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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

Claire smiled "it was really nothing we didn't want you to go hungry!" She looked at the girl studying. 'I wonder why she didn't want to come to lunch anyway.' Clair thought about asking but decided to just stay quiet.

"What class is next do gou know angel?" Claire asked, unsure of where to go next.
Angel smiled at the girl who seemed to be pleasantly surprised about the handing of food. Running her fingers through her blonde hair Angel smiled softly and looked at Claire to answer the question being asked to her.

"We have to come back here... So maybe we should stay here until Rune returns..."

She did say to return to this room before...

Celestia smiled to Roderick as she did notice them having eye contact for longer than usual, but didn't think much out of it. 'Remember Celestia... no love whatsoever!' She thought to herself reminding herself of the number one rule in the academy, she didn't want to get in trouble too early after all, or hopefully avoid getting in trouble at all, but trouble always seemed to find her. Celestia lead them to a small empty grass field outside the school building, but only after stopping by her dorm to grab her bow, arrows and targets as she wanted to train a bit and put it all inside her bag. The sky was clear and the sun was shinning its bright lights, it was a perfect day to practice outside. "Okay... let's see..." Celestia muttered to herself and thought it was best to start without any music as he needed to learn the basic steps first. "Let's start with the tango then!" Celestia exclaimed as she already felt a bit confident in the dance's graceful movements as she had danced it the day before. Gently she grabbed Roderick's large hands in her small ones and lead one of his hands on her lower back and pulled herself close to him, feeling a bit embarrassed that most of what she saw was his muscular chest.

"This is the basic posture, you need to have a straight back and your head should usually be in the opposite direction of where I am looking. The posture isn't hard, but the basic steps can be a bit hard in the beginning to remember along with the posture so concentrate more on the basic steps than the posture, just to get you used to it," Celestia said and smiled as she began showing him the basic steps, taking it slow and hopefully in a comfortable pace as she occasionally reminded Roderick to ask any questions or have her slow down, as the lesson went on.

The moment Cece grabbed his hands, Rod’s cheeks expressed a slight pinkness to them. Hid heart started to beat faster and harder than normal. All he could think was, ‘She’s holding my hands…oh my God, a beautiful girl is holding my hands! Get it together, you can do this.’. A moment later, she had positioned his hands in their proper spot, making Rod blush even more.

Rod carefully listened to Cece’s instructions on posture, actively trying to maintain it throughout the steps she was taking him through. Learning the steps weren’t that hard…it was the instructor that was making him anxious! After a little while, the small voice of his subconscious spoke up, reminding him that there were other classes to go to, and that they shouldn’t be late. He supposed it was bad enough that they had sneaked out here and were dancing, let alone doing that and showing up late for class.

“Hey Cece…” he waited for her to glance up at him before continuing, “…I, uh, don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I think we should stop for now. I don’t want you to be late for class. ”. He gave her a reassuring smile and curled a strand of her hair around his index finger, an unconscious symbol of his tenderness. He didn’t want to let her go so quickly, but a student’s got to do what a student’s got to do.
Angel noticed a note on the teacher's desk and made her towards it. Reading the contents she noticed that they were instructions from Rune telling them to go to a specific conference type of room. Continuing to read the contents she looked at the letter and read the instructions for the girl group. Remembering the instructions she smiled and placed the note down again making sure that the others would be able to notice the letter. She looked at the girls with her and smiled.

"Rune wants us to meet our managers. She gave us directions and I know where it is. We won't see the boys for a while though because they are going to somewhere else…"

Hmmm…. Looks like we are going to meet our managers… I am actually pretty excited~!

Adolpho ran his fingers through his silky hair and looked at the door, wondering why he was doing this again. He looked at his watch, Rune had told him that there would five girls in the group and they were to meet up with him around 5-10 minutes. Crossing his legs, Adolpho leaned into the chair he was sitting on and then took a sip from the sup in his hand.

I wonder if I should be doing this, if Rune hadn't been so persistent and maybe if it wasn't for that...

