
Eric steps up..."Actually i have a gist or slight understanding of Reikai its life energy correct every soul is made up of and generates Reikai. The book says we use the excess Reikai our souls generate and warns against tapping into the Reikai of our souls as opposed to using the excess energy because then its not Reikai no more its life energy that will kill the user once depleted correct" he says looking through his kit. ..

He pulls out the Mekai oak card..."now this i couldnt understand but im sure you can explain" he says 

@Sir Les Paul


@Nenma Takashi
"Oh yeah that's pretty simple- so it's pretty much-EEHH?!" 

Warren grumbled something under his breath before Eric chimed in. He explained it pretty well. Warren took over after the part about the oak card. 

"I got you on that. So basically you get a little bit of blood on those teeth on the bottom and they show you your stats. They range from E- the worst, and A, the best, E is pretty much a normal human, and since we're spirit detectives, we should be around D at least for each stat. But it does vary, so keep that in mind." Before Warren turned to Yuto, he mouthed the words "thank you!" To Eric. 

"How was that? Pretty good huh?" 
"Sure, Eric was spot on," Yuto said, sighing. There was a note of disappointment in his voice. "But, neither of you followed instructions," Yuto added before lifting his finger to fire another blast into Warren's abdomen. Just as before, the blast was empowered enough to hurt, but not nearly enough to kill - although Warren was likely still sore from the first one. Most notably, once it hit, the others would at least feel it as its impact would be enough to make them stagger. "I told Warren to explain it," Yuto said, looking directly at Eric once the blast connected, "not you. Furthermore, I didn't tell him to explain how the cards work." Yuto held up his bright, glowing finger, allowing a blue ball of spiritual energy to radiate from it while he pointed at Eric. "You'd get one, too, but I don't know what'll kill you and what won't yet. Instead, look at Warren. See him rolling in pain? That's your fault, Eric," Yuto explained. His tone was harsh and the disappointment resonated within it. Soon enough, though, he lowered his hand and the blue energy faded away.

"I think I said this before: the first rule of being a Spirit Detective... is to follow instructions. What you are told will not always make sense, but you need to do it. Sometimes, it'll seem suicidal or stupid, but what you need to understand is that there is a whole lot of this world that you don't even begin to fathom. And, yes, I really didn't need to shoot him, but you need to understand that rule no matter how hard I have to beat it into you," Yuto reiterated, giving a final explanation as to why he was being so blatantly malicious.

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite (I thought about pointing out that the instructions wouldn't go into that much detail or that Eric just totally defeated the point of what Yuto was doing... but I think this reaction sums it up better. No need to fix anything, Eric can still look like an overachiever and the entire group is going to be reminded of Yuto's first rule. It's going to become a bigger and bigger plot element this arc.)
Tokshi whistled impressed as Eric and Warren began explaining some basic things. Then Yuto instead of being proud shot Warren in the chest with the same kind of blast he saw Ari shot the demon with. She turned to Yuto sighing she understood immediately what this meant clicking her tongue in annoyance. "You say jump we ask how high? No wait more actually you say jump and we just do it, no how high. Follow instructions to the T only filling in blanks along the way, that about right?" She looked at Warren on the ground in pain the fact he was hit in the stomach reminded her of the stab wound from when she died. Her hand unconsciously reached for her stomach she clenched her hand squeezing her stomach.  

She took out the card the Warren had explained and bit her thumb making it bleed. "Like this right?" She asked as she wiped the blood on the teeths at the bottom of the card. She showed Yuto the card and looked at him with a questioning look. "Well did I do it right?"

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
Warren was slightly worried when he noticed the strange tone in Yuto's voice. Before Warren could react, he was hit. 


He hit the floor in pain, but realized something. 

The hit hurt a lot, but not as much as last time. Only by just a small bit. 

Warren tired not to scream at the top of his lungs in front of his friends. 

