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Realistic or Modern In The Wild


That Music Loving Loner

Here in the wild a pack of wolves run

wild and free.

With little confrontation, I guess you

could say they rule the forest.

This pack is full of all different breeds

of wolves.

The pack is divided into different occupations.

  • Elders: The advisers of the pack.

  • Alphas: The leaders of the pack.

  • Healers: They take care of the sick and injured.

  • Hunters: They hunt meat for the pack.

  • Nursers: They 'babysit' the cubs.

Welcome to the Pack


  • Abide by the RPNation rules.
  • Anybody can RP here! Anybody.
  • Fights are aloud, but if things get to out of hand I'll be forced to step in.
  • NO God Modding!! I'm serious guys, I hate that.
  • No Mary Sues. In other words, no making your character better than everyone else's characters, it's just not fair.

If you abide by the rules above then I'm happy to have you in the pack <3


Wind rustled through her fur as she ran, she was running so fast. She dodged the trees as her padded feet carried her farther and farther away from the pack, farther away from her life. She was forced to come to a stop, however, when she heard rustling of leaves to her side. She sniffed the air. "Rabbit." She whispers, and she crouches low. "NITALIE!" The rabbit yells at her, making Nitalie tilt her head to the side. "NITALIE!" It screams again, and the forest around her starts to fade.

"Get up! Today is NOT the day to be lazy!" Instructs an older wolf. Nitalie lets out a loud yawn, then stands up. "Right! It's Coronation day!" She says excitedly in her head. Coronation day is the day that we watch as the Alphas fight for the role as Leader Of The Pack. Actually the rest of the pack gets to watch, the healers get to clean up the mess. Nitalie stretches and follows her fellow healers out of the small den they sleep in. She hears the excited whispers of the other wolves as they near the 'Arena'. The Alphas were currently practicing, and Nitalie couldn't help but stare at them in awe. She always loves to see action, but she never likes being in the middle of it. Sometimes she hates her family for being healers, but sometimes she thanks them because healers get the least recognition. "Nitalie!" She hears, and she huffs, then follows the other healers towards the spot in which they were supposed to sit.
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Talon was practicing his fighting moves on another competitor, Claw, a fast wolf with sleek white fur. Talon remembered everything he had to know and was completely ready. He was exited at the thought of being alpha, but didn't get his hopes up. [brb] 
Nitalie lays in her spot, watching as young cubs run around fake fighting. Oh how she longed to be that young again. Kuta, a 13 year old skinny Grey wolf walks up to her, and sniffs her head. "Kuta, why aren't you an elder?" Nitalie asks him. "Nitalie, Healers don't get to be advisers. The Alphas have always told us that our healing job is what is most important. I figure it's because thy don't think we're strong enough." He says, then every wolf stands at alert when an ear piercing howl from the current leader of the pack indicates that it's time for the fights to begin.
Talon heard the howl. His massive black fur shook as he trotted to to line to join the rest of the wolf. His current alpha was explaining the fighting and the rules. Talon's ears twitched as he listened, and he then saw the reddish-brown she-wolf that was always the meanest. Her name was Lake. "You are going down, Talon!" she spat. Talon swiped hid head to face her. "We will see about that.." He said confidently. He already knows how to block her deadly strike, and he is sure he will defeat her today.
Nitalie wags her tail as the Leader explains the rules. "Who do you thinks going to win?" Asks one of Nitalie's fellow healers. "I'm kinda rooting for the young one." She answers and the other snorts. "You're always rooting for the under-wolf." He says, which makes Nitalie bark out a laugh. "You know me to well." She answers
Talon looked up at Nitalie. They are very good friends and seek answers in each other from time to time. He hopes that she would be cheering for him when it begins. 
[sorry lost connection but I am back]
Nitalie notices Talon looking towards her, so she wags her tail and nods towards him in a way to say "Good Luck, you've got this." She then looks at the female wolf standing close by him. She knew who that wolf was, she's had to take care of a few of her victims from time to time. She prayed to the ancestors that that wolf wouldn't win, because if she did the pack's life would be living hell
Talon nodded back and wagged his tail. He noticed her looking at Lake and knew what she was thinking. His thought were cut off by the alpha wolf saying: "Are you all ready, for the Alpha Day to begin?" At once all the wolves at the line said: "Yes, we are!" Talon hoped he had the ancestors' luck with him this time.


The battles took place and once it was his turn, the current alpha wolf put him against Lake. Great ancestors, Talon thought, don't let her win this. "Battle" The alpha make howled. Talon quickly jumped on her and bit her back. He knew this would make her weaker. He dodged some strikes but also got hit. Lake then jumped over him and turned to face his back, but Talon was prepared. He quickly rolled to the side as she tried to strike and attacked her from the back. He quickly pinned her down and she then surrendered.

There was a moment of silence and then he heard the alpha wolf say: "We have got a winner!"

