
"Ahh, thank you." 

Warren stepped into the gate and and began to look around for Yuto. 


Warren shouted yuto's name as he ade his way toward the area in which the security guard said he would be, not quite sure what to expect...
Warren would have needed to repeat himself a few times while heading in the direction he was told. Not a big deal, although this was a big lot. There were still significantly larger ones by the docks obviously there for shipping purposes, so likely this one was an intermediate of sorts for those others. The different containers varied in size. Some looked like the personal storage units some people rented out monthly or on some other arrangement; those were actually a bit older and dingier than the others. More than likely, they were just a small part of the business. Just before passing into the back half of the lot, the larger, unmarked units became quite a bit bigger and more spaced out, many of them with serial numbers and letters denominating certain hospitals in the local area. Now, if a storage facility like this was used for the hospitals, that would make a whole lot more sense than a huge lot like this dedicated to personal storage. Not that many needed it unless they were moving or overburdened with heirlooms.

A final shout of his name, and a response was heard, "HEYYYYYY BITCHTITS!" Again. The vulgar name. Although at this point, it was said so casually that it was hardly an insult. In the quadrant of the yard that Warren was in now, there were far fewer containers and now what appeared to be large sheds. While it was doubtful Warren would look inside them, they contained mostly automobiles under lock up. Some contained a few planes as well, but those were further back. These yards stored literally everything. "From now on, don't waste time at the gate - the guards know you - just come here. Actually, just so we're clear," Yuto said while waving Warren toward him, "I have one of these sheds converted over for training. That's where you go. This is a business after all, I can't just have kids running around randomly. Doesn't look good for security."

@Scrubnoppon (Now we'll get into the bulk of the real fun. I didn't like writing one-liners, so I went ahead and just passed out. Sorry for the wait. lol)
"What's going on man?" 

Warren shot a smile and wave toward Yuto, as he walked over to walk with him. He listened to what he had to say about the storage rig. 

"So you said we're training here, right? What kinda training are you thinking? I'm ready for whatever you could possibly throw at me!" 

Warren struck a strange pose with one hand fanned out over his face, and another fanned out sticking out his side. 

Was he trying to look cool? 

Was he trying to look heroic? 

Nobody knows. But one thing is for sure...

He looked like a dork. 
Yuto led Warren through the sheds to one just slightly different. Instead of the larger, overhanging gates, it had a set of steel double-doors that Yuto simply had to push to open. They had locks, but they were most likely unlocked anyway. "I wouldn't call this training as much as it is me making sure you can use your kit," he said. He looked back at Warren with a quick glance and asked, "You did bring it, right?" While before his insults seemed benign, that simple question had a condescending tone that almost made it seem like a dare to tell him otherwise. The odd poses Warren was sporting didn't exactly encourage confidence in the Senior Spirit Detective.

"As for me, I don't have to do much. My uncle owns this place and I'm head of Maintenance. Makes for a great career as a Spirit Detective," he explained. He then walked through the doors while mumbling, "Or babysitter..."

Tokshi sat on the couch looking through the Spirit Detective kit as Uta was doing laundry. Tokshi wanted to be the one to do it but Uta insisted she take a break since she just got out of a coma. She was now looking at the mirror that came with the kit tossing it up and catching it she stared into the mirror. "Hmm how'd this thing work again?" She shifted through the kit to find the instructions and looked at how to work the mirror she read through them.  "Blah blah blah reikai blah blah person blah blah other stuff. Alright I think I get this thing...I think." Tokshi thought about who she wanted to talk to. "Hmmm Warren? Nah too flirty. Eric? Don't know too well. Yuto? Dame deal with Eric. Botan? Never. Hmmm oh wait of course Ari!" She focused on wanting to talk to Ari and stared at the mirror focusing on it. 'Come on talk to Ari I wanna talk to Ari. Focus focus focus!' 

"Yeah i brought the kit. I kept the mirror and instructions immediately on me in case In needed the mirror, and I read through the instructions on the ride here. So that's why they aren't in there" 

Warren lifted the case up and opened it to show Yuto. 

"They make sense. If you made me use one right now I probably could." 

Warren shut the case and lowered it back to my side. 

"Uhh, just a quick Question. Be as honest as you want. 

