
Tokshi was pushed off him by the barrier he created she looked at him with eyes that only held something close to pity. "Your a fool say what you want put up as many barriers as need it doesn't change that I'm still stronger." She put on her storm knuckles and smashed the barrier with a quick jab then shook her head. "I could hear you from outside you call that trying to talk? I didn't hear one sorry since you've been here." She grabbed Eric and turning she tossed him out of the building with one hand. "Come back when your ready to learn!" She yelled to him then looked at Warren aiming her fist at him. "Am I gonna have to crush you also Short Stop?" She asked.

@Midnite @Scrubnoppon
That chuckle. That chuckle echoed through the air once again. Yuto listened to every word they spoke, every move they made, every punch they through. Tokshi played her part perfectly, but Eric was just too stubborn. He thought he could tap into the power he saw in his visions. Sure, maybe he could. What he failed to factor in was Yuto. All of them so wrapped up in the moment that they forgot the entire reason they were fighting: the man in the facility. "No, Eric, you will be the only one to die. The power of a human soul may be strong, but I'm still strong enough to protect Tokshi from even your most powerful attack. Even from this distance, too," Yuto commented, as he sat atop the facility roof. His hand was firmly holding onto the Stop Watch. It didn't matter at that point, Tokshi seemed to have thrown Eric aside like a discarded wrapper anyway.

Yuto then looked to Warren with a fixed gaze. "Are you going to be as stupid as your friend there?" he asked.

@Nenma Takashi @Midnite


Warning: Actions beyond this point may result in permanent character death.
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Eric landed but rolled to his feet.... he spoke to them from the door

"Yuto. ..i won't apologize for who i am and i won't roll over like some puppy. you can either train me or" he charges a spirit gun a significantly large one compared to the ones he practiced with. ...since it was his life energy 

"Tokshi i wont bend or break i said im willing to die and i stand by that.... Yuto you call it stubbornness but i call it following order...right might as well kill myself to spare my family the loss right.." he aimed the spirit gun

"Never thought my life was worth much but I'd rather die then cause their death... Warren you better become a kick ass when you become a spirit detective its ok your young no need to be defiant like me but a man has his code" he says as he is done charging the gun 


@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul

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Tokshi not sure of how big this blast would be or not dived for Warren knocking him and her to the ground. Covering her head she couldn't believe this after everything that's been said he still wanted to say all this. Was he stupid? Deaf? What was pushing him to do this. Surly not the memory of his brother no that couldn't be it if it was for him he'd of accepted he was wrong by now. This was nothing more than a fool trying to justify his words if anything though she had to admire one thing. He had some brass balls to be doing what he was doing right now. He was stupid but at the same time he was brave as well Tokshi closed her eyes in preparation for the blast. 

@Scrubnoppon @Sir Les Paul @Midnite
Eric was ready to fire the gun his eyes white losing their luster ...he then saw Miyata. ..

"Eric this is foolish. ..come on think you were always the smart one" he says 

"Hey bro finally got to see you or your a figment of my imagination either way not turning back me stupid or every name in the book it doesn't matter to me... im dead anyway right.. I'd rather go on my own not groveling call it pride or whatever now go away Miyata I'll see you soon and if i end up in the other place then... just know i love you"

@Sir Les Paul

Those were the only words Yuto needed to hear. The idiot was going to do it. He was really going to do it. The Concentration Ring was pulling the Reikai from his very soul when he forced it to fire a shot. In and of itself, forcing the Concentration Ring to perform this was notable, but simultaneously, it was forlorn. The moment he pushed it over the edge, the fabric of his very soul was ripped apart. The power was immense - at least in comparison to anything that the others had seen thus far. The Reikai of a soul was ten times the potency of its regular Reikai. That elevated Eric from his D status to a high A, potentially into Rank C levels. The blast would easily be enough to kill Tokshi and shatter any barrier she put up - even if she put up all of them. Not only that, the blast covered a greater area than any normal Spirit Gun potentially could. The Reikai from it flooded through like a dam breaking. 

