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Fantasy Jōmyaku Academy

Helena was going to say something to the twins, until she ended up noticing that someone new had entered the shop.

“Hi…” said Helena, as she strangely stop herself when she saw who is was.

‘Why does it feel like that I should know her.’ thought Helena, as she then shook the thought out of her head.

“Hiya, I haven't seen you in the magic shop before.” said Helena cheerfully, since she was a bit curious about this girl now.


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My shyness took over and I looked at my feet as I spoke. "O-oh, um.....Hello.....I was just passing by and.....I noticed a cool shop....and I....um....." I continued to babble.

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Helena noticed that the girl was shy, so she took out her wand from her bag, and magically made a notebook and a pencil appear behind her back.

Helena then took them out from her back, drew a chibi kitten in the corner of the page, and wrote:
Are you shy, because I am very patient when it comes to a shy person like you, so no need to force yourself to socialize with me.

I even drew an adorable chibi kitten in the corner of the page, since they can made any girl think that they are cute which they are. ^w^

Helena didn't want the girl to feel uncomfortable with her, so she had to do that, since it may make this girl feel better.

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Her plan certainly did work. I felt more comfortable seeing that she was nice. Just as I was about to smile I stopped myself. "I'm sorry, you just startled me, that was all." I said as I kind of fiddled with a strand of my hair. I then look up at Helena and stare. I narrow my eyes. "Do.....I know you?" I was confused, it felt like we met before. I got embarrassed just as the words slipped out and wanted to take it back.

“Sorry for startling you then, since I get a little noisy when I see someone new in the magic shop.” said Helena.

Aki was fiddled with a strand of hair, and Helena was going to say something, until Aki ended up saying do I know you.

“I don't know you. Yet, I have the same feeling as you, since I’m also feeling like we have met before.” said Helena, since this was a bit awkward.

“Um...my name is Helena btw, and do you like magic?” said Helena, since she was a bit curious.

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I'm surprised when she said she had the same feeling. Weird things keep happening to me recently... "Oh, um, my name is Aki. Nice to meet you." I said introducing myself. "Well, I never really gave it much thought.....but I guess magic is pretty cool." I say confused on her question, just to realize I'm in a magic shop.

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“Nice to meet you, Aki.” said Helena, as she then noticed that Aki was confused when she asked her if she likes to do magic.

“I am glad that you like magic, Aki, since magic is very fun thing to do.” said Helena cheerfully, since not only, does she made potions and voodoo dolls at her room, but she does some magic tricks too.

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The night felt oddly ALIVE tonight as Nix wandered the streets. The ringing that he'd heard earlier had left as if nothing happened. However, the shadows and honestly, the world felt like it was calling to him. Telling him secrets he couldnt actually understand. When he wound up in front of some magic shop he shook his head. "Whatever." He waltzed in like it was just an ordinary night.
As Helena was waiting patiently for Aki to respond, but somebody else entered the magic shop.

“Hi…” said Helena, as she was reacting the same way she did to Aki.

‘Not her too.’ thought Helena, since she felt like she also knew him from somewhere.

Helena shook the thought out of her head again, since today was already.

“Hiya, I also haven't seen you in the magic shop before.” said Helena, since she was talking about Aki.

She then turned towards Aki, since Helena didn't want to be rude.

“Are you interested in magic like my new friend: Aki here?” said Helena cheerfully, since she is very happy to have some new friends, who are interested in magic.

@Kiroshiven @ForgottenSky9272

@Undead <- I haven't forgotten about you. ^w^
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Blackrose7 said:
As Helena was waiting patiently for Aki to respond, but somebody else entered the magic shop.
“Hi…” said Helena, as she was reacting the same way she did to Aki.

‘Not her too.’ thought Helena, since she felt like she also knew him from somewhere.

Helena shook the thought out of her head again, since today was already.

“Hiya, I also haven't seen you in the magic shop before.” said Helena, since she was talking about Aki.

She then turned towards Aki, since Helena didn't want to be rude.

“Are you interested in magic like my new friend: Aki here?” said Helena cheerfully, since she is very happy to have some new friends, who are interested in magic.

@Kiroshiven @ForgottenSky9272

@Undead <- I haven't forgotten about you. ^w^
"Not really. Just was enjoying the night like usual." He paused for a molent. "Actually, tonight has felt strange. Ive heard a ringing, the world seems to be calling to me and ultimately i wound up here" Nix shrugged as he looked at the two boys and teo girls there. They were average, but something felt off about them. It was unsettlong.
(Sorry for late response :P )

I stare at the new person that walked who caught Helena's attention. I also felt like I knew this person. Now I just feel like I'm imagining things. "U-um....I um....Hello......" I say with my shyness coming back. "You heard the ringing too?.." I said surprised. I thought it was all just in my head.
Helena looked down at the ground when she heard Nix saying that she heard the ringing sound, and she was enjoying her night.