How do you think I'll preform as a spirit detective? Just wondering." 
Eric looked at the mirror while he was walking he immediately understood how it worked but his focus was the kit mainly the black book. He kept walking and reading his spirit awarness didn't let him run into objects. .. 

"So thats it everything has energy. ..the spirit gun focuses it into the index finger...hmm quite useful" he says to himself 

He wanted to use the compact mirror to find the others...but he decided to focus on Tokshi. .  

"Im not who you were expecting i bet but we need to talk...can you meet me in the park I'll be playing chess...just come to me when you see me" he says 

He then heads to the park and began to play chess.

@Nenma Takashi
Tokshi was a bit surprised to see Eric answer the call instead of Ari. "Woah uh sure yeah I'll see you there then." She put the mirror away and stood up. "Hey Uta I'm heading out I'll be back later." Uta poked his head out from the laundry room. "Alright but be sure to make it back before dinner." Tokshi waved to him goodbye as she opened the door. "Yeah yeah see ya." She then shut the door behind her heading to the park, she looked around seeing Eric playing chess she walked over. "Yo Eri sup man?"

"Hows it feel to be back in the living world" he says moving away from his chess partner...

"I feel different. its hard to explain" he says as some teens playing baseball in the park and one hits a line drive right down the middle passing all the players and head towards tokshi and Eric....

"LOOK OUT! !" Some yell but Eric catches the ball in his hand easily stunning the teens.

Eric then throws it back with enough force to make the catcher stumble.

"Thats it my body is stronger that should have hurt or broke my hand but its barely gonna bruise..i didn't think things would be like this...i mean have you gone through changes?" He asked 

@Nenma Takashi
How do you think I'll preform as a spirit detective? Just wondering."

Yuto paused for a moment upon hearing that question. How did he think Warren would do? He was already through the doorway, but the room inside was lit well enough to make his halted silhouette apparent. Something about the question was enough to make him hesitate for just a second - even if a brief one. It wasn't about Warren, though. Well, for Warren it was about Warren, but for Yuto it wasn't. Every reaping, someone asked that question. Every single time. Someone took on their role faster than others, someone embraced it, someone charged ahead and someone died. Yuto realized the pattern immediately simply because it was a common one... but it was his first experience with that pattern that made him hesitate.

It felt like a lifetime ago. In a way, it was. Yuto was reaped at one point, too. He had died just like the others. Probably not a thought that went through their heads, but nevertheless. Yuto reflected back for that brief moment his mind was taken elsewhere to the member that asked that same question. 'Hey, Mei,' she asked, 'Do you think I'll make a good Spirit Detective?' Those words echoed for a moment. She was even more eager than Warren. She asked their Shinigami before they even hatched their eggs. It didn't matter what Mei said, either. Whether it was words of encouragement or a warning. Yuto had seen both and both seemed to always have the same end result... 

Yuto didn't stop because of that memory, though. Yuto stopped because of the gut feeling - the same gut feeling he had before - that told him Warren just sealed his own fate. In more ways than one, the kid behind him was a walking dead man. A disaster waiting to happen.

"That depends on what type of Spirit Detective you want to be," Yuto responded. He continued walking forward into the room. Unlike the others, it was fully furnished. One half of the lower level looked like a standard gym, albeit much of the equipment had odd seals on them. The other half was elevated slightly and appeared more like a traditional dojo; the concrete floor became a wooden platform. Above this base level was a whole second floor, although what was on it was unknown from the bottom. Weirdest of all, however, were the strange symbols and circles on the ground and what appeared to be wallpaper all around the building in the same paper seals painted over with a semi-gloss coat. There were no windows in this unit, either, and while it was spacious, the lack of windows and odd wallpaper gave an odd atmosphere of claustrophobia.