But in the end... it didn't matter. Yuto was well over ten times the strength of a beginning Spirit Detective like Eric. With a deep sigh, Eric clenched his Stop Watch. Not around Tokshi, but around Eric. Once the blast was fired, he didn't allow it to leave a wake of destruction. He didn't allow Eric a long, agonizing death as his body deteriorated and his mind faded into a jaded state of dementia before simply fading away. With his soul ripped apart, he had nothing left to reap. His brother may have been in the afterlife, but Eric... Eric was gone. The barrier that surrounded him was just large enough to capture the blast and keep it inside. The purple barrier sparked as his blast reflected back onto himself, obliterating his body and making the cog-like designs on the barrier spin and whir. The power that radiated from the sphere was unlike any that Warren or Tokshi had ever felt. And, while it wasn't the first time Tokshi had ever seen someone die, it was the first time she saw the devastating affects of Reikai. Just for a moment, the awe that it inspired was enough to make them forget about their goals. Warren and Tokshi alike just saw a soul ripped to shreds and a body obliterated by a blast neither of them had ever fathomed.

All the while, Yuto watched silently. Eric was the one that Koenma thought would make it. The only one that listened to instructions before. He was the only one that went to sanctuary, the only one that avoided spirits; he was the one that didn't need saved. Eric was just proof that even Koenma could be wrong. 

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel
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Gone just like that nothing the guy known as Eric was gone not a trace was left. Tokshi got up and looked as the blast contented in the barrier sparked and tried to escape but it was useless it couldn't break free. Tokshi had seen people die before she even watched a man be killed as his family ran for safety this though this was different she shook her head. "Why.....why didn't you listen?" She looked down at Warren as she shook her head. "Please Warren don't be like him. Say your sorry for not listening do as Yuto says." She didn't wanna see someone die like that again it was terrible not a trace left nothing. From what she heard he had parents now they didn't even have a body to bury. Eric was gone like a puff of smoke nothing she couldn't believe it she looked up at Yuto it was clear from his face. He'd seen this before it was also clear he was disappointed he had previously praised Eric for having the highest chance of survival. But he was wrong he said Eric would be most likely to run in turn being the most likely to live. But now Tokshi had to wonder who ran was it her who had swallowed her pride and listened to Yuto or was it Eric who was stubborn and didn't listen to Yuto. Either way she returned her gaze to Warren still wearing the knuckles she aimed her fist at him. "What'll it be Warren leave, stay and listen or stay and die." 

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Sir Les Paul @QuirkyAngel
(The unofficial theme of the death of Eric.)

Warren you better become a kick ass when you become a spirit detective its ok your young no need to be defiant like me but a man has his code


Warren could only watch. He couldn't attempt to save his friend. No matter what he did, his soul would have been shattered. It was over- and Warren knew it. 


Warren dropped to his knees. Eric was gone. The man he had spoken to only seconds ago died right in front of him. It was extremely hard to accept. He kept telling himself, Eric would be okay, that he would somehow pull through, if not by himself him or the others. But he was just naive. 

"I promised to protect you but I couldn't! I couldn't protect you... I couldn't protect Mom... what am I then!" 

Warren began to cry. He didn't want to cry in front of the others but he couldn't fight it anymore. The constant wave of emotions hit hard. 

Warren felt worthless. Like nothing. He couldn't save his friend from dying, how could he save the others, let alone himself? 

Tokshi went on too. Warren felt in sync with her as they both Greived the loss of their ally. Tokshi spoke a name she hadn't said an a while. Warren. His own name. She gave him an ultimatum. Leave or die. 

Warren could not believe the nerve of tokshi. How could she act after all of this, after loosing a friend, a partner... 

"Fine. Im leaving."

Warren rubbed his face as he stood up. He was left with one task from Eric. If he died here- no he would even think of the conciquences. 

"I'm not dying here. I let Eric down once. And I won't again. You guys will see! I'm going to train and train untill I become an amazing spirit detective! For you Eric, and everyone else!" 

Warren stepped out of the warehouse and looked into the sky. It was nice out. The weather was warm.  Was he looking for Eric? Was he looking for an answer? 

