
The group had a fair amount of time - a few hours - to converse over what happened. Some were more open than others, some didn't let out a word of what they experienced and some were still exhausted after the events earlier. A lot of the time was filled with silence, mostly out of the general tiresome nature of being a disembodied spirit. It was numb. It was dull. It was boring. And, at just two days, it was just a fraction of what some spirits endured. What little time was left was speculation and a little worry - all over the eggs that were about to hatch. While the group found ways to use its time, Botan was on standby waiting to see what happened. The eggs were close. Any minute now, she thought. In many ways, she was as enthralled as the others were, but she had a lot more fear. She worried she was wrong in her decision to include Arimi. She was worried about Koenma saving three of them when otherwise they wouldn't have made it. She was worried that she tried to hard to succeed like her sister.

That worry consumed her right up until the eggs began to hatch, and it wasn't simultaneous. Some had more to feed off of than others, so some grew just a little faster.

The first egg to begin hatching belonged to Tokshi. It grew immensely warm and began radiating a bright, golden light; the surge of energy from it was enough to alert the whole group of untrained Spirit Detectives. Once life began to spring through the egg, the memories that fed it began to pour into Tokshi. Everything from the moment she got it through the eyes of the egg. And, what was the very first thing the egg remembered? That Tokshi ran off the first moment she got to check on Uta. The very first feelings that poured into the egg were selfless concern, worry and the love she had for her little brother. That seemed to be what the egg focused on, but it was far from all the egg fed off. The egg could easily recall when she saw how her body was treated. The disgust of the man that kissed her, yet the relief she was saved. It also felt the odd sensation of sweetness and gratitude she had for Rin - whom before she barely gave a second thought about. The egg fed off mixed feelings, but it somehow saw through the down-trodden experience as Tokshi felt the impact of her gang losing her. Gaps of dull moments where hours passed were frequent until the next great memory: the fight with the spirit. Tokshi was violent and ruthless, sure, but even that event was full of teamwork and camaraderie as she helped save Warren and had an odd sense of pride for Arimi when she seemingly defeated the spirit with her blast. It wasn't until later that the egg began to feed off true negative emotions. Dark ones. She saw Rin and the beast inside the egg had grown enough to recognize him and even understand Tokshi was somewhat excited to see him again. But everything after that... everything...

It was a dark, horrid mess. A memory that would scar any soul. The egg could feel the fear and terror as Rin performed the unthinkable. It sweltered inside the memory as the flames roared around them. The egg consumed all of it, and now Tokshi was seeing the same memory almost through the eyes of another person. She felt so much fear for the lost, the killed, but somehow they were just numbers: those that she really feared for were the family of the one called Toma. That little girl and her crying. That crying. It echoed inside the egg for so long and it was only silenced by the gunshot to the back of the head of one of Rin's own men. It was at that point that the odd sweetness she had from earlier, that weird sensation she had for Rin when he was upset about her loss... it was at that point that every feeling there turned into disappointment. True and utter disappointment. These were evil acts that threw Tokshi into such a terrible sense of disgust and disdain for a man she almost admired. What Tokshi didn't see is what the egg remembered. That the wife and daughter; they were spared. The egg itself had a mind of its own, and while Botan ripped Tokshi away at that time, the egg itself focused so much on the daughter of the man named Toma. Almost as if a continuous loop, the egg saw the daughter in almost the same way Tokshi saw Uta.

The memories came to a quick end as the egg began to take form. It grew into a long, slender form a little longer than her arm and as it did, it swirled around her, wrapping around her shoulders and neck. Once the golden light faded, the beast that formed became obvious. It was deep, emerald snake with gold trimming  its scales that dulled for its belly and mouth. It was a beautiful creature; unlike any real snake alive, but it was a snake. It's eyes, however, were a crystal blue with a darker blue slit running through them; reptilian in nature, but otherworldly in appearance. While the snake was coiled in around Tokshi, it took form looking her in the eyes. Botan watched almost panicked. A snake... was a questionable creature. It wasn't the large, monstrous form she was warned about, but a snake? Her concern didn't last long as soon after, Eric had his egg begin to hatch. Even the snake looked over to watch, turning away from Tokshi.

Eric had a rough time, too. The first memories his egg truly developed and fed off from were those of his family. Of realizing that his parents mourned for him, too. It wasn't just the memories of that moment, either. It was his own memories. The egg fed off every single second he compared their mourning to when he was with them and crying over their brother. Just as Uta was the focus for Tokshi, Eric had a focus on his entire family - even his brother. The egg fed off some resentment for a while; a period of his life was filled with this odd feeling that his brother was the center of everything. He was the star that was fallen, but that changed when Eric was lost, too. The reality sunk in for Eric that he was just as loved and important and that is what the egg fed off of. Not long after, the egg fed off the immense negative emotions that the spirit pushed into Eric, but that was brief. Very brief. While the torture may have seemed like hours to Eric, the reality is that he was only ever around that spirit for a few minutes.