"Don't listen to him Eric... it's not your fault..." Warren glared at Yuto. 

"He's just being rediculous!" 

Warren slowly stood up trying not to hurt himself.

"Yuto, do you understand there isn't one set path to something? So just because we don't do what you want exactly get punished for it?! That's not fair! At all!" 

Warren clutched his stomach as he spoke. 

"It seems Tokshi got the jist of it. One more time. Why don't you shoot me again? Do it one more time and see what happens!" 
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"Now see, that last one was Eric's fault - like it or not," Yuto replied. His words cut right through the bullshit Warren was trying to spew. At this point, he was using another technique, too. He was releasing his spiritual energy which bore down on the entire group like an unrelenting pressure. "Eric gets Reikai, Tokshi gets instructions, but what do you get Warren?" Yuto asked. He was patronizing the poor guy and no one else got a word in edgewise while he was releasing his aura. Yuto smirked as the pressure only seemed to increase. It was similar to being submerged in water. The air became a thick, viscous fluid, but there was more to it. There was weight. As if an actual force was pressing down on their chests, forcing an anxiety inside of them - making it hard to breath and making each beat of their hearts feel like it took the force of a jackhammer to push blood into their arteries.

"You get a harsh lesson..." Yuto lifted his arm again, releasing not just one - but several hundred spirit gun pellets. These ones were substantially weaker - probably in the lower D range. To be precise, each pellet felt like a firm fist. Alone, a single one wouldn't phase Warren. The kid was tough to begin with and his stamina would help him through this. But this wasn't just one. This was somewhere in the ballpark of three hundred fists hitting him all at once across his body. It was quite the spectacle, too. While a normal Spirit Gun only had so much flare to it, this technique was quite dazzling. It released significantly more Reikai, too; enough to wipe away the pressure he was exerting before. "That's called the Spirit Shotgun. A real badass made the technique a few years back, but that's beside the point," Yuto said as waved his whole hand, steam pouring off of it.

"The world isn't fair, bitchtits, so don't go on some rant expecting me to be," Yuto began, "I've given this speech four times and I've heard this speech at least a dozen. If you want to make it as a Spirit Detective - and I don't fucking mean being successful, I literally mean living past a month - you will listen to what I say. If it doesn't make sense now, then consider that just how little you understand." Yuto exhaled. He was obviously a bit more riled up than normal, but it seemed Warren didn't get what he meant. Moreover, Warren was reminding him that every Reaping seemed to have at least one casualty. "You died. I don't even know how old you were, but does it matter? You died young. How fair is that? How fair was it to your family that fate was going to rip you from them? Go on. Tell me. Was it fair. Because that's how things would have been for anyone else - anyone that wasn't gifted with a soul like yours," Yuto continued on, now just digging into Warren considerably deep with his words. "Oh, but that's not even the worst of it all, bitchtits. That attitude you have... that there is more than one set path, that you shouldn't be punished for him... there's no justice in this world. Chances are, if you fuck up, Warren, it might not be you that dies. No, it wouldn't be fair, would it? For you to fuck up and for one of them to die for it. But, it happens," Yuto finished, his breath now exasperated from the final stretch of his lecture. 

Once he was done, he looked over to Tokshi and saw her card. Before he had spewed off his lecture, tore into Warren and showed them all the shotgun technique, she activated her card. In the scene he caused, he missed the purple ink, but the stats were still on the card:

Rank: DStrength: CAgility: CStamina: DMaximum Reikai: DReikai Potency: D

"Two C's. That's pretty rare. I'm more surprised your stamina is low. I guess you learned to dodge well enough that you didn't have to take many hits," Yuto commented, "unlike dipshit there."

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite (Let's give Midnite a chance to reply, guys. lol)
Eric was clearly upset but as the wave of spiritual pressure hit him he dropped to one knee and began to breath carefully, it was a boxing technique that boxers learned to deal with pain and sudden impact. He listened to what was being said while mad that Warren was being shot as he did blame himself but he was trying to be helpful.... it got worse when after Tokshi's remark he was shot hundreds of times more and his anger slightly rose releasing what little Reikai he had unwillingly..."Damn why is he doing this" he thought  and then it happened.

