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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

[Alex was literally terrified when he saw Angel's blood, he went out of the group and ran by himself (Gosh out of all time, this is where I saw blood).The reason that Alex ran away because he was traumatized by blood (which will be revealed later). Alex ended up in music room, he looked back and no one was with him (great now let me think of an alibi). (Blood... blood... BLOOD!! calm down Alex Nakashima just sing... like mom used to say...) Alex went into the dark music room and flicked the electricity switch on, he went to the grand piano and start to play his favourite song... the Karakuri Pierrot. He was crying while playing Karakuri Pierrot remembering his dark past.

//Can't stop posting videos!


Angel looked at Yuki and even though he didn't really think that she only gave him a nod and looked at him.

"Thank you sincerely again... and I will consider it as that then... a compensation for the biscuits..."

I will have to buy him a new shirt before I don't feel guilty any more...

(Guys... I have a maths project that I still haven't finished so just drag my character along for now... Hopefully I won't reply anymore and just focus on finishing my assignment)
A feeling of concern and curiosity swept over Rod as Alex took off like a rocket on nitrous. “Hey, are you ok?” he called out to Alex, who was off in some unknown section of the school. Just before he got out of Rod’s sight, he ran after the dark-haired guy. Rod thought he almost lost track of him when he heard a strange sound coming from one of the darkened classrooms. ‘Is that…no, it can’t be.’ He pondered as he cautiously peered into what appeared to be a music room. The sad sight of Alex curled up and singing to himself tugged on his heartstrings. ‘Awww, poor guy.’ He thought as he slowly tip-toed over to him, hoping he wouldn’t be turned away. He just wanted to comfort his dorm-mate, especially since he'd gone through the same thing more than once or twice.
"Lex?!" Key shouted as his new friend suddenly sprinted down the halls. He ran after him as best as he could but ended up getting completely lost on the way. "Lex!! What happened??" He called as he jogged down the corridors when he heard the familiar voice mixed with a string of piano notes. He sprinted towards the noise and was about to come barreling into the room when he heard the slight quiver in Lex's voice. He slowed his steps until he came to a soft stand still on the side of the open doorway. 'Is...is he crying?' He thought, worried. He peeked into the room and went slightly wide eyed as he saw Rod comforting the boy. He swiftly moved his head back and covered both of his red cheeks. 'W-why do I feel like I shouldn't have seen that...?' He thought, feeling a bit confused at his sudden embarrassment.
The more Alex pressed the piano key the more he became sad, as he finished playing as well as singing he turned back and saw Rod, he leaned towards Rom and said, "Please don't let other know the dark side of Alex, let them know the cheerful Alex" Alex's tear started to fall like a tsunami. "Mother... you said that every sadness could be cured by singing but why.. I can't cure my sadness..."
"Hey, it'll be ok..." Rod whispered as Alex leaded towards him, "...I won't tell them, I promise.". He could practically feel the same sadness as this dorm-mate. He put a reassuring hand on Alex's shoulder, attempting to comfort him. 'I feel like I should hug him, but...' Rod wondered, '...I don't know if he'd be ok with that. I know I'd want one if I was in the same situation though.'. He let out a saddened sigh and stared at Alex, trying to see if he could do anything to help.
Yuki nodded his head in silent acknowledgement to Angel's words. He found her voice soothing and the fact that she seemed to speak with more...eloquence had him very much intrigued. He was about to converse with her further when from the corner of his eye he spotted Lex take off down the hallway with Key and Rod right after him. Yuki wasn't quite sure why but he felt the need to run after them, well more after the blond haired boy for he felt as though he would cause more trouble than good. "If you'll excuse me Angel..." He murmured "Perhaps we can continue this conversation later...?". But he was already lightly jogging after the group, not hearing what her answer had been. When he finally did reach them, he spotted Key peeking inside of a room. He silently walked up behind him and could hear Rod and Lex's voice echoing lightly from the entranceway. "It is not good to eavesdrop" Yuki breathed, leaning down far enough to whisper into the Key's ear.
"Sorry Rod... to see the real me.." Alex wiped his tear and put his happy mask on, he smiled to Rod " I guess it's time to get back, I don't want to make everyone starve to dead" Alex open the door and was petrified by the presence of Key and the pink hair boy, "It's not like what you think! Rod and I don't have any special relationship!"
Key nearly had a heart attack as he heard and felt the soft brush of a whisper tickle his ear. He had barely managed to hold in the yelp that had silently tumbled from his open mouth as he whirled around to face the perpetrator. "Wha?? Mr. Pink!! What the heck are you doing?!" He whispered furiously as he tried to rub the strange tingling sensation from his ear. That was when the door suddenly came swinging open, revealing a thoroughly shocked Lex. "I wasn't eavesdropping!!! ITS ALL A LIE!!!" Key yelled panicking once again and flailed his arms around as a bunch of incoherent words seemed to spill from his mouth.
Even as Alex put his happy face back on, Rod could easily feel the guy's sadness radiating outward. Maybe they could talk about it later when everything settled down. He let Alex lead the way out the door and just as he opened it, as small vein protruded on Rod's forehead. Those two had been listening, and he wasn't happy about it...not happy about it at all. "What the HELL do you think you're doing?!" he roared as he ran toward the door, like a bull charging a matador. But in his rage, a single sad thought crept into the back of his mind: 'We don't have any kind of a special relationship? Does that mean Alex isn't into me?'.
Yuki stood, standing completely still next to the flailing boy. After listening to Key stumble and prattle on for a straight minute he finally decided to intervene and gently grasped the boy's arms in mid-flail. "I will explain" he said, calmly facing the troubled Lex and the seemingly enraged Rod. To be completely honest he wasn't that surprised that things had escalated so quickly since he had predicted it from the start. He looked down at the nervous boy below him and sighed before taking a deep breath. "I had only recently arrived and was reprimanding Key for eavesdropping. I had no part in his ill behavior. You may do as you wish with him". And with that he let his arms fall back to his side. He had never really been the lenient type.
'This is bad! So much bad!!' Key thought as Rod came barreling out of the room. He became even more flustered at the sight of the angry man and his words became even more slurred in the process. It wasn't until he felt a pair of familiar hands grasp his wrist that he realized he wasn't alone. He glanced at Mr. Pink with hope filled eyes as he said that he would explain the situation. 'I knew I could count on Mr. Pink~' Key thought when his relief was crushed as he was completely betrayed by the said man. "Traitor!!" He yelled, small little angry tears popping onto the corners of his eyes. Key swore he would get Mr. Pink back for this in the future but as for now...

