
Tokshi's head was thumping from the impact and she coughed a bit as Eric placed his knee on her throat. "That's what I'm talking about right there!" She pulled her hands apart ripping the shirt in two and slammed a right hook into Eric's face. She then pushed just in case he didn't fall off cause of the punch stand she rubbed her throat. "You fought in a ring most of your life, I fought on these streets for most of my life." Tokshi rubbed the back of her head as it throbbed. 

Eric fell to the ground from the punch ...

He was pretty hurt from the knee and now a punch ... he just laid there defeated. .."you didn't have to rip my shirt apart" he says 

He couldn't win she was stronger and his technique wasn't at a level to beat  her.... he felt as defeated as ever he seemed to always be unable to improve using the watch didn't make him feel better at all "guess this isn't a Shounen Jump Manga ..." he says slow to get up to continue the fight 


@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul
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"Warren, you're going to decide who wins," Yuto whispered into his ear, "before the fight is over, shoot one of them with a Spirit gun - or I'll shoot them both with the Shotgun." 

Yuto then leaned in a little closer, uncomfortably close, "will you choose the cute girl with an advantage or your buddy the underdog?" He then chuckled before moving away from Warren.

That is what Yuto whispered to Warren. Now, he watched the fight realizing it was nearly over. He then begin audibly laughing. "If your brother was the prodigy, why were you the one to get a second chance?" Yuto asked, "if he's all you say he is, I bet he would've beat Tokshi already..."

"Stand the fuck up," Yuto immediately barked at him, "Laying down when you can still fight is how you get people killed."

@Scrubnoppon (Now it falls on you. Your Spirit Gun will be significantly weaker than the first one Yuto used. It will literally have between 1.0 - 1.25x the strength of a normal punch from Warren. But, that force will be enough to knock the wind out of either of them at this point. I only want Eric to stand up so that you can either choose to make him win or knock his ass back down.)

Warren watched the fight intently, Noting the two's every move. When it was time, it really didn't take too long to decide. 

"Well, first off I want to thank you both for making this an easy decision on my part." Warren walked closer. 

"Now this doesn't make this any easier to do, so I hope you can forgive me...


Warren shot a spirit gun at Eric, It hitting him right in the stomach.

"Warren walked over. You fought well, but that's not what you screwed up, no. 

You gave up. 

I know you guys said this isn't a shonen... but honestly, it pretty much is! I-I mean we died and now we're shooting glowey balls out of our hands! And you know what they do in shonens? They never give up! I know this sounds extremely cheesy, but, maybe if you kept it up... you could have maybe won. If I don't give up on you, you sure as hell cant give up on me!" 

Warren extended his hand to help up Eric. 

"We even?" 
Eric's body radiated in pain as the attack..his legs gave way and he dropped to the ground. ...

"I ..didn't give up i just accepted my...loss" he says coughing up some blood...

He didn't accept Warren's help to get up took a while but he was able to get to his feet...he used the wall to keep his balance while holding his mid section. ..

Spirit detective in training or not doesn't seem like much changed...

But Eric was use to pain ironic that Warren was gifted with great stamina but Eric was just gifted at taking a beating 

He still was badly hurt but did his best to maintain 

@Nenma Takashi


@Sir Les Paul
Yuto walked over to Eric and grabbed his shoulder. At first, it seemed like he was going to say something inspirational, but ultimately, he was pouring some of his Reikai into Eric. Enough to heal him a little faster. Enough to keep him from coughing up blood. He was running on empty and if he had no Reikai to heal his wounds, he wouldn't be prepared. The feeling was the same as it was for Warren not long ago; the cool, wet sensation like a river flowing into him. It only took a moment as well before Eric was at his peak then Yuto removed his hand.

"Today was completely useless. None of you are near being ready for the field. Not only are you all pansy-asses, you're not mentally prepared for spiritual encounters," Yuto said. He took a few steps back to distance himself from Eric, then turned towards the rest of the group. "I'll work on fixing your stupid later, tomorrow, we're going to start your conditioning. Meet here again at 4 PM after your classes are out. On your way out, you'll see a dish full of bus tokens. Grab them. I don't care. Just don't be late," Yuto told the group. Warren listened to him, but his instructions were half-pointless. Shooting a man on the ground didn't really affect the outcome of a fight. But, at least the idiot did as told. The group as a whole, however, had a lot of work to do before they were ready.

@Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
Tokshi felt happy seeing Eric getting up getting ready to attack but before she could do anything Eric was shot by Warren. She dropped her arms to the side disappointed. She listened to Warren speech almost laughing at the cheesiness but stopped when he told Eric to believe in him and he wouldn't let him down. It reminded her of what she told Uta when they lost their parents. She chuckled and kicked Warren's back lightly. "Put your faith in me and you'll have nothing to worry about. Oi Short-Stop I don't have a lot of money so wherever we go for that date you better be paying." 

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Sir Les Paul
Warren was sterting to callus from all of Yuto's yelling. It was all the same,

"you guys suck and will die. Get better."

well, maybe not exactly, but the jist is the same. 

"Oh of COURSE not! It's extremely un-gentlemanly to not have the man pay! Here... I understand you have a busy schedule. So let me know when you're free, wear you best and I'll meet you at your place. I have some connections to someplace nice!" 

Warren pulled out a small notebook, and scribbled a string of numbers onto it and handed it to Tokshi. 

"Lemme know if you need anything at all!~" 

Warren walked out with a grin plastered on his face. 

He forgot to say bye to Yuto and Eric. Not even check if Eric was okay. 

Hey, that's what love does to a kid. 
Eric walked away not saying bye to anyone he just wanted this day to be over he didn't want Yuto's Reikai he would rather have healed up on his own....

He left grabbing some tokens and jogged home he wasn't going to wait on Yuto's conditioning he was going to work on himself as well.

He went home and went to his gym in his home and stretched and poured his Reikai into his right hand balancing on one hand trying to maintain that position for as long as he could 

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi
Tokshi watched Eric walk away he seemed bitter all this she thought about apologizing for being a bit of a jerk but stopped. She didn't really know what to say so she just let him walk away she looked down at Warren's number and sighed. "Hey Yuto....From one asshole to another ya think I was a bit too much back there? I mean maybe Eric was right and I was just saying everything cause I didn't want him to be right. I don't know it just sorta feels lackluster to win like that or I guess in your eyes lose like that." She put the number in her pocket and began to leave but stopped to say one last thing. "Oh yeah uh see ya tomorrow I guess." As she left she reflected on just how badly she failed in Yuto's eyes. No matter what she did he seemed to think it was garbage no matter how amazingly powerful she felt to Yuto, it was nothing. When she got home she saw Uta who gasped looking at her. "What happened to your face!?" He yelled running up to her she tilted her head confused then touched her face and felt something wet. Looking at her hand she saw blood from her lip. 'How did oh yeah when he hit me with that counter.'  She wiped her lip sitting down on the couch she sighed. Uta placed a tv dinner on the table in front of her and handed her a cloth. "Here promise me your not doing anything any more dangerous than already." She looked him in his eyes smiled and flicked his forehead. "Of course I'm not. I promise." 

@Midnite @Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon
The next day went by largely the same as before. Waking up, getting ready for school, school, talk with friends during lunch, walk home with friends, put backpack down, grab kit, leave for training to get yelled at by Yuto, and maybe even shot by yuto. 

Warren walked into the training unit. 

"Honey, I'm hooooooome!"
Tokshi woke up with a yawn as she quickly got ready grabbing her stuff eating breakfast quickly and then was out the door. While most would think she had gotten ready for school she actually had grabbed a towel and hard hat to head to her new construction job. Getting their she worked under the hot sun working the jackhammer to help fix some roads. Wiping some sweat from her forehead with her towel she went to her boss who smiled. "Thanks for the help Tokshi here's your pay." She took the money and nodded then began running to the warehouse to train with the others. As she got there she saw Warren was already there and took off her hard hat and put it on his head. "Yo Short-Stop how's it going down there." 
@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Sir Les Paul
Eric woke up in a puddle of sweat he was working on his Reikai all through the night. ..

His father came in noticing the bruises he had..."lost another one did ya" he says 

"Does it matter all that matters is improving" he says drinking water. ...

"I like your determination son but you need more than that" he replied 

"I know dad but I gotta go see you when i get home tonight" he says grabbing his kit

He didn't go to school his grades were good enough to miss one day...

He had arrived at the training unit first and just meditated while seeing how long and far he could exert his Reikai before hitting his limit.

