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Fantasy Jōmyaku Academy

"It makes sense really, since my magic hasn't woken, until today." said Helena.

Aki was looking for the ghost, even though the ghost was staring right in front at her for some reason.

"If you are looking for the ghost, Aki. It's staring right in front of you." said Helena.

"She can't see me like you can, my queen, since Helena is the queen of the ghosts." said The ghost.

"I am not the queen of the ghosts." said Helena.

"Oh really. Then why are you able to see me?" said The ghost.

"Because I um..." said Helena, since she didn't have anything to say to it.

"Thought so, and you even said that you are a goddess. So goddess+magic=which goddess that you are reincarnation as." said The ghost.

Helena didn't know what the ghost was talking about, until she started to look on her phone about the gods and goddesses.

Helena's face was surprised when she saw what goddess she was.

"Well then, that explains a lot why you were calling my queen." said Helena, since now, she knows that she is the goddess: Hecate.

I could hear their entire conversation. Even if I were to believe all of this, where would that leave me. I hear voices all the times, not pleasant.....never pleasant...I shaked my head slightly, "I have to go....My um...." I came up with the first excuse that came to mind. "I have to go back home, my mom must be worried." Seriously? I scolded myself. I left the magic shop and went back to the pond where they all gathered.

Helena knew that Aki was making a excuse to leave here, so she just let her leave, since she isn't going to anything here.

"Well, all right then. See you tomorrow, Aki." said Helena, as she saw her leaving the magic shop.

Both the twins walked up to Helena "Um..yeah I'm not going to ask" said Laurence as his brother stayed silent.
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"Yea. I don't want to explain what just happened, since it's very confusing and you won't believe it anyway." said Helena, since having to explain the whole magic and ghost thing is confusing.

"So what do you guys want to do now, since Aki left already." said Helena.

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They look at eatch other then back at Helena and shrug "Dunno" They say in sync "There's a bubble tea shop near by." Said Laurence after a few seconds of thinking "yeah! We haven't been then in about....forever!" Added Leo
"I never been to a bubble tea shop before, but I am willing to try it." said Helena, since she likes to try new things.

'I hope they don't ask what happen between me and Aki, since they won't understand it.' thought Helena.

"Lets go!" said Leon as ge draged his brother by the hand like an over exited child. All Laurence did was laugh and let his brother drag him to the shop. "come on Helena! The bubble tea is waiting!" Leon added
Helena was laughing when Leon dragged Laurence away like a excited child.

She followed them to the bubble tea shop, since she has no idea of where it is.

'Leon is cute when he is excited like this.' thought Helena.

-At Le Bubble Tea Shop-

Leon was quietly telling Laurence what he would like. "What would you like Helena?"
"I want chocolate bubble tea." said Helena, even though she has no idea if they have that here.

'Do they even have chocolate bubble tea?' thought Helena.

My Bubble Flavors <- I really never been to bubble tea shop before so ya. =3
(hey don't worry, I've only had one at a Manga con ^-^)

"What Jelly would you like in the tea?" He asked getting his wallet out of his poket
"Popping boba please." said Helena, since she never tried boba before, especially when it is saying popping on it.

"Okay then, Leo, you stay hear with Helena. I'm going to go pay" Said Laurence before walking off Leon stayed quiet not surewhat to say
"So...um, are you and Laurence are going to go home after this, since it's getting to be a bit late here." said Helena, since she checked her phone to see what time it is.

'Let's just hope that everybody forget about the magic, ghost, and gods and goddesses part by tomorrow, but I highly doubt it.' thought Helena.

The ghost from the magic shop was still following Helena for some reason.

"That was pretty rude of you to leave your butler at the magic shop." said The ghost.

Helena ignored the ghost however, since she didn't want to deal with it.
Leon just shruged "I don't really know. Me and Laur usualy go to our friends house. He only lives up the role from us" He said looking Helena.
I don't know why, but I feel a bit lost.

It had been a long day for the young woman who walked along the sideway, maneuvering through small crowds, some people would look at her with dazed eyes. She looked beautiful, just a bit odd for walking with her eyes closed or her head facing the ground. Elderly women would speak up, saying a lady should have a good posture. The young woman would only bow her head towards them as she continued on her way. Another thing that made her odd was her choice in clothing.

