
"... Huh... Being dead is pretty strange..."

Like most restless spirits, Warren wandered around town, taking in what it's like late at night. 

With constant school, Warren has always been too tired to really take in the entire city at night. 

The 24 hour corner stores lighting up part of the street, the houses with not a glimpse of light in them, the school, which seemed quite eerie after dark...

warren couldn't do much but... Float. 

When you're dead, you don't need to eat, sleep, or drink. Since you don't have a body that needs that. It felt strange. When Warren would normaly be out cold, he was wide awake. 

Eventually dawn broke and the city began to fill up again. 


Warren knew he was forgetting someone. Warren quickly rushed over to where his father worked, and went inside. 


Warren's dad looked distraught. Flowers and cards piled on his desk, a few people stopped by to give thier condolences... Which he retired with a weak, smile and an empty "thank you" 

the man tried his best to get work done, but it was tough. After a while, the man's landline went off. He picked it up. It's His partner. 


"Hey, a few things. First, sorry about your kid, that sucks man." 

Warren's dad nodded, knowing full well he can't see it. 

"Thank you." 

"But second off, I have a lead on the case. And you know what, I think the ringleader is the one that killed your kid."

Warren's dad perked up. 

"Really? Tell me everything..." 

"Listen, not over the phone. They could be listening. I'll tell you in person. Sound good? I'll be there soon." 

"See you then." 


Warren's dad was in a state of mixed emotions. He tried To not let them get to him, and wait patently for his parter to arive. 

A few minutes later he came to the station and pulled up a chair. 

"Okay. So we know the location, it's around here..."

the man pointed around a circled part of the map. 

"So here's what we do. We lure him out, chase him down, and take him in. Without thier kingpin, the rest of the gang falls apart. Sound good?" 

Warren's dad nodded. 

"Okay, we have a "meeting" scheduled for around an hour. So let's go now. Sound good?" 


"... You wanted to meet with me, yeah?" 

The 2 turned around seeing someone. 

A man with a red and white hoodie... And a gun...

the man walked over and pointed the gun at the both of them. 

"Heh. It was really easy. When your partner over here came to check our place out, we had someone tail him. Honestly you should be more careful about that." 

The 2 pulled out thier guns too, pointed them. "Woah woah woah. You don't wanna do that either. We have people outside your house too. You don't want your daughter to die, do you?" The man pointed to a walkin talkie at his waist. 

Warren's dad's blood began to boil. 

"You... You monster... You... YOU KILLED MY SON!" 

"Hah! That was your kid?! What an idiot. Dying to save his sister. I would have made a run for it while I could." 

Warren was confident in his dad. He had a plan, right?" 

Warren's dad looked to the walkie talkie at the man's waist, then to his partner and nodded. His partner shot his gun near the man. Not at him exactly. 

"Hoho! Getting feisty are we?" 

The man pulled out the wallow talkie. 

Just as he did, Warren's dad kicked it out of the man's hand, sending it flying. 


In the man's rage, he didn't even notice the kick incoming for his face, which sent him tumbling to the ground. 

"You, sir are under arrest for... Woah there's a lot here..."

Later that night, after all the proper paperwork was filled out, and a news interview scheduled, Warren's dad went home. 

Before he stepped into his car. He looked up into the stary night sky. 

"I got him for you... Don't worry anymore..." 

He stepped into the car and drove off. 

Warren smiled. 

"Thanks dad..." 
Arimi didn’t know how long she was screaming. No seemed to care either. No one could hear her voice echoing through the night. Not Mitake. Not Akira. Not even the police officer. She was…invisible. In astral form! Slowly the scream morphed from one of utter shock to one of excited delight. It was at that moment that she, somehow, amidst the loudness of her own voice, managed to hear the sound of a whistle.

Arimi swiveled around to see a tall, delinquent-looking girl floating beside her. Floating! Arimi squealed even louder, her eyes twinkling as she looked the dark-haired female up and down. After nearly a minute of screaming, Arimi finally calmed down enough to speak.

“Botan? Who’s Botan?” Arimi twirled, circling the apparition. “Never mind that! You’re a ghost right? Who am I kidding? Of course you are!”