“I see. Well, I have been hearing that ringing sound, all day long, and I am glad that you are…” said Helena, as she stopped her, since she was seeing something unexpected, right now.

‘Is that a ghost?’ thought Helena, since her eyes are wide open, because of that.

Helena slowly looked away from the ghost, since she didn't wanted to scream here.

“Well. Enjoy your night then, and my name is Helena.” said Helena, as the ghost was slowly floating towards her, since it ended up noticing her reaction.

‘Don't come in this direction!’ thought Helena nervously, since she doesn't know what to do with a ghost, right now.

@Kiroshiven @ForgottenSky9272

( Poor Helena having to deal with ghosts at night, since she is Hecate's reincarnation. )
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The twins look at both the people that Helena was talking to at then look at each other "Are they gonna make us talk, Laur?" Leon whisperd to his brother "Possibaly, but you can just leave the talking to me!" Replyed Laurence smiling at Leon. They then went back to looking at the skulls on show
I looked over at the boys who were looking at us and was about to ask Helena who they were when I realized she had a terrified expression. "Helena?...."
Helena immediately looked at Aki, when she said her name.

“Yes?” said Helena, as she was looking at Aki, then the ghost, and back at Aki again.

The ghost tilted it’s head curiously, since Helena was acting weird towards it.

“Why are you being afraid of me, my queen?” said The ghost, since it can sense Helena’s magical energy.

‘Did the ghost just talked, right now, and did it just called me, queen?’ thought Helena, since this situation with the ghost was becoming more weird by the minute.

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"What do you think the're on about?" Leo whisperd to his brother. "I have no clue...but they look scared...You wanna ask them?" He whisperd back. Leon just shook his head in responce "thought so" Said Laurence
"I am fine, Aki. I am not seeing anything not normal here." said Helena, as what she is saying right now is literally the opposite of what she is saying.

The ghost poked Aki, since it wanted her to feel that, because it was having fun with Helena freaking out over it.

"Come on, my queen. Can you please calm down, since your friends won't understand that you are seeing a ghost, right now." said The ghost.

'Well, if you weren't going to stay here. I would be fine, but no, you just had to stay over here.' thought Helena.

I looked at Helena and thought, She should work on her lying skills...... I felt the poke and stiffened up. I looked around me, hearing the whisper closer than before. I usually heard the voices, but it seemed like the talking was directed to someone in this room. "Well, okay.....if you say so...." I said with an obvious suspicion in my voice.
Helena knew that Aki was going more suspicious of her, so the ghost finally started to whisper the word: ghost in her ear.

"...I can't hold the lying back any longer. There is a freaking ghost floating around here, and it won't shut up with the whole queen thing to me." said Helena.

The ghost started to clapped about this, since it can tell that Helena's lying sucks.

"Congratulations on saying the truth to your friends, my queen." said The ghost.

"Shut up, since you were doing this on purpose, you stupid ghost." said Helena, as she then looked at Aki.

"Sorry about lying to you, Aki, but I didn't want you to think that I was weird, since stuff like this has been happening to me today." said Helena.

I stared at her when she said the word ghost. "What do you mean ghost?" I thought she was messing with me.
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The ghost frowned when Aki said what does she mean by ghost, so it decided to make her float in the air, since Aki wasn't going to believe Helena at this rate.

"Put Aki down!" said Helena.

"Not until she believes that ghosts are real, my queen." said The ghost.

Helena was piss off by this ghost, so she took out her wand, and started to use telekinesis on Aki.

"Then I will make you put her down." said Helena.

The ghost and Helena was having a floating tug of war with Aki.

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At first I just stared at the ground move away from my feet. I was surprised but only for a moment. I seemed used to it quickly, but the next thing I knew, I was rope in a game of tug of war. "I believe you, I believe you, can you both put me down!" I said as I tried to process the fact that Helena could use magic.
Both the ghost and Helena put Aki down, since the ghost was happy that Aki believes Helena now.

"I am just happy that Aki doesn't think that you are crazy, my queen." said The ghost, since it was just trying to get Helena to stop lying to her friends, because this whole problem would get even worst, if Helena doesn't say the truth.

"So you know that I have magic now, Aki, but what you didn't know is that I use to be normal like everybody else here. My magic just ended up appearing today, and already, it has been causing problems for me." said Helena.

"Also everybody at the park was talking how everybody there is a god and a goddess, because we all heard the same ringing sound."

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I then remembered seeing the pack of students flooding the park earlier. "Gods." I said quietly to myself. "Well, I've been experiencing strange things lately, but gods and goddesses?...." I said a bit louder. I looked around when I finished speaking curiously to look for the "ghost".

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