"Thank you... Eric..." 

with his newfound resolve, Warren walked away from the facility, set to make his fallen friend proud. 
Tokshi watched Warren stand up and he unlike Eric had decided to leave. She wanted to stop him she wanted to tell him to stay but she didn't she just watched him walk away. She took off her Storm Knuckles she watched him walk away getting further and further away as she did she saw Uta for a moment replace Warren. Unlike her Uta would've been Warren in this case choosing to leave rather than stay she began walking after him. Then broke into a job then sprinted she grabbed his arm tightly if he didn't have a high stat in defense she would no doubt be hurting him right now. "Don't." She paused Tokshi didn't want to attempt it but seeing Eric die had hurt her she couldn't handle the idea of losing someone she was beginning to call friend again. Her mind began to think about how she felt when she was told her parents were dead she didn't cry at all not one tear. Her so called relatives talked behind her back calling her a stone hearted monster for not seeming to care. But really she didn't cry so Uta could have someone to lean on he was all she had and vice versa. Now she was going to be what Warren could lean on she pulled him to her and pet his head. "Warren I know you wanna be strong I do too we both do. I'm sad he's gone really I am but tears won't change a thing but your fist your brain your power that can change things. So please ask Yuto to forgive you please." She chuckled a bit smiling at him. "Without you me and Armi would get real lonely you gonna leave two cute girls with a guy like that?" 

@Scrubnoppon @Sir Les Paul

Warren looked up at tokshi, and listened to her. 

" much as it pains me to take order from that guy...

Id NEVER- leave two girls alone like that." 

Warren smiled as he walked back into the warehouse. And looked Yuto dead in the eye. 

"Listen Yuto. What just happened we will never forget. I mean, it goes without saying we will never forget Eric. And before he died, he said something to me that I've taken to heart. 

He wants me to become a great spirit detective, but I can't do that without you." 

Warren clenched his fists. 

"I won't stop untill I've reached my full potential- and I'll keep getting better from there- but that only starts with you." 

Warren helt out his hand. 

"What do you say?" the Paranormal Club           

Arimi listened silently to all the explanations given about the events that apparently transpired in their training session, not bothering to utter a peep until Yuto hung up. What was there to say? The senior spirit detective just happened to be listening in on a conversation where his spirit detective trainees were plotting against him so to speak. That was partly her fault. If she’d known there had been some sort of fallout in the group, she wouldn’t have contacted Yuto at all. Arimi almost felt sorry for Yuto—if he hadn’t been so cold in his ‘lecture’. The chuckle certainly didn’t warrant pity. Simply put, everything he said made logical sense, but Arimi decided she didn’t like him. He reminded him of all those school teachers who disciplined students through violence, who thought they knew what was best for her. Yuto didn’t look that much older than them either.  

My martial arts teacher did not teach me like that!  

 She opened her mouth to speak to Tokshi, but apparently their ‘trainer’s’ words were harsh enough that the dark haired girl hung up. Not just Tokshi. All of them hung up. Arimi glanced towards Akira and Mitake who only shrugged in response. It wasn’t what they’d expected when they’d wanted to talk to Spirit Detectives—all the talk about shooting each other, guns, and the death of loved ones. Slowly Arimi closed the mystic mirror and slipped it back into her army jacket.

“W-What are you going to do, Arimi?”

“I’m going to go meet him,” Arimi stated as she moved to stand from the desk. Neatly putting all the spirit tools back in kit, Arimi folded her leather notebook before making her way to the classroom’s exit. “I’ve got an address. And Yuto said he wanted direct contact. If he’s honest about our souls attracting evil spirits, then it’s probably best that you guys keep away from me—at least until I’m strong enough to handle them. The Paranormal Club, as of now, is disbanded.”


“Are you serious?”

Arimi nodded. “You all heard Yuto about the risk of being a spirit detective. I may even have to drop out school if things get as bad as he said.”

“You don’t sound very upset about that,” Akira observed.

She wasn’t. Arimi was only a year away from graduating. Sooner or later she’d be moving out of her mother’s place and living on her own. She had a part-time job that would allow her to make ends meet. Her boss, the caretaker of the shrine, was one of the few adults who understood her—who wouldn’t think she was crazy for being wary of spirits. She could probably stay with him while undergoing Spartan? Spirit Detective Training with Yuto…which would only last for as long as she could stand his manipulative training methods.    

“A-At least think about this a little. This Yuto guy’s the one telling kids to go buy a gun and shoot themselves i-in the head so they don’t at least attract evil spirits. This…it isn’t right.”

“For once I agree with Mitake, Prez. Give yourself a night before making a decision like this.”