"I'll make it even simpler than Botan did. If you read your book, you'll know there are ranks. You're a rank D right now. Might as well be trash. Alongside ranks are titles and those titles are basically your role. Right now, you're a Junior Spirit Detective. Again, basically trash. You have no specialty or value - yet. I'm a Senior Spirit Detective, and no, that's not what you become when you stop sucking; Senior Spirit Detective is the title given to teachers, guides, whatever. After that, there are special titles. Hunters are one of the most vied for titles; they're some of the most powerful Spirit Detectives. They hunt down rabid ghosts, named entities and demons. You don't even call those cocky mother fuckers Spirit Detectives; you call them a Hunter. Luckily, they're the only assholes that do that. There are researchers, guardians, investigators, then there are special teams. There is just about one rank above Spirit Detective all-together, though. Enforcers. You do not want to fuck with them - period. They're basically the internal affairs of Spirit Detectives. They don't hunt down demons, ghosts or spirits; they hunt Rogue Spirit Detectives and are the only ones authorized to kill mortals. Let's say a Rogue gives a mortal a few spiritual items and it gives then an unnatural advantage in the human world. An Enforcer has the judicial right to play judge and jury right there and either take back those items or just kill the person - and from what I've seen, they tend to choose the latter. They're not Spirit Detectives even though they might have been at one point. Anything else is just splitting hairs, honestly; or something Botan would need to explain - not me," Yuto went on a rant, explaining the ins and outs to Warren before leaning on a punching bag for support.

"So, basically, bitchtits, it's hard to do bad when there are plenty of roles for you to choose from. My goal is to get you to that point. In short... don't die, and you'll be fine," Yuto said with a seemingly ominous overtone.

@Scrubnoppon (upped the quality since you waited so patiently ;)  )
Warren listened to every last word that Yuto asked. 

"Well... I want to protect everyone! A Guardian sounds enticing. I don't know what you think, but I'll become a great Spirit detective! I'll train super hard and become An amazing spirit detective- you hear?!"

Warren slammed his fist into his open palm. A bright fire glowed behind his eyes. He knew this was a commitment he had to make. 

"The only way I can is to train! Let's go! Y'want me to... punch this thing or..." 
"A guardian is literally a guard," Yuto replied. He rolled over on the punching bag before explaining, "they stand watch over important people during important events... I don't think that's precisely what you had in mind." Yuto was toying with his words, obviously, but there was an important message to be made. A guardian wasn't a class. It was a title. A role. A job. They were body guards, not bulwarks for their friends.

"You want to train, huh?" Yuto asked once he saw how fired up Warren became. "First, you need to understand were you are. And, to understand were you are, you need to understand a few key concepts. Life energy is called Reikai. It's complex and there are a few ways to teach it, but right now, you're getting the basics. Every soul is made up of and generates Reikai. You can only use the excess Reikai your soul generates - if you tap into the Reikai of your soul, you start using your own life force and let's just make it simple - you die. There's no being a hero about it - you die. It's also not easy, either. Demons eat souls and digesting the Reikai takes them days and they don't even do it perfectly - some might only get a small fraction of the energy. Point being, don't do stupid shit and run out of Reikai. Now, you're probably thinking, 'Well, hey Yuto, how do I use Reikai and why would I use it?' and that's simple. It makes you stronger. In fact, inside your kit is something called a Mekai Oak Card. I'm sure you read about it, but it didn't make a lick of sense because you didn't know any of this. Now it might. In that kit is a tiny pin. Use that pin to prick your finger and put that drop of blood on the first tooth of your card. We're going to find out your baseline stats before we go any further. It's easier if you have a number instead of me just saying Tokshi can kick your ass," Yuto continued on.

@Scrubnoppon (I'll be listing your official first day stats once you put your blood on the card.)
"Oh... yeah that's not what I was thinking... but you get it..." 

warren quickly opened the kit and grabbed the oak card. 

He spoke as he pricked himself 

"so I kinda just spill the blood into these little teeth like this...?" 

Warren did just that- Excited to see his Results. 
Tokshi took a step back as Eric caught a ball that would've hit him. "Woah nice catch." She then stood straight again and thought. "Hmm if I had to describe how I felt about being back I'd say unreal. Also yeah I have felt a bit tougher I just figured it was the hype from being alive again." She took out her mirror thinking. "Hey maybe we should ask that Yuto guy about it. He has been at this longer than us after all." She focused on the mirror trying to call Yuto on the mirror, she wondered just how strong was she now. 

