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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

"Well they certainly did but I'll have to reconsider it if it is you, Rune" Lucius disappointed at Rune, he crossed his hand. "And may I ask who I'll be handling? Just hope their mentally prepared Rune.. just like you.. never whine or crying like the other member" Lucius remember how Rune was in her newbie days., she was matured and strong, ahead of the other.
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Anna nervously paced around the front of the room, occasionally glancing at the clock. She tried taking what was supposed to be a calming breath but the air seemed to stick to her throat and ended up coming out as a hacking cough followed by a unlady like wheeze. With a quick thump to the chest and a few breathing exercises, Anna was able to successfully dislodge the 'nothingness' from her throat. She resisted the urge to run out of the room and into the neighboring office where he would be waiting for the other idols to arrive. She frowned slightly. 'Am I really giving up already...?' She thought. After all she was the one that had been so excited, gloating and annoying the living daylights out of him when she had gotten the job. And now? Now she was all nerves; just a tight ball of it forming in the pit of her stomach. Anna was genuinely looking forward to meeting the others but not like this! Not in an 'officy' setting where it feels all stiff. Anna knew she was supposed to be their manager but...but she wanted to be their friend too. It was then that she could hear the sounds of foot steps approaching the room along with energetic chatter. Anna immediately shot towards the door, stumbling a bit before regaining her balance and making her way to the entrance where she stood near-by, nonchalantly looking around the room as if she wasn't intentionally awaiting their arrival. She had barely held back pouncing at the one who greeted her as he came through the door but instead let a small happy smile settle on her lips. Once they appeared to have all be settled, Anna slowly walked to the front of the table.

"Hi! Um we...we should first start with introductions!" She burst out, a little clumsy but getting the point across when she noticed they were all still standing. "Oh right sitting!" She immediately plopped down onto a seat and gestured for the rest to follow suite.
Rune smiled and looked at Mr. Lucky and gave hims quick hug. She had missed this man but she knew that he had his troubles and his worries. Looking at the twins she smiled and looked at them happy that they were here.

"Well, I guess both of you will be going off together. Both of you will be going to meet Apollo. They are your group that you will be working with. But as I mentioned to you already the first couple of days the groups will be together so try to collaborate with the other teachers and managers. I am talking to both of you here alright? I don't want any arguments."

I really hope that Mr Lucky will be alright… … I bet the twins will be alright…

Lucius was irritated just by looking at Damien and Skye, "I hope you hoodlums mentally ready as a teacher.." Lucius nicknamed was created by them, Lucius hated the name Lucky as he thinks that it's too unnecessary . Lucius just keep on glaring at them and already knew his presence wasn't warmly welcome, "Hoodlums that never change.... shall we meet the new recruits?" nevertheless since their now working partners, Lucius must act professionally. "but I remind you, if I saw one flaw that cause students to underestimate you, I'll kick you out of the school before the academy does."
Rune smiled and looked at Mr. Lucky and then at the twins. They seemed to be getting along better than they did just a moment ago and then smiled at Skye as she motioned to the academy. Telling them to follow her she smiled and led the way. Giving them a quick tour even though they didn't need it Rune made her way to the cafeteria.

"Knowing the kids they probably won't be there yet, so why don't we eat something before we go?"

I don't want Mr Lucky getting made right off the bat…

… That wouldn't be good…

…Also the twins must be hungry, after their flight...

Alex was wondering around ignoring Rune's order, Alex was actually lost. "Now where are the meeting room," He bumped someone before his body was flew to the floor, "Ouch!" Alex felt that his whole body was bumped into a vehicle. Alex scratches his neck before regaining his balance back. Alex rolled his eye with a smile, " It that mister!" Alex was shocked that Lucius is the one who told him the way to the chicken store. "What are you doing here? wait what?! you're a teacher?!" Alex saw Lucius sudden glare to him, "Forgive me! I won't be late again!" Alex quickly went to the meeting room.
The sudden collision of Alex and Mr. Lucky gave Rune quite the scare and she looked at Mr. Lucky to se if he was mad. But then her attention turned to the twins as they asked her if he was a student here.

"Yes, he is actually part of the group that you will be looking after. Apollo."

I wonder if he is lost, but I can't leave them here by themselves...

...Maybe I can take them to the meeting room and bring along Alex...

Rune gave a nod and looked at Mr. Lucky. She wasn't sure if he wanted to meet them but called out to Alex and then faced the three infront of her.

"Alex! Come with us we are going to head towards the meeting room right now! You three ready!?"

Of we go to see the wizard~! The wonderful wizard of Oz~!

@GreenSea @RosalineBara8
Alex was slightly confused as Rune asked him to come to a room along with group of people, "aa... am I a VIP?" Alex looking from left to right, up and down around him but al he can see was Lucius glaring at him with a negative presence, "what the chicken is he? he was nice to me yester I met in the store and why all the sudden go so mean on me, did I do anything wrong?" that was what in the mind of Lex now. Alex began stiffen his body as he came in.