He was actually getting good at accessing his Reikai which is what he wanted. to work on learning how to access his Reikai then just using it

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi

"Don't," Yuto said to Eric as he felt Eric attempting to tamper with his Reikai. Eric was talking down one of the set of steel stairs from the upper level of the unit.

"You have no idea what you're doing with your Reikai," Yuto explained, "and you'll need it for today. Wasting it by playing with it now is just going to force me to lend you more...

...and piss me off."


Sarayashiki High School, Parnormal Club.

Seated in long table, comprised of multiple desks, Arimi hunched over a leather notebook as her pen moved rapidly across the pages. Every few seconds, her other hand could be seen flipping through a little black book, her eyes flickering back and for the between the black book and the leather notebook. Various newspaper clippings and books were strewn across the table in such a way that if one weren’t looking at the contents they’d think that she was studying hard. Indeed, Armi was studying hard…just not on subjects that didn’t interest her.

“Eric Dawes was killed by Pro-boxer Marshall Hayes, nicknamed Mad Marshall Hayesm in an out-of-ring fight. A homeless witness I’d talked to confirmed seeing with his own two eyes.”

Arimi stopped writing to stare up at Akira who was seated causally across from her. “How reliable is this witness?”

Akira shrugged. “To be honest, not very reliable. He sounded like he was describing a monster when he spoke of Hayes.He's hard to understand with the way he mumbles. And, Eric Dawes, as far as I am concerned, is still alive. According to the old man, Dawes initiated the confrontation.”

“I told you he was a ghost that hatched a spirit bird which lead him back to life,” Arimi waved away the ‘still alive’  part dismissively. “Though, I can’t imagine why Eric would start a fight with a pro boxer…” From what Arimi knew of Eric—granted it wasn’t much—the guy hadn’t seemed like the rash sort.

Akira nodded, a small amused smile on his face. “Assuming the supernatural parts to be true, I also wondered what motivation Dawes might have for attacking Hayes. So I dug up information regarding all of Mad Marshall Hayes fights. One particular fight stood out.”

Arimi pushed up her glasses as Akira spread a newspaper in front of her, leaned forward, tucked her bleached hair behind her ear, and let her gaze to the corner where the Paranormal Club’s Secretary pointed.

“In his most recent match, Marshall Hayes accidentally killed pro-boxer Miyata…who just so happens to be Eric’s brother.”

“Well, that’s certainly a motive,” Arimi grinned. “Do you think all the witness’s claims are true then?”

“I think you should ask Eric himself rather than digging up information about his past. According to your story, he’s your friend right?”

“I plan to, but I want to be prepared before I start asking questions. That way I’ll be able to ask the right questions.” Arimi looked up at Akira and folded her arms across her chest. “Do you doubt me?”

“When have I ever doubted you, Club President?” Akira replied easily. It was true. Akira had never doubted her or made fun of her when she claimed ghosts and monsters existed. His joining the paranormal club always seemed a little odd to her. Unlike her and Mitake, who’d always been outcasts since kids, he’d been decently popular before joining them—a sociable sort of guy. “I just think there’s an easier way to go about this.”

Certainly there was, but it involved explaining to them why she was so interested in them, and that wasn’t something she was looking forward to. They were different from her. It had been something apparent to her ever since talking to them as a disembodied spirit, listening to Botan-sama, and watching them hatch their spirit eggs to come back to life. They were the proper spirit detectives while she was Botan-sama’s experiment. They died while she never did. While they met by luck, she’d wanted to meet them from the start. It had been her goal for years—to speak to the ghosts she’d once been able to see as a kid—and Arimi got much more than she had bargained for. An opportunity to become a Spirit Detective, to interact with ghosts and demons on a job-ly basis. Arimi was beyond thrilled.

While she tasked Akira to gather information on the former ghost Eric for their club activity, she did her research on Tokshi and Warren. Finding information on them wasn’t tough. She knew their name and their appearance. They both died on roughly around the same time, probably lived in the same town—since she didn’t think ghosts often wandered too far from where they lived—, and appeared to be of school age. Yuto would be more difficult…but if he intended to keep them alive as he stated, she imagined he’d at least live close enough to keep an eye on them. That, at least, was one clue.  