The world faded away and he saw Yuto training another group of spirit detectives in the same training facility they were in but its different he's different he has that smile on his face but its more genuine in this vision. One student is practicing the spirit gun technique and he charges the ball of light building his Rekai he smiles as he has done it right apparently... "HEY!! YUTO... I DID IT" he says as Yuto looks to the pupil....

Kenshi had been working on creating a spirit gun for some time now and was finally able to create a bullet 


Kenshi looked sad and Yuto put a arm around him..."dont be in a rush and jump the gun give it time you'll get stronger" he says 

Kenshi smiled.."just you wait Yuto I'll get much stronger" he says 

It was the way he said it that seemed to make. Yuto worry.. but the vision flashed foward to later and someone was punching the bag. They kept punching and punching they seemed to be at it for hours ... soon the door opened up and Yuto came in and froze ..."Kenshi. ..damn you the bags absorb reikai....when you run out of reikai you tap into your soul ....your going to die" he says as Kenshi slowly fades..."i...just  wanted...." he began to say but he couldnt finish and passed on...."why....why didnt you listen...THIS DIDNT HAVE TO HAPPEN" he screamed standing still his fist balled up and his head down as his eyes couldn't be seen as the vision came to an end.

It was weird as he heard Yuto's entire monologue but saw and heard the entire vision as well. He stared at the ground as he came out of it but there were little slashes in the ground but they weren't caused by his finger nails but he ignored it

"Two C's. That's pretty rare. I'm more surprised your stamina is low. I guess you learned to dodge well enough that you didn't have to take many hits," Yuto commented, "unlike dipshit there." he heard Yuto say.

Eric was impressed with Tokshi's results but it was expected but Eric took the card and used the pin to drip blood on it just as Tokshi did and tossed it to Yuto....

"Ok orders will be followed Yuto" he says


@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul (I hope its ok I created that vision just an idea i had and it doesn't impact the current goings right now I can change or remove it if need be)
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Warren wanted to say something. He wanted to even open his mouth, but he couldn't bring himself to do anything other than stare. Just look at Yuto as he charged up what he called a "spirit shotgun." The pressure from the room began to push down on him, making it tough to do anything. Warren stared as Yuto attacked, defenceless. 

As he was hit, seemingly hundreds of times, every blow hit hard. The force was astonishing. Warren would have marveled at the move if he weren't hit by it. 

The pellets hit all over the front of his body, the face stomach, legs and all. 

Matter the barrage finished, he fell to his knees as he had to take in Yuto's words. 

They hurt even more than the spirit shotgun. 

Warren tried to form a comeback but he couldn't get any words out. The two spirit guns and the one fierce shotgun took a toll on Warren as his concousness faded... 
Tokshi looked towards Warren then at Eric she was in somewhat awe at the attack. "Spirit shotgun." She repeated the name of the attack she was impressed by two things, first by how powerful the attack looked. Second was the fact Warren was still alive after such an attack only seeming like he got a beat down. 'If I got hit with that attack would I be fine? No my stamina is lower than his I have a D. That attack would've done some serious damage to me kid's tough.' She smirked at Yuto titling her head with a curious look. "So Yu what about lil old me, got something for me to do?"

