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Realistic or Modern Island Fever (Still Open Male Only)

Oakley laughed nervously as he zipped up his life jacket and extended his arm to return the high five and quickly jumped into the raft. He rested his knees against his chest, focusing on breathing normally. his heart was racing and he could hear his heart beat in his ears. He looked at everyone on the boat, wondering what was going to happen to them all.
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"Hell yeah," he says in acknowledgement to the high-five and turns to survey the chaos.

Catching Royal off to the side, Gospel grabs him and shoves him into the life boat. He was waiting until everyone was safely on before he would get in."Chill, Emily. We're following the I accidentally sunk a stolen boat protocol, which means life vests and blow-up boat." His words were mostly aimed for everyone, as he sweeps his arms dramatically to point at the life boat.
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Sky finally sat down and was starting to calm down. She looked at everyone freaking out and she said with a calm voice "everything will be ok" @everyone
"Fine no need to get like a tomato."

Emily followed what they did and put the life jacket on clipping it in place and cautiously managed her way onto the life boat. She sat down but not before fixing her expensive dress, clutching her phone in her hands. She sighed loudly she was really getting tired of this tragic event, Emily wanted to go back to her room and get a good night's rest before her flight in the morning but this smaller boat thing was going to take forever to reach back at the dock.
Sky sighed as she thought 'man these people are slow to getting on the boat' she still was sitting there as she looked at the water. @everyone
Everyone being on the boat, Gospel shoves the boat a bit before hopping in. He really has no regard for other people, because he casually sprawls out in the small life raft and uses his messenger bag as a pillow. Enough piloting for one day, I say.
Sky turned when she felt the boat shake cause gospel hopped in she saw him laying on the floor and she couldn't help but to silently giggle to herself. All of a sudden a huge wave hit Sky and she was now even more soaked waved kept crashing into the boat every now and then
Cassiopea Espirito X.

Cassiopea woke up as she run her head "what happen?" she look around and notice they were all in an island then she felt something aching in her leg as she look in wide eyes she must have fallin while drawing and new her leg was stuck with her ballpen and its bleeding "CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?!" she scream ouit for help as her leg bleed.

@Skylark @burninglog @youngin @WantYourSoul @Troubledsoul1

Jason Xeberux E.

Jason look around and get into th sand "hey guys?" he ask as he sat down and take out his medicine and drink it as he look around again " oh for the love of" he saw some one in a boat "her can i join in?" he said with a dark smile as he look at them and notice a scream of help "anyone hear that?" he said as he loook around

@Skylark @burninglog @youngin @WantYourSoul @Troubledsoul1
Sky hurried over to help Cassiopea. She looked at her leg for a moment then found a first aid kit she started to do what she knew how to do and started cleaning the wound after she took out the pen. She bandaged it and then looked up "your ok?" She asked.

(Btw I won't be on for most of tomorrow cause of a school and then a school thing after school :( )

Matt had woken up to the sounds of panicked screaming. The cabin he had been staying in was now flooded with water and it was only getting higher. Making his way above deck, he saw the gang getting on life jackets and getting into the life raft. Helping to get it loaded, he helped lower it into the water. He hissed as the rope cut into his hand but once it was in the water he dived into the raging water, gasping as he came up for air.

With no room on the raft, great design by the way, he held onto the edge with his good arm. He ended up on the beach coughing up water as the cut across his palm stung. He would need to bandage it but right now he needed to check on everyone. Panting he stood by Sky and Cassiopea checking over their injuries before looking around at the rest of the assembled group.

Is everyone here?
Emily screamed as a violent wave hit the life boat throwing her out of it into the cold dark water, she kicked her legs hard as she could and managed to keep herself upright. She cursed loudly at her predicament and watched as the life boat moved further away from her another wave crashing into her back submerging her under water, thank the heavens she knew the basics of swimming from her dad otherwise she was sure to drown. She coughed as she came up, this was certainly a nightmare her dress was ruined, she let the last few waves push her to the shore as she flung her arms forward to grab the sand before her. Emily crawled like a wet cat on the sand getting out the water and turned dropping on her back.
Royal suddenly snapped awake again. He awoke to the deadly waters that had previously been in what je assumed to be a nightmare but now knew to be a harsh reality. At least he was still alive. He noticed the waves were shoving the life raft towards a shoreline and felt like he couldn't get luckier. Royal couldn't wait for them to hit the shore and hardly played attention to his surroundings.
As they hit shore, Marley quickly got out of the boat and fell onto the sand. "This is a nightmare." She said and buried her head in between her knees. She'd definitely NOT expected this to happen. Not even to mention that she had finals coming up in college, and if she wasn't there for those she'd have to drop out.
Oakley held on as each wave hit and rocked the boat. He watched, in what felt like slow motion as Emily went over the side. He jumped to the side, searching in the dark for her and calling out her name as a large wave seperated them and drowned out his voice. At this point he didn't know what to do and he setttled back into the life raft. When they got close enough to the sand he hopped out and pulled the raft onto the beach.
Royal only got out once they were around 20 feet away from the beach. He got out and rushed to shore, flopping onto the sand the second he got to it. He would've never came tonight had he known that they'd get stuck on some island.
Emily's heart was pounding in her chest she was so scared but grateful to be alive, what was supposed to be a great ending to their vacation turned into one horrible stage of events. She opened her eyes and stared above, the moon shined bright ahead and that's when she remembered her phone.