Arimi reached for one of the books, which had various depictions of the mythical feathered serpent that appeared in Mesoamerican literature. There was only one picture that—sort of—looked like Noct. And she sincerely doubted she could find any depiction of a pretty grim reaper with blue hair even if she searched the entire school library. Or any information on spirit detectives.

“If everything we’ve researched on the paranormal proves to be inaccurate, what do you think we should do? Scrap everything and start over?”

“Nah. That seems like a complete waste.”

Arimi nodded and put the book on Mesoamerican deities down. Her hand trailed lovingly over the little black book. “Regardless, we’ve found our club’s bible.”

“Don’t you find it odd that all the demons listed in that book have stats?”

“I’m guessing all the data was compiled using the Makai Oak Cards. I’d show you them…if Mitake would hurry up.”As if on cue, the gangly brown haired boy entered through the clubroom door. Arimi glanced at the clock, then back at Mitake. “What took you so long? It’s nearly 4 o'clock. You know I have a curfew now.”

“I had the hardest job,” Mitake grumbled as pulled a silver case from his backpack and handed it to Arimi. “Convincing Mrs. Setsuya that everything in here was for a class project. Why’d you even leave it at home if we needed it for today’s club activities?”

“Couldn’t be helped. Mom’s been like a hawk ever since I got released from the hospital. She doesn’t believe anything I say after seeing the gauntlets and routinely checks my bags to make sure I’m not bringing any ‘hocus pocus’ stuff to school…as if I’m a grade schooler and not a third year high school student!”

“But Mrs Setsuya seems to like you, Mitake,” Akira teased. “Since you managed to retrieve Arimi’s ghost police kit.”

Mitake made a face.  

“Spirit Detective kit,” Arimi corrected with a sigh. Her mom had never been this involved in her life like this before. Now all of a sudden, just because she hit her head a little, the woman was convinced that Arimi was doing something dangerous   “She threatened to trash all my occult possessions if I’m caught playing around at night. The book was the only thing I could sneak out of the kit. It’s no longer safe to keep my things in my room. So I’ll need to move the important things to the club room—at least until I graduate.”

“Well…this is the year we’re supposed to be studying the hardest.”

“That’s only if you’re planning on attending a university.”

“Y-You’re not seriously thinking of joining the Japanese military like you told the teachers are you?”

Arimi rolled her eyes, place the case on the table, and opened it. “I’d rather not talk about that. Besides, do you think Spirit Detective is an occupation?”

“Only if it pays.”

Arimi had to ponder that one. She didn’t think Botan would pay her to police her own town from those breaking Spirit Laws? Did the Spirit World even have a currency? Laws? The instructions, the kits, everything Botan said seemed to imply that there was organization in the Spirit World. Tokshi, Warren, and Eric were given the option to return to life only if they served as Spirit Detectives for ten years. In her case, she’d made the choice and had to prove herself worthy of becoming one.

Rifling through the items in the kit, Arimi picked out her second favorite of the items—the concentration ring. It had been the tool that allowed her to become a Spirit Detective. Though, try as she might, she couldn’t produce the same effect as when she’d defeated the Kuchisake-onna. She’d been trying the entire time yesterday and couldn’t figure out how she’d done it the first time. The only thing she managed to produce was a pebble-sized pellet, which she severely doubted. Frowning, the small girl slipped the ring on her finger before picking out the most useful tool—in her mind at least—and flicked it open: the mystic mirror. She’d read the instructions on how to use it, all the items really, but the limitations of it were still unknown to her. Was there a limit to the range? How many Spirit Detectives in the world owned these mirrors…and could be used to contact any of them as long as she knew them?

“S-so…what are we doing today?”

“Lots of things. But first, I was going to show Akira how the Makai cards work” Arimi answered, slipping the mirror into the pocket of her army jacket. She’d changed out of her school uniform as soon as class ended, since she couldn't stand wearing a skirt for longer than necessary. Pulling out a card from the kit, and a utility knife from her pocket, she seamless nicked her thumb and let a bit blood fall on the teeth of the card. 

(mentioned: @Nenma Takashi, @Midnite, @Scrubnoppon, @Sir Les Paul
Eric sighed stopping. ..

"You know that im just trying to learn...i know you had a student that lost control and ended up dying but im not going that far. In lamans terms im just working on accessing my Reikai not using it" he says to Yuto ..

"Oh well it doesn't matter now whats the goal for today" he says 

@Sir Les Paul

Warren took the hat off of his head to look at it, then put it back on. 