Arimi giggled, absolutely thrilled. “It worked! God, I can’t believe it worked! I’m talking to ghost!”  

The ritual didn’t work the way Arimi expected it to. She had assumed it would call ghosts to them, not turn her into a ghost. Was she even a ghost? To be honest, she wasn’t exactly sure what had happened. It didn’t look like the ritual had worked. It never worked the many times they tried it before—though they’d never tried it in a cemetery before either. Perhaps that was the key. A cemetery! Why hadn't they thought of that before? Arimi shot the black haired beauty a winning smile and stuck her hand out.

“I’m Arimi Setsuya. Who are you?”

@Nenma Takashi
"Botan? That's me!" she replied in her normal, bubbly voice. She was a fair distance above Arimi, floating above the ground on her scythe. The wind would have blown her blue kimono if not for her spiritual form.

"But, you, miss, aren't actually a ghost. You're a disembodied spirit. There's a difference!" Botan shouted excitedly. Botan was nearly as giddy as Arimi at this point. In the oddest way, it was as if they were both schoolgirls giggling over the same silly scene in a movie. Unlike the others, Botan had a more personal and interesting connection with Arimi. The ritual made her a beacon and susceptible to Botan reaping her soul; it could have just as easily made her and her friends targets for malevolent spirits or demons. Speaking to spirits wasn't exactly a perfectly permeable system. What made this unique is that Botan actively chose to reap Arimi. Normally, those that were to become Spirit Detectives died naturally; it was in their fate. Fate was a topic for a whole different story, but Arimi was a choice made by Botan. The blue-haired spirit could have just let it go without ever introducing her to the Spirit World. But... where's the fun in that?"

"Oh! And, I'm not a ghost either. I'm a Shinigami."

Eric saw his parents mourning his death just as they did his brother. "No its not supposed to be like this...your supposed to be angry with me the screw up for going and getting myself killed" he says sobbing 

He didn't think they would be mourning like this.

"Im sorry dad for being so cold, distant and angry if i survive this i will change i promise but until then im not leaving your side" he says and he felt the egg shake a little and resonate.

Eric spent his remaining time looking after his parents remembering happy moments. He didn't even come across evil spirits.

@Sir Les Paul
"Time's Almost up..." 

Warren looked at the golden egg in his hands. There are 2 ways it can go from here.

warren was sure it was going to be fine, but... Just in case... 

Warren went over to his house and entered through the roof. 

His dad and sister were both sleeping soundly. 

Thank god they weren't in danger for once. 

Warren was happy that his family is safe. 

Looking at this made him all sentimental...

"I'll be back you guys. Just you wait..." 

Warren left the house and floated above the city one last time looking around, taking it all in. 

He looked at the egg in his hand. 

Everything that happened on that fateful day has lead up to this...

The egg began to shake...

@Sir Les Paul
Tokshi covered her ears again as the girl screamed again. 'This girl sure can scream I gotta admit she's got some lungs on her.' Tokshi thought to herself the girl then did a complete 180 as she began smiling and asking if she was a ghost. Before she could answer anything the girl introduced herself as Arimi Setsuya, again before she could say anything the person she was trying to somewhat avoid showed up. She sighed as she realized Botan didn't just make her somewhat uneasy she was also incredibly annoying. Tokshi took Arimi's out stretched hand shaking it with her own she returned the smile but old habits die hard so she found herself glaring at the girl as she smiled, as if she was trying to mug her. "I'm Tokshi I'm gonna call you Ari if that's cool with you." She was somewhat trying to be nice by asking if it was alright but agree or not Tokshi was going to call her Ari.

Arimi Setsuya

“A shinigami,” Arimi repeated in disbelief, her head tilting upward to look at the newest arrival: Botan—or so she was called. “As in DEATH GOD? The great being that leads dead souls to the beyond? YOU?”

The girl adjusted her glasses and examined Botan critically. It was nothing like she expected. Where was the black cloak? The skull face? For a grim reaper Botan seemed rather…cheery.