@Midnite @Sir Les Paul
The moment that Warren's blood hit the first tooth of the Mekai Oak Card, it sprung to life. Purple ink - dark like blood - seeped from the wood grains of the card, then began to creep along the edges forming a seal. Within another moment, the card displayed the following values:

Rank: DStrength: DAgility: DStamina: CMaximum Reikai: DReikai Potency: D


"Weeeell, bitchtits," Yuko said, somehow having made his way behind Warren without being noticed in the few brief moments the card was generating the stats, "the card says it right here. You a bitch." Yuto patted him on the back before quickly interjecting, "Really, though, this is expected. I don't know how well you read your instructions, but D is about average for were you are at. I have never seen a new Spirit Detective be anything but a Rank D. Rank E is your every day human, and now you're a step above that. Sort've. Look at strength; Rank C is twice as strong as Rank D, right? Well, you are Rank D over E - so you're about twice as strong as you were before. You might not feel it yet, but it'll kick in when you need it. Adrenaline and all that jazz. Now, let's be honest, do you think you were even half as strong as those big-ass body builders you see on TV? Probably not. You're no Arnold. That said, you're still within hum- Sec."

Around that time, Tokshi paged in. Yuto let off Warren to pick up his mirror and respond. "Hey there, Tokshi. Guess what? We just got Warren's first round of stats back and the consensus is in: he's a bitch. He's a little higher than normal in stamina, though. So he's a bitch that can take a hit or two. What's up with you?" Yuto said all in one fluid response. Yuto was distinctively different than Botan in that not only was he more vulgar, but more casual. His tone seemed natural.

@Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon

Warren quickly opened the kit and scrambled around for the mirror and popped it open. 

"HEEEYYY! YOU CANT SAY THAT TO OTHER PEOPLE!... especially since it's a girl...

Warren sighed as he pulled out the card. 

"D,D,D,C,D,D... huh... looks like my report card... anyway, I bet you and eric will have mostly C's and a few B's. But don't think for a second I'll be the weak one! I'll keep getting stronger and be the best spirit detective the world- worlds... have ever seen! 

But... just give me some time first..."
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Eric looked into Tokshi mirror. .."despite you calling him a bitch seems like je has become stronger than just a regular human" he says 

"Where are you two me and Tokshi will be on our way we would also like to know where we stand but i have been experiencing an increase in awareness and strength" he says to Yuto

@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul
Tokshi nodded. "Yeah what Eri said, I wouldn't mind getting to see my stats either. Hang in there Short-Stop I'm sure you'll be as awesome as us one day." She said rubbing her knuckles on her chest. She noted how Yuto was acting real familiar with them even though they had only meet not that long ago. It was a bit strange to her how casual he was not only that but he was not what she pictured, when Botan said he was a Spirit Detective then again Botan herself wasn't what she expected from the grim reaper either. Tokshi made a mental note to never get her hopes up for anyone or thing involving this spirit world stuff again. 

@Sir Les Paul @Midnite @Scrubnoppon
"Oh, strength isn't what makes him a bitch," Yuto replied to Eric first, seemingly ignoring Warren. "It's these god-damned motivational speeches he pulls out of his ass all the time," Yuto explained. Yuto then turned to Warren. He smirked before he sat the Mirror down on the edge of one of the weight benches - allowing Eric and Tokshi to watch while his hands were free. "The best Spirit Detectives aren't the strongest, either," Yuto said. He then quickly lifted his hand to fire a Spirit Gun at Warren. The blue blast was as fast as a real bullet and the immediate action gave little-to-no reaction time for Warren. It wasn't meant for him to dodge. It was meant for him to take. Yuto only powered the blast up to the threshold between D and C; enough to deal some real damage, but not enough to knock Warren out. It would hurt. It would be enough to kill him if his stamina was any lower. "The best Spirit Detectives are the ones that follow instruction no matter what," Yuto then added. Once the blast hit Warren, Yuto continued, "And after you get up, you're going to go get Eric and Tokshi and bring them here."

"Consider that the first rule of the job," Yuto said loud enough for Warren and the two on the mirror to hear, "always follow instructions."

@Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
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"AUGH! Well EXCUUUUUSE ME for being excited to start this, I mean we cal all agree they're more trained to fight, so I deserve to have some type of motivation! Why do you gotta go off and be such a di- 


Warren dropped his mirror as the blast hit him in the stomach as he fell to the floor 


Warren rolled on the floor as he writhed in pain. He stood up as he grabbed his mirror and placed it back in his kit. 