@Cyan @GreenSea @EverWinter @CrystalTears @katelynn @AbraxasNine @Hikarii @Bea Delaine @WinterPeach

Guys I need you to start to move towards the meeting rooms now.
Claires heart started pounding. Thoughts raced through her head as she made her way to the conference room. As she entered, she saw a man sitting in a chair waiting for them.

"Are you our manager?" Claire asked as she entered the room. She was so nervous, but had no idea why. She flashed a smile, hoping not to show how nervous she was.

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Alex was just about to eat when everyone was told to go back to the general room. "Chicken~..." he was crying as he went further and further from the snack. As he went inside the room, he saw a beautiful young ladyl. Gosh.. please forgive me Mary "....hello" Alex's said to the young lady as he went pass through her with blushing. He went standing besides Rod and whispered to him, ".. Rod.. who's that girl over there?"
Celestia had been so caught up having fun with Roderick that she didn't realize that she was almost being late for their next class. It was a good thing that Roderick was there to remind her of it, as she was a bit saddened by the thought to miss out on the chance to practice her archery skills, but that had to wait. She was here to train her musical abilities, not her archery. "You're right! We should get going!" Celestia exclaimed only now realizing that Roderick was playing with her hair, as she gently pulled her hair back to herself, blushing a little bit at how close they were after two days, as she still had to get to know the rest better, but was excited to see how everything was going to turn out in the end, hopefully she would have contact with most of all the people she had met.

Celestia walked over and grabbed her bag of her archery equipment as she threw it neatly over her shoulders, looking back at Roderick with a small puzzled look. "Do you know where we are going next...? I- I do know myself I- I just want to make sure you know too...." Celestia stuttered, as she didn't want to admit to him she had gotten lost earlier and was not exactly paying attention to the first class they had, and missed every sort of message that was given after they were suppose to self-study.
Yuki inwardly sighed as he walked along besides Key's skipping figure. The two had all but missed the entire lunch period due to the blonde boy's inability to choose a single shirt. He had gone through his entire back up, spilling it contents onto his bed which of course Yuki had the pleasure of cleaning up afterwards without being satisfied. In the end, Key had reasoned that since Yuki had been the one that had 'committed the crime' then he should be more than willing to let the boy borrow one of his clothing. So with the boy's never ending stubbornness and the limited time, Yuki had no choice. And that's how Key ended up wearing a long black sleeved shirt that appeared two sizes bigger that draped loosely on his small frame.

Yuki opened the conference door room, having made it back in time to hear Angel's announcement about meeting their manager. It had come as a bit of a surprise since they were not idols yet. To be receiving a manager so soon might mean that might change all too soon. With Key in tow, he made his way into the room and stood patiently beside Alex and Rod.

(I'll be making my manager posts soon but I'm going to post this early for Key-hyung! :3)
Angel looked at the man who was sitting in the middle of the room. He was calmly sitting and drinking his drink but still had an intense aura around him. Angel shivered at the look he gave them, there was no emotion in his gaze and looked straight into their hearts. Angel knew that he was already judging their worth and looked at Krystal worried that her shy demeanour would mean that he would pounce on her first. His green eyes gazed over the three of them and Angel looked around for Celestia and the other girl who's name had slipped her mind for a moment. Realising that she actually couldn't remember one of the team members names, Angel hit herself mentally. There was no excuse for forgetting someone's name like that ashamed with herself Angel looked at the floor but only for a mere second as she quickly looked back up as she saw the man's eyes over her.

"My name is Angel and the two beside me are Claire and Krystal. We shall be in your hands from now."

I hope the others didn't mind me introducing them and that it was alright…

…I think it will be good with this man though…

… He seems like he will work us until we are more than perfect….