“Ah, well, you do have a scythe…,” Arimi nodded, her eyes twinkling. "Good to meet you, Botan-sama"

She’d almost forgotten that she had her hand held out to the ghost, until she felt Tokshi shake it. Arimi blinked. Tokshi’s glare/smile was a bit intimidating, though Arimi had never really been one to be easily frightened. Bullies. Delinquents trying to mug her club. She’d dealt with them before. Granted, Tokshi’s dangerous vibe was a bit more dangerous than any thug Arimi had seen. She smiled brightly.

“Tokshi~Tokshi~That’s a pretty name,” She tilted her head. “Of course you can call me Ari. You can call me whatever you like! Though, you should really work on your smile a bit.”

Releasing Tokshi’s hand, Arimi glided upward until she could see the entirety of the cemetery. The officer was carrying her body to the hospital while Akira and Mitake watched confusedly. “So I’m a disembodied spirit, huh?”

Excitement bubbled in her once again and Arimi giggled. She twirled in the air, her hands resting behind her head. “Just wait until I tell Akira and Mitake! They’ll be so thrilled!”

Suddenly Armi stopped and glanced back down at the cemetery. Mitake had always been rather fidgety. Easily nervous. However he seemed more panicked than usual. Even Akira, who was normally calm, looked a bit disturbed. Arimi couldn’t blame them. They had no idea the ritual worked! To them it just looked like she hit her head and passed out.  

“I suppose I’d need to get back in my body to talk to them…,” Arimi spoke her thoughts aloud. Without having her friends to share her ecstasy, Arimi’s excitement died a little. She hadn’t meant to worry them. The responsible thing to do would be to return and tell them that she was alright--to communicate to them that the ritual was a success. She was their club leader after all. But Arimi also wanted to talk to the ghost and Botan more. Arimi crossed her legs and rubbed her chin in thought. Quite the conundrum.

She looked towards Botan. “I can do that later right?”  

@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul       
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"Well, a higher level ghost? Sure! Possessing your body would be a piece of cake," Botan said in a gleeful, matter-of-fact tone. "But, you? No way. You couldn't even spook a kid," she said, still somehow more factual than belittling.

"Of course, I could just plop you back in your body, but I did reap you for a reason," Botan said after a brief period dotted her answer. "You see, Arimi, I've picked three other souls to become Spirit Detectives. Or, try to at least. They're nurturing Spirit Eggs - hopefully none of them get eaten. You weren't quite on the list of to-be Spirit Detectives. Strong soul or not, someone a bit higher than me thought you just didn't quite have the attitude or physique for the job, but I'm out to prove a point," Botan explained. Botan then pulled out a single golden box from her kimono sleeve; although from the angle she pulled it and the size of the box, it didn't quite seem possible. Then again, she was a spirit. Nevertheless, she flipped open the box to reveal a golden ring with eight slight extensions all around it. "This is a Concentration Ring. All souls have energy; strong souls like yours have even more. This ring can concentrate that energy into a blast - one of the most basic techniques of the Spirit Detective. You'll all get one, but for now, this is yours," Botan explained, shutting the box and tossing it to Arimi. "In theory, all you have to do is wear the ring and point. In practice, it's not that simple. To use the Spirit Gun requires a lot of willpower. I doubt even Tokshi here could do it. If you can use the ring, it will officially make you a Spirit Detective. In two days, when my boss comes to check on Tokshi and the other two, if you're a Spirit Detective, he'll have to let you in. If not, I'll put you back in your body," Botan continued on.

It seemed like a pretty simple deal - if Arimi could even use the ring.

"Oh, one last thing. If I'm wrong and you aren't cut out for it, using the Spirit Gun will tear your soul to shreds. You won't die; you'll just cease to exist," Botan tacked on as if it were nothing.


Eric spent his days looking over his father, mourning his old life, mourning all of the loss, and it attracted dark spirits. His grief as a disembodied soul lit a beacon in the neighborhood, and it awoke souls that had slumbered for decades. "Wh-What's wrong?" said a fearful voice, speaking from behind of Eric. Somehow, despite the coldness of death, the air seemed colder. His father finally returned home - nearly two in the morning - after realizing the futility in the hospital. The voice was that of a young lad, but it seemed odd. Not only that it was talking to Eric considering he was dead, but odd that it shouldn't be there. Odd that it was curious. In his moment of grief, Eric awoke a mysterious lost soul on the street he resided on, and what it foretold was a definite uncertainty.

