? The power difference? Being protective of Tokshi was one thing, but she had no idea how he planned to protect her by acting like that towards Yuto. Tokshi had begged Warren to apologize. Begged Yuto not to hurt her. Warren’s spirit familiar might have been a turtle, but in this situation, Tokshi was the one doing the protecting.

She was trying to protect me.

Arimi didn’t flinch when Yuto broke Warren’s arm. He completely deserved it in her mind. At least the boy wasn’t dead like Eric. Yet. The small girl bit her lip when Yuto dismissed Warren from the group. From everything Yuto had told them, about evil spirits coming after their souls, that was as good as a death sentence. Yuto considered Warren a risk—and he planned to cut off all risks in order to protect the ones he deemed he could protect.  

A solider’s mentality.

Arimi nodded silently when Yuto ordered them to keep away from Warren. What could she do about it? She was weak. She didn’t know anything about the Spirit World. So why would she risk her chance of learning for Warren’s sake? There was much to be learned from Yuto, not just strength-wise, but knowledge-wise as well. How the structure of the Spirit World worked for example. Who was this ‘Boss’ of Botan-sama’s? Yuto made it sound like Spirit Detectives were a dime in a dozen. Arimi had always thought them special…but apparently not. There were many more out there—who saw spirits like she did.

This is the world I belong in.

Wordlessly, she watched Warren limp away, only moving forward to grip Tokshi’s sleeve and prevent the dark haired girl from following after Warren. “You’re right,” Arimi agreed. “You’re much stronger than Warren is.”

She glanced at the Yuto from the corner of her eyes. They didn’t just lose one Spirit Detective from their ‘team’. They lost two. But she doubted he would let them stop. That much she’d ascertained from observing Yuto. He wanted them to live. He didn’t attack her for questioning him and his methods. The second part was enough for Arimi not to see him like all the other so-called ‘teachers’ she’d seen.

“It’s a bit presumptuous of you to say that just because you can see into our past you can see our futures, don’t you think?” Arimi tilted her head, curious about his ability. He seemed to be doing that a lot. Predicting their moves. The fact that he directed his lecture towards her as well, meant that he’d also seen her past—that her actions were also part of pattern/trend he foresaw. Arimi didn’t like the thought of that. At the same time, it made Arimi fascinated.

“What do you think my flaws and weaknesses are?”

Better to get that out of the way as soon as possible. The moment Yuto thought her to a hindrance to the team, he’d probably cut her out as well. It made sense. That was how the world worked. Arimi had known that since she was young.

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi

'Dumbass.' That word repeated in Tokshi's mind as she watched as Yuto broke Warren's arm she honestly saw it coming figuring it'd happen sooner or later. But what she didn't expect was Yuto telling Warren to leave that he was more danger than help. At least she was surprised for a moment it made sense when she really thought about it when she didn't think about how hurt he must be. It made sense but Tokshi didn't like that she didn't like that she had to watch one of the friends she had made just leave. She got ready to go after him but Arimi knew she'd try the slight tug on her sleeve stopping her and she watched as Warren walked away clutching his arm. "stronger." She muttered under her breath again she had to wonder was she strong for swallowing her pride or was she weak for doing so? She couldn't figure it out she never had to think so much before. It was so much easier when the hardest decision she made on a daily basis was what was she and Uta going to eat that day. This made her feel weak in a sense it reminded her of when they first started out leaving by themselves. The first time she had run into trouble and she was beaten up by the gangsters coming back to see Uta's crying face. Only to fight back next time and through sheer size and strength advantage beat them. She looked down at her hand Tokshi had realized while fighting those guys that she was good at fighting. But it wasn't until she had fought Eric that she realized she liked fighting she liked the thrill the feeling of her heart thumping. The way the sweat fell from her forehead as she went for her next attack. This wasn't about her love for fighting though this was about protecting the only family she had left Uta. That meant listening and keep training with Yuto. Warren or not Eric or not Arimi or not it didn't matter she'd keep moving forward. Tokshi smiled weakly at Arimi for a moment at least one friend was still with her then she got serious and looked at Yuto. "So what do you want me to do?" She asked curious of what was her next training session. 

@Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel @Sir Les Paul
After his display of cruelty, or so it felt, it appeared that Yuto had finally gotten to the remaining members of his team. It took the death of one teammate and their mentor literally turning on the other, but it seemed these girls finally understood their place. Yuto could almost sense the difference in them solely from how their reikai felt as it slowly emanated off of them. Their change in attitude seemed to be cemented in as they all watched Warren slowly walked off, holding his injured arm and probably sulking with his significantly more injured pride. Of the two, at least his arm would heal. The struggle between Arimi and Tokshi was irrelevant given its outcome; Yuto only cared that Tokshi let him go. Warren wasn't worth fighting for. Not anymore. Probably not even to begin with. And, once he was gone, the atmosphere outside the facility changed entirely. There wasn't a struggle anymore. No conflict. It was just two students and their mentor.