Adolpho looked at the girls that entered. Each of them looking like a princess and the excitement seeping through them. Placing the cup down Adolpho looked at the girls around him. He looked at the girl with the short silver blonde hair first and didn't reply to her answer and watched as the darker skinned girl looked at him as if giving Adolpho a thorough analysis. He wasn't sure if the blonde hair and the blue eyes were natural or if she was wearing contacts and had dyed her hair. Not that it mattered to him there was no reason to change something that was working for her. He then watched as the darker skinned girl turned around and faced the girl behind the two of them. Looking like a doll, Adolpho could sense that she was slightly shy but could also see the potential in her. Actually he could see the potential in all of the girls at the moment. Although there was only three of them and the rest were already late. Adolpho was going to have to give them a sort of punishment later.

"Welcome to the Philomela meeting room. We will be using this room to give updates and talk to you about how you are all going. I will be the one who ail train you through your time here in the ways of business in the music industry, Adolpho Dulcine."

That was short enough, they don't need anymore information than that…

…These girls will become big though, I am going to have to talk to her later...
Key happily rocked back and in forth on his feet as he fiddled around with the loose black sleeves that completely overlapped and covered his hands. He was beyond satisfied that he had gotten something out of being drenched in milk. Especially when a million clouds seemed to be wrapping themselves all over his body. He would have never thought that Mr. Pink had silk lined shirts! He must have been richer than Key had originally thought...

He fiddle around a bit with the tight collar that the pink haired boy had been insistent on keeping completely buttoned. Key glanced up at Mr. Pink who seemed to be paying him no attention and smiled mischievously before unbuttoning all of them.

((Alright done~ You can continue with your post winter-chan ^ ^))
When Adolpho spoke Claire could feel his intense demeanor. She bowed her head to not make contact out of respect and kept quiet. She looked back at the other two for a sense of comfort to help her relax. "May I sit?" Claire asked without making eye contact and instead looking at the chairs and pointing.
The stuttered question Cece had proposed to Rod made his heart soften a bit. ‘Huh, it seems like someone else besides me is nervous!’ he thought after he gave a soft sigh. “Uh…well, I didn’t catch that either. Ummm, maybe we should go back to th-the classroom we were in earlier? I’m sure there’s an adult there that can tell us where to go. Nice equipment, by the way…” he motioned to the bag of archery stuff she had hauled along with her. He secretly wondered how good she was, and hoped he could see her in action one day.

Rod sauntered across the empty field and back to the classroom, making sure Cece was right next to him. On the desk there was a note from Rune. He gingerly picked it up and scanned through it, looking for relevant information. “Apparently we’re, uh, supposed to meet our managers in some conference room or something like that.” He handed the note to Cece and patted her shoulder. “It looks like they’re separating us again. That paper will tell you were to go, just so you know. I’ll see you later right?” a quick wink was given to Cece and Rod meandered his way towards the boy’s conference room alone.

A little while later, he made his way into the designated area. The first thing that caught his eye was the lady in the room. Her light, long, silky hair draped so elegantly around herself, he had to stare for a moment before moving through the doorway. She looked somewhat familiar to him, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it. ‘Where have I seen her before? Ugh, this is going to bug me now!’
(Just so you know @Hototo Rune normally wears really weird clothes.)

Rune noticed the other girl who had arrived, Annette had left the academy already due to her parents moving away and having no reason to keep her with the academy. She didn't really understand but the girl seemed willing to go so Rune allowed her to go. She didn't want someone who wasn't motivated to stay at the academy. She had seemed like a good girl who was going to do well but there is only zoo much you can do. She watched as the girl with the blue hair made her way to the academy and smiled at the girl as she appeared. Pulling down her skirt that was part of her "yokai" outfit. Rune pushed her ears and tail in place smiling at the girl.

"Welcome to the academy, my name is Rune Kalypso. But please call me Rune. I welcome you to this academy as the head of the Zues company and hope that you will work hard for your dreams that are waiting for you ahead.

She seems like a very strong motivated girl, but of course you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover...

