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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Grov removes the moss to show a perfectly healthy leg with only a slight scar. "I wish I could of did it better but the Spider weed crawled off somewhere."
"What the devil is He doing here?" Dirk stated, arms folded as he walked up to Grov. He reached into his Brown Trench Coat and pulled out a cigar, then lit it. The white lab coat was nowhere to be seen.

(That's right, Dirk seems to be in two places at once, there's a reason though)
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"Not really it was just a sun moss, puss flower, and mint compress." Grov shrugged. "It's a simple trick as long as you know your plants." He plucked a white flower and gave it to will. "Its a truth flower when someone lies it gives off the smell of rotten flesh." He looked at Dirk and waved him over.
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October smiled she was glad he wanted to be with her still. She shook her head they would continue to discuss this later. "so do you have am idea of where to start looking here?" she looked over the town cautiously. 
"Not really it was just a sun moss, puss flower, and mint compress." Grov shrugged. "It's a simple trick as long as you know your plants." He plucked a white flower and gave it to will. "Its a truth flower when someone lies it gives off the smell of rotten flesh." He looked at Dirk and waved him over.

Dirk walked over towards them, though keeping a cautious eye on Redd "Every time I come back, there's more people. Now who is the Other guy?"



October smiled she was glad he wanted to be with her still. She shook her head they would continue to discuss this later. "so do you have am idea of where to start looking here?" she looked over the town cautiously. 

Dirk smiled back, glad that she seemed relieved for now "Yeah, we're going to the place where I woke up, that's really the best spot to check first" He placed the cig in his mouth and lit it, leading the way. As soon as he took a puff of the smoke, he spat the cigarette out and began coughing. Placing his hand against a building wall, he finished couching, then put his hand on his stomach "Goddamn, that was nasty!"
Redd's heart raced "fuck" he said under his breath. "Already making enemies dear?" Will punched Redd's arm. Redd sighed "sorry for stumbling into your girlfriends little castle." he spoke with a nasty attitude, deserving another punch in the arm from Will "Ugh! Fine! I got into an argument with Will, he ran off and I chased him over here and he fell, he's my husband Dirk."  He stubbornly told the truth, lazily trying to make friends with Dirk
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"I helped heal his knee, have you seen the spider weed it has seemed to have crawled somewhere?" Grov said as a huge spider made of bark crawled up his back with grov completely oblivious to it.
Redd's heart raced "fuck" he said under his breath. "Already making enemies dear?" Will punched Redd's arm. Redd sighed "sorry for stumbling into your girlfriends little castle." he spoke with a nasty attitude, deserving another punch in the arm from Will "Ugh! Fine! I got into an argument with Will, he ran off and I chased him over here and he fell, he's my husband Dirk."  He stubbornly told the truth, lazily trying to make friends with Dirk

"Husband?" Dirk widened his eyes, then he smiled "Good, then that means you won't be trying to get into My pants anymore" he glanced over at Grov, then took a step back from him when he saw the bark spider, reaching his hand into his brown trench coat to grasp the hilt of his sword.

"Dirk are you okay?" she put her hand on his back concerned "what happened?" she looked at the cig wondering if there was something different with it. 


Dirk shook his head "I feel queasy" he muttered "Like when you smoke for the first time.." he pulled out another cigarette out of his white lab coat "Perhaps that was just a fluke, a bad one.." he lit it carefully, then tossed the match aside. He took a deep breath as he inhaled the smoke, then his face grew slightly pale as he went into another coughing fit. "Doesn't make sense,," he said inbetween coughs "It's like I'm not used to it!...but I've been smoking for as long as I can remember!"
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Redd's face turned bright red and he looked to the ground as Will looked at him obviously upset. "You dont know when to stop do you Maxim" Will growled at Redd "Shh dont use that name" Redd replied almost immediately in a snapping tone.
Grov looked at where Dirk was looking. "Thats where the spider weed went." He says then looks at dirk. "Don't worry it's 'fangs' are just roots to suck up water." He picked it up and offered it to dirk. "This one is just a seedling so you can have it, they make great first time magic plants and are really loyal. They grow about 5 feet every 3 years." The spider looked at dirk and meowed.
Will looked at it in amazement "what do they do? Like healing properties? Or are they poisionous?" He pet the head of the spider as it meowed "holy crap! It meows" Redd watched him smiling.
October looked at him taking her hand off his back "what exactly do you remember Dirk?" she grew suspicious of him. 