The rest of the memories the egg had were rather pleasant, although nowhere near as close to heart as the first. The time spent with Hitsu gave the egg an almost fantastical energy to feed off. The entire church experience was different for Eric and while it didn't give overwhelmingly positive emotions for the beast to feed on, it did provide it plenty to let it grow. The golden egg that Eric had glowed brightly and eventually shot up to his right shoulder before taking form. It expanded in size several times over before it took the shape of a bird with its wings stretched. It most closely resembled a dove of some kind, but around its head was a crest of black feathers that ran down its back, fading away down the middle of its spine. The outer most layer of its white wings were a matching black, giving the animal a unique contrast. Most unique was the almost barren chest of the bird which was scaled over with a set of sapphire like scales that faded into white feathers around it. The bird was beautiful and unique, but somehow more realistic than the serpent that wrapped around Tokshi.

Once the bird had hatched, there was even less of a delay for Warren. Although, he was far less active and even less memories fed his beast. The egg felt pride in his father for catching the criminals, the joy of seeing his sibling safe and even the same camaraderie that Tokshi felt, but Warren had spent so much time protecting Arimi that he had even less to spend on himself. While his memories were there, they were more faint. Less powerful, but overall, they were unique in that there were so few negative ones. Aside from the peril that the group was in at one point due to the spirit and sadness he felt due in losing his family, there was so little negative emotion for the egg to feed off. Instead, the egg fed mostly off the protective nature Warren had over Arimi. The two spent nearly a full day in a shrine after the run in with a spirit, and those hours potentially had the greatest impact on the egg.

Unlike the other eggs that formed on their owner, Warren had his golden egg shoot out like a beam of light in front of him, laying on the ground. Arguably, it was the smallest of the beasts as it just seemed to spread out and out and out as a puddle until finally its light began to fade and it took its shape. Warren was given a tortoise. Dark blue trimmed the outside of the shell that faded into a bright green in its center. The shell itself was immensely beautiful; layered like a fine cedar and more remarkable than any turtle in a zoo. Once it formed, it poked its head out of its shell, revealing a black beak and bright yellow eyes. The rest of its body including its legs was a dark green, common among turtles, but at its tail was a unique golden ball of sorts that didn't seem to retract back into the shell completely. The little animal stood up and turned toward Warren, looking up at him with its yellow-tinted eyes.

Each individual with their animal felt an immediate bond with it. Some over the memories, but more of a connection as if the animal was somewhat an extension of themselves. Warren could almost feel the thoughts of the turtle as it was fixated on protecting the others. Eric could feel the desire of his dove to spread its wings and be seen. Tokshi felt something entirely different from her animal; it was as if it trusted no one. A paranoia about the snake that kept it coiled around her. Arimi, much like Botan, was an observer to all of this. The bright golden eggs hatching into mystical creatures. Some potentially seemed similar to a few from myths, although the differences kept her from putting a name on any of them. Each one of these beasts were unique to their owner and each one gave out an entirely different aura or feeling when it was hatched. It was abundant that Tokshi had the darkest animal and specifically to Arimi it was clear that the tortoise had a deep consideration for others.

Botan breathed a sigh of relief as she watched from afar only to be surprised with a gentle hand on her shoulder. "That girl there. Hers was almost a monster," Koenma said. "What she saw must have been next to evil itself," he added, "but more importantly, something inside her kept it from becoming a real beast." 

Botan turned to Koenma, gasping at first, but eventually nodding at his words. "One of the men she worked for is a monster... and she saw it first hand," Botan explained.

Koenma replied, "There are plenty of monsters in the world. I'm more interested in what kept her from being one."

There was another brief silence while Botan felt stupid for her reply. She could only explain to him what Tokshi saw, but he cared more about whatever she felt that counterbalanced that. She should have known that, too. While she questioned herself, Koenma lifted his hand and said, "Good job. Each one of them passed in their own way and that one will definitely be someone to keep an eye on... let's see how they react before we intervene." With just a few words, Koenma was able to wash away the self-pity Botan had. She smiled and nodded along. It was the first time he had given her any notice in a while alongside a compliment. Together, they watched the four to see how they reacted to their new companions.

@Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel @Midnite @Nenma Takashi
Tokshi watched her egg glow for moment she wondered would it be good or would it be evil and eat her like Botan said. The memories and feelings flowed into her at first they were pleasant, but she then had to relive the moment she saw Rin lose himself to revenge. She watched though as the egg didn't let the darkness she saw completely take it over and she felt she knew what kept her together. The one thought that stopped her from losing herself to darkness Uta, he stopped her from falling too far he always did. She stared at the snake as it stared at her staring into it's eyes she was in a trace at just how beautiful the snake looked. "Hey." She said to it but before it could respond or maybe it had just decided to ignore her, Eric's egg hatched. She took notice of it being far more kind looking then her snake the same for Warren's egg both had creatures that seemed to be born from the most positive or their feelings. But Tokshi felt like her animal was so close to eating her yet this sense of danger being so narrowly avoided only made her laugh. "Would you look at that I got the coolest looking one, but hey was there any doubt!?" She laughed as she slowly stroked the snake's head she looked at Arimi. "What do you think Ari kinda looks like me don't he?" Tokshi knew the look in the snake's eyes it was one she showed often. A look she knew would only soften when met with the eyes of Uta, they were eyes that were skeptical eyes that were worried, eyes that she trusted. Because those eyes were her own Tokshi had lived like a snake while she did what she had to in order to survive, she found a joy in doing wrong from fighting to the small acts of vandalism her and the other gang members did. She was a predator but not a wild animal she still knew what was a smart idea and what was plain dumb, she still thought and wanted to protect. She still cared about Uta she smiled at the snake staring into it's blue eyes once again. "Hey Botan can we name these guys?"

@Scrubnoppon @Midnite @QuirkyAngel @Sir Les Paul 
"OHHH MAAAN ITS HATCHINGGGG!" Warren intensely watched his egg as it hatched and eventually took shape. 

At first he didn't think it was an animal- until it poked its head out. 

"WOAH! I got a TURTLE?!" 

Warren kneeled down to look at him, his almost eerie yellow eyes glared back at him. 

"Hey lil' guy... how are you doin?" 

The boy instantly fell in love with the thing. He felt a strange warmth from it. As if he can sense it felt the others needed to be protected. Needed to be kept safe. 

"Your guys' look cool, but mine looks really beautiful... he's kinda cute!"

Warren looked down at the small tortoise.

"I think the two of us will get along just fine."
"Chess club?" Arimi repeated thoughtfully. Did she really have the time? Between school work, paranormal club activities, and her part time job at the shrine, could she join another club? It was true that she, Akira, and Mitake could use a new member, but...Arimi shrugged. "Nah. If we become Spirit Detectives, I'm not sure we'll have the time for club activities anyway,"


Being a part of the Spirit World police force sounded a lot more important. More exciting. Akira and Mitake would be disappointed, but there was nothing to be done...unless the whole Spirit Detective thing became a part of their club activities. Arimi grinned. Botan-sama said nothing about keeping it secret from her friends. They'd be thrilled if she told them she was hunting demons, unlike most other boring folks who laughed at her when she said that ghosts and monsters existed.

She listened while Warren and Tokshi explained how they died, not really feeling the need to answer since she didn't die. Her 'exciting' story would be how she tripped over her feet and hit her head when an officer showed up...a rather pathetic story now that she thought about it. No self sacrifice. Nothing particularly heroic to brag about.  

After the Hatching.

When the all the lights faded, Arimi's hands dropped to her sides and she pushed up her glasses, peering at the event with keen eyes.  Unlike the chickens she was expecting, the eggs of her Spirit Detective friends became...a snake, a bird, and a turtle respectively. Interesting. She looked between the snake coiled around Tokshi and the delinquent girl thoughtfully. "Eh? Uhhh, not really..." Was Tokshi comparing herself to a reptilian creature? Arimi supposed their eyes did look a little alike..."It is pretty cool though." Arimi agreed readily. The colors weren't like any snake Arimi had ever seen. 

To be honest, she was a little frightened when Tokshi's egg hatched. For a moment, when the creature was forming, it looked to her as if Tokshi was going to be strangled by the elongated shape. It's  probably my imagination. Snakes didn't have many positive cultural references...though Arimi had no idea how much that applied to Tokshi. Or whether such stories even mattered. After all, Botan-sama wasn't anything like a shinigami was supposed to be depicted as. She would have reached out a stroked it...but it looked like it might bite her if she tried. 

Instead, Arimi floated over where Warren was and poked at the turtle's shell curiously. "Haha. I think it likes me." It was odd to her that she could feel an aura about it. A protective and considerate one. Of all the animals that appeared, the turtle seemed like the least likely to harm her. Were these creatures like familiars? If that was the case, did that say something about Warren, Eric, and Tokshi? Her gaze flickered to the bird on Eric. At the very least, she could tell that the animals weren't normal. 

Well of course they aren't. They're spirit beasts!

If they were normal, Arimi would be vastly disappointed. She tilted her head, her eyes bright with intrigue. "Sooo, these animals will lead you guys back to life?"   

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi

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Eric saw Tokshi's snake while snakes had usually negative symbolism her snake didn't give off an inherently evil and dark feeling.