"Heh, I look like those lil' guys from Mega man!" 

Warren stood up, made a "p-chooo!" Noise and knelt down, mimicking the characters in Megaman he mentioned. 

"Workin' a construction job eh? That's cool, I like a strong girl."

As Yuto spoke, warren smirked and handed the hat back to Tokshi. 

"Yeah Yuto, don't wanna sound like a dick, but I have some stuff planned after this so the sooner we get out there better." 
Tokshi sighed as the boys began to act like the idiots they were, she chuckled a little taking the hard hat back. "Guess that makes me Gutsman right." She then flexed like Gutsman did in his intro laughing as she did. Putting her hard hat back on she looked to Yuto. "I'm not in any kind of rush I just finished all my work so I wouldn't have to worry about running late. So I got all the time in the world as of right now." She then remembered it was her turn to cook tonight. "Wait scratch that I have to cook tonight so yeah gotta be home before it gets too dark or else Uta will- Uh you know what never mind just know I gotta go before it gets real dark." She didn't want talk about Uta around others too much as she didn't want them to think she was soft or anything like that.
"Oh my god... isn't Uta a boy's name? B-but she can't have a boyfriend... she didn't mention one, did she? And why would she offer a date if she was taken... maybe that's it! She's eloping with someone named uta and egging me on to keep it a secret! That's the ONLY logical explanation! Oh man...I can't let this Uta guy steal Tokshi away from meeee!" 

"Haha! Yeah sounds good Tokshi!" 
Eric sighed stopping. ..

"You know that im just trying to learn...i know you had a student that lost control and ended up dying but im not going that far. In lamans terms im just working on accessing my Reikai not using it" he says to Yuto ..

"Oh well it doesn't matter now whats the goal for today" he says 

@Sir Les Paul

"I know your ability," Yuto told him. He grinned, even. "It's mine, too. One of the more rare. The only one more rare, in fact, is the one Tokshi has," he explained. He then walked a little closer to Eric, but kept his arms crossed. His voice was a little nicer than yesterday, but his body language was still closed off. "Don't make assumptions based on what you see. You only see a moment; you don't see how it affects history after it. So when I tell you not to fuck with something, don't pretend you understand why," he explained before scolding Eric.

"As for the rest of you," Yuto said, responding to the two bitching about time-constraints. "You get two weeks to get your shit together because my training takes precedence. It doesn't damn-well matter what plans you have if you're dead, and let me give you a fact. Your Reikai activately radiates out of your body. That attracts spirits. Eventually, those spirits will start tracking you down, and at your levels, you'll be fucked. Not only will you be fucked, but you'll likely feed whatever spirit finds you. It'll consume your soul. Your memories. And, guess who it's gonna attack first? That's right. The faces of the people you love most. So, if you want to stay pansy-asses, fine with, but in about three months when your energy starts to ripen, don't bitch at me when your entire families are dead and I have to kill some-low class spirit," Yuto told them. He told them all. Yesterday, he was a dick. Today, he was something else entirely. Something more serious. More ominous.

"How's that for no bullshit?" he added, throwing in a tinge of his own sass.

Right after that, he walked up to one of the punching bags with marked seals. This was the same process Eric saw in his vision. Twelve seals running up an down it. "This is a punching bag. I'm sure you dipshits know how a punching bag works. Well, forget that shit, this works different. Short and sweet, it's going to train two of your stats. First, it'll slowly up your Maximum Reikai. Second, and I don't expect you dipshits to understand this, it'll up your Reikai potency. How strong your energy is. And, here's why - and don't worry, I'll keep it short and sweet. Your muscles aren't the only thing that make you strong anymore. Your Reikai is. Just like they use sugars to move, they now use Reikai as well. How much stronger they make your muscles without effort is called Passive Potency. Because it's... passive. The tools you were given allow you to actively increase your potency when trained. Active potency. The knuckles are a bit of a gray area, but fuck it all, I'm not wasting my time explaining why. Point being, how much stronger your Reikai makes you now is what we're working on. And, this punching bag will do it. This punching bag is designed to meet your Reikai with the exact amount of resistance you can dish out with each punch passively. I can hit it really hard and make nine seals light up. You bitches won't even get one. But, don't worry. Each time you hit it, it'll move like a normal punching bag. When you can't make it move, it'll feel like punching a god-damned steel wall - and yes, it'll hurt like fuck -- and yes, your knuckles will bleed. Get the fuck over it, they'll be fine by morning. The last trick to this training is simple. You wait five minutes. Just five. After that five minutes, you punch it one more time. EXACTLY... one more time," Yuto instructed them.