[Just noticed how much of quickly I used here]
As soon as the Alpha announced the winner every wolf stood on their back legs and howled as loud as they could, Nitalie might have been the loudest. "He did it! He really did it!" She says excitedly in her mind, when everything settles down the healers rush down to the arena and help the wounded towards the healing area.

When Nitalie gets her patient back to her place she starts to lick the wounds, she then applies a moss to the neck bite to draw the bacteria out, after that she scoots a scrap of meat to the patient with her nose and instructs him to eat. "You're friends with that Talon kid, right?" The patient asks, and Nitalie nods. She wasn't supposed to really talk with the patients unless it was a health thing. "He did good." He says, and Nitalie nods again.
After the battle, Talon couldn't believe himself. He was actually the alpha now! He looked at all the wolves and then went to meet the current alpha for what he had seen other winning wolves do. Talon bowed his head in respect as the old wolf said: "You fought well, young wolf. You shall now be the alpha of the pack. I am too old for it, and I hoped a young soul like you would take care of the pack. I will move to the elder's now, and you shall be the alpha." He then bowed his head respectfully to Talon and moved away to howl and let Talon take his place on the Alpha Stone.

After the event was done, he went off to meet with Nitalie. "Nitalie, hi there!"
Nitalie wags her tail happily. "Talon! You did it! I'm so proud of you, you did awesomely." She says, as she sniffs around him to make sure he wasn't hurt. "How did your meeting with the old Alpha go?" She asks, as she tilts her head.
"it was very exiting. I can't believe myself right now! It is such an honor to lead the pack... How are all the patients? Some of those who fought lake look bad.. She can be very aggressive at times. especially today..." He said
"They were pretty bad, but I just finished my last one. We did have a couple casualties, though. She bit them pretty bad in the neck." She says and looks down at her paws, which had blood on them, along with her snout. "I need to go down to the lake to wash off."
Nitalie splashes into the lake goes under water. She resurfaces and licks her chops, drinking the water off of them. She paddles around for a couple of minutes, then climbs out of the lake and shakes herself. She looks at her reflection to see her fur puffed out, so she laughs quietly, and trots back Talon. "How do I look?" She asks sarcastically.
Nitalie nudges Talon with her paw, then rubs against a tree to try and calm her uncooperative fur. "You know, I hear that pets have these things that do this for them, they're called humans." I say. "But then again, humans are freaky, I don't understand how those pets stand them." She says.
"I have seen humans, especially when patrolling or hunting near the edge of the forest. They always walk their dogs. These dogs are very small, and they have a very bad sense of small and sight, alongside with unsharp teeth. They also walk in those long, rope like things. These dogs are controlled by their humans!"
"What good are animals without sharp teeth? How do they find prey? It's crazy" She says as she stops rubbing against the tree. Her efforts were futile, however, because now her fur was even more unruly.
"It doesn't seem like they hunt. They humans probably give them food." Talon said. He looked up and saw it was already evening.
Nitalie follows his gaze and gives off a sad sigh. "I guess you should be going, eh?" She asks, making her disappointment obvious in her voice. "The other alphas are probably waiting for you."

[Hey, your character is the leader of the pack, and the alphas are pretty much the warriors and stuff. Just in case you didn't know..]
"I think so... I mean, it's my new duty..." Talon said, disappointed. "I am not sure if I am ready to be alpha. I mean, I never got to learn how to lead.."

[ Why do you call them alphas? They are warriors and hunters and stuff. Lawl]
Nitalie nudges Talon reassuringly. "You're ready, Talon. I can see it in your eyes. You've been waiting for this for a long time, and you deserve it. Now go on, before they come looking for you." She says, then turns around and starts walking towards the healer's den.

[idk lol. I guess I just figured like the highest class of wolves were the alphas and stuff. Idk it's whatever]
"Thank you.." Talon called after her. He then started off towards the camp of the pack and howled to show there is a meeting. Wolves started going out of their dens and sat below the Meeting Rock. Talon began the meeting. "Any of you that have not been to the Arena to day to watch the Alpha Day today, I must just tell you that I am your new alpha" He said before howls of cheering broke off. Talon continued: "I want to say that I will try my best to serve this pack. Tomorrow I will choose a Beta wolf or 2. I must say my thanks to Jack, our former Alpha. I learned from his leadership, and I will try to be as good as he is" He finished off, and signaled with his tail that the meeting is dissmissed
When Nitalie returns to the den she lays down in her usual spot and lays her head down. She wags her tail at a few of the healers who had just came in but she didn't bother to start a conversation. "Get used to it Nitalie, he's Alpha now, he won't have time to spend with friends. Especially not a mere healer." She thought to herself, a low whimper comes from her throat, but it was to quiet for anyone to hear. She hated having to let go of such a special friend, but she understood what his duties are now.

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