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
Once the attack ended, Tokshi was already asking questions and Warren was down for the count. Eric, through it all, managed to respond after a brief surge of spiritual energy from him - something only Yuto could notice at this point - only to settle down and confirm he understood. After that, it was a quick prick and Eric had his stats just as the others did:

Rank: DStrength: DAgility: DStamina: DMaximum Reikai: DReikai Potency: D


"There we go," Yuto commented as he saw the card reflect Eric's stats. D's all across the board, yet Yuto was even more excited to see them than when Tokshi had two C's. In that same moment, he looked over at Tokshi and said, "Wake up bitchtits. He'll be sore, but you guys heal faster than normal people, too. His stamina will help that out." Yuto then walked over to Eric and grabbed him by the shoulders - almost proud of him. In a way, it was like a boss of a small retail outlet about to give some kid a promotion he had no idea was coming. "You know what this mean, Eric?" Yuto said. Rhetorically, of course, because he was about to answer, "You're the least likely to die!" Yuto let go of his shoulders and punched him playfully in the shoulder.

"You see, stats are great, but now Bitchtits there is gonna think he can take any hit and Tokshi is likely going to get herself in trouble thinking she can handle someone she can't. But you? You're average. You'll stay smart. You'll stay alive," Yuto explained, although his tone was odd. This rant of his made it seem like the entire stat system was counter-intuitive if higher stats seemed to make others more likely to get themselves killed. "You're the one that's a boxer or some shit, too, aren't cha? That's just perfect. You see, you know what it means to be average. You know your limits. You won't be doing anything stupid. Aside from pissing me off, the thing that'll get you guys killed quickest is literally just doing something downright stupid," Yuto continued on, "and, the guy with the lowest stats never does the stupid shit."

Yuto smiled again, not a smirk, an actual smile. "You should be glad, Eric. You're gonna live," he said with an odd hint of finality.

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite
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Eric understood what Yuto was saying he actually didn't mind being on the bottom of the totem poll well thats a lie it was Miyata all over again no matter how hard he wish Miyata was the talented one.... but in this instance it wasn't that he felt a rivalry with the others it was being the weakest to protect humans.

"It doesn't bother me that im average its something I've accepted long ago so this shouldn't be different once again my mind is all i can rely on. Living is not a problem for me yes im least likely to die but im the easiest to kill two sides of the same coin true in boxing being average and well rounded is good but theres certain heights you cant reach... i could never catch up to my brother and i died trying to so i dont feel any which way about my stats" he says 

From what he saw he knew why Yuto was happy that he was average but he wasn't as he felt he'd get the kid gloves treatment.

"So whats next boss" he says to Yuto 

@Sir Les Paul
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Tokshi nodded helping Warren up she patted his back a bit even slapping his face lightly. "Stay with us Short-Stop can't die just yet." She then looked to see what Eric's stats were and was surprised to see them all be so low. But then Yuto brought up the point he had a higher chance of survival because his stats were lower. Tokshi narrowed her eyes at Yuto holding a hand up. "Woah there slow down, I can't accept what you just said. I'm no idiot I know when to pick my fights. Don't act like you know who I am just cause you read my stats, cause you clearly have no idea how I think." She didn't like the idea of him saying her chances were lower for two reason. One she worked hard to come back like hell she was gonna throw it away so easily, second he talked like one of the annoying teachers who all assumed just because she was a delinquent she was lying when she said she was late to school because of work. 

Tokshi sighed. "What next?" She asked since she had done as he asked and helped Warren up and woken him up to the best of her abilities so she wanted to know if he had any real training for her. 

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
"...ahhh... I'm not Late for school am...I? Wha..." 

It took Warren a second before he realized what was going on, he was sleeping that deeply. 

"...hmm... I remember being hit a lot and... wait who are you guys...? 


Nah, Just kidding, It didn't hit THAT hard. How embarrassing would that be." 

Warren laughed before remembering that Yuto was right behind him, he didn't say a word to him. 

"Oh I'm fine, i just have a bit of a headache." 

Warren walked over to look at Eric's stats. 

"Huh! That's pretty good. You'll be the balanced fighter!" 

Warren immagained him, Tokshi, Eric, And Arimi as Characters in an RPG. 

All the final fantasy he's been playing has really gotten to him.

Tokshi, Definitly the fast, strong type. Monk for sure. 