"Sound simple enough for you, kiddos?" Yuto asked.

@Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon @Midnite (So, all of them have the same reserves and potency, so they'll all get right about 5 punches in. 6 including the last one. Other stats won't matter in this exercise - that's how it trains them all. Warren and his stamina won't let him punch more and Tokshi's strength won't let her hit it any harder. The only stat that effects it is potency and reserves. This should also give you plenty time to do all those side-things you seem to want to given this training won't take more than twenty minutes.)

Rank: DStrength: EAgility: EStamina: EMaximum Reikai: BReikai Potency: C 


@QuirkyAngel (These are her stats. I'm honestly not for sure how else I could add to your post, but I know this is the part you needed.)
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Eric's anger at Yuto hit a boiling point not because of his comments alone but at the fact that he couldn't try to excel at all... he'd constantly be the weak point of the trio...

He ignored what Yuto said as he was speaking. ..."Enough. ..enough of your bullshit Yuto" he says as his Reikai began to flicker all throughout his body giving him a faint blue glow...

He took slow steps..."Im tired of being weak..I'm tired of being at the tired of giving it my all but lacking the natural talent to surpass my peers" he says as he then punches at Yuto

"You, Miyata, Marshall, even Tokshi. ....this is why I almost chose death then this crap" he says as all the negative emotions he buried seem to break through to the surface. ...

He had also been remembering moments that made him feel weak... 

This wasn't about hurting Yuto it was Eric's frustration. ...

"YOUR  NOT FAST ENOUGH, YOUR NOT STRONG ENOUGH, YOU LACK THE NATURAL TALENT... IS ALL I EVER HEARD" he shouted as punch after punch is thrown his Reikai flaring wilder but he still kept it in check for the moment 

"I DONT HAVE THE AGILITY, THE STRENGTH, THE STAMINA, POTENCY, ...EVEN MY MAX REIKAI IS SHIT ...." he says throwing a barrage of punches...

His Reikai was building with his frustration so he punches the punching bag as he remembers it meets you with equal force...he did this so he didn't tap into his life energy and end up dying. ...but it drained his Reikai 

He hit the bag hard damaging his hand but he didn't care...he calmed down a bit....

"All the hard work, the sleepless nights the broken bones the beatings the losses. ..i spent two nights at home working on my Reikai and now you want me to stay behind just like my dad did ...even my ability isn't unique to me" he says  moving his hand away and walking off and going outside for a moment.

Outside he didn't know what to do he just began to tear up ...he wanted to scream some more he wanted nothing more then to destroy everything...

He put the concentration ring on ...and focused. He had practiced with all three items at home but was best with the watch. ..its why he wanted to work on his Reikai to make stronger sheilds and more complex ones as well...

The orb began to form but it wasn't as bright as Warren's or as big... maybe it was due to using up so much Reikai already but he fired it into a metal plate on the ground and nothing happened to it except for a thin cut he could see..

"Typical. .. can't even damage metal with my spirit power...not even a dent ..."  he says  walking away he'd be back but after his outburst he just wanted to be alone.

There was a park not far away he went there and jumped up into a tree laying on a sturdy branch while he recovered.