Arimi looked between Akira and Mitake before slowly nodding. She probably did need time to calm down and reassess her priorities. Evil spirits have always been a threat, even before her accidental contact with Botan-sama and ghosts. She couldn’t see them, but they were there. She could feel them—sort of. If Yuto could make her strong enough to survive against spirits like the Kuchisake-onna did it matter whether she actually liked him or not? Even when he essentially told her fellow spirit detective candidates that they had to be strong or they should die…and he didn’t actually care whether they did?

Of course, Arimi was more interested in death than life.

Ghosts were fascinating.

But if, that were the case, why did the thought of her and the people she actually knew to be dying scare her?

Arimi groaned. Akira and Mitake were right. She needed to sleep on this one.

After Eric's Death, Yuto's Training Facility.

This is Spirit Detective training?

No. It wasn’t. She had seen everything. Tokshi had been trying to drive Eric and Warren off the Yuto’s training facility. Eric refused to budge, saying he’d rather die than leave. Their brawl had been bloody. Spirit tools were used. In the end, Eric charged a giant spirit gun and Arimi feared for Tokshi’s life until a large red barrier encased Eric. Then…well, the details weren’t exactly clear to Arimi, but she knew one thing.

Eric was dead.

Not just dead.


Stepping out from where Arimi had hidden behind several large crates upon arrival, since she had no desire to be involved in a bloody brawl between spirit detective candidates, Arimi directed her gaze towards Yuto—who had been chuckling moments before. She wanted to leave. Screw training. If that was what was going to happen to her if she didn’t go along with what Yuto wanted, she’d take her chances with evil spirits. Living in a shrine for the rest of her life wasn’t that bad…and she’d find a way to train on her own if she had to. Whatever it took to survive…and not end up like Eric.

But there was one thing that kept Arimi’s feet rooted to the spot. A single curiosity as she hugged her leather notebook and looked up at Yuto’s expressionless face. While Tokshi spoke to Warren, Arimi’s attention was on Yuto.  

“If you could read them so easily, like you told me yesterday, why couldn’t you have predicted this?”

His refusal to train Eric Dawes had driven the boy into a corner. That fact was undeniable to Arimi. Yuto could’ve saved Eric. He didn’t. Eric’s pride and stubbornness was certainly to blame for his death…but it might not have happened if Yuto hadn’t been so hard-headed as well.

As strong as Yuto claimed to be, he could’ve kicked Eric off his premise without killing him if he wanted to. He could’ve called security. Why was Tokshi fighting Eric? Was it some sort of mind game? Botan-sama had said, Yuto would help them survive…yet he didn’t help Eric. In fact, he’d been the one who told them to kill themselves if they didn’t grow strong. Arimi wasn’t particularly close to Eric, but she’d done her research on him. On Tokshi. On Warren. The only one she didn’t was Yuto.

“Did you know he would do that?”

Perhaps her question would anger him, but if Arimi couldn’t trust her trainer, she was probably better of training by herself than with someone whose training method was still questionable to her…especially after everything she’d just witnessed. Yuto might be an experienced trainer, perhaps a very strong and clever Spirit Detective, but he was no teacher...and clearly didn't know how to deal with kids--especially the ones whose lives had come to an early end. Pushing up her glasses, Arimi noticed her hand trembling. She willed it to stop.

Is this what being a Spirit Detective like?             

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi

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“If you could read them so easily, like you told me yesterday, why couldn’t you have predicted this?”

His refusal to train Eric Dawes had driven the boy into a corner. That fact was undeniable to Arimi. Yuto could’ve saved Eric. He didn’t. Eric’s pride and stubbornness was certainly to blame for his death…but it might not have happened if Yuto hadn’t been so hard-headed as well.

As strong as Yuto claimed to be, he could’ve kicked Eric off his premise without killing him if he wanted to. He could’ve called security. Why was Tokshi fighting Eric? Was it some sort of mind game? Botan-sama had said, Yuto would help them survive…yet he didn’t help Eric. In fact, he’d been the one who told them to kill themselves if they didn’t grow strong. Arimi wasn’t particularly close to Eric, but she’d done her research on him. On Tokshi. On Warren. The only one she didn’t was Yuto.

“Did you know he would do that?”

Yuto slid down off the roof and fell to the ground at an increasingly concerning speed... until he hit it and landed perfectly. It was an odd sight considering the same fall would have broken the legs of any normal man, but the reality had already set in that the world they were now part of was anything but normal.