Arimi, Smart, but not as physically strong as she is spiritualy, She'd be a Mage. 

Eric, the neutral class, a freelancer. Pretty level in everything but will grow in due time. 


The daring Warrior, with a heart of gold. a tank, if you will. Not the smartest but tough. Not to mention handsome! least, that's how he saw everyone. 

The more Warren thought about it, the more it made sense. 

Yuto was a first boss of sorts, a test of Warren'a strength. Although he was out after 2 spirit guns and a spirit shotgun, that's a lot more than most people can take. 

"I sense some synergy between us... I think we'll work together just fine..." 
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There was a fair amount of talk - and complaining - after Yuto made his comments about Eric and the reveal of his stats. Warren was just waking up; that alone was half the noise in the room. Yuto ignored most of it, waiting until every member of the group shut up for him to go on. He even let a fair amount of silence just hang in the air and stared at each one of them like a teacher in a classroom guilt-tripping the punks in the back for still talking during lecture. "Alright, alright, alright, now time for phase two. You all have D rank in Reikai Potency and reserves, so this will apply to all of you. You basically have shit stats all around, but luckily, the shittier you are, the easier it is to get better. Once you're half decent, even a marginal increase in ability is a huge feat. Might take months or even years. At your levels, shouldn't take more than a week. But, let's not get into that right this second," Yuto began explaining. Much like a teacher, he was lecturing them about the nature of Reikai. It was all the information that fell between the lines that the instructions didn't quite explain.

"Each of you were given three unique items in your kit. The Concentration Ring, the Storm Knuckles and the Stop Watch. Just from knowing all of you, I'm pretty sure you'll all gonna go running for the Storm Knuckles. But, before you go making your choice, I need to explain something else to you. These items are tools and like any tool they take energy and manipulate it to be used in a more useful way. The Concentration Ring takes a set amount of your Reikai - at your levels, all of it - and focuses it seven times over into a single blast called the Spirit Gun. No matter what you do, at your level, this will be your most powerful technique. It will also drain you entirely in its use. It won't let you tap into your soul, either; you'll just fail. The other problem with it is that draining all of your Reikai that quickly is a big kick in the ass. Not quite as much as what Warren there got, but you won't be too useful after it. The Storm Knuckles and Stop Watch don't have that problem. At your levels, the Storm Knuckles will eat up most of your Reikai, but will intentionally leave enough to let you keep fighting with your passive levels. That way, you can actually use that next minute to be useful. Storm Knuckles basically make your punches four times harder and shoot out some electricity. So, this means Tokshi would become eight times stronger than either of you while using them. This also means she'd kill either of you if she landed a single punch on you. Keep that shit in mind; I toned down my Spirit Guns so low that Warren could handle them. Now, I'm sure you're wondering if a Spirit Gun could kill him, too; and, the answer is no. Not yours. Here's why: at your level, you actually don't even have enough Reikai to perform a proper Spirit Gun even once. Basically, you couldn't even fire a gun at the level I demonstrated without that ring. So, while it's concentrated seven times over, it's not a true Spirit Gun. It's more like a Spirit Pellet. For reference, you likely won't have enough Reikai to perform a Spirit Gun without the Ring until you're right on Rank C - and I don't mean in your reserves, I mean as a whole. So, Storm Knuckles can make Tokshi strong enough to kill Warren and make your pathetic Reikai levels strong enough to use a technique you shouldn't even be able to. Why go into all that detail, you ask? Well, simple: you little fucks need to understand just how important these tools are. Without them, training you would take significantly longer. Well over twice as long. They are the only reason your sorry asses are even going to get into the field...

...and with that, I'll explain the Stop Watch. No one ever chooses it, but in the few times I've seen it chosen, it's saved more lives than any other item. It makes a barrier, plain and simple. The advantage to it, as you'll see, is that it's a direct projection of your Reikai. If you choose it, you'll start learning how to control your Reikai faster than the others. Storm Knuckles augments your body; it's like passive potency on steroids. The Concentration Ring is a one-trick pony. But, the Stop Watch is only limited by your imagination - although I wouldn't bet too much on that personally.

