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Fantasy Jōmyaku Academy

John looked from Athena to Ash, "so you two know eachother," he said, he found it odd that Athena had someone that was so overprotective over her. Athena looked like she could handle herself.
While Helena was waiting for the twins to speak, she saw Athena throwing a knife at someone.

‘Is she trying to kill someone?’ thought Helena, since she wasn't expecting for her to do that.

The guy that Athena threw her knife at somehow managed to dodge it by tilting his head.

‘...That guy is extremely lucky that the knife didn't hit him.’ thought Helena.

She then looked at John, since he asked Ash if he knew Athena.

‘He seems to be her brother then, since he somehow knew what she was going to do.’ thought Helena.

“Um...may I ask if you are also hearing annoying noise.” asked Helena, since she was a bit curious to know if Ash is hearing that.

“If you don't want to tell me then that is fine too, since I’m not forcing you to tell me, since we are still strangers to each other after all.” said Helena, since she didn't want Ash to think that she is being rude to him.

(sorry for the late reply)

"Do you meen like a ringing noise?"
Laurence replied "becuase we've been hearing that ALLLL day" Leon added as they both look at the scene around them. "sooooo can we join now?" He says as they both smile
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“Well. You’re not the only ones, who have been hearing that annoying ringing noise all day, since everybody here seems to be hearing that, right now.” said Helena, as she knows that this is still her fault for causing that annoying ringing noise to begin with.

‘I guess they can join us as long as someone doesn't mention the gods.’ thought Helena, since it will make her more sad if she ends up hearing that again.

“Fine. You two can join us, but we aren't going to say what we are talking about, since there is too many people here.” said Helena.

"Good enough for us!" Leon said as they both smile "I'm Laurence Belial by the way." Said one of them "And I'm leon Belial." Said the other.
"My name is Helena, and I make these adorable voodoo dolls at my house, since it's a small hobby of mine." said Helena, as she was still holding the same voodoo doll that she had showed to Emma.

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"Cool,me and Leo both draw." Replyed Laurence "Yeah, both our rooms are coverd in sketchpads!" Leon added slightly laughing.
“That's funny since I have a bunch of these voodoo dolls and fake potions in my room.” said Helena.

“Also would you guys like to mess with a voodoo doll, since there is a myth that if you put someone’s hair in a voodoo doll. You can control that person as long as you have the voodoo doll.”

Helena actually has no idea if these voodoo dolls are also being affected by her magic, since she only knows that her potions are being affected by the magic.

‘I swear to god if my magic is actually affecting this voodoo doll. I am definitely going to hide both the potions and these voodoo dolls in a very good spot, since they are both dangerous now.’ thought Helena.


( That voodoo doll is affected by her magic btw. )
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"And I told you to kindly f**k off my life. You haven't got the remote of my life, Ash. I'm tired of your stupid shi-" She cut herself off, having second thoughts," Come to think of it, I do want to go home." She said, not wanting to remember anything about the 'Gods'. Ash and Athena walked away from the park, without another word, into their house.
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(I'm to lazy to do the colours anymore )

"We're fine thanks" Said Laurence "We don't have anyone to test it on really" Added Leon
"Ok, since I was just curious if the voodoo doll myth was true, but I won't force you two." said Helena, since she wanted to test the voodoo doll on someone.

"So...want to do something fun, since we haven't done anything, but talking to each other in the cold." said Helena, as she is pretty bored, right now.

'Damn it, I wanted to know if this voodoo doll was affected by my magic. At least, I get to hang out with the twins, since they're both nice.' thought Helena, since she was starting to like both Laurence and Leon as her friend.

"Yeah, sounds good" They say at the same time "what should we do?" Asked Laurence "we don't realy know the area." Added Leon. They bothed looked at you waiting for a reply
“Well. There is an arcade, and an bakery around here, but my favorite is the magic shop.” said Helena, as she is a regular customer there.

“If you two want, we can go to all three of those places, since my hands are already cold.” said Helena.

‘Wait. Am I going on a unexpected date with Laurence and Leon, because if I am. I hope that my friend from school doesn't see this.’ thought Helena, since it would be embarrassing.


( I left both Helena's brother, and friend blank, since I am going to let someone play as them. )
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They both some "awsome! I love arcades!" Said Leon "yeah, me to!" added Laurence "lead the way!". The smile brighter
Helena left the park with Laurence and Leon, since she still can't believe that she is going on a date with them.

