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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

"Ah sorry sorry!" Key stuttered as he misplaced his foot time and time again. He was completely out of his element on this and in attempt to keep his cool, he began humming along with the catchy music from Angel's cell phone. He was unconsciously forming little lyrics in his mind and it seemed to pour out of his mouth like running water. He was completely submerged in the rhythm and timing of the music that he felt almost detached from reality for the brief moment that the song continued to wind its away around him. He let his voice ring out and echo, transforming the cafeteria into his own little, temporary stage. Now this was something he was completely comfortable and familiar with, having sung many times in front of large crowds during his years in the choir though he did sing in a group rather than alone. Key seemed so distracted in the song that he didn't even notice that he was dancing in perfect rhythm with Celestia. It turns out he didn't have two left feet, it just his over all self confidence and constantly questioning mind that had caused him to trip up so much. But now that he was in his own little space, paying little to no attention of what he was doing, his body was subconsciously preforming the actions for him. Actions he would be able to do if he just got past his fears.

(As I promised, videos!! Song that key was singing ^ ^)




Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-


A soft sound of audible confusion escaped Artyom's lips as he looked to over to greet the girl. Apparently his thoughts were running so thick that he failed to notice the approach of the individual who collided with him just before the tour. "Ah," the sound escaped him as if confirmation had set in to take away the minor confusion, "The seat is available for any who desire.". It was that easy for him to shrug off the confrontation, though he was not entirely attempting to be rude as much as return to his previous track of thought. However, after moments of watching the others dance and even sing, the dull awkwardness began gnawing at him. It was fairly probable that the girl approached him for some kind of conversation, and perhaps his actions were improper.

His attention turned to the girl in a silent movement, eyes casually looking over her, simply taking advantage of the chance to recognize a form he would be seeing often from now on. "Did I ever manage to catch your name?" His voice broke the air he allowed to sit thusfar. "As unlike me as it is, I can't seem to recall it currently." That's right, the only memorable impact she managed to completely pull off was her physical slip. "My name is Artyom, and it seems we will be attending the academy together my clumsy friend."
"That's it Key! You're doing it!" Celestia praised him as she listened to him sing and hummed along to the music, as she lead him across on the floor, not thinking of those who were watching and couldn't help herself from laughing and smiling a little bit as they were both dancing on the floor. Once the song finished Celestia gave of a polite bow, and smiled to Key. "You're a very good dancer, but you need to relax more. You were really tense. See here, if you relax your shoulders like this... and then let your waist move in this direction... and then you just let the music sway you away~" Celestia said as she fixed his posture up a little bit and showed him some better ways of dancing a bit more relaxed so his muscles didn't have to work as hard and tense up as much as they had done, but for his first time dancing tango, it was quite impressive. I think I'll definitely get along with everyone here. I can't wait for the year to start~! Celestia thought happily as she sat down on a nearby chair, a little bit exhausted as she looked over to her bags and grabbed her notebook once again, and began writing down some lyrics, getting a little idea from the dance she had shared with Key.
Krystal gave him a slight nod before taking the seat. She rested an elbow on the table and propped her chin on the palm of her hand. She quietly observed the still-dancing couple. The blonde boy, Key, Cece had called him, was dancing pretty well by now. He was even singing. He had a wonderful voice, Krystal noted. And he must've came up with those lyrics right then and there. Wow. What was she doing with this bunch of talented people? Maybe Zeus had mistaken her for someone else.. maybe they didn't mean to send the invite to her. Maybe-

Artyom's voice snapped Krystal out of her thoughts. "My name?" She shifted her gaze to look at the boy. "It's Krystal. Krystal Ishikawa," she told him. Her cheeks blushed red when Artyom called her his 'clumsy friend', the scene from earlier replaying in her mind. She ducked her head, letting her long blonde hair (which she had let loose from the ponytail earlier) cover her face. "Y-yeah, seems like it."