"My premonition does not allow me to see the future," Yuto answered Arimi, whom had a relatively valid question. "When I make predictions, they are based on stone cold facts, logic and a little experience." His tone was far from as lively as it was days ago, but it didn't have any of the aggression it carried when Warren and Eric were there. Yuto walked over to the girls, his footsteps slow and relaxed. The air was far more calm now that the tension had eased. It seemed counter-intuitive given that Eric just died before them, but the series of events seemed to make everything simpler. It was bittersweet. "The fact I made the predictions so easily and accurately," Yuto added, "is only a testament to how predictable you three were."

"Your most glaring weakness is quite literally your weakness," Yuto told Arimi, following up with her second question. It was made before Tokshi's, and her question would spark their training anyway, so he chose to answer Arimi. "I would say you lack aggression, but you did attempt to shoot me. While that could easily be considered a mistake, it showed you were willing to use the resources at your disposal to make the difference you wanted. It didn't matter in the end, but the initiative was important. I don't think you lack proper decision-making skills, either. What I think you lack is the guidance as to what a proper decision is now. That is to be expected. Things have changed and this world is different from the one you were used to," Yuto explained to her in more detail. 

"Our first set of training will fix that. For both of you. Even with Tokshi being stronger, you are both still too weak to fight real spirits if the need arose. While your stats and strengths make a difference at your levels in relation to each other, they do not take into account the strengths of the spirits you will be fighting. Even weak spirits are borderline C Rank and if you were to encounter a demon, very few are below B. These are averages, not outliers. Point being, your first step in training will be to increase your stats overall. It seems simple, but it's not, and just training alone would waste time. We need to work on your abilities as well. That said, the upcoming training will be in three parts. Both of you can use a tool twice-daily, meaning we don't have to waste time with increasing your maximum Reikai. This means I can explain to you the three tenants I will be training you on. Your physical strength, your passive Reikai Potency and your control over your preferred technique. Each day, you will begin by using half your Reikai reserves learning how to control your tool. For Tokshi, this means learning how to make each punch hurt more by focusing her Reikai into her fist - not just letting the Knuckles do it for her. This will also increase your efficiency with them. Arimi, I don't believe you've chosen your tool yet, but let's say you choose the ring. It is actually a very difficult item to learn control over. The first step is splitting your bullet into two smaller ones. Each day, when you charge your Spirit Gun, you would focus on your Reikai until you could cut the very bullet in half. Nowhere near as easy as it sounds. Once you use the first half of your reserves, you will then both begin using the Storm Knuckles. You will activate them, then you will punch those punching bags as hard as you can for the next minute. Each day, you will completely deplete your Reikai reserves doing this. This will get you the most out of this training. Also, if you're wondering why I'm having you both hit those bags, it's simple. The use of the Knuckles will get your muscles accustomed to taking in Reikai as 'fuel', which in turn will make you stronger passively. Without effort, you'll hit harder. Won't even consume Reikai. 

Oh, and the last part of training. Actual physical conditioning. For one hour each day, this will effectively become a regular gym for you. Believe it or not, it'll take you five to ten minutes to burn through your Reikai. You just have so little of it right now that training with it is half-futile. So, after you've exhausted it, I'll be putting you through weekly routines to push your body to your limit. And, with your Reikai healing factor, your muscles will grow and adapt daily, so no need for off-days or breaks. In this way, we also train your strength, but we also increase your stamina. Agility is harder to attain, so we won't focus on it for now. Hm... I believe that's it."

Yuto went on a long rant, but in actuality, it was an explanation for every bit of training they would be doing and the rationale behind it. It was exactly what they needed and exactly what had been delayed for so long. It appeared Yuto actually had real training up his sleeve the entire time and it sincerely was the other two preventing him from providing it. 

"You can tap into your reserves by focusing on them. Don't 'do' anything with them, just feel them. You'll have a general idea for when you're at about half. That said... get to it. You know where the equipment is," Yuto told them, gesturing towards the doors of the container unit that held his facility.

@Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel
Tokshi took Yuto's instructions there was a lot he wanted them to do but it all had a purpose behind it. She took out her Storm Knuckles and focused on the symbol like she was first taught then looked at Yuto. "Hey Yuto tell me if these hurt." She said throwing some punches his way." She figured he'd either block or let them hit him like before but this time she wouldn't let it shake her like it did before. She kept focusing on storing energy in the knuckles on it moving through her body. She visualized punching through Yuto she had heard that helped one punch harder. She figured that might help her focus her energy to punch harder as well after a bit she was getting an idea for it it was like the blood that flowed in her veins she stopped after a bit. "You said half of our Rekai right so that means I should stop now." She stepped away then went over to the punching bag and slammed her fist into it again and again. She was thinking about a lot of stuff as she punched the bag she wondered what Uta might be up to at this point or what Warren was doing right now. She threw a low right hook at the bag it make a loud sound as it swung. Then she punched it again and was met with resistance like a wall she took in a deep breath she hadn't noticed but she wasn't breathing as she had been throwing most of her punches. Tokshi took off the Storm Knuckles and began to do a set of squats then got on the ground and began to do push-ups. After she did a few sets of those she began to do set-ups followed by sets of high knees. She wiped some sweat then began to head out of the facilatiy looking at Yuto she began running in place. "Hey Yuto can I run a lap or two around the block?" She was already running backwards holding a hand to her ear. If he said yes she'd be off but if no then she would just run in place.

 @QuirkyAngel @Sir Les Paul

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