They later arrived at the arcade, and Helena was feeling a bit excited about this.

‘For some reason, this feels like heaven a bit.’ thought Helena, since she never went a date before.

Helena went to play crane game, since she wanted to get a prize for all three of them, but the prizes started to float to the top, thanks to her magic leaking out from her hands.

‘No, no, no! Get down you prizes, since you aren't supposed to be floating like that.’ thought Helena, as she started to hit the glass of the crane game with her fist.

People were looking at Helena weirdly, since they have no idea about the floating prizes in the crane game.

‘Crap! Get down now, you stupid prizes!’ thought Helena, as the prizes then somehow manage to not float anymore.

Helena immediately walked away from the crane game, once she got all three of the prizes, since she didn't want more people to look at her awkwardly.

Both twins had just finished a game off street fighter "God damn it!" Said Leon slightly angry "How did you win again?!" "Becuase I'm wizard" Said Laurence sarcasticly. They both chuckle then look at Helena. "Hey!" they both say "Wait...you won at a crain game?!" Exclamed Leon "But those are imposible to win!" Added Laurence
“Well, I am actually pretty good at the crane game.” said Helena, as she gave Laurence and Leon, a prize from the crane game.

“You can keep those prizes, btw.” said Helena, as she started to hear rumors about her stupidly hitting the crane game machine with her fist for some reason.

‘I hope those people, who are spending rumors about me get shocked by the arcade machines.’ thought Helena, as her magic started to leak again.

Her magic started to shock the people, who are spending rumors about her for a few minutes.

‘Well. At least, my magic stopped on its own this time.’ thought Helena, since her magic is going a bit crazy here.

“So do you guys want to go to the bakery next, since they make delicious chocolate cakes there.” said Helena.

‘Plus I need to get away from the arcade.’ thought Helena.

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"Yeah, sure. Sounds good." Said Laurence "Oh ma gurd! I got le puppy dog plushy!" Said Leon happly. Laurence look back at his brother "I am actualy ashamed to be related to you right now..." Leon just smiled at him brightly in responce. Laurence turned back to Helena. "Let's just go that shop you were on about"
“Ok.” said Helena cheerfully, as she started to drag them to the magic shop, since she loves to go there.

Once they arrived to the magic shop, Mrs. Bell started to greet Helena, since they know each other, very well.

“Hi Mrs. Bell. I am just having fun with my new friends today.” said Helena.

Mrs. Bell looked at Laurence and Leon, since she wasn't expecting her friends to be boys.

“Congratulations on getting to date two adorable twins, Helena.“ said Mrs. Bell.

Helena’s face was red from embarrassment, since she just met them today.

“Um...I just met them today, Mrs. Bell.” said Helena.

“I know, but I just wanted to see your adorable embarrassment face, Helena.” said Mrs. Bell, as she was laughing about this.

Helena just got the magic stuff that she wanted to buy, since Mrs. Bell went a little bit too far with embarrassing her in front of Laurence and Leon.

Both Laurence and Leon look at eatch other "...." They both laugh a bit "um..date? I don't date date women" Said Laurence "yeah, me nether...My prefrence is guys and people who don't assign themselves to a gender. " Leon added wile inspecting one of the dolls from the desplay. "I new there was something we forgot to mention..."
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Helena’s mind went blank, when she heard Laurence and Leon saying that they date guys, and people who don't assign themselves to a gender.

‘...Well. At least, they are having fun with me.’ thought Helena, since she was a bit sad to find out about that.

“Um...what did you forgot to mention, Leon?” said Helena, since she heard him saying something while looking at the dolls on display.


( It's funny that the twins didn't notice that some of the people at the arcade were being shocked by the arcade machines. xD )
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Leon answers back "I ment that we forgot to mention our sexualities, not that it matters realy." He said still looking at the doll "It dosen't really matter what someones sexuality is, as long as there a good person who gives a damn about who they choose to love." Leo puts the doll backon the shelf "I'll stop you there" Laurence butted in "We don't want you going off on one." Leon looked back at his twin "Oh, sorry" He said smiling "It's just something I like talking about."
I get up from behind a tree watching the people who gathered at the pond all slowly leave. I yawn kind of stretching and leave unseen. I walk across town to get to the park I usually hang at. I stop to see 3 of the people who were at the pond in a magic shop. I argue with myself to see if I should go in or not. Next thing I knew, my curiosity won....I was opening the door to the magic shop and wandered in.

@Blackrose7 @Undead

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