Slowly, the blonde turned to face the hulking, angry figure that was Rod and seemed to shrink back two sizes smaller.
"Sorry...?" He managed to say, as he all about shrunk back into the ground.
Alex ear were rang by Rod's shouting and look slighly sad after he heard Alex don't have special relationship, Alex waved his hand panicly "I mean we are friends right Rod? (please don't get wrong) anyway let's get back to the cafeteria, shall we?" Alex felt that this situation only led to hectic. "I'll cook some Ramen if you guys want" Alex want to lighten up the mood for everyone, especially for himself.
A disgruntled groan fluttered in Rod's throat as he glared down at Key and the one with the pink hair. "I could very easily beat the crap out of you two, but this isn't the time or place for that kind of thing." ha addressed to the pair of interlopers. "You will keep this whole incident to yourselves, got it?" his voice strained on the last two words, emphasizing the importance of keeping their mouths shut.

A shy-sounding voice made its presence shortly afterwords, mentioning something about being friends. 'Well of course I'm his friend, duh. It's a bit obvious that I like him. Well, a bit more than that, but that's besides the point.' he thought as eyed Alex with soft eyes and a gentle smile, trying to maintain the good terms he had with the guy. Rod's stomach protested again at the mention of the cafeteria and Ramen did sound good.
Key nodded his head furiously in agreement. "Hai!! (yes!!)" He chirped, reverting back to his oddly optimistic self just a tad bit too fast. He was glad that Alex had suggested some Ramen since he'd been having a strange craving for noodles since last week! He smiled and watched as Rod and Lex walked on ahead before abruptly grabbing Mr. Pink by the arm with a bone crushing grip. He pulled the man down to his level with an unnatural amount of strength for someone with his feminine like figure. His usually bright blue eyes were slit into a cat like glare as he pulled their faces together, leaving only four inches of wiggle room. "Just so you know I don't get even" He said with a pleasant little smile before hissing "I get revenge". He stuck a playful tongue out before releasing the man and running after the other two.
Celestia made her way to the dorms along with the rest of the group as she placed her stuff down. It was huge! Of course she wasn't surprised thinking of how everything else was huge in the entire academy, and she was sort of used to everything being big. It was turning into a habit, a bad in in her thoughts. She had been too busy organizing her stuff and checking out her room, that she didn't realize everyone else was gone. "Ah... Where did everyone go?" Celestia asked herself with a heavy sigh as she walked over to her bag and grabbed her rapier. Holding it close to herself as she practiced a bit alone for a while. It's good to get some alone time, it would be embarrassing if anyone saw me like this... I mean... I'm suppose to be an idol right? I'm even a model on top of that, and here I am swinging my rapier around... Celestia thought as she grabbed a towel to dry away her sweat.

