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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

She smiled and looked up at him "I will never force you to do anything and that includes leaving my castle." she put her hand to his cheek again "but how even after I said your in danger with me would you even feel safe being around me?" 
(Welp, lmfao, I guess someone thought that Amber was bit by a viper, oh the struggle of trying to make your writing more interesting. She was just knocked tf out... #DragonbiteViper X,D)
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(( it's fine, but what's so fucking funny is that the dragonbite viper was used to kill this dragon in a book, but it was unfair cuz her sister had put it in a box for a gift and it killed her... So unfair X,D welp #NerdAlert))
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Grov was outside planting red flowers near the entrance to the castle. He was humming a sad tune that the flowers swayed to.
Redd caught his breath as he walked back downstairs, he poured himself a glass of whiskey and groaned, his partner walked down as well, a smug look on his face. "You look tired" He joked at Redd. "I am, I'm very sore. I haven't felt this way since you threw me in the slammer" Will's face paled at Redd's comment "I didnt mean for it to happen." he murmured defeated and obviously upset. Will pulled on a hoodie and ran out the door, Redd quickly slipped into a pair of sweatpants and ran after him. Will tripped and fell onto his shoulder, Redd quickly catching up and falling to hold him "I'm so sorry Will" Will spat in Redd's face "YOU HAD 6 YEARS TO THINK ABOUT IT" He sobbed as Redd shamefully looked at him, his body shook as he looked around. "where the fuck are we?" Redd quietly asked. "The dumb castle where that bitch lives" will scoffed, as Redd scanned the area he noticed Grov, he held will closer to his chest. "I'm sorry Will."
She smiled and looked up at him "I will never force you to do anything and that includes leaving my castle." she put her hand to his cheek again "but how even after I said your in danger with me would you even feel safe being around me?" 

They were now on the edge of town, His mouth smiled slightly as he placed his hand over hers "As I said before, even being in this forest is dangerous. Sure, you might be a little more risky, but I think it's worth the risk. What else have I got?" his eyes grew serious "You and this castle, that's my life, that's all I know. I would much rather die here then go back to being a lost wanderer again"
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Redd nodded "he's my husband." He looked up at Grov as a few tears ran down Will's cheeks as he held onto Redd tightly
Grov looked at will. "Nice to meet you." He said then saw the tears. "I'm sorry if I scare you, I don't mean to I'm really a nice golem."
"Holy shit", Kat said, as she presumed to drag the unconscious girl almost closer  to the edge of the forest as it would seem. She did mange to pick up the weapons the girl had on the ground but now she was regretting doing so. She had decided to stop for a while. She pulled out a few strands of rope and a bandana, tying the rope around her 'victim's' wrists and gagging her, just in case she happened to come to again. 

The name Kat really did suit her well, due to how much she loved being in the trees and being how stealthy and persuasive she was. She pulled herself up into the tree that was hanging over the girl. She decided just to lay up their for a while, and at some point unrealizingly took a 'cat nap' persay. 

(( welp I love these two X,D their personalities are to die for)) 
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Will let out a small smile, trying to stand up, as he moved his knee bled more. "s-shit" Redd quickly pulled off his shirt and wrapped it tightly around the wound "let's get some help, Grov can you help us?" Redd looked up at him
Grov nodded then picked up will. "Follow me to the garden." He quickly walked into the forest a ways until he got to his garden. "Hold him still and don't let him near the Blood roses or he'll be drained dry." He quickly hurryed and picked a patch of yellow moss then covered it with different herbs he picked from the garden. He then gave it to redd. "Press the herbs into the wound then cover it with the moss."
Tears ran down Redd's cheeks as he did what Grov told him to, "it's my fault it's my fault" he sobbed, his head falling into Will's chest.
Grov looked at it. "Okay it should be healed in a few minutes." He looked at Redd and shook his head. "Its not your fault he fell."
Redd held the unconsious body "no, it's my fault for blaming him" He looked up at Grov, Will slowly woke up and held Redd tighter
"Hey the pain should be gone and it should be healed in about 3 minutes." He looked at Redd and asked. "Then say sorry, it does wonders."
Redd smiled at Grov, as Will's grip tightened Redd looked back down at him. "Hey dear, I'm sorry." A faint smile crept onto Will's lips "You never say sorry Redd" Redd nodded and kissed Will's forehead "I love you" he whispered, Will weakly answered. Redd looked back up at Grov "thank you" he smiled
"Your welcome." He looked at Redd and asked. "So while we wait for the herbs to work, why not tell me a bit about you guys."
"well I got married to this jerk and then found out he was an assassin and I reported him out of fear but after him being locked up for six years I realized he was just trying to support us" Will smiled, talking weakly. Redd smiled a toothy smile, looking down at who he considered the best person alive.
Grov nodded and said. "I have meet people like Redd before, the word assassin scares people but , there like golems, they seem scart but in the end there just people." He looks at the moss it had turned black. "Okay it's ready to come off."

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