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Fandom Is It Wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?

But a God can not be part of another Familia. It owns the Familia and is the head of it. There are consequences if a god goes in and is found out. They do not even get weaponry

Karcen said:
ok my idea can work lol
Karcen said:
but what if one gets ambushed and consumed by a slime
The gods are forbidden to go into the dungeon, They do not get ANY weapons or armor to do so. The only ones that are allowed in are Adventurers and the supporters.

Why, what is your Idea?
Zy That Guy]Are we done for today or do you want to keep going [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18526-the-unamed-beast/ said:
@The Unamed Beast[/URL]
Sorry, I was trying to do something irl. I am back
Zy That Guy]You could be preparing to go to the dungeon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34703-theshadoek/ said:
It's a good idea, but i would need to hold off until a bit later into the RP in order for it to be relevant. I think i'll do that, actually.

Well thats an idea.

Hey @The Unamed Beast Could this idea work?

A godfather decides to take his godson into the dungeon and after time something goes awry and he gets killed or captured. V1 He's captured or killed infront of everyone V2They stumble apon the kid crying or just wondering about or hiding
I got other ideas as well! =3
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GoldenChari said:
Well thats an idea.

Hey @The Unamed Beast Could this idea work?

A godfather decides to take his godson into the dungeon and after time something goes awry and he gets killed or captured. V1 He's captured or killed infront of everyone V2They stumble apon the kid crying or just wondering about or hiding
I got other ideas as well! =3
I got my OC on standby.

Was askin if it's alright before i spend time making the CS ya know?

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