@Sir Les Paul
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Tokshi was listening to Yuto explain their training thinking about to make for dinner when Eric just exploded in rage. He began to yell and scream punching at Yuto then the bag. She didn't think about it from his point he was ranked lower than both her and Warren, and no doubt Arimi as well. Of course he was mad but what made Tokshi mad in turn was what he was mad about. He was mad he was weak that's what pissed her off she couldn't stand it. The way he cried about being the weakest she clenched her fist and watched him walk away. "The hell is his problem oh boo hoo my stats are low. Then train wahh everyone's so strong then train, I hate feeling weak then train." She looked at Yuto. "Right? Neither you nor me were born like this we didn't pop out kicking ass left and right we got stronger. We fought to get where we are that's what I mean. He doesn't get it when I tell him he can't win cause I struggle harder he returns by saying he has more technique. Yet just now he cried about not being stronger or more agile what happened to him having the highest chance of survival did he just forget that!"  She turned to the bag and slammed her fist into it. "IDIOT!" She punched it again. "So I'm here because I have talent, cause I'm taller than most!?" She punched again. "So I'm here cause I'm strong, cause I'm fast!?" She punched it again. "That's bullshit bullshit BULLSHIT!" She punched again putting her all into this last punch even though she knew it wouldn't do anything extra. "If I was so strong I wouldn't be here right now. We all would be somewhere else if we were as strong as he must think we are. But I was too slow to idiotic and I died and now I have to do this job. We're all in the same boat." She stepped away from the bag looking to Yuto. "You said to wait five minutes right?" She waited normally she'd be thinking about what to make for Uta but right now she was just blank. Her rage had turned to disappointment Tokshi recalled waking up with her right cheek sore. She rubbed to spot it was the same place Eric had hit her with a hard counter. He was the first person Tokshi saw as some form of rival but now she wasn't sure.

@Sir Les Paul @Midnite @Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel
"Literally," Yuto said, "fuck all of you emo little bitches." He watched Eric explode once and he wasn't entirely upset about it. Not really. It was irritating, but he was also two days in whining about being weak. He wasted all of his Reikai playing with the toys instead of training intelligently. But no, fuck it, no, before Eric finished his little explosion, Tokshi had another one. Whine - whine - whine. It was all these punks did. Got themselves killed. Their fault. Eric fought someone stronger than him, got his ass wrecked. Tokshi fought with gangs. Warren stood up to a criminal. They died. Their fault. They got a second chance. They whine. It ate at Yuto and every ounce of his being solely because of how ungrateful they were being. It had been almost no time and they were frustrated for the stupidest fucking reasons.

Yuto looked at Warren and glared. "I'm done with them being whiny little bitches. You, too; I don't care. I don't care if you go die again. Here," Yuto said before pulling out his wallet. In just a few moments, he brandished a handful of bills and tossed them on the ground. "Go buy them a gun to put bullets in their tiny little heads because I'm done. Botan can go fuck herself if she thinks I'm dealing with you fucks," Yuto continued on. "Oh, and tell them specifically that they can come back when they stop being whiny (apparently RpNation censors the word I want to use here.) Don't dance around it, okay? C. U. N. T. Got it? Four letters. Can't be that hard," he instructed Warren before marching back up to the upper level of the warehouse, marching up the metal stairs.

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"Alright! Alright!... Jesus man..." 

Warren ran a hand through his hair and looked down as he spoke. 

As Yuto chimed in again, he looked back up at him and listened to him. 

Warren was about to say something... but he was interrupted by Eric. 

Eric went on about being in the middle, not just here, but through his life. Eric grabbed a concentration ring, and Warren worried that Eric may do something he may regret. 

"W-WOAH! Eric! Let's just think about this before we hurt anyone-"

Warren was somewhat relieved that Eric didn't hurt himself or anyone with the spirit gun. He had that strange looming feeling that Yuto was definitely happy with him and tokshi for not stopping him. 


before warren could speak, he was interrupted again, tokshi this time. She went on and on while punching the bag. 

Warren didn't know how to calm someone down in this situation, he opened his mouth but before his words came out, yuto's did. 

"Yuto... I..."

Yuto didn't even acknowledge warren's words as he stomped up the stairs. 

Warren stared at the bills on the floor for a few seconds. Was Yuto serious? 

Warren grabbed the compact mirror from the kit, and tried to contact the only person he knew he could get help from. Botan. 

"Let's hope this works... I Can't let us fall apart!" 
Eric dropped down from the tree in the park...he was stressed. ..Yuto could have thought anything of Eric he didn't care no one knew the literal years of hardwork and training he put in....Yuto gained power but Eric had been striving all his life....

Eric began to feel his Reikai returning...

He returned to the training facility to see Warren. ..

"Sorry about my outburst but when you work your whole life and still fail it takes a toll on you" he says 

"Sorry Warren. ..but Yuto is a asshole and i wish just one of my punches could hurt him i'd like to see him beaten for years and still have the mental to keep going" he says walking back inside.

He saw Tokshi. . She looked a little worn out...

"Wheres Yuto?" He asked

@Sir Les Paul


@Nenma Takashi

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