"I knew he could do that," Yuto responded to her, "and, I definitely knew that there was a growing risk for it. The fact you must consider... is that ideally, you all will finish training with me or grow strong enough that as a team, you are more formidable than I am alone. Such is the fate of a mentor in this field." Yuto continued his explanation, and his words almost seemed sullen. Another reality began to sink in: not only had he seen this before, but he had likely delivered this same speech. Maybe even been the one hearing it. "I cannot protect you forever and I cannot protect you from yourselves. Eric was the master of his own fate and it was his decision to seal it. If not now, then in the future. And, if you are to continue your line of questioning until you ask why I didn't stop him, I have a plain answer. I would rather him die now and alone then you all become dependent on him as a teammate and fdie due to him," Yuto told Arimi, now answering questions she might have had building up in her curious mind, "and, yes, I've seen it both ways. You have a considerably higher chance of success losing him now... not only because he is no longer a liability to the team, but because all three of you now understand the importance of my lessons. And, moreover, the importance of instructions as a Spirit Detective."

Yuto then glared at Warren. The idiot was giving yet another one of his trademark, yet increasingly annoying motivation speeches. "You are just lucky I'm not permitted to kill you myself. If I had two bullets between you, Hitler and Stalin, I'd shoot you twice," Yuto told him, "because their speeches were at least mildly interesting."

@QuirkyAngel @Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon
"Hehehehe! That's the Yuto I know!"

But not the Yuto necessarily like.." 

Warren was very concerned that Yuto found hitler's speeches even somewhat interesting, but it did make sense

the atmosohere was extremely tense, everyone was on edge. They lost a friend today. 

"Yuto, I think we need to take some time off. Maybe a day. We need to think about this- like, what about Eric's parents? We need to tell them... and..." 

warren stopped- still rejecting the idea that Eric isn't here anymore. 

"Listen guys- this is scary. If my dad finds out that someone died here, he won't let me come anymore. And If i can't come I can't get better and..." 

warren stopped again. He shuddered a bit as bad- BAD memories swirled in his mind. everyone could tell something was up. 

"I think... I think I should go..." 
Yuto had green eyes, but they could have been frozen over like clear ice when he made eye contact with Warren. He tilted his head back, flared his nostrils and furled his lip. "Warren, do you think a battle is over when an ally dies?" he asked simply.

Warren was certainly taken aback when Yuto's tone changed. The glare sent a shock streaming from his head to his feet, he froze for a couple seconds before Warren responded with an answer equally simple to his question. 


@Sir Les Paul
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"Then what makes you think you can leave?" Yuto asked him, maintaining the same piercing gaze. Yuto was a constant reminder to what they were training for: spirits. Dangerous Spirits. The battlefield, in many ways. Warren was worried about things like his parent's approval or what? The stress of seeing Eric die? That was pansy-shit that Yuto wasn't going to accept, and he was making damn sure that Warren had that in his thick head.


Warren broke into tears and crumbled to his knees. 

"It wasn't my fault... IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" 

Warren lost any composure he had. 

"Damnit!... DAMNIT! DAMNITTT!" 

Warren slammed his fist on the ground 


Warren stood up 

"Im sorry... this is just... lemme explain." 


I think I was seven. Yeah, seven. So maybe eight years ago... you see, my mom... she was spiritually aware- Like me. But I'd say she was even more aware than I was. She was a pretty popular- well, medium isn't the right term... Let's say she made a name for herself for her awareness. Back in America, it was just me, her, my dad, and my sister. It was pretty normal- Aside from the ghosts- obviously. Only my mom and I knew about my Ability. My mom tried to sort of... I guess bring out the awareness? Im really not sure what she going for to this day, but I think it was to ward off... like... evil spirits. I could never get the hang of it. It wasn't really attacking- more like warding off. I don't know what it was- just couldn't get it. I hated it too. Mom pushed it on me- and it became annoying. I wanted to be a normal kid but mom wouldn't allow it.

So uhh- on a normal day, It was just me and mom at home- an extremely strong... monster or spirit or whatever tried to attack me. I couldn't do anything- I tried to fend them off and... my mom stepped in. She fended it off the best she could... But the demon was stronger. She kept telling me "we can beat him together! I just need your help! You can do it!" 