As Warren floated through the air, reflecting on the day, he too was met by another lost soul. This one beautiful. This one a soul that might even put Botan to shame, and oddly enough, this soul was that of an auburn haired girl with the most glorious dark eyes he had ever seen. In a stunning white dress that contrasted her dark hair and eyes, she floated. A distinct giggle was made audible and she waved a fan in front of her face - never revealing more than her nose and eyes. In a simple, sweet tone, she asked, "Do... you think I'm pretty?"

@Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel @Nenma Takashi @Midnite
"F-forget Bow tie! Who is this?!" 

Warren watched as she passed by. Observing every last bit of her. 

"Do I think you're pretty? Hah! What an understatement!" 

Warren approached. 

"Don't let anyone think you are anything less than pure, 100%, perfect beauty!" 

Warren took her hands in his. 

"I don't know who you are, but every fiber of my being tells me we are meant to be!" 

A strange excitement coursed through his body. Could this really be the one for him?
Eric  looked at the boy that was speaking to him it was what he had feared Botan told them to beware wayward spirits and if Botan didn't reap this spirit then it was a threat.

Eric looked at the boy with a stoic look... "nothings wrong just wondering what happens to a lost spirit when its ripped apart" he says 

The boy looked at him weird  "what kind of  statement" he replied tilting his head in an awkward but innocent way.

"I mean  you can't die twice so what  will happen to you once you've been skewed" he says to the boy.

The boy comes closer... "Your weird" the boy says but Eric relaxed 

"Oh sorry kid I thought you were a malevolent spirit hiding in that body. Never mind what i said but my dad is grieving so is my mom and can't help but feel bad" he says 

@Sir Les Paul
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Tokshi clicked her tongue at Botan's unapologetic way she just dissed her but she really had no idea if she was right or wrong. Tokshi thought for a moment about Uta then held out her hand to Botan. "You should know by now Bow tie~ I'll take on anything you throw at me if it means I can go back to him." Tokshi had her glare smile on again looking into Botan's eyes. She didn't know if Ari would join in or not since it seemed she wasn't even meant to be here right now it just seemed Botan did things that she found funny. But that didn't matter to Tokshi all she wanted was to just get back to Uta now there were three terrible things that could happen. She could be eaten by a demon, eaten by the hatched beast from her egg, or just straight up stop existing. Seriously things always seem to just be so troublesome for her no matter what she does.
Once Warren complimented the girl, she giggled again. Then she lowered her fan. Stretched across her face was a Glasgow smile - her smile cut from lips to right below her ears in what seemed like a jagged edge. There was no blood. Her skin was pale while. And while her lips frowned, her face smiled - it was a permanent smile. Such was the scarring of this type of cut. As she spoke to him, her entire scar seemed to open as well in an unnatural hinge as if they were functioning lips. "I'm glad you think so..." she murmured before the fan she was holding glowed white and reshaped itself into a knife. "He thought so too..." she continued on while her hair started to float around her and the spark in her eyes glossed over until her entire eyes were black pearls. "I'll make you beautiful, too," she said before lunging through the air at Warren. 


"He is?" the boy asked curiously. Once the boy neared Eric, the odd chill of the afterlife seemed even colder. What feeling was even more prominent, however, was not a physical one. Guilt began to run through Eric like a train through a tunnel - shooting fast like sparks through his spine. He could see in almost vivid detail everything his parents wouldn't. He would see the day his brother won the championship. He would see the day he was the best man for his brother. "Is it your fault?" the boy asked, again almost innocently curious. But, as he asked, the feelings that shot through Eric grew even stronger. It wasn't just his brother. It was himself now. The visions inside of him changed to his own wedding. Some beautiful, red-haired girl that he had never seen before in his life and his mother crying when she said 'I do'; he could see himself holding her hand at the delivery table, he could hear a nurse say, 'it's a girl!' and he could see the face of his father when he realized he had a granddaughter after raising sons. These sensations were powerfully realistic, almost to the point of blurring reality and the imagery running through Eric. It was unlike any of the grief he had felt in the day before.