"OKAY. okay. It's kinda subsided... I'm just... going to get them now." 

Warren walked out, holding his stomach. 


Warren rode over to the Park, Thinking that's where the two would be based on what he saw in the mirror before he was hit by the spirit gun. 

After a short while of searching he found the pair. 

"Hey guys. Yuto wanted me to get you. I don't want to take too long or he might shoot me Again."

@Nenma Takashi @Midnite
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Warren seemed to have gotten the point when the bullet hit his gut. Somehow, he managed to be just as annoying while rolling on the ground in pain. Yuto was almost impressed by how his voice still felt like nails on a chalkboard despite the exasperated breathes of agony bleeding out from his lungs and diaphragm. As Warren talked out, Yuto replied, "Good boy," then looked down to the mirror. He knelt down in front of it before saying, "he's learning, guys. We might make a detective out of him yet." There was an odd tone to his voice as if Eric and Tokshi were somehow above his level, but that was soon swept away when he added, "let's see if you do as well when it's your turn." With a quick smirk, Yuto closed the mirror and ended their call.

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite

A quick moment later and he decided it was time to figure out what Arimi was doing. She would need the most training - at least physically - and at the same time required the most delicate touch. That blast Warren just withstood would have easily killed her - leaving her broken body with enough internal trauma and hemorrhaging that ho surgeon, blood bank or hospital on Earth could fix. That needed to change. Not only that, she had the strongest arsenal of the group presently, so the longer she was out of combat, the longer the three lost their greatest weapon. Yuto held his Mirror and shot out a signal to Arimi, paging her to pick up the compact. With Warren gone, it was a good time to check up on her.

Tokshi slapped away Eric's hand as he grabbed her ear. "Ow that fucking hurts!" She yelled rubbing her ear then looked at Warren. "From ya size never would of thought you'd end up our tank Short-Stop. But ya might wanna hit the weights if you wanna be more than just a human shield." She said flexing Tokshi figured she was second when it came to muscles with all the heavy lifting and fighting she did on a daily basis. 

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon @Midnite
"Thanks- but I hope I won't have to writhe in pain during battle..." 

warren winced as he lightly hit his stomach. 

"Ugh... that's going to hurt real bad tomorrow... oh, let's get walking." 

Warren began to make his way to the bus stop as he spoke up 

"Don't tell Yuto this, but I hate him. The insults are fine, but him telling you my stats and SHOOTING ME! Thaaaats over the line... if he expects me to follow his every whim he has another thing coming..."


After the 3 arrived- he took them in and showed them where Yuto was. 

Warren stepped in. 

"Yo Yuto, Im back with them just like you asked." 
"Good job, bitchtits," Yuto replied. When Warren walked in leading the pack, Yuto was throwing empowered punches at a punching bag. Each time his fist connected with the bag, three of the twelve seals running down it lit up and the bag budged back slightly. Aside from the odd light show, however, Yuto simply appeared to be tossing simple jabs in sequence: right, right, left. "If you came back empty-handed, I intended to shoot you again," Yuto added. His activities had him work up a sweat, so once the other two joined the room, he pulled a towel off a metal arm jutting out of the stand the punching bag was hanging off from to wipe himself off.

"So, I intended to meet you all individually. Get a feel for how well you took orders and your potential," Yuto said, now looking at the group. "I effectively decided against that the moment I realized you'd all probably end up dead on your own," Yuto explained. He then eyed Warren for a moment and smirked. "Bitchtits, I explained Reikai to you a moment ago. Now, you explain it to them. I want to see how much you remember," Yuto said, giving him simplistic instructions. In fact, his request for Warren to explain probably made the most sense out of everything he had asked for thus far. "And, if I don't like what I hear, I'm shooting you again," Yuto added - completely ruining the sense of normalcy that came from the request.

@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite ( @QuirkyAngel Since I know your schedule isn't as flexible, just retro-post for Arimi talking to Yuto even though it's in the past. We can work on her meeting with him another time. :D I do try to be accommodating. )

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