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-


Artyom nodded to the girl's words, if only to show that he listened before his eyes once more returned to the others. Those two contained a natural talent, especially if it were true that this was the first time the boy engaged in this dance. "It seems a number of them may very well have natural talents." It was peculiar that he was pushing the conversation past introductions, seeing as he knew a better chance would simply open itself within the future. Perhaps it was the liveliness of the group apart from them that made him desire to reach out ever so slightly. "Perhaps the feeling of being overwhelmed would only come naturally by this point." His eyes came to look over at the girl, his head refusing to follow their stare. Apparently she must have been embarrassed in some way, seeing as she began hiding her delicate face behind the cover of her hair.

He only allowed the image to burn in for a moment longer before looking, yet again, towards the others."Though this only means we must work harder than the others, as to not let them overwhelm us completely.." The more time that passes, the more he can see how much he will have to undergo. In a way, he saw this fantastical display as a challenge, one that he would have the chance to overcome using his own dedication. "Talent is not the only thing that allows dreams to prevail. We must come to work towards that goal, in hopes to surpass even them." Artyom didn't even bother questioning what allowed him to speak outwardly. Something simply told him to continue on with his thoughts, and his lips merely conveyed them by their own will. He would not allow himself to think that he was incapable of achieving those dreams anymore.
Claire stood back and watched the group talk and listened to everyone she was surprised rod was such a sensitive guy the more he went on, the more he sounded like the perfect guy almost too perfect 'there has to be something wrong with this guy' Claire loved dancing her father is a famous football star and all the dancing made her think back to all her ballet classes she had with her dad and made her a little homesick already.

Seeing some tables nearby, she decided to have a seat and sit back for a while to try to relax. This was going to be a big adjustment from living at home. Having to share a room, cafeteria food. She didn't want to say anything out loud and seem stuck up but she was definitely going to have to adjust.
"Hehe thank you~" He replied with a slightly unsure grin. Though he had no idea what exactly had overcome him, he was going to play whatever happened off like a ninja. When Celestia was at a safe distance and seemed to be caught up in her own little shell of inspiration as she scribble away on her notebook, did he let himself slump fall back against the wall. He slowly slumped down to the ground, though more out of relief than exhaustion. 'Ahh its over...finally...' He thought, letting a relaxed sigh escape his lips before smiling a bit. He actually really enjoyed that and the fact he even danced correctly was definitely a bonus.
(Good Morning everyone!)

Angel looked around and smiled as the two finished their dance walking up to Celestia she hoped that the girl would teach her to dance like that as well. Not that she was expecting an answer of yes sure but she thought it might be nice to have a go as well. But suddenly the song stopped and her favourite rang through the halls looking at her cell phone she began to sing along to one of the Disnerd classics "The Paint from the Wind". Looking around she hoped no one would judge her but she sung along anyway. Raising her voice become more confident and more confident with each note.

...I hope I am not burdening everyone with them having to listen to my voice...

...But I really do love this song so much...

Celestia put down her pen as she heard Angel singing, and smiled to herself as her foot stomped to the melody and to Angel's singing. She wanted to join her, but was a bit too embarrassed to do so, instead she began to hum the song and put away her notebook. I can do that later, I should be a little social in a group. Celestia thought as she put her notebooks away and looked over to Angel happily singing. "You're a really good singer Angel," Celestia praised her as she walked over to grab her guitar case, but stopped in the middle of it and simply watched Angel. She didn't want to seem as she was showing off, so she simply listened in and enjoyed the music as she sat down next to Key, as she had gotten a bit friendly towards him, and smiled. "You guys are really good singers. I'm getting a bit jealous here..." Celestia joked as she looked over to Angel and smiled to her.
Angel smiled at Celestia as she commented her several times for her voice. Pleased that she was being praised Angel happily sung a little louder and gave a small curtsey once she had finished sitting down beside Celestia and looked at the guitar case. She had never learnt the guitar and she had always wanted to. Getting an idea she walked over and unplugged her phone from the speakers and turned the music off smiling at Celestia she motioned to the guitar case.

"Thank you for the compliments about my voice but I am sure that you have a lovely voice as well.... Actually....Play a song for us Celestia... I would love to sing along to your playing... I am sure that you are a wonderful player..."

I hope she says yes...

... It does seem like she wanted to play before...

... Maybe this way I can get closer to her...

