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Realistic or Modern Island Fever (Still Open Male Only)

Gospel wore a shit-eating grin, he was just congratulated for his thievery! His grin didn't fade as Emily attacked him in a wet hug, even as his eyes widened. Nope, still not straight, he thinks to himself, winking in an over-flirtatious manner at the kiss."Not now, Em, I know I just saved your life and all but it would be scandalous to just to it right now." And now would normally be the moment Emily got all riled up, just like back in their high school days.

Funny thing, Gospel has never really come out, it's moreso just been a big guessing game for everyone. An is-he-gay-or-not sort of thing that's never been confirmed and has remained a true mystery to everyone except for Gospel. He knows that deep down, he is hella gay.

Watching Royal dicking around causing Gospel to twist around and holler loudly,"Everyone make way! Princess Royal needs to be carried to the raft!" He pretends to faint, acting inappropriately for the situation. However this was his coping mechanism.

Oakley rolled his eyes as Emily walked away from him. He jumped slightly as Matt patted him on the back,

"I'll know once the adrenaline dies down, how about you?" He asked.

Now that they were all together, he knew they needed to work together to build a shelter for the night. Once morning came they could explore and see what kind of civilization inhabited this island. Hopefully they had a phone or internet or something they could use. Spending a night on the beach wasn't exactly what he wanted to do, but there wasn't much choice.
Royal laughed and silently thanked the night sky for being so dark, otherwise everyone would see how much the boy was blushing. He couldn't help but grin like a retarded puppy. He'd always like people who could manage to joke about anything in any situation, especially Gospel. Royal laughed again, now waving everyone in the boat over. "Hey if I'm a princess, then I order my loyal subjects to get their asses to the beach!" He laughed again, surprised at how fine and cool he felt considering their situation.

Matt sighed and looked at Oakley, he knew everyone was apprehensive.

They would need to work together in order to survive.

They would need to build a shelter, a fire and a signal to get attention.

Looking at the group he sighed, most of them were too selfish or stupid to do anything.

Looking to Oakley he sighed, knowing they would have to take leadership of the gang.

Marley huffed and looked around the beach. There was a bunch a debris laying around, something to make shelter and a fire with was hopefully lying around. She walked off, not saying a word as she searched by the tree line for something to start a fire with. There wasn't a lot of stuff. She sighed as she searched around more.
"Ewww too much Gospel."she playfully nudged him before getting out the raft ignoring his exchange with Royal. Emily fiddled with the phone trying to get it on so she could update her status to being in hell and to ask for help, she repeatedly pressed the button but nothing wasn't happening. It was completely fried, "You have got to be fucking kidding me." She let out in a cry voice.

Reality had truly hit her now, her beautiful blonde hair was a wet mess, her lovely dress that she wore for the first time was ruined and now her phone no longer worked all because someone thought it would be a great idea to steal a boat and go have a time. Emily really wished she could take a nice warm bath instead she was stuck in this place with her dress sticking to her like glue, why me she thought as she tried the phone again hoping that it would light up.
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Gospel laughs, giving her a shove as she gets off of him."Put it in some rice," he calls after her, pulling off his shoes and stepping out of the raft after a quick pause to grab his wet messenger bag. He scrunches up his face and waddles through the sand, hating the feeling between his toes. It was finally hitting him that this was entirely his fault, he stole the boat and drank before piloting said boat.

His grin starts wavering, but luckily Royal dragged him from that state for a few more blessed moments.

"Oooh~ Anything for you, My Lady." He bows before straightening and almost running to his good friend. He offers his knuckles for a bump, not waiting for Royal to withdraw his hand before he suddenly wraps him in a tight hug."I swear to god you better not go falling into the ocean any time soon. Wait until you learn how to swim next time." Gospel was shaking, but it was hard to tell if it was because he was cold or if it was because he was scared.

Oakley sighed and looked towards the treeline.

"I'll go look for some logs" he told matt, as he headed up the shore in the dark. From what oakley could see there was a clearing at the edge of the tree line with a very large boulder that was flat on one side. He could lean sticks up against the flat part and build a lean to. That would work for the night anyways.
Marley huffed as she sat down on the sand. She'd given up looking for stuff, and looked back to see her friends messing around. She frowned, messing with the sand. She wasn't being much of a help either.
Pretty much we've just crashed onto the island. We're all in various states. Some just chillin and some building shelter and what not.
Sky woke up and she was on the beach she looked around and was sort of scared but soon she saw everyone else. Sky got up she was a little sore from falling out of the boat (thank you so much :) @creed )
Royal fist bumped Gospel and was mildly surprised to get a hug, but he gave as much effort into the embrace as Gospel had. His heart felt like it would explode and he laughed nervously at the mention of when he'd fallen into the ocean. "Yeah... Too bad I'm not as graceful as a princess huh?" He smiled warmly before finally pulling from the hug. Royal looked further onto the land, where a yellowish green grass could be seen a little ways up on the beach. He turned his back to Gospel and hunched over slightly. "Piggyback to the grass and then figure out what the fuck to do?" He asked him, waiting to feel Gospel hop onto his back.