@Nenma Takashi (We're still waiting on @QuirkyAngel , but feel free to keep up with Eric and Warren!)
Eric began to weaken as the visions were so vivid but the reality of it never coming to pass was there to. The guilt made him feel physically heavy....

Tears flowed from his eyes...

"STOP MAKE IT STOP" he screamed out 

Why didn't he follow his instincts he knew something was off he could always sense these things being a spirit must have amplified this trait of his.

"Why are you doing this to me....what are you?" He asked gripping his head.

"Please someone help Botan anyone i can't take this"

The images were burning into his skull his vision was waning and his body was heavy he didn't even realize that his spiritual body wasn't even afloat any more.

@Sir Les Paul  (if you didn't realize I'd rather he be more similar to kuwabara where he has high spirit awareness so he wont have as much raw power as someone like Warren)
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Warren scrambled out of the way at the very last second, confused, scared, and disappointed at the same time. Many things were swirling around his head. 

Why is this happening? 

Who is "he?" 

Why are the pretty ones all crazy? 

"Dang it! You have to be a girl! What is this!" 

Warren, like a true gentleman, will NEVER hit a girl. If it's a guy, and he's causing trouble, he will not hesitate to start swinging, but a girl is where he draws the line. 

Warren zooms around for a bit trying to get away, but the lady with the knife was relentless. 

"I wanna help you! B-but first..." 

Warren headed in the direction of the nearest shrine. 

"somebody heALP MEEEEEEE!!!" 
Back to Arimi...

Arimi blinked. “So, you’ll risk my soul to prove a point?”

She stared intently at the box containing the concentration ring. Being told that her soul had a chance of being torn apart for trying this ‘Spirit Gun’ didn’t exactly motivate her to attempt it. At the same time, she balked at the implication that she wasn’t cut out for the job. Botan seemed to believe she could—if her gamble was any indication. Either that, or the Shinigami just wanted to see what would happen and didn’t give a fig whether or soul got torn to bits or not—seeing as it’s just one insignificant soul among the many she’s probably reaped.  

Whichever the case, there seemed to be more to Botan-sama than her bubbly exterior. A colder side. Oddly enough, that pleased Arimi. Snatching the ring golden ring from the box, Arimi slipped it around her middle finger before she had a chance to second guess her decision. From the way Botan said it, Arimi she would probably be put back straight back into her body if she said ‘no’.

That was no good. Then all the efforts of her and her friends would’ve been meaningless. A once in a life time opportunity….not taking it would be such a waste.  

“Sure! I’ll take this gamble,” Arimi playfully flipped her middle finger. “Let’s show these higher ups of yours that I’m Spirit Detective material! So…” Arimi looked between Botan and Tokshi. “What’s a Spirit Detective exactly? Is it like a ghost hunter? An exorcist? Do they raise eggs…?”

She glanced at Tokshi. Then back at her raised middle finger where the ring rested. The spirit gun sounded like some sort of special hero move…though Botan had said it was a basic technique of the Spirit Detective. Soul energy blast, huh? Arimi giggled, thinking what Mitake or Akira would say if she were to show such a thing to them.

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi 
As Eric buckled down under the weight of the guilt and impression the visions placed upon him, the boy remained silent. Through all of his struggling, the boy remained silent. While he cried out for Botan, the reality is that he was left unheard. "Why are you crying now?" the boy asked - the same innocent curiosity found in his voice. Although, now, a dark aura radiated off of him. "It's your fault, isn't it?" he asked, patronizing Eric. The visions didn't subside, but they didn't grow worse. This seemed to be the effect of the spirit and the more that Eric felt, the more the spirit fed. Fed off of the anguish that Eric was feeling as a disembodied spirit. 

@Midnite (That's your option. This scene isn't about power. This spirit isn't trying to 'harm' Eric conventionally. It feeds off the negative emotions, specifically guilt.)