Emily raised abruptly and began roughly patting down her body, where was it, she stood up her wet hair clinging to her back and neck. "Oh my god...no-no-no." She looked to sea and then lower down the shore seeing Oakley pulling the life raft. She took off running "Heyyyyy."
Gospel had battened down the hatches as the boat rocked wildly. He went through all this back in Sea cadets. He was hunkered down in a relaxed, sprawled-out manner that didn't really show that he was holding on for dear life.

She's gonna fall, the thought briefly passes his mind, but he does nothing as he relaxes/shrinks into the raft. When she fell probably not even a minute later, he had rolled to the side to try grabbing her. The vicious waves tore them apart and her really did not want to get in the water and swim back, so he didn't.

They hit the ground, the darkness making it hard to see where that girl was. Gospel continues laying there as everyone files off, getting attuned to suddenly being so still instead of being tossed around by choppy water. Raising his head slightly, Gospel looks around and groans internally. Damn, I'm going to miss my rugby tournament.
Oakley stood on the beach, more or less in shock of everything that had just happened. He looked around, not seeing much as it was to dark. He could make out a couple figures, and he wondered how many of them had made it. Over his own heart beat and the crashing waves he heard a faint voice, turning towards the voice he was able to make out a blur of a person running down the beach. only once she was a few feet away was he able to process that it was Emily. Quickly shrugging out of his light sweater he put it around her shoulders. "You look like a drowned rat," he said, smiling lightly.
Emily pulled the sweater closer together around her shoulders holding it with one hand and passing the other through the mess of hair on her head. "A gorgeous rat I'll take." She said to him as she bypassed the others.

She didn't ask anyone if they were okay, didnt check on them to see if they were injured instead she could be seen stretching over the side of the life raft feeling inbetween them for her IPhone. "No, no, no no, no"
Royal sat up on the cold sand and looked over at the life raft, which seemed to have everyone on it (including Gospel much to his relief). He took some deep breaths and along with the lukewarm air, he also took in the fact that they were stranded. He stood up sneakily, still cold and shocked from all the water and what was happening. Royal walked back into the water but only to where his ankles were covered by the freezing water. He waited for the raft to get closer before calling out the only real thing he could think to ask. "I-is everyone okay..?.."
Emily leaning over the side of the lifeboat startled him, but all he did was lazily squint at her and wiggle his fingers in greeting."Great job surviving," he offers with a thumbs up,"I would have pawned this is you died." From the interior of his soggy pockets, Gospel retrieves a phone that should be very familiar to Emily. He sits up with a grin, scanning the shore to verify everyone was indeed alive. He lets out a relieved sigh as he catches sight of Royal looking shell-shocked and waves him over.

Everyone knows how much Gospel hates sand, so the fact he's chosen to stay in the raft wasn't much of a surprise to anyone.

Emily nearly tumbled head first into the raft looking for the phone but she dug her toes firmly into the sand steadying herself, she looked at Gospel when he spoke to her and she raised back up. She watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a very wet looking phone, Emily in revived excitement threw herself into the raft and reached her arms out to Gospel pulling him into a wet hug and kissed him on the cheek taking the phone from him. "You are a life saver."

Matt panted as he looked around. Walking over to Oakley he patted him on the shoulder with his un-injured hand.

"You ok bro?"

He asked as he looked around at the rest, Gospel managing to wind up Emily while the others tended to stick to themselves.

Just like being back in school, he thought to himself. The only good thing out of the whole scenario is that the boat was a hire.

So even though they were ship wrecked, it would become known that they were missing.

In the meantime they needed to get sorted.

No point in hanging around like lost animals, they had to get some sort of a shelter and fire going because despite being on a tropical island, the heat could go in an instant and leave them cold.

@creed @Troubledsoul1 @WantYourSoul
"We are so, absolutely, fucked." Marley said and stood up, running a hand through her wet hair and picking up a stick. She'd seen enough Lost to know that they had to make some type of beacon in case an airplane flew by. Drawing "HELP" in large letters on the sand, she chucked the stick into the water afterwards.
Royal shook his head reluctantly at Gospel waving him over to join them. True, they were only yards away from him but he wasn't a good swimmer and he didn't want to get swept back into the ocean again even if the chance of that happening was highly unlikely. He died take just one more step towards the raft but went no further than that. Royal knew full well why Gospel had chosen to stay in the fact and was well aware that Gospel probably knew just as well why Royal didn't want to go further into the large expanseof deadly water.

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