...I would love to be her friend...

Yuki wandered through the academy corridor, slightly lost at this point but not really that bothered with the fact. That was when his ears pricked slightly at the sound of singing and different voices echoing down the hall. He approached the sounds and rounded a corner to end up in what seemed to be a cafeteria area. There were others there though, some dancing, some talking, and some standing off to their own private little space. Slowly, he made his way into the room and set his luggage down where the others seemed to have piled them up and kind of stood off handedly to the side. Introductions weren't necessary right now as far as he could see. If they wished to know who he was then they needn't do was ask.
Celestia blushed to Angel's kind words and rubbed the back of her a bit embarrassed facing the floor. "I'm not really sure if I would go that far..." She remarked a bit embarrassed as Angel requested for her to play. She looked into Angel's crystal blue eyes and found herself at a loss of words. Her beautiful eyes were practically begging her to play, and even though she thought she had showed off enough for one day she only smiled to Angel's request and grabbed her guitar case and opened it. It was an autistic guitar and its casing was painted in a dark blue color and was decorated with blue flames. She put it gently in her lap as she closed her eyes, and thought through her head what song she wanted to play, but if Angel wanted to sing, then maybe she should let her chose the song? No wait... She was listening to a song from Dissnerd before, so she should just play a song from them.

She let her finger glide over the guitar, as her foot happily stomped to the rhythm as she began humming to the melody and smiled to Angel, as she saw a new person enter.
"The name's Celestia, but Cece for short! We're having a little sing-a-long. Feel free to join us," Celestia invited Yuki with a smile as she continued to play the song and continued to hum the lyrics instead of singing them, Angel wanted to sing after all and she was far too embarrassed to sing in front of all these people. Guitar playing was as far as she wanted to take it.
Angel smiled happily as she recognised the song, "You have got a lover in me". Closing her eyes she sung along happily tapping her feet to the music and looked around at everyone hoping that they would all join in with the singing.

This is fun...

...I am glad I asked Celestia to play...

Key smiled as Angels soft voice resonated perfectly with the soft strumming of the guitar. He slowly sat up straighter and let his own voice echo through the room, mingling and joining with hers. What came out was like a beautiful bell ringing with the gentle breeze of the wind. This was the first duet he had shared with anyone (excluding his sisters of course) and felt a strange sort of warmth settle around him at the thought. He was feeling utterly comfortable around the group now and confidently stood from his seat against the floor and approached the stranger that had seemed to only arrive a few seconds ago. "Join us?" He asked, stretching a hand upwards to the stranger. In the back of his mind he was slightly put off by the thought of being the smallest among the guys.
Yuki looked in between the girl playing the guitar and the blond boy who seemed to be inviting him in some sort of group singing. He looked at the boy's hand with raised eyebrows as he didn't exactly know if he should actually take it or if it was just a friendly gesture. In the end he hesitantly stretched his hand out and grasped the young boy's hand and gave it a firm little shake. He wasn't one for physical contact, hence the gloves he always seemed to wear and immediately made the move to retract his limb when only one good shake had been done.
Crystal looked at the boy who had just arrived and smiled softly at him as the song came to an end. Standing up she walked over and introduced herself and offered him the home made biscuits that everyone had luckily taking to liking. Smiling shyly she looked at the boy who seemed to be taller than her.

"Hello... My name is evangeline but you can call me Angel... Please take a biscuit..."

I hope he likes them...

...Everyone else seemed to like them so it should be fine...

Key smiled as the stranger shook hands with him but almost laughed as he attempted to get away. With one swift movement, he had his fingers locked and intertwined with the pink haired man and flashed a mischievous smile. He seemed like the all too serious type that Key enjoyed to tease and joke around with. He still held firmly onto the guy's hand, playfully swinging it back and forth slightly even as Angel came up to offer him some delicious biscuits. Key wondered how long the guy would hold up and snickered slightly at the thought.
Annette watched from afar at this point, amazed by everyones immediately displayed talents. Eating Angels biscuit, she was content in taking no part in the music. Not a good mind set for an idol at the moment, but her impressed fascination kept her from doing anything but watch and tap her fingers.
Yuki's eyes widened in slight alarm as his hand was suddenly pulled and unwillingly stuck to the blonde's palm. He was about to protest when he felt the warmth slowly spread up his neck and towards his cheeks. He turned away, taking measured breaths and trying to ignore the boy as he swung his hand back and forth. But it seemed the fates were amused to see the man writhe and brought another to his presence. The blush had thankfully disappeared by then and Yuki turned to face the one known as Angel.