It just made Eric wonder what kind of hell did she go through to have her spirit beast be a serpent. ....

He continued to wonder if she herself had any darkness inside her.

Eric acted tough and anti-social but it was to protect himself and seeing the contrast in his bird made him realize that.

The bird perched on his shoulder reminded him of his brother who's skill and precision was likened  to that of a bird..."you know i think we'll make a good team... do you play chess" he says as the bird stretched his wings as to say yes.

Seeing Warrens tortoise made sense for him as a tortoise has great strength.

"Typical you'd get the most physically powerful animal" he says 


@Sir Les Paul

"They're still babies," Botan said. She walked through the doors of the shrine; the first time any of them had seen her use a mortal entrance. Of course, on sacred grounds, spirits lost their ethereal nature. "They won't talk for quite some time," she added.

 Yuto, Sr. Spirit Detective                          

"But you do get to name them!" shouted another voice from behind Botan. The red-haired kid only seemed a little older than them - if that. "Noct, come here!" he continued on. In just a moment after, the air in front of him seemed to bend as if the heat around a fire. In just a moment, another beast with the face of an owl and great white wings hovered mid-air. As the rest of it became clear, the bird showed long, white scales as a snake-like body coiled down into a small, feathered tail. While add at first, the beast did have a strange beauty to it. Unlike the others, it was pure white. However, also unlike the others, it seemed to hover in the same supernatural way Botan did. It wasn't entirely clear if the beast would be capable of flight naturally, but these were Spirit Beasts...

"This is Noct! He's my beast," he continued on.

"You introduced your animal before you introduced yourself," Noct seemed to reply. His head crooked backwards to look at Yuto with just the faintest crack in his beak as he spoke.

"Oh yeah! I'm Yuto. Once you newbies get back to your bodies, I'll be the one making sure you don't get killed," he said.

Botan quickly interjected to add, "because I can't. Once you return to the world of the living, I'm almost powerless. You'll have to rely on each other... and Yuto."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Yuto commented almost sulking at the thought.

Botan ignored him and continued on, "So, yes, you can name them. In fact, naming them is the last part of the trial. Once they have been given a name, you will return to your body. Your beasts are your familiars... your Earthly tethers. They will be what binds you to your body, so you won't see them for a while. You'll need to be strong enough to summon them."

Yuto interjected solely to add, "Like me!"

Botan let off a sigh before retorting, "Yes. Yes, just like you. Nevertheless, once you speak their name aloud, you will be bound. With the exception of Arimi, of course. I'll have to return her myself. One last thing, though!" Botan said, "And this is very important."

"Each one of you have been given a special kit full of important equipment. I have planted each one of them someplace simple, yet out of the way. In a closet, under the bed. Look for a silver briefcase. Inside it will be a compact mirror with a blue crystal. Keep it on you at all times... and yes, that means you boys, too. Inside it is a set of instructions for what each item does, but I expect Yuto will have to show you," Botan explained.

Yuto rubbed the back of his neck once Botan finished her speech. With a quick smirk, he said, "So go on! Give'm a name."

@Midnite @Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel
"Guwaaahh! We have to name them so soon?!"

Warren wasn't the best with names. It takes him a while to name his character in a video game- but this is an animal. Once he named it it's sealed. Pretty literaly 

Warren thought about his own name: Warren. 

Warren means protecting friend. 

Warren thought it over. For a bit. Then smiled. He turned to everyone else. 

"I don't know when I'll see you all again. But untill I do- take care yeah?" 

He then lifted up his Tortise to his eye level. 

"Same goes for you... 



Warren sat up in his hospital bed and ran a hand through his hair. 

It didn't take long before his sister embraced him- almost knocking him out of his bed. 


Tears immeately started flowing from his sister's eyes. Drenching his hospital gown. 

But these tears are okay 

these were tears of joy. 

Warren's dad walked in the room 

"I'm ba- OH MY GOD!" 

Warren's father stood there in shock as a nurse peered into the door to check what was wrong, and had the same reaction as his father. 

"You're awake! We didn't think you'd-" 

"Its okay dad. I'm stronger than you think." 

Warren looked out the window and into the sky. 

"Thanks guys... 