So, you know what each can do. Second lesson out of three before you make your choice. This one is about the importance of it. Reikai is an extension of your mind, body and spirit. It is an organic thing. Like muscles, the more you train it, the better it becomes. Also like muscles, the more you do the same thing, the better at it you get. This is called Efficiency. Simple. So, let's say one of you choose the Ring, one the Knuckles and one the Watch. You might think you'll develop at the same rate if you all train hard, and in a way, you will. But, the difference is that as you train with an item and technique over time, you get better at it. You begin to master it - although don't get cocky. The more efficient you get, the less Reikai it takes and the more effective the technique becomes if you put more Reikai into it. You can switch at any time and in fact I suggest you experiment with all three once you get enough reserves to. But, know that whichever you focus on will become a long-term investment for you.

And, that leads me to my last point. What you're investing in. The Ring is simple, blunt, and to the point. If you choose the Ring, you will purely be exercising your reserves and potency. Why? Because it'll drain your damn reserves to nothing every time you use it and it'll constantly push your maximum power for a while. Train with it long enough and you'll get efficient enough with it to maybe even use two in a day or make one bigger blast that's worth a damn. The big thing, however, is that in doing this, you'll be training those reserves faster and pushing your potency harder than any other tool and that's why a lot of Spirit Detectives choose it. The Storm Knuckles are complex and I don't expect you to understand it until you train some, but they train your passive potency and your reserves. No, they don't raise your reserves nearly as effectively as the Ring. Nor do they increase your potency as a whole. What they can do, however, is increase your other stats. Here's how: you'll get efficient at them soon enough to use them multiple times, and in doing that, you can push your body harder and harder with them. You can also kill yourself with them, too. If you choose the Storm Knuckles, you'll end up getting stronger faster, but that's about it: your potency overall will grow the slowest. The Stop Watch is the most unique. Much like the Ring, it'll train your potency and reserves - again not as much - but this time more than the Knuckles. The big, big, big benefit is that you'll get efficient with it quick and begin to control the barriers you make in unique ways. You'll increase all of your Reikai stats while learning to control your Reikai. 

If you can't tell, I have an obvious bias towards the Stop Watch. Why? Because if one of you fucks choose to make barriers, you might save the others. Not to mention, learning control early will be far better for you later when you have more powerful Reikai and no idea how to tame it. No one ever chooses it, though. And, if they do, they give it up a while later for something else. I'm sure you guys will do the same. So, I'm going to recap real quick: you're too weak to train with more than one tool now, you have to pick one to get your efficiency up to even be useful with it and I've already explained the benefits and drawbacks of each tool for both your training and the actual abilities you get from the tool.

So, why don't you guys go ahead and disappoint me with your choices?" Yuto said, finally finishing his lecture. It was the longest he - or anyone - had spoken to them. And, it filled in quite a few gaps the broad explanations in the text they were given made. It was the first time - despite his vulgarity - that Yuto spoke like a teacher. Like a mentor. Like it seemed he was supposed to. It was the first real time this training seemed like training instead of abuse. It was the first chance they were given to feel like they were getting somewhere in their new lives.

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite (I know it's long, but it explains it to both you AND the characters IC. This way, you have explanations all around and they won't have to BS why they understand. I also wanted to emphasize how much your choice will matter. This isn't something that will be trivial later.)
Eric listened to Yuto and honestly it was a simple decision on his part. .

"Sorry but I made my choice being the weakest training my strength will be pointless if I can't take a hit and the spirit gun besides not being my style will leave me a sitting duck if out in the field so the most logical item for me to use is the watch that way u can protect myself from attacks im not fast like Tokshi to dodge apparently and stamina is Warren's niche so im comfortable with the watch for now" he says making his decision 

"Besides I am a boxer so I know how to use my fists the knuckles would make me rely on my fist more so than my head"

He smiled actually Eric was smiling as he was upset about being the easiest to kill but he has a way to protect himself and his partners....