"Thank you. I was hoping to get the chance to practice a little bit, but that's not what I am here for is it? So I suppose I shouldn't concentrate so much on training while I am here," Celestia said a small sigh followed by her statement as she hoped she wouldn't fall completely out of training and become rusty in her skills. She felt proud of her athletic skills, and being here shouldn't be a large obstacle for her to continue her training, but for now that had to wait.

Once they made their way back to the original classroom they had been in, she saw the note that Roderick gave her and saw that she was definitely late for the meeting with their managers. "Catch you later Rod!" Celestia said before giving Roderick a quick hug. Roderick's wink made her slightly blush, but she giggled more as he did not seem as the type to be winking, but he had surprised her so far, so why not surprise her even more? She ran off towards the room that was described on note and saw that the others had already gathered as she was still holding onto her archery equipment, but tried to hide it behind her small and slender body before bowing to the manager politely. "I apologize for being late! My name is Celestia Shire, and I promise to come on time next time!" Celestia apologized, still bowing down to her manager as her long dark blue ponytail hanged in front of her and her deep purple eyes were fixated on the floor.
Melody's heart was beating faster than one of her techno songs. Finally she had a chance to become famous, no more late night shows at some grungy club. This was a glorious day, she was glad her parents weren't there to make her feel embarrassed like they always did. She looked on, watching her future from the first step. Rune snapped her back to reality. The odd way she dressed was off putting. A smile formed on Melody's face as she was greeted. "Thank you for accepting me into this lovely Academy of yours! I will try my hardest to strive and become the best!" The intensity in her eyes showed a hardened determination that wouldn't easily be extinguished. Melody was ready.
Rune smiled at the girl that appeared and chuckled at her enthusiastic energy. She patted the girls head and motioned her to follow her. Giving her a brief tour of the place she showed her to the meeting room.

"Well, You are going to meet the others now. Have fun, kiddo! Oh~! And hey there Adolpho!"

She will last longer than the other girl, I hope so anyway.

I am still upset about Annette leaving.

Adolpho looked at the girl with the black ponytail and watched with a stoic face as she bowed and apologised for her lateness. He knew that he was going to give her a hard time for a little while but before he could answer the door opened a girl in a Yokai outfit. Raising an eyebrow at the outfit, Adolpho decided not to question her choice of clothing. Looking at the blue haired girl that had arrived with Rune he sighed and motioned to them to sit down and listen to him.

"Sit down all of you. It is time for the meeting to start. What's your name's? Actually don't bother I won't remember them."

*sigh* I really won't remember their names.

Might as well not give them that option to start off with.

Angel looked at Celestia and then back at Adolpho worried about what he was going to say but then suddenly the door opened and Rune in another extravagant outfit appeared and smiled at them all pulling a girl with blue hair along with her. Angel stared at the cute girl and smiled softy at her. Quietly she wondered what had happened to the other girl that had arrived with them. She finally remembered the girls name and was about to ask Rune where Annette was but suddenly Rune disappeared and Adolpho told them sit down and say their names and then said not to bother due to him not being able to remember their names. Sighing she sat down and made herself comfortable motioning to the others to sit with her.

"Well… My name is Evangeline Rhett, but please call me Angel…"

I hope that Celestia won't get in too much trouble…

…But who is this new girl, she is cute so I am not complaining but Annette was suppose to be the other member…

…Oh well, there must have been a reason...

Claire watched as the two girls entered one she hadn't seen before. 'Oh, I like her hair!' She thought to herself. Adolpho told them to sit down so she made her way over to the chairs. She ended up sitting next to angel and the new girl. Leaning over she half whispered to the girl "what's your name? I'm Claire." She smiled and then sat back up looking at adolpho as everyone was still getting to their seats.

@EternalMusic @Hototo
Rune looked around spying to see if she could see the boys. She couldn't see anyone that seemed to look like anything like them, but of course there were people walking by whispering and pointing and awing at the academy. She then noticed two boys, they looked awfully familiar so she slowly made her way to them a cheerful smile on her face as she hopped towards the two in her witch outfit. As she made her way to them she smiled and gave a small wave, hoping desperately that it was them because otherwise she would have to find a way out of the situation. But she then stopped and noticed two other males that were from the bad ON/OFF. Thankful that she hadn't made her way to the other two boys thinking it was those two in disguise, she sighed and took a deep breath before running over smiling happily.