Dirk frowned and pulled out the pack of cigarettes, then he tossed it aside, he was too sick and queasy to keep that stuff around any longer. "I left the castle this morning to go visit the town" he began to walk again, now even more determined to find his destination and get answers "I went and had a few drinks, not enough to get drunk,,," he narrowed his eyes as he tried to remember "I honestly don't know what happened after that. I just woke up inside some abandoned warehouse, this one" he opened the door of the building and stepped inside

Redd's face turned bright red and he looked to the ground as Will looked at him obviously upset. "You dont know when to stop do you Maxim" Will growled at Redd "Shh dont use that name" Redd replied almost immediately in a snapping tone.

Grov looked at where Dirk was looking. "Thats where the spider weed went." He says then looks at dirk. "Don't worry it's 'fangs' are just roots to suck up water." He picked it up and offered it to dirk. "This one is just a seedling so you can have it, they make great first time magic plants and are really loyal. They grow about 5 feet every 3 years." The spider looked at dirk and meowed.

Dirk smirked in amusement when he saw the couple bicker, but then his expression changed to that of shock when Grov offered the spider weed to him "Uh, you Sure that thing aint dangerous? I'm not sure if I wanna touch that thing"
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"Oh no there not dangerous." Grov said as the spider meowed agine. "There really strong and durable but as gentle as a teddy bear." He looked st will. "You can milk there fangs for a sedative."

@Knightling @Yohimitsu
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"Oh no there not dangerous." Grov said as the spider meowed agine. "There really strong and durable but as gentle as a teddy bear." He looked st will. "You can milk there fangs for a sedative."

@Knightling @Yohimitsu

Dirk carefully reached out and grabbed the spider by one of its legs, then dangled it in the air "I'm not used to spiders making noises" he stated, still very cautious

October looked at the warehouse she knew a few people who hung in this part of town, none of whom were good.She was ready for a fight. 


Dirk stepped into the warehouse, then looked over at the broken glass container "That's where I woke up, submerged in water. They had needles attached to me. When I woke up, there was nothing but This" he grabbed the collar of his white lab coat "My sword, everything else was gone. The first thing I did was to make my way back to the castle, where I ran into Grov and Amber. Even to this moment, I have no clue what they were doing to me"
The spider crawled up his arm and sat on his shoulder and started to purr. "Awww it likes you." Grov said joyfully. "You seem interested in magic plant will, I could teach you if you want."
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Will watched fascinated, he leaned over to Redd, "what's his name?" he whispered to him "Grov" Redd whispered back. "H-Hey Grov? What else do you have?" He asked, not studying since Redd's arrest.
Grov thought. "Truth flowers, sun moss, vampire roses, puss flowers, a Dragon lotus, carnivorous ferns, warning buds, and ect as well as a bunch of normal plants." He looked at Will. "So I'll take that as a yes to the teaching huh?"
Dirk immediately grew rigid when the spider crawled up his arm "But I don't know if I like It" he stated "Guess I'm just not used to critters is all" He pulled out a cigar and lit it, then tossed the match aside
The spider was asleep on dirks shoulder and had attached itself to him with green silk. It was the size of a softball byt was very light. Grov looked at will. "Okay the first thing first lets go get you a book from the library on plants from the castle." He then started towards the castle. "You should come to dirk you know to learn about you spider weed."

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