"So now Warren Tokshi what do you guys choose?" He asked 

@Sir Les Paul


@Nenma Takashi
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Tokshi nodded her head listening to the explanation thinking about what weapon she should take. "Hmm well I basically already made my choice when I saw the weapons the first time." She clenched her fist. "Seeing my stats only confirmed my decision, I'm going with the storm knuckles just make sure you two don't get in the way of my punches." She joked she figured with her strength and agility she would be better off with something that complemented her fighting style. 

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @Midnite 
If you can't tell, I have an obvious bias towards the Stop Watch. Why? Because if one of you fucks choose to make barriers, you might save the others. Not to mention, learning control early will be far better for you later when you have more powerful Reikai and no idea how to tame it

"Save the others?..."

Warren didn't twice about his decision. He opened up the box and took out the watch. 

"I had a feeling you guys would know I would choose this one, but this is my choice." 

Warren helt the watch in his hand, getting a feel for its weight. 

"I hope I won't have to use it often, but if i do, I'll make it count." 
"Alright, so we've got Eric with the Stop Watch - good call. Tokshi with the Knuckles - called it. Bitchtits with the Watch..." Yuto said aloud, almost harmonically, "Somewhat surprising. My bet is you'll give it up in a week."

Yuto chuckled at himself for a moment before we lifted his hand to wave over Tokshi. "Yours will be fun. To activate it, slip on your knuckles, then concentrate hard on the symbol in the center. The storm symbol is the trigger for your Reikai to pour into it. If you've ever tried to hold two magnets apart just enough to feel them pulling, that is the feeling you'll have in your forearm once it starts to work. Don't fight it. Flex your forearm, push into it, and it'll spark when it activates. At that point, I want you to try to punch me," Yuto instructed her. He then looked over towards Warren and Eric, "Yours are a whole lot simpler. The button on top unlatches the watch when you press it. Press it, but hold the watch closed. It'll suck in your Reikai to make a barrier in front of you. If you concentrate, you can control it, but at your level, it's probably just going to be a big circle in front of you. Wait until Tokshi activates her Storm Knuckles to use yours... then we'll have fun."

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite (This one requires Nenma go first. >.< Sorry, but it's gonna flow with this bit of training.)
Tokshi picked up the storm knuckles and put them on. She listened to Yuto's explanation of how to activate the knuckles and followed them. When she succeeded she looked at her fist she remember when she once used brass knuckles while fighting a group of guys. The feeling she got when she won was a strange one it was when Tokshi first realized she might just enjoy fighting. She perked up when Yuto told her to try and punch him she grinned a bit. "Hey don't gotta tell me twice." She wanted to punch Yuto for a while what with him being such a know-it-all asshole. She went for a simple straight jab but she felt so much more powerful when she did it her muscle flexing and her Rekai surging into the knuckles as sparks shot off of her fist her punched aimed right for his face. 

@Sir Les Paul @Midnite @Scrubnoppon
Eric watched as Tokshi activated the storm knuckles he was in awe he looked at Warren. .."nice choice but hopefully we both grow together" he says 

Pressing the button on the watch he began having flashes of previous users like going through a flip book. ...

He stood frozen for a moment as his Reikai was flowing into the watch...and a large orb was projected in front of him but he was lost in a trance and the orb began swirling like crashing waves one on top of another then it became a regular shield once he snapped out of it.

"What the hell" he says trying to do it again but couldn't. ...

"Yuto what just happened"

@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul


(Just showing Eric's possible potential with the watch i think the watch is the best for him)
"Okay that sounds simple enough!..."