But it didn't work. I couldn't stop it. Eventually I got it, and the demon left but by that time I couldn't do anything. 

it got mom really bad... i couldn't do anything. She told me something. S-she said 

"You'll do great things. I know you'll grow up to make me proud." 

I was bawling and- she sang this song to me. She would sing it to me when I cried when I was a baby, and a kid even. You familiar with the song "fly me to the moon?" That one. She died shortly after and I stayed with her, I called the police and... there was an investigation. They came to the conclusion- that it was me. ME! Of all people- me?! There was no evidence of break in- and i was the only one there. Everyone in town hated me. At school, at the store, and my explanation of evil spirits didn't help me much... 

My dad helped me Through it all I was never found guilty, but from then on- everyone still thought it was me. Whenever I wanted them to stop, i think about what she told me, and I'd keep going. After the case was put away, we came here because dad is assigned on a huge case. Drugs, gangs, smuggling, a big case with many people involved. So we moved here, and here I am.


"it hurts knowing I could have done something." 

Warren looked down at the kit. 

"But with this- I can... I can protect people. I can protect you guys and my family..." 

Warren stared at the kit for a second. 

"It's nice to get it off my chest. So thanks for listening you guys." 
"Oh Hell no," Yuto said as Warren appeared to be having some type of mental breakdown. Yuto lifted his hand, extended his finger and without another word fired his Spirit Gun straight at Warren. The bullet was, as always, fast, but it lacked no umph to it - especially knowing Warren could handle more than any of the others. Not only that, Yuto literally did not have the patience for that. Warren got to about the part were he explained he was seven before the blast reached him and all Yuto could add was, "you literally cannot fathom the fucks I don't give, kid."

Tokshi watched Warren seem to break down his story touched her heart. She titled her head as he explained his tragic past she was about to reach out a hand to comfort him when a Spirit bullet found it's way into him. She sighed looking back and forth between the two she scratched her head. "It's amazing how badly you two get along. I'm sure you guys could have your own show together." Tokshi held a hand out to Warren to help him up. "You know he wouldn't shoot you so much if you just ya know didn't do your cute little speeches." 

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon
"Owwww! Hey that's just MEAN! I spill my heart out to you and I get THIS!"

Warren was surprised that the spirit gun wasn't so bad. It didn't have much... power behind it. More like a big push. Warren took tokshi's hand and got up. 

"Thanks tokshi. But I don't think we're getting a 'Real spirit detectives of Ketsuekikawa' any time soon." 
Yuto listened to the interaction between Tokshi and Warren and winced. He lifted up his finger again and fired another Spirit Gun - this one with the same force as the one he fired at Warren, but instead at Tokshi. The primary difference, however, was the speed at which it flew at. This bullet traveled considerably faster than the others and was aimed directly at her head. With her low stamina, it would have been an instant knock out. But, it didn't. Just before it reached her face, it stopped. It wanted to move forward, but couldn't. Yuto was holding the blast back with five threads of Reikai each attached to one of the digits on the hand that blasted it. The blast, obviously, was meant to scare her. It was radiating force and power. The first time either of them had an extended period of time to see "formed" Reikai. And, just a few seconds after it was floating in front of her face, Yuto ripped it back and dissipated it by punching it head-on. "Don't call them cute. Don't encourage him," Yuto said, "because next time, I'm going to knock his ass out for the entire day and he'll miss out on training."

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel
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"Haha Woah!" She called out as the bullet stopped just a bit from her face. She stumbled back a bit surprised Yuto really didn't like Warren's speeches. "Right noted." Tokshi had seen the grange threads of Rekai Yuto used to hold the bullet an inch from her face. "So Yuto are we done for the day after well ya know." Her eyes mentioned to the spot where Eric once was still a bit shaken by the scene. She took off her knuckles and hung them from her belt. Yuto was such a strange thing what was the Yuto they saw at the shrine? The real Yuto? A mask? How many times has he seen this very same scene? How many times more would he see it? Tokshi felt such a familiar feeling from his cold gaze. Herself, Rin? No she knew his look it was the look of someone who had to grow up too soon.  

Warren was about to push tokshi away, when the spirit gun almost hit tokshi in the face. Warren then noticed the thin threads holding the spirit gun. 