After her quick training session she became incredibly hungry. Her stomach was on the verge of rumbling out loud too, so she threw the rapier back into her bag in a hurry, before she putt he towel into the laundry bin and exited the dorm.
Let's see... the way to the cafeteria... where was that again...? Did I really forgot? Oh no! Am I then... Lost?! Celestia thought to herself as she had already began walking around as she was practicing her swordplay, moving her slender body elegant across the hallway, pretending to hold a rapier in front of her to swing around.
Alex along with other guy met Cece on the way to the Cafeteria, Cece moved in a weird way as if she was equipped with a sword but the more Alex look on Cece the more elegant she is. "What are you doing Cece?" Alex was curious what Cece was doing. "Hey do you want to join us to the Cafeteria, I'm going to make Ramen for eveyone."
Yuki remained stoic though couldn't hide the slight wince as Key gripped his arm with a surprising amount of strength. Though he was passive to the threat given to him by the young boy, he couldn't say he wasn't the least bit interested. He suspected that anything the blonde would think up as a form of 'punishment' would be childish at best and therefore simply brushed the thought aside. Yuki wasn't as familiar with the dish, Ramen, as they had called it and wasn't exactly sure what it was either. Though as long as it was edible food than he had nothing to complain about. He joined the group fairly quickly but the procession seemed to stop when they came across another one of the students. Cece, this one was apparently called.
Celestia did a quick spin and pointed her imaginary rapier in front of herself as she met Alex' eyes. Her face lit up in a dark pink color as she quickly turned her back on the two of them, clearing her throat. "R- Ramen sounds great! I'll gladly join you guys," Celestia answered as she was slightly trying to slap her own cheeks to make the blush disappear. Why did they have to be right there! I mean... I'm glad that they came and that I wasn't completely lost, but... Ah that is so embarrassing! No! Pull yourself together! Nothing happened! Nothing! Nothing important at the very least... Celestia turned around and smiled to Alex and Yuki. Yuki immediately caught her interest, as she wasn't sure if she had already introduced herself to him. "Hi there. My name is Celestia Shire, but Cece for short," Celestia introduced herself to him, more than happy to change the subject from running into them while her head was still caught up with the training she had done in the hallway.
Claire found her way to the kitchen and looked around for some staff. There didn't seem to be anyone around. Claire felt like she was snooping as she searched in the kitchen for someone. "Hello?!?" Claire called out, hoping someone might answer back.

'I'm not sure if I can just take food. Maybe I should just call my daddy and have him bring me some food.' Claire went out to the table and sat down and decided to wait for the others, she was sure she heard they were going to head this way they might have an idea.
As she watched Yuki run off she followed silently not wanting to disturb the boys. They were a band so they needed to learn to get along with each other. As she watched Rod get angry she sighed and felt the fact that Key's first impression hadn't gone down well in Rod's books. As she watched Lex come out crying she stopped the urge to give the boy a hug. He did remind of her of a small child any way, well not really a small child but the person acted like one. Noticing that they were all heading to wards the kitchen she came out from the shadows acting like she hadn't heard anything, having listened to younger children's secret conversations. Angel had become quite good at becoming clueless when it came to things like that. Walking behind them Angel thought about different things.

"I wonder...."

What would dad have done if he was there...?

Would have done the same...?

I wonder if Nikki ate all of her food today...

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Celestia" Yuki responded, giving a polite bow of his head. Growing up with an eccentric father and a constantly traveling mother who both subsequently loved the mannerisms of a long lost era, had always taught their son the importance of being a gentlemen. He was by no means old fashioned but had retained some of the habits throughout his childhood and it sort of just...stuck. He seemed to remember Cece's earlier actions, the way she had trapezed down the hall with a hand raised as if clutching an invisible object. It only took a minute before he recognized the stance she had been in and realized that she must have been practicing fencing. He was quite familiar with the motions since he had been forced to take part in the fencing club of his previous school due to his father's brilliant idea. Though he spoke nothing of it since he sensed that she wasn't comfortable in speaking of the subject. He could feel another presence joining them and turned slightly to see that Angel had caught up with them, though was slightly a few steps behind the others. Yuki slowed his pace until he was side by side with her. "I apologies...for earlier" He said.
Angel looked at Yuki as he spoke with Celestia and smiled as she saw the two getting along. Then noticing that Yuki had slowed she looked up at the boy as he apologised for something he did earlier. She couldn't see what he had done wrong and couldn't help tilting her head not understanding what he was apologising for.

"What are you apologising for?"

I really don't understand why he is saying sorry...

"For suddenly leaving, it had been rude of me" Yuki admitted, remembering how he had run off without really waiting for her answer. He wasn't usually so abrupt and felt culpable for being so discourteous when they had only met. Though it seemed an apology wasn't needed as she seemed to be confused by his.
Angel chuckled quietly and smiled at the boy. She thought it was sweet of him to take his time to apologise like that to apologise over such a trivial thing and she gave a small shake of her head.

"There was no need for you to apologise. It is nice that you are already looking after you and mates."

He seems like a boy who would work hard…


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