Lucius was glaring all the time at Alex, as Alex seen so familiar even when he met in the street, all he can think is that Alex was really like the splitting image of someone he knew but he couldn't figure it out. He began to ignored Damian and Skye and lock his view to Alex.
Alex finally went in as he sees his classmate once again but he can't smile as he still intimidated with Lucius, he slowly went to his classmate with the his whole body sweating, "cursed! I can't prank someone again." he stood up really straight as if he was in the military, "Pstt.. hey Rod.. do you know why we're here?" he standing next to Rod and whispered what's going on.
Celestia sat down and looked at their manager, he seemed like a nice person, but maybe a bit too laid back. Celestia was more used to having hardworking and enthusiastic teachers, and Adolpho simply did not seem to hit that, though she would never judge a book by its cover, and smiled to him before sitting down. There was a new girl sitting with them and Angel, and Claire was there as well. Quickly, she took the seat next to Angel's and smiled to her and the new girl as well, as she listened to Adolpho, talking and was hoping her punishment for being late would be a nice on, it was their first day here, and if she had to, she could always say she simply got lost in the building.

"Um... I already introduced myself, but I am Celestia Shire. It is a pleasure to be working with you," Celestia said with a small bow of her head, as she was ready for about anything. There was nothing more she wanted to do right now, than her own music. That way she would get to know everyone, and then she could also hear the other's beautiful singing voices, just as she had heard Angel's before. She was getting excited, really excited, and looked more and more forward to the rest of this year, spending it with her new classmates seemed like a perfect thing after all.
Melody's heart skipped a beat as she was chosen to speak first. A large smile spread across her face as she turned to face the group. With a cute curtsy she introduced herself. "I'm Melody Lionheart." She said plainly. "And I aim to be the best."Her confidence unwavering and soaring even higher. She moved from her curtsy to a polite posture that still gave off her girlish charm. Back straight, head slightly tilted, hands behind her back, legs tightly together. "I'm 17 years old and I love Froggies." She points out the little frog pin in her hair."Let's see... What else..." She ponders a bit. "I love Techno music and pop, it really gets my heart racing, I love the excitement I get from a performance. Vice versa, I like to sing soft gentle melodies." She rocks a bit feeling the eyes of her new friends. "I hope we can all become great together and form a bond stronger than blood." Melody turns to Adolpho with a satisfied grin on her face.

@katelynn & @EternalMusic
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The words Alex spoke to Rod fell on mostly deaf ears, seeing as that Rod appeared to be deep in a daydream. But slowly his ears indicated to his brain that someone was talking to him. “Eh, what?” he whispered as he turned his face towards the dark-haired male, “I, uh…well, your guess is as good as mine.”.

Rod subtly gazed over Alex’s face, trying to get a good look at him. He had spent most of his time with the lovely Cece, and hadn’t actually gotten to check Alex out. ‘He’s actually standing close to me for once! And he’s even cuter than I thought! I wonder if…’ he shook his head, ‘…nah, why would a guy like him ever find me enticing?’. Rod gave Alex a small friendly smile and turned his gaze away, hoping to shield the mild blushing on his pale cheeks.


The golden gates glimmered in the sunlight as Vincent strode through them and onto the school grounds. It was a bit warm to be wearing his signature blue tunic top, but his cooler shirts were either in the dirty laundry basket or at the dry cleaners. While his left hand held onto a black secure-looking briefcase (which contained rather…questionable…contents), his right one ran its fingers through the German’s bright blonde hair.

The campus looked well-maintained…a good sign in his opinion. If only the staff and students were so perfect! But then again, it was always interesting to see what form his students would take once he molded and tempered them with his teachings. “Meeting room…meeting room…” he mumbled under his breath, wandering around and trying to remember where Rune said the room was. If nothing else, the chit-chat of the others would lead his ears to the appropriate room. As if on cue, the voices of young women caught his attention, and he marched on over so he was just outside the doorway. Vincent listened carefully for a lull in the noise before he made his entrance. After all, it was rude to walk in when someone was speaking!
(Sorry for the late reply~!! Here we go....)

Looking at the new man she chuckled and motioned everyone to follow her, making her way through the academy she finally made her way to the Apollo meeting room and opened the door to see only several of the students in there. Sighing she motioned to them to go through the doorway into the room and gave the manager a small smile before deciding to take a look at Philomela.

"Well, that's nearly everyone. I shall get Mr. Jewel to the Philomela meeting and then I am done nearly for the day~! Bai Bai Everyone~!"

Vincent is a lot later than he normally is, I wonder if something happened. Oh well, the other teachers still haven't arrived so he will be the first.

Adolpho looked at the girls all jittery with excitement and enthusiasm. Ruffling his blonde hair, Adolpho took his sweet time to look at every single one of them taking in to account their appearance their behaviour now and what they were wearing. They all had chosen good clothes and seemed to be able to dress nicely which was a relief for Adolpho but he didn't know about their voices were any good, let alone their dancing skill.

"…. I was going to wait for the teachers but I am not going to wait anymore…."


Adolpho turned around to face a little Rune in a yokai outfit and looked at the blonde man beside her.

"You are late…."

Evangeline sat there smiling at the little girl who had introduced herself and looked at Adopho waiting for him to start when suddenly Rune came with an older looking man. Hmm… Both have blonde hair… Looking at Adolpho she could tell that he was angry that the teacher was late. oh dear...

(@CrystalTears, @Hototo, @katelynn, @Hikarii, @WinterPeach, @GreenSea, @EverWinter, @Cyan, @AbraxasNine)
((So sorry for some reason I never seen toto add in his part))

Watching the girl introduce herself, Claire could tell that she was full of confidence and nothing could shake her. It was something to admire "well it is nice to meet you. I'm sure we will become close." Claire smiled and looked at the new teacher emerged. He looked intimidating, but Claire was sure he would be a good teacher. The excitmemt bubbled up inside as she couldn't wait for everything to start.

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