I'm finally home." 
Tokshi looked at the new guy and his owl letting out a whistle to show she was impressed. "So you'll start talking later as well?" She asked the snake wrapped around her knowing she wouldn't get a response then she looked at the sky thinking. "So we just name them and we go back to our bodies. Find the kit keep the crystals bang boom pow Spirit Detectives." She made note to look around her room when she got back to look for said kit. "A name hmm let me think.." She looked at her snake again it stared at her again then a name popped into her mind. "Hey Botan really thanks for the second chance. I'll see you later Ari, Shortstop and you too Eri oh and I guess I'll see you later also Yu." She looked at the snake and petted it smiling. "I'll call you....Aoimoku cause you got blue eyes." Tokshi then for a moment felt her body slingshot away then she woke up. Her eyes slowly opening to see a white ceiling sitting up she looked around to find herself in a hospital room the first sound she heard, brought such joy to her heart. "BIG SIS!" She then felt someone hug her looking down she saw a face she remembered all too well it was Uta and he was rubbing his face into her side. "I knew you'd wake up I just knew you would! I was strong really I was I didn't cry I swear." Tokshi hugged him back chuckling. "Yeah I bet you didn't." She knew he was lying but only partly he had been strong stronger than she was. But now was different she'd be stronger now and wouldn't let Uta get dragged into this dark world with her. Tokshi looked to see one of the familiar faces in the gang Yuki he was the one along with a guy named Kota who would also spray paint with Tokshi. He stared at her in awe then bursted into laughter. "Damn I always guessed it but it really is true you gotta be some kind of monster hahaha! Seriously what does keep you down." Tokshi pointed at Yuki grinning. "What you jackasses really think I'd drop that eaisly hell no, you punks can't survive without me to bail your sorry asses out!" Yuki and Tokshi along with Uta all laughed. Tokshi smiled hugging Uta tighter then whispered. "Thanks guys."

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @Midnite @QuirkyAngel 
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"Don't worry too much, Arimi," Botan said with a smile. It had been quite some time since a smile crept along her face. Just a few words from Koenma - and seeing that no one hatched an evil beast - was enough to lighten her mood. "They won't get to summon their familiars for a while. And, when they do, they'll have to practice it. In a way, it's one less thing you have to train," Botan said. There was a slight hollow tone in her voice; just enough to show that even she didn't believe her justification really made up for not having a beast of her own. There were a dozen other factors that went with it, but none of which Botan had explained. 

"A suggestion, though," Botan said with her tone shifting from its formerly hollow nature to a fuller, more vibrant one. "Find one thing and become good at it. The best at it," she added, "And, never stop getting better at it." Botan lifted up her scythe and the long, curved blade began to glow gold. In a flash of blinding light - no slash, no movement - Botan sent Arimi back to her body. The golden light from the scythe soon became the white, fluorescent lights of the hospital that Arimi was taken to after the cops found her.

"I see your plan," Yuto commented.

"It's the best thing for her," Botan replied. 

"Mei never told us that," Yuto cut in with a smirk. His tone changed now.

"Told you what?" she replied.

"What was best for us. She made us figure it out on our own," Yuto responded to her, as if correcting her.

With a slight bit of disdain, almost as if spitting it at Yuto, Botan replied, "Yeah... well, I'm not Mei."

@QuirkyAngel @Nenma Takashi (Who is Yukari?)
Eric saw Warren and Tokshi say name their familiars and disappeared. ...he saw botan talking to Arimi and send her back to her body.

He heard Yuto bring up Mei...

His lack of naming his familiar was not by accident. ..he floated up to Botan and Yuto ...

"Im sorry i have found a name for my familiar but before i go i have two questions well it was three  but i believe you guys inadvertently answered that Botan is not the only reaper but i had a feeling of course but i wonder what kind of other ones there are.

My first question is before i speak my familiars name would i e able to see Miyata even if for a moment.

Second is for Yuto can you show me a glimpse of just how strong a spirit detective you are" he says 

@Sir Les Paul
Botan was the first to reply - primarily due to the sheer succinct nature of her response: "No." After just another moment, she went on to explain, "A Shinigami alone does not have the authority to bring a soul from the Spirit World nor do I have the authority to take you to the Spirit World - much less arrange for you to meet a single soul lost some time ago. It isn't as simple as swinging this blade."

Yuto interjected with the comment, "Unless you're Ryuga, then you can ju-" ---THWACK. The red-head was cut short by the back end of Botan's scythe smacking upside his head.

"Don't fill his head with ideas; you'd have better luck getting Enma to allow it than catching Ryuga," Botan replied to Yuto. She then turned to Eric and said, "In fact, bud, just forget you heard those names. Chances are, you'll never meet either of them."

Once Botan finished her speech, Yuto grumbled some about the smack upside his head. He then went on to explain, "It's not about strength and I don't intend on teaching you as if it were, so no, I'm not going to show off. If you want to wind up dead, then go ahead with that attitude. Let me give you a piece of advice," Yuto continued on, still glaring at Botan as if her hitting him upset him more than the comedic value of it was worth. "Inside your kit will be an item called the Little Black Book. It's basically a field guide to most of the spirits you'll see. That book is more likely to save your life than any other item in that kit. Knowledge is power even if it's useless half the time," he explained.