The spirit that Warren encountered was frenzied. His murmurs were indistinctive to her; instead, she thrust herself forward with her knife attempting to impale Warren. "Don't worry, doll, I'll make you beautiful," she chanted as she lunged at him. The words didn't seem fitting for her. As if they weren't something she would normally say; instead, they were something she was repeating. Her mind was broken, her spirit was twisted into this form. She was fast as well. Simply running from her wouldn't be sufficient. Upon her second dash at Warren, her speed earned her a quick slash on his left arm - and while he dodged, it was obvious she was aiming for the heart. As a spirit, he felt pain, although there was no blood; instead, the gash seemed to begin to heal. Meanwhile, his mortal body did suffer for it; while unknown to his spirit, a gash in his arm within the hospital sent the nurses into a panic as his vitals changed and blood seemed out at an alarming rate. The Seed of Life within him helped it heal, but for a moment, his entire room became a bloody mess. Warren himself would be, too, if he wasn't more careful in how he ran from his assailant.


"Yeah, basically," Botan replied with her odd amount of bubbly jubilee when Arimi asked about her willingness to risk her soul.

"You don't get one," Botan then looked over to Tokshi whom was holding out her hand.  "Well, not yet, anyway. You get your set when you become a Spirit Detective," Botan explained while shunting off Tokshi.

Botan then sighed and said, "Oh, I do hate repeating myself, but I suppose I will... I am a Shinigami. My job, generally, is to shepard lost souls. More often than not, I can simply reap them and take them to the afterlife. Sometimes, I can't. I'm not allowed to influence the Human World and once a spirit grows powerful enough to influence the Human World or if the problem involves you mortals, I cannot intervene. Spirit Detectives can. You are the select few with powerful souls that die young enough to be offered a chance at a second life. In return, you spend ten years basically doing the work I cannot. You are the spiritual police force of the Human World - in a nutshell." Botan looked over to Tokshi whom had her this before, although this version was admittedly quite shorter. The attention span of the 'Death God' was beginning to become apparent: it was incredibly short.

"You, Arimi, are a slightly special case. You didn't die, but your spirit was open to be reaped because of your ritual. So, I did. I cut your soul from its body to give you the same chance as these others," Botan explained - probably the only part Tokshi wasn't familiar with. "Oh, one other thing. Right this second, Eric and Warren have gotten themselves in a bit of trouble. Warren ran into a Kuchisake-onna - which I'm sure Arimi is aware of. Eric awakened an immature Onryō - again, something I'm sure Arimi is aware of. Short end, Warren is running form a spirit that is trying to cut him in half and Eric is being drained of his guilt and regrets by a spirit that will turn into a dangerous wraith if he keeps feeding it," Botan told them.

@Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel 
Tokshi clicked her tongue disappointed she couldn't get the ring yet. Then she was told how both Warren and Eric were in trouble. "Those idiots really got into some deep shit didn't they." For a moment she got the idea of if Uta was the one in trouble she sighed. "Yo Ari I'm gonna go save Warren you help out Eric." She turned around floating away without even asking where to find Warren. "Yo Short stop where you at!" She yelled as she flew around looking for Warren.

@QuirkyAngel @Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon
Eric's guilt was overwhelming he did feel guilty for his brother's death but through the darkness there was light. "Why am I crying. .. i may feel like it was my fault but that'snot what my brother would want he'd want me fighting for that better future" he say as his body feels light again and the visions stop..  

"I dont have to feel guilty anymore just do better. I will become a spirit detective no matter what that is my resolve" the boy seemed shocked and Eric just floated past the boy.

Warren looked at his hand as it began to heal, 

"ugh! I don't even want to be beautiful! I'm handsome enough already!" 

As Warren avoided the evil spirit he thought his situation through. 

The problem is the knife, if the knife weren't there, nobody is getting hurt. 

"How do I-" 

warren noticed a speck in the distance, as he approached it was a spirit... A familiar one! 


Warren scrambled over to her faster than he could carry himself. 

"Tokshi! No time to explain! When she comes over, hold her down, and I'll take the knife from her!" 