Warren looked at the watch a bit before he noticed Tokshi throwing a punch, with what looked like sparks coming from her fist. 

"Thanks Eric, you better not make me use this too often though, yeah?" 

Warren held the watch closed as he pressed and held the button on top. 


warren could almost feel the Reikai flowing through him, into the watch, into the barrier before him. 

"Huh! How neat! I think I like this!"
Yuto stood perfectly still as Tokshi threw her punch. The smug grin on his face was ever-present as her fist flew; there wasn't a soul before him - even Rin - that smiled when her fist came at them. And, BAM~! did it hit. Sparks flew across the air from the electricity running through the knuckles and while the force of the punch was far, far greater than Tokshi had ever felt in her lifetime, she felt it stop. Not immediately. No. Yuto twisted his face and neck along with the flow of the punch, but stopped once she budged him about an inch. She could feel the pressure of the knuckles dig into her skin and press into her palm - somehow his face was alone was keeping her from bearing down any further on the knuckles. It didn't stop there, however. Yuto forcefully twisted his neck back into position, grating Tokshi and her fist backwards with the raw strength of his neck alone. A half-second ago, Tokshi felt stronger than she ever did in her life... and Yuto made it seem like nothing.

The same smug grin stayed on his face while he reached up and grabbed her hand. He ripped it off his face as if she were a child and pushed it back on her. "Not a bad jab, but you should have thrown a hook," Yuto said, scrutinizing her, "not that I would have felt it anyway." He let go of her hand and continued on, "That took five seconds, and so will this speech. You have one minute of those knuckles and I'm absolutely sure you can shatter any shield those two idiots make. Your goal is to make them run out of Reikai making barriers before your time is up. Go."

That was it. Simple instructions, and it seemed that Warren and Eric already figured out how to make barriers. "You two, get your shit together. You have to survive Tokshi for fifty-two seconds. Fail, and your punishment will be a swift right hook from her anyway," Yuto told them, giving their prompt as well.

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite (I worked out the stats. You two can make a total of four barriers in a minute without running out of Reikai. Tokshi can break those EASY. Aside from that, I just wanted to give Yuto a badass moment. He's not really that durable for his level, but he's so far above you guys, that he can take anything you dish out with ease.)
Tokshi felt so much power it was incredible she had never felt so strong in her life. She compared the knuckles to brass knuckles before but now it was different these were nothing like that. They made her feel like she could take on anything or anyone, until she hit Yuto and seemly made no visible damage. She was shocked but it slowly occurred to her that it didn't matter if she was four times stronger and faster with the knuckles on. Yuto's stats still out did her's no problem she could tell she looked at her fist a bit disappointed. "Yeah but it wouldn't of felt as fulling. Then again neither was that." She listened to Yuto's instructions and looked at Warren and Eric slamming her fist together. "So break their punk ass barriers right? I can do that!" She stepped forward and aimed a straight jab at Warren's shield hit it or not she turned her body to punch Eric's shield as well. 

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @Sir Les Paul

Warren felt he put a good amount of effort when making the barrier, only for it to be destroyed in seconds! 

Warren quickly thought... 

after a split second of thinking, Warren made three shields in front off him, after the third, he was extremely fatigued. It wasn't perfect, but quick thinking like that may save someone's life in the future...
Eric dashed back...he knew what kind of  punch she was throwing so he was able to side step as she swung but she did break Warren's shield he was able to keep his shield intact as he rammed Tokshi with it to create  distance she couldn't have expected the shield to be used to ram or bash her she probably thought it'd be a game of cat and mouse ...

The shield was very durable even though just one of her punches could break it using it for offense didn't cause it to shatter immediately.

"Warren i see what your thinking by putting three shields into one you increase the durability smart ...doesn't mean you can coast during this" he says backing up against a wall...Tokshi had greater agility and speed at least this way she had limited options to attack him and he was counting on her to make a mistake somewhere that he could capitalize on..."think Eric"

@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul


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