"Thank you" He responded, taking a piece of bread before adding "Its a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Angel"

He glanced at the boy to his side who still held securely to his hand and gave a little sigh.
Claire sat in her chair watching as people introduced themselves to the new comer. Amused by key torturing the kid, she giggled. 'i wonder what time lunch is?' She thought to herself. It seemed like they had been in there forever waiting for Rune to come back.
Alex was amazed by Key and Angel vocal ability (well there goes people with proper training). Alex giggled when he saw Key was teasing the new guy, "Hello! my name is Alex but everyone calls me Lex!" After introduce him to the new guy, he went to Key and whispered, "Hey Key it's a bit embarrassing but could you teach me how to sing with a proper note?"
Key tilted his head forward, trying to see why the stranger had suddenly avoided his gaze. But his attention was diverted by the chicken bucket guy from earlier. "Sure sure~ ^ ^" He exclaimed and randomly patted Alex on the chest with his free hand. "And I'm sure Mr. Pink here wouldn't mind being the guitarist for our sess!". Key lightly tugged on the other man's hand and gave a hopeful little wink. He could picture the three of the them being like three musketeers, excluding the swords of course.
Alex was surprised when Key asked the new boy to be the guitarist, "wait Key now?!" Key only replied with a smile and so the new boy began to strum the guitar. Alex was panic all over and don't know what to do, he got the note messed up but soon after Key sang the first verse, Alex gained himself a new confidence out of nowhere.

//my hand has been itching to put some video!


It was as if this boy could read her mind. Krystal was feeling overwhelmed by it all. Everyone had amazing natural talents, and they were displaying more and more by the minute. So they not only had the musical talent, but also the natural performing talent. They had the idol aura. How was she supposed to keep up with these people?

Krystal listened to Artyom's words intently. She finally looked up at him with her bright, blue eyes. Her crimson blush had by now faded to a soft, pink colour, and she had a determined look on her face. "Mm, we have to work harder," she said with a resolute nod. She gave him a smile. "Thank you!" Was it weird for her to thank him? But she really did feel grateful for his words of wisdom. He was so mature.. how old was he, she wondered. Were they all her age? Some of them don't look like it, though.

Her stomach grumbled. Her eyes widened, and she looked away, hoping that the sound didn't reach Artyom's ears. They were in the cafeteria.. were they allowed to eat? Where was Rune, anyways?

Krystal heard the sound of greetings, and turned her head to see some of the students welcoming a boy with pink hair. Lex and Key were already dragging the pink-haired boy into their next music session. This group of people were sure fast-paced.
Celestia put her guitar away and turned to Angel with a smile. "Hey. If the guys are teaming up we better not lose! How about we team up too?" Celestia asked Angel with a smile as she thought of her her guitar playing and Angel's voice were a perfect match, despite her not singing herself as she was a bit too embarrassed and felt she had shown off too much for one day. She was the only one that arrived in a limousine, at least as she knew. She flipped her ponytail behind her again as she looked at Angel, she had such pretty crystal blue eyes. She envied them a little bit, but her deep purple ones had gotten complimented too, but she felt as they easily lost to her eyes, which didn't sadden her at all.

"Hey Angel. Let's work really hard together ne~?" Celestia said with a smile as she grabbed both of Angel's hands in hers as Key and Alex was already singing in on a song. Without realizing it, she began humming to the song as well, it was a really catchy melody and song and it was almost too tempting not to sing with it. Despite her believe of showing off too much in one day, it was all going to be shown sooner or later, so she gave up and joined them in their singing, holding her voice a bit more quiet than theirs to not be too overwhelming, as she closed her eyes and rocked her head gently from one side to the other.

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