@Sir Les Paul

@Nenma Takashi
Tokshi rushed over to Warren seeing the demon Botan was talking about. She poked her index finger to her cheek. "Woah gross chick looks like she's straight out of a horror movie." Hearing Warren's plan she sighed. "Yeah sure I'll hold down the horrible knife wielding tooth monster. Good to know I got the easier job." Tokshi cracked her neck she decided to try out a move Rin had taught her. Getting low she went for the demon's legs if she had caught her the plan was to grab her arm and brake it.

@Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon

Warren slowly approached the demon, making sure to not bring too much attention to himself. 

He then, with all of his stregnth, grabbed onto the demon's hand and did everything in his power to try to jimmy the knife away. 

"Come on... Let go!"
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“Oh…well that’s not good,” Arimi said after Botan informed them of Eric and Warren’s situation—the other two would-be-Spirit Detectives apparently. She pushed up her glasses with two fingers. “Vengeful spirits are pretty nasty when they are born. And a Kuchisake-onna, as I recall, are tricky to deal with. Giving it a straightforward answer will only get you killed. It’s better to—”

Arimi stopped talking when it appeared Tokshi wasn’t listening. No. The delinquent girl had flown off after informing her that she would look for Warren and telling her that she should look for Eric.

“Ah, wait! Tokshi-chan! Who’s Eric? I don’t know what he looks like,,.!”

But the dark haired girl had already started flying away. Arimi stared after Tokshi who didn’t seem to hear her—so focused she appeared to be towards saving her friends. Chancing a glance at Botan, Arimi wondered if the Shingami would deign to help. Eric and Warren really had nothing to do with her. She didn’t know the two would be spirit detectives as anymore than faceless names. Tokshi on the other hand, she did know. The ghost had given her a nickname. They were…friends? At the very least, Arimi cared about what would happen to Tokshi’s spirit more than Eric or Warren—whom she had yet to meet. That in mind, Arimi flew off after the ebony haired delinquent. She’d always wanted to see a Kuchisake-onna anyway.   

“Don’t worry, Botan-sama! I’ll be sure to get the Spirit Gun down, no problem!”


Okay. So it might be a problem. Arimi glared at her middle finger, willing whatever spiritual energies she possessed to manifest while Tokshi and Warren attempted to wrestle the Slit-mouthed woman for her knife. It didn’t seem like a very good idea to Arimi…challenging a demonic spirit head on like that. Running was probably better and Arimi knew of several ways, depicted in folklore, to escape the malicious female spirit. But then again, Tokshi and Warren weren’t exactly alive…so perhaps they were strong enough. They certainly looked tough.

“Botan said it was as simple as to point and shoot,” Arimi muttered. Standing on the beams of a construction site, not far from where Tokshi and Warren were, Arimi could see her target clearly. She swapped the ring to her pointer finger because it was easier to aim. Holding her hand out in the shape of a gun, Arimi pointed at the Kuchisake-onna. “Come on~Spirit gun!”

Blue sparks crackled at the tip of her finger.

But that was it.

It wouldn’t fire.

Arimi sighed and stared at her pointer finger in frustration.    

@Nenma Takashi


@Sir Les Paul
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"You can be whatever you want," the little boy replied, "but you can't bring him back, can you?" The innocence in the little boy was still there. His questions still seemed... honest. Sincere. It was as if he was a child and wanted to know. "You can bring back the dead..." the boy said, his voice trembling. It was almost obvious now. The boy as almost as upset as Eric was. "C-Can you?" he asked, as if it was more for himself than Eric. All the while, the reality rushed down on Eric. He wasn't seeing his own guilt and regrets anymore. Instead, his visions were almost like reels on a vintage screen. He saw the same pale boy with life in his eyes, playing with what appeared to be his parents. It was difficult to tell, honestly. Yet, somehow, Eric knew. Because the boy felt the same joy when his father lifted him into the air as when his own father taught him and and his brother how to throw a proper jab. It was as if, just for a moment, Eric was being given a chance to sympathize with this child - and then it all came crashing down in an instant. While the afterlife was cold, his visions were hot. A blaze was set around them as the memories of the boy faded from those of life to those of roaring flames in a house that looked oddly like one of the ones he lived in. The area his parents settled in was surrounded by houses all built by the same company using similar blueprints; dozens of houses looked the same with the exception of their yards and color schemes. Eric could feel his own skin blister like the boy's did; his last vision was the flames that made that boy into the spirit he was today and the pain he endlessly felt.