(Sry, I accidentally took a nap, woke up at midnight, and then went to bed cus I was too lazy to fully wake myself up lol)

"I'm really cold guys." Emily announced loudly as she clung to the sweater Oakley had given her, she remembered not saying thank you and she felt instantly bad. She raked her eyes up and down the shore for him but didn't see a sign of him anywhere.

"Um..where is Oakley?" She asked worriedly. Out of all her friends she had a huge crush on him in high school but of course he probably didn't feel the same way about her and then she left school and got a boyfriend. 'Omg Tyson' she thought, Emily had forgotten all about him maybe she could call him and let him know she was totally not okay and he could send help. She pressed the power button on the phone forgetting that the damn thing didn't work. "Fuckkkk!!!"

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Gospel was a relatively small guy, being shorter than most girls in fact. He was a little over 5'4" and was a perpetual ball of energy. He breaks the hug off to hold Royal at arms length, scrutinizing him under the moonlight for injuries. Once satisfied, his energy returns in a wave crashing over him and he's bouncing on the tips of his toes and eager to get out of the sand.

With a grin, Gospel launches himself onto his friend's back. He was surprisingly heavy, it was all muscle-everyone knew Gospel was a fitness nut.

Royal struggled for just a few moments with Gospel on his back before moving towards the grass. "I gotchu bro. So do you think we should stick with everyone else or try surviving in pairs til help somehow comes?" He asked curiously about halfway there. The shivering his body had done earlier had dramatically died down but he was still a little cold. He knew they'd need a fire and shelter as top priority.

Gospel laughs, riding his back like the good old days."You got me, bro," he affirms, still chuckling,"I don't know, man. I'm kind of freaking out here, if we get rescued I'll be arrested for this shit." He readjusts his weight on Royal's back. clasping a hand around his other wrist as he clamps his knees tighter against Roy's waist."So I don't suppose I could bum a smoke off you?" He asks, hopping off as soon as they reach the grass and spinning around with a shit-eating grin.

Royal plopped downonto the surprisingly soft grass and laughed, shaking his head. "Dude, you of all people should know by now that I don't smoke. Well, not cigarettes although you gotta admit I'm smokin hawt." He made a 'blue steel' face and held it for about a second flat before he started laughing his ass off. Royal had his goofy grin on that made him seem like a little kid, which he practically was...

"Hell yeah,"Gospel fired back a set of double pistols his own mirror-image blue steel, which cracks into a huge grin after a moment. He felt so much better in this situation already, relieved Royal never continued on the topic of Gospel's inevitable arrest once they are rescued and evidence of his thievery and expired boating license and operating a boat under the influence comes to light. He reaches out and gives Royal a light smack upside the head, playing.

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Royal winced, but laughed again. He rubbed his head still laughing. His face became semi serious now, his laughter dying down. "We need a shelter or something before King Kong comes crashing through the forest to steal me, aka the beautiful damsel in distress and before we need you to save me from that scenario." He laughed again, finding it much easier to say the serious stuff with less seriousness.

(Stolen boat got holes, sank, everyone magically ended up on shore of random island due to either life raft or... Something, idk lol, and now everyone is gravitating to their closest friends within the big friend group preparing to survive living on a random island til help arives, which it might not even although the hope is there. Also, before you start posting anything you might wanna wait for the owner's consent to your character.)

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burninglog said:
(Stolen boat got holes, sank, everyone magically ended up on shore of random island due to either life raft or... Something, idk lol, and now everyone is gravitating to their closest friends within the big friend group preparing to survive living on a random island til help arives, which it might not even although the hope is there. Also, before you start posting anything you might wanna wait for the owner's consent to your character.)
(i did get consent actually, i mean the owner said that if they liked your post you were accepted and they liked mine so i guess i am)
arizzle said:
(i did get consent actually, i mean the owner said that if they liked your post you were accepted and they liked mine so i guess i am)
(Okei, just wanted to make sure lol. I know how much a new person can derp out. Hell, even I derp out relatively often.)
burninglog said:
(Okei, just wanted to make sure lol. I know how much a new person can derp out. Hell, even I derp out relatively often.)
(AW lmfao! So where should I start? There's not that many people here as I can see)

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