Seeing what she was wearing, it would look like she stepped out of a portal from back in time. Her dress looked very uncomfortable since it looked form fitting. However, that wasn't the case. The dress she wore was old fashion, but she didn't wear corsets or waist belts to make her look like she had the perfect 'hourglass' figure since she was more pear-shaped. It was slightly puffy with detailed designs on the dress, even making it look like she had a corset on the outer part of the lovely dress. The dress itself was floor length as it sometimes scraped against the ground, completed with the necklace around her neck and the large white flower on the side of her head. To the young children who had seen her, she looked like a princess.

The young woman's skin was tan, but a bit darker. The color could be compared to brown sugar with long thigh lengthed auburn hair with white tips. A lot of people believed she had died her hair to get the look she has, however, she finds everyone's reaction funny when she tells them that it is natural, she never died her hair before in her life. Another thng about her hair was the fact there was a curl on the left side of her head. Sometimes it would twitch on its own or, if you're lucky, you can see it turn into a heart.

The young woman's name was Rosabella, Rosabella V. Casterhart. She had continued on her way through the people, keeping her eyes closed for as long as she could until she had to open them to make sure that she was going the right way for her walk. Her eyes were a very soft red with bright pink colors splashing together. In her left eye, there was a strange symbol within it. It looked very...odd. It seemed to sparkle a bit as she shifted her eyes left and right, making sure her eyes were covered by her bangs before she quickly started walking again.

I know I'm not normal, I never said I was.

Within the park, there sat a young male, he was relaxing and enjoying his rest since he had finished his job at the music store. He closed his eyes slowly and looked up towards the sky with his piercing gold eyes. He just stared at the clouds that hovered overhead. Looking at all of them with a somewhat tired face. It wasn't long until the male had pulled out his iPod and changed the song that was playing in, his headphones switching through different shades of blues, greens, yellows and oranges.

It was very pretty towards the children who would sometimes stop and looking the pretty lights. the male didn't mind it, he found it kind of cute. The children were distracted by almost everything. He only smiled to himself as he looked towards the people in the park. It wasn't long until his attention was taken by he sight of a small group by the pond. The young male arched a brow as the small group of people were talking amongst themselves. The male just continued walking until there appeared to be something happing.

The male would soon stands up and make his way closer to them. He didn't know why, but he was drawn to them. It wouldn't be long until he was not too far from them but rested in the small patch of grass there. His piercing gold eyes just looked on towards the group as a few people left. The male's dark brown hair, covering his eyes a bit, but is glowing headphones were apparent. The male's name was Maxim and he was a bit different from the other people around him. He never really put his finger on why, but he knew something was off about, just like there was something wrong with the people he was spying on right now.
"Oh..." said Helena, since she felt a bit bad, because they didn't went to their friends' house.

'Should I invite them to my house?' said Helena, since none of her friends at her school bother to ask her that.

At a table near Helena and the twins, was Athena, having a strawberry flavored bubble tea with strawberry popping pearls. She was smiling, laughing, giggling, and playing happy music through her loud, tuned to max phone. She seemed as if she was a different person, much likely the opposite of the emotionless Athena.

"Heeheehee! this is so fun!" She laughed. Even if there were tons of people staring at her, maybe wondering if she's crazy, she didn't stop. It's like Athena had a second opposite twin or something....
Helena was a little annoyed when Athena was play her music very loud on her phone, so she looked at the table near them, and noticed Athena.

'...I will just leave her alone in her happy place.' thought Helena, since she still remember about her throwing a knife at someone, when they were at the park.

Laurence came back with the bubble tea, he hands them out and says "Lets find a table...away from the annoying music...." Leon nodded in agreement
Helena nodded her head: yes, since that would be a better idea, than to ask Athena to lower her music in her happy place.

'That girl scares me.' thought Helena, since she can imagine Athena throwing a knife at her here, because she interrupted her happy place.

Helena was also drinking her bubble tea, while looking at Athena for some reason.

'Um...does she even know that we are here?' thought Helena, since she has no idea if Athena knows that they are there or not.


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