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Eric smiled... "well i will find a way to see my brother again. .and knowledge has always been my power. botan i guess this is goodbye for now" he says waving at her

He walks over to his bird..."i had half the mind to name you after Miyata but you were born from my soul so your my truth my reason for taking this opportunity. lets go save 10,000 souls or more TENSEI"

He is blinded by a flash of light and next thing he knows he feels heavy the weight of his real body was foreign to him at the moment and his eyes slowly opened. 

Looking down at his body he saw his wound healed...

"HE'S AWAKE...OH MY GOD" he heard his mom scream....his dad came in the room and froze..."son we prayed for this" he says hugging him

"Yes it was a miracle they thought you were a goner but you slowly began to heal...its a miracle" she says crying 

@Sir Les Paul
"Worry about what?" Arimi tilted her head, staring at Botan confusedly. It was a pity Tokshi and the others couldn't summon their familiars right away. Arimi would love to study them a bit. Throughout the explanation, she'd floated over the large beast called Noct, and had been examining the beautiful creature's wings. She'd listened to everything of course. Watched as Tokshi and Warren named their familiars, Aoimoku and Junior respectively, waved them farewell, etc. Her exited face flashed over too Yuto. "OMG! Noct's a quetzlcoatl, isn't he? Does that mean the Spirit Beasts are leg--,"

@Sir Les Paul   

In the World of the Living.

"--gendary creatures as well...," Arimi mumbled, her eyes slowly opening to see...a blur. Right. Her glasses. As a disembodied spirit, she hadn't really needed them. However, now that she was back in her body, she had the weaknesses of one. Hands searched around for her spectacles until she felt them placed in her palm. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Arimi gazed upon the face of her mother. Black hair, sharp features, and large glasses which matched her own. Before she could ask why the woman was there instead of at work, Armi felt herself tightly embraced, much to her surprise. "You have no idea how worried I was when I received Akira's call! The doctor didn't know what to make of it. You just wouldn't wake up!"

Guilt began to settle in as she listened to her mother's sobs. She'd been too busy with everything that happened to check how her family and friends reacted to her disembodied self. The ritual. Meeting ghosts. Spirit Detectives. A Kuchisake-onna. A quetzlcotal. It was all too exciting. If she didn't know any better, Arimi would've thought it had all been a dream. "Where are Akira and Mitake?"

"They went home. Mitake left last. Akira promised to visit tomorrow."

Arimi nodded. Too bad. She had so much to tell them. She wanted to tell her mother, but if she did, she'd mostly likely get sent to a mental institution.

"Miss Setsuya, how are you feeling? Any pain anywhere?"

Arimi glanced at the doorway where a doctor had come in, likely notified by a nurse. She reached up to touch her bandaged head. "No. Just my forehead throbs a little."

"Understandable. You must've hit your head pretty hard."

"You're certain there's nothing wrong with her?"

"No," the doctor confirmed. "Nothing's wrong with her body anyway. It's likely she'd simply lost consciousness from the impact. I'd like to run some tests for a concussion and any other possible head injuries, but otherwise she can be discharged tomorrow."

"I'm actually a bit tired right now," Arimi lied. She didn't feel like undergoing any tests at the moment. "Can you both leave so I can sleep for a for a bit?"

"You've been sleeping  for nearly a day!"

Arimi shrugged. 

Her mother sighed and got up to leave the room with the physician. "Fine. But no more of that paranormal, hocus pocus, stuff. Mitake told me what you guys had been up to."

Arimi grimaced. Mitake was such a tattle tale.

"You should be thankful the officer was a nice man, " Her mother reprimanded, shaking her head as she disappeared out the door. "All of you went a little too far with your shenanigans this time around. Playing in a cemetery at that time night...,"

Arimi waited until both adults left before she began searching for the Detective kit Botan-sama talked about. If the whole Spirit Detective thing wasn't a dream, then it should be somewhere in this room. Sure enough, Arimi found hers under the hospital pillow. The leader of Sarayashiki High School's paranormal club smiled and flipped through the contents, inspecting each item. 
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Tokshi had Uta and Yuki leave the room Yuki no doubt was going to go tell the others. Uta said he was off to go prepare something special whatever that meant while Tokshi began her search for the kit Botan was talking about. "Cmon where is that thing....cmon cmon Aha! Gotcha." She had found the kit underneath her hospital bed not the smartest hidding location but then again she guessed Botan was the one who hid it. Tokshi opened the briefcase and looked inside finding an insruction book that listed the items and what they did. Her eyes scanned the list chuckling a little at the black book she just knew Arimi would be all over the book the very second she found it. Tokshi on the other hand found her eyes locked onto a different item a pair of brass knuckle like objects call Strom Knuckles. The very name sounded cool to her ready what it did she knew this was the weapon for her she took it out of the box to look at. "Hmm well this seems up my ally." She put the Storm Knuckles back in the kit and went back to reading the instructions again to get a good idea of what everything does. 