@Midnite (If you can't tell, this is more of an emotional scene for Eric. I intended for his scene to be a stark contrast to the other. While they are fighting, he has to overcome his 'inner' demons; don't worry about fighting or even bothering with this spirit for now. This is almost entirely inner reflection on Eric.)

The blue sparks shorting out at Arimi's finger were an abysmal sign given the current state...

While Tokshi might have succeeded in tackling the spirit, the reality was beneath her white dress was quite literally nothing. A vapor trail of ectoplasm shot through the air as her lunge effectively missed. Meanwhile, Warren was learning a whole new lesson. This malevolent spirit was far stronger than any man he had come across. It was an unnatural, otherworldly power that made the prospect of fighting back become more and more lackluster. The spirit was able to throw Warren off her arm with relative ease, the sensation similar to being thrown by a sprung-back branch of a tree. The force was overwhelming to say the least, but there was to no slash to his body. At least, not a second one. All the while, the spirit continued to repeat itself, "he thought I was beautiful. He thought I was beautiful!" It was in a mad rant, little different than wild animal, and this time lunging itself and its dastardly blade at Tokshi. 

At this point, however, a whole new series of events unfolded. Before the Spirit actually lunged at Tokshi, she was given a quick flash of it in her mind. It was the exact sight she would see in a few seconds when the ethereal blade of the knife would stab her through. Another odd sensation came with this vision. It was as if a spark ignited inside of the girl. A jolt of energy that wasn't found before coursing through her. And, she shared this sensation with Warren whom felt the same jolt rush through him. For just a moment, he was able to see not just what was happening, but traces of energy floating through the air. While he didn't know he, what he was sensing was Reikai. He could see his own, Arimi's and Tokshi's; and, he could see how it differed from this spirit's. Most importantly, what he saw is that the ring on Arimi's finger was pulling all of "blue vapor" he saw into it, but what she couldn't do was use it. Not alone.

@Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel @Scrubnoppon (With you all in particular, I want to note something: I'm not controlling your characters. I'm either giving them visions or feelings that reflect their spiritual development. How you react is your complete volition, so I try to minimize how much I say they do and more of how I say they "feel"; if that bothers you, do say so.)
Tokshi slid across the ground as she grabbed nothing regaining her balance. She got her usual weird feeling and ducked out of the way of the knife it just missing her cutting her cheek slightly. 'Never been this happy to have that weird feeling. No that was different I didn't just feel it I saw it. I saw that I would had died if I didn't get out of the way.' Tokshi looked toward Ari sighing. "Ari the hell I told you know what forget it thanks for coming along." Tokshi couldn't blame her if she was in her shoes she would've follow Ari as well. Tokshi thought for a moment trying to decide what to do their plan had failed the demon was stronger then they had thought. But they had a chance Ari still had the ring which shot the gun thingy Botan talked about. She had seen that it failed the first time but Tokshi could tell it was their only chance. "Yo Ari keep trying that Spirt gun thing it just might work!" She yelled to her she run at the demon attempting to kick it in the face. "Warren back me up!"

@Sir Les Paul(I'm cool with it I actually really like it) 

@Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel
"L-listen, don't kill me for this but I don't hit girls! I'm a gentleman!

oh no... What am I going to do no-" 

For just a second, Warren saw... 


Thats the best way to describe it. 

Something. He could see, some sort of energy coming from everyone around. The Demon's was way different than his, and everyone else's. 

Warren noticed something strange from the other girl's finger. 

Some... Blue smoke? 

Warren remembered Tokshi saying something, about a... Spear gun? 

No that's not it... 

Oh! A spirit gun!

Just as the boy saw the energy it faded. It only lasted a moment. 

"YOU CAN DO IT MISS!" Warren shouted to the girl from afar. 


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