"Hello~! How are you both? Did you have a good trip?"

I have always thought they looked familiar but when I come closer the resemblance is uncanny...

...Oh Well!

This isn't the time to think about something like that.

We have to make them feel welcome...


I am going to treat them just like everyone else.

Angel smiled at Adolpho as she had sat down and looked at Claire as she tried to make a conversation with the new girl. Thinking about how nice Claire is once she opened up, Angel thought that it was nice to have Claire finally talk so much. Especially after that whole time that she was keeping to herself. She then tapped Claire on the shoulder and motioned to Krystal and Celestia to sit as she waited for Adolpho to speak.

"Come over here girls. Come sit down, it will be nicer if everyone sits together."

I wonder how much we are going to learn from Adolpho.... ...He seems like a very knowledgeable person but I guess he must be more familiar with this way of expressing his feelings... ...I guess some might call him scary...

Adolpho looked at the girls one by one and looked at each of them. He didn't know what to do now. But since everyone was getting seated and the blue haired girl is someone who is apparently new to all of them. Actually Adolpho knew that she was a new member of the group. But that didn't mean that he wanted to introduce her to everyone else. He knew from experience that the best way to get a good first impression is by introducing yourself to the rest of the crowd. Even if they were shy or nervous. That's the beauty of it, as long as she spoke Adolpho knew that she would be fine with the rest of the girls. Due to them all being pretty friendly anyway.

"Okay. Well I am going to let the girl with the blue hair introduce herself."

I hope she takes the chance to say hello, because once it is gone...

...It is gone and there is no way of getting that opportunity back.

@Hikarii @katelynn @RosalineBara8 @Hototo @CrystalTears
".... and why would she hire me again?" Lucius stood in front the gate of the academy, "I guess Rune need me to teach these young hoodlums!" he walk slowly as he went to the academy. As he reached the academy, he remembered his old days as an Idol, "I was young and dumb, I wonder where is he right now.. , my love... " Lucius only has a short career as an Idol, he retired due to vocal disorder, a symptom where people can't sing anymore like they used to. He married to a fans and have a son but unfortunately shortly after his son was born Lucius' wife died forcing Lucius to go into deep depression and left his son in an orphan. Lucius wondered around the academy to memorize the school structure detail by details. "Nothing change over the years..."
Rune looked at the man who had also made his way to the academy. She smiled as she recognised Mr. Luck waving at him, Rune motioned him to join her and the twins. She knew that he used to be here like most of the teachers that were in Idol Academy. Most of the teachers had gone through the exact same training that the children were going through at the moment and knew what was needed to help the students from their own experiences. She had been through the same training as them.

"Mr. Lucky~! How have you been! Come over here and join us!"

He doesn't look that mud different from before but looks a little bit more weak compared to the strong scary man from before…

… Well not scary…

… He was just a little stern…

… I wonder if he will say anything about my choice of outfit…

"well if isn't Rune.. wearing those weird clothes again, I suppose something never change over the years." Lucius give a cynical glare. "and I thought that I already said that you need to be more like an Idol..." Lucius never get tired of reminding Rune, "So where's these young hoodlums that you were talking about? let me give them a simple lesson as an opening.." Lucius was informed that they were wild on the first day which they sang at the class during self study class. "Ah... and the twins isn't, did they just arrived Rune? I haven't seen them for quite a long time"
Rune smiled at Mr. Lucky and chuckled nervously. It was clear that his opinion on her taste of clothes hasn't changed over the years and he was making it clear to her that he thought she dressed 'normal'. But in Rune's opinion the way she dressed was normal.

"Oh! Yes these are the twins from before. We have grown haven't we?"

Just smile and ignore the comment…

…He is a good teacher and he will show the children what to do...


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