"Ohh... I see. Shoot me but not her. Not cool. Hell, it's not cool for you to even threaten to shoot a lady! That's minus one gentlepoint!*" 

Warren crossed his arms like a kid who didn't get a toy he wanted. 

Tokshi reiterated a point he brought up earlier. 

"Yeah- you're right tokshi- I think we need some time to tell eric's parents and get This behind us." 

(* gentlepoints are a measure of how gentlemanly you are. Somewhere deep in the U.K., an orginization tracks all gentlemen, determining their caliber based off an ancient Byzantine rules and guidelines. Every year in the spring, a representative of the organization conducts a cursory investigation of each member's behavior (or at least it appears to) and awards points based on what they saw. The following formula is used:

(ladies treated nicely) X (top hats owned) X (puzzles solved) X (Money given to gentleman tracking organization) = Total Gentlepoints) 
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"No, we're not fucking done for the day," Yuto answered Tokshi. His tone made his irritation obvious. "And, what the fuck are you thinking, dumb shit?" he quickly followed up by looking at Warren. "Are you a literal fucking retard? Why would we tell the dead kid's parents he killed himself? They have no idea he comes here, they have no association with any of us - they likely don't even know our faces. And, Botan has probably already removed all of his now-useless Spirit Detective equipment that wasn't destroyed," Yuto continued to rant on. His reikai poured out from him while he went on and unfortunately, all of it made sense. What Warren thought was noble was easily enough to get any of them under investigation. Yuto took a step forward, but the outline of his body seemed to fade, becoming transparent. In the next moment that followed, he was standing directly in front of Warren with his hand drawn back. "And, I literally give two shits about being a gentlemen," Yuto added before outright bitchslapping Warren with enough force not only to knock him to the ground, but to cause him to skid across it. 

"You have to think. Use your fucking head. That dumbass you saw in front of you just got himself killed and for what? Not getting his way? Being a stubborn fucking idiot?" Yuto continued on his rant. He stepped back, his body fading again, this time appearing in front of Tokshi. And, Tokshi received a slap just a little less harsh than the one given to Warren. "That's just to prove how un-goddamn-gentlemenly I am," he then added.

Yuto lifted up his fingers to show a gap of less than a half-inch between them and stared down Warren, "I'm about this goddamn close to showing you just how weak you really are. And go ahead. I fucking dare you to say one word about how I just want to feel stronger than you. Do you know how many people before you said that same whiny phrase?"

Yuto intentionally ignored Arimi during this engagement. She had virtually no impact on it before, so he had no real reason to slap her. Not to mention, her Rank E made anything from him excessively dangerous. What was apparent was that they had finally bridged the gap between annoying Yuto and outright pissing him off.

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel
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A spirit gun landed in the small of Yuto’s back. Arimi didn’t know how strong it was, or how it would affect someone like Yuto—who as a Senior Spirit Detective—but she didn’t care. Her reaction had been instinctive and she hadn’t exactly learned about control yet. She simply channeled all the reikai she could muster into the shot.

“Calm down,” Arimi said firmly, if not a bit out of breath. Her arm was still extended and her hand formed in the shape of a gun, trained at Yuto.

Yuto’s response to her question wasn’t exactly one that she’d like, but it had been honest. Reasonable. It showed her that he really did prioritize their safety and he wasn’t one to defend his actions behind a mask of goodness. He sounded like a mature adult, which wasn’t exactly her favorite type of adult, but one she could deal with—maybe even respect…a little. But then Warren spoke and it was as if all that maturity vanished.

Intriguged, Arimi had been content to observe the mystery that was Yuto—to see his training methods first-hand. It didn’t impress her in the least. His teaching method was apparently something along the lines of beating his trainees black and blue until they got the message. Arimi wasn’t normally the type to get involved in such things. She liked to observe. To research the things that interested her. She wasn’t the type to jump in when she saw injustice being wrought—especially when it had nothing to do with her. But when she saw Yuto slap Tokshi to ‘prove a point’ to Warren, Arimi had enough.

“They just want a little time to mourn the loss of a friend. Is that really so bad? Certainly telling Eric’s parents about their son’s death isn’t the brightest move, but it’s nothing to beat them up over. There are better ways of telling them that."


"...No one said anything about how you want to to feel stronger than them.”

Arimi narrowed her eyes.

“So who the hell are you talking to?”
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