@Sir Les Paul    

[SIZE= 14px]After Warren was released from the hospital, he quickly got home to enjoy the great joys of the material world. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Cars, food, friends, family, and loss. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Well... we didn't think you were coming back to us-" [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Warren stomped up the stairs. Into his room. He looked on the shelf next to his TV. Something was missing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]His life, his soul. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]His Playstation. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Yes. When Warren was in the hospital, Warren's father gave his ps1 away to His Partner's kid who really wanted one. It had only recently come out, and was a hot item. Warren's father thought it was a an act of good nature to give it to his Partner, but if only he knew... [/SIZE]

Just then, Warren's white German Sheppard walked in and laied down next to him. 

[SIZE= 14px]"Listen, I wouldn't have given if it away if I knew you were going to come back to life. I can buy you a new one!" [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"That's not the point! If I don't have the memory card I can't get all my progress back. Then I'd have to- [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Wait- you didn't give him the memory card did you? Was there a small grey square in the playstation?" [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"No I didnt take that with it. I thought it was something else." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"S-SO THEN ITS HERE!" Warren instantly hopped up from the carpeted floor and scanned the room. The shelf, the game jewel cases, and eventually- under his bed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Huh? What's an attache case doing under here? I don't remember it being here..." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]For a second he thought it was his dad's. But upon opening the case, it was made clear it was the spirit detective kit Botan mentioned. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"woah there is a LOT here... mirror... seeds... [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]heh. Stop watch... [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]that one took me too long to get..."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]warren carefully closed the case and went to shove the case back under his bed. When he looked under the bed, he noticed a small, grey square right where the case was... [/SIZE]
Eric was in the family gym room ... he touched items and was brought back to the days of Miyata training with their father.....

"Miyata.... " he shouted but it was just a mirage as he was brought to the present.

"what the hell is going on ... thought that was only because I was a spirit before... i can ... i can see the past" he says to himself

He began punching the heavy bag but not with his fighting style he emulated Miyata... he even did the cross combination his brother was knows for but he shattered the heavy bag.

"My body... I gotta find the others" he says as he walks out....

"Eric where are you going" his mother asked

"Yea son you just got home" his father says

"I have some friends I have to see... I will be back" he says

@Sir Les Paul


@Nenma Takashi

The red stone bricks fell to the ground in crumbled, partially burnt pieces as the blue sparks from his hand dug into the wall. The old housing unit was hardly in proper condition to begin with; the bright pigmentation of the hand-laid brick was far more vibrant in the channel being dug through it than the dull, nearly-brown outside layer that had weathered the years. These buildings were historical parts of Ketsuekikawa, but that didn't matter to the condensed Reikai burrowing through them. The entire display was pointless as well. There was no need to show off his spiritual capabilities. Hell, there wasn't even anyone watching. He ran his hand through this building like a whimsical child running their fingers down the boards of a fence or iron bars of a gate. It was just something to do while he strolled through the down-trodden projects of Southeast Ketsuekikawa. 



"This entire place is so... dull," he murmured to himself. He left an ugly, uneven trench in the wall behind him no less than fifteen feet in length. He only stopped due to the wall itself ending as he cornered the block. He stopped at the corner to pull out his cigarettes, then snapped his fingers to create sparks. A blue flame burned at the top of his finger, which he then used to light one of the irregularly thin cigarettes. After pocketing the pack, he pointed his flaming finger back at the house he just dug through to release a Spirit Gun; the blast fired rapidly and soon enough an entire portion of the brick house collapsed in on itself. He watched, too. It wasn't immediate. The bricks gave in first at the point of impact, but slowly the structure of the house began to collapse in on the weakened side. The rotted, wooden interior cracked quickly under the weight - all the while, he merely inhaled his cancer stick. Rafters from the inside fell down and eventually the carved channel he made in the wall crumbled enough to fall inward. Two minutes - one hundred twenty seconds - seemed like so little time, but it was enough to see the gradual collapse of half a house. Of an old housing unit meant to make the suburban areas of this town just a little more bearable. Of nearly a century of history and a handful of families whose memories were stored in that house. Just two minutes and one punk with a little power. That's all it took to bring it to an end. 

"Still dull," he commented. He turned down the corner to walk down that street. 'Shit buildings normally have a ghost or two,' he pondered to himself, 'normally bringing one down pisses them off.' Reality was, he tortured the building hoping it would torture any ghost anchored inside. He wanted a fight. A good fight. The entire reason he defected was his Shinigami held him back so the other two could catch up and now he couldn't hunt down a challenge for the life of him. A few ghosts here and there, a Dark Spirit if he was lucky. The entire trip to these slums was in hope of some forgotten spirit buried deep down in the shit hole that was worth his time. He knew what going rogue meant, too. He needed to get stronger and he needed greater prey for that. These meager ghosts weren't worth the Reikai he used to destroy them.

"I fucking hate the woods..." he murmured, considering his only other option. The rumors of the forests... the Forest of Death... the Dark Forest... the old Noose tree... weeping willows and black swamps. The spirits of nature were far greater than what was confined in this urban area. If he had to go there hunting, he'd be out of his comfort zone. Killing his comrades was one thing, but trekking through mud wasn't his style.

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The whole way as Tokshi walked with Uta he kept asking if she needed his help walking, Tokshi sighed. "Uta for the millionth time I'm fine really." Uta puffed out his cheeks at her shaking his head. "I don't believe you, you're the type that doesn't say when your hurt cause you think it's more trouble then it's worth." Tokshi shot her gaze to the sky as Uta had completely read her like a book, that was how she thought but she truly felt fine now. "Cmon Uta look at me I feel great, hell I feel even fucking better than before getting in that hospital." Uta stared at her for a long time shaking his head. "What?....What?" Tokshi asked not getting why he seemed so disappointed then he pointed at her. "Swear jar." Tokshi raised an eyebrow then finally remembered the two had made a deal Tokshi would cut back on curse words. At this point the jar had overflown into a swear table since now Tokshi just throws the money onto the table. "Fuck I forgot about that thing..DAMN IT FUCK!"  
Warren didn't have long to go through the case before he felt the pulse from the Mirror. The instructions were still out in the open, but even if he had intended to read them, he wouldn't have made it far past the first few lines. The pulsation was almost like a wave in the water. Just enough to make its presence known. And, each pulse grew a little stronger. While it didn't feel spiritual in nature - if Warren was even able to know what that feeling was - it did exert a light pressure unique to any Earthly sensation he had ever felt.

@Scrubnoppon (It's short, I know, but it's literally a post that's the equivalent of you getting a phone call. lol)
Warren began to look at the instructions. As he Began to read, he herd a strange buzzing. It didn't take long for Warren to track it down from the case under his bed. 

"The mirror? Huh." 

Warren lifted the mirror out of the case and opened it up. 

The compact mirror flipped open once Warren, immediately showing Yuto on the screen. "Hey bitchtits!" Yuto shouted once Warren appeared on the mirror. "For future reference, if you feel a weird spiritual pressure from something - don't reach out and grab it. It'll get your dumbass killed," Yuto explained. His demeanor had changed quite significantly. While his statements were rude - quite rude as a matter of fact - they somehow resonated like something an old friend would say on your first day a new job. They were a little demeaning, but not nearly as much as they could have been. "Otherwise, good job on figuring out on the mirror," he continued on. A quick moment passed before he continued, "So, yeah, I've got you a bus token to come uptown with me. I own some storage units and we're gonna train there. Ride's about an hour, so read up on that manual. Oh, and your parents already know. Told them your friends wanted to see you. So get your ass over here." And, with that, the mirror faded out.

"Huh, that was... interesting." 

Warren pocketed the mirror and the instruction booklet. For the first time in what seemed like forever. Warren went outside as a human. He felt the slight gusts of wind blow through town, as the people from around pass him by, noticing him. 

He truly felt alive again. Quite literally. 

Warren made his way onto the bus and sat down. By the time the bus had made it to his destination, Warren had read all of the manual, and had gotten a feel for most of the items. 

Warren got up, thanked the driver, and stepped off the bus.
Yuto wasn't joking when he said he owned some storage units uptown. These weren't just a few steel sheds; there were what looked like hundreds of large, red container units. The first few rows were obviously designed to be picked up and moved while larger ones in the back were obviously for more permanent storage. The largest of the units outsized small shops in the historic parts of Ketsuekikawa. The field was, needless to say, impressive. And, all fenced in by a chain link fence twice as tall as Warren himself. The bus stop itself wasn't near the actual entrance, either. That was at least two blocks down in a red stationary post that appeared to be manned by your run-of-the-mill security guard. The other direction had a much larger entrance obviously for trucks in and out. 

@Scrubnoppon (short posts, I know, but this will be a recurring place. So after this first time, in the future, you'll know where to go to just skip the whole 'getting there' steps. I like to world-build :D)
Warren stared at the large storage units in awe a small he walked by. He hasn't seen anything like this in Japan yet, which made him feel a bit more at home. He walked to the entrance and talked to the security guard. 

"Hello, uh I'm meeting someone here..."
The guard eyed Warren for a moment, then shrugged. He hit a button and the gates opened. He seemed relatively relaxed for someone in such a tight uniform. "Boss said some kid would be here for'm. He's in the back left quadrant. Yell for him loud enough and you'll find him," the guard said casually before returning back to his post. 


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