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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

((No fancy colors, on my way to the jet! Sorry >_<))

Celestia looked over to Angel and Claire as it seemed they were having a cosy conversation. Celestia hadn't a seen Claire yet, but it seemed as she was quite the fashionable one. Maybe she knew who she was? She was a model after all, and was quite happy that no one had noticed her yet. "Aren't you going to eat Key?" Celestia asked him as she took a bowl for herself and looked for a couple to chopsticks to eat with. "Are you usually this good at cooking? I'm jealous... I've never made a meal on my own," Celestia said half to herself as she smiled to Key and found the chopsticks. "Come and eat with us, you made it after all," Celestia invited and sat down next to Angel and reached out her hand for Claire. "I don't think we've met. I'm Celestia Shire. The pleasure is mine," She introduced herself and smiled as she ate with a certain elegance, she was of a rich family after all.

Celestia saw Roderick enter and waved over at him. "Hey Rod! Care to join us?" She asked with a childish smile. It felt great to get to know so many people. They were all so nice and talented, and it was a fresh start. No one knew who she was, so she could get real friends. She was getting more and more excited.
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Claire was surprised when the other girl that showed up in a limo sat down at the table. "Hi, I'm Claire Riley James" she reached and shook celestias hand.

Claire watched as the girl ate the ramen. "Hey, aren't you a model? You look a lot like one of the models that's in the same magazines my dad is always in." Claire sat there staring trying to figure it out.

Key stopped mid whistle as he noticed a shadow fall across the counter top. His eyes traveled up to meet Rod's slightly suspicious ones as he gazed down at the shorter boy. Key puffed out his cheeks, a little frown settling itself on his lips before he nodded a yes. He might have been on the wrong side of the fishing pole a couple of times when it came to Rod but it wasn't as if he was going to come jumping over the counter and attack the guy. And just to prove his point, Key wiped the frown from his face and held out a nice, steaming of bowl ramen to the tall man. "Yup and with all its noodlyness~" He stated before adding with a wink "Lex and I cooked it". He knew that Rod had a soft spot for Alex and had a hunch that he wouldn't turn down any type of food he cooked. Plus he was hoping this could be a little truce and apology for everything that had kind of went down between them. "Ah! Thanks Cece-chan~ Be there in a sec!" He called before returning his attention to Rod and tilting his head as he moved the bowl in his hands in circle motions, a suggestive (not that type of suggestive xP) glint in his eyes.
Angel looked at Claire with a warm smile and was happy that Claire thought that her mother was kind. Looking at the bowl Angel looked up at Claire and smiled again. Looking at Celestia as she made her way to the table Angel chuckled as she fixed the tie up again and looked at Celestia in surprise.

"You are a model Celestia!? Sorry for not recognising you... I have never been one that enjoys looking at fashion items...."

A model... I guess that explains her beauty but shouldn't she know how to tie a tie?

"Ah, you knew? I feel a bit embarrassed now, and don't worry about it Angel. I'm not really into those fashion stuff either," Celestia reassured Angel and began eating as Angel yet again fixed her tie. "I'm only a small model, I am working more as a designer anyway," Celestia said with a smile as she enjoyed the meal that Alex and Key had put together. It was really good! To think they would teach her how to make such delicious food, she envied them a little bit as it must be nice to eat homemade food that tasted so good.
The stone-faced expression stayed on Rod’s face as he half-listened to Key, too hungry to really care one way or the other right now. But a statement from the one across the counter made his appearance and mood more than a little flustered. “What? You two made this? Huh, Alex can cook…” he drifted off, silently completing the sentence in his head, ‘…that guy is getting more attractive by the minute. Hell knows I can’t cook to save my life.’. Rod began to space out for a little bit, as he thought about Alex in a pretty apron attending a stove full of delicious food in some imaginary world of his.

What brought him back to reality was the motion Key was doing with the bowl of noodles. It was at that point that he got an idea. “Trying to tempt me, are you?” he whispered to the cook behind the counter. With a devilish smirk, he placed his big hands over Key’s which were holding the bowl. Rod knew full well that Key was just tempting him with food and not anything else, but he wanted to play with (a.k.a. torment) the man who had angered him multiple times that day.
Angel had finished her meal and decided to go and wash the bowl that she had completed. It was the first time she had tried something like that and she had enjoyed it very much. Looking at the time Angel remembered something that Rune had told her before about being in bed before a certain time. Looking at the time Angel noticed that only had another 45 minutes and looked at everyone worriedly.

"Everyone! We only have another 45 minutes until we have to go to bed! Someone gather the finished bowls and I will help wash them. If you haven't started eating then sit down and start to. We should aim to be in our dorms in around half an hour."

Okay time to do some dishes, that will be easy after washing dishes for over three-quators of my life...

...I should thank the boys again for the delicious food...

Key had all about turned a light pink to a deep red as he fumbled with his words and had apparently forgotten the English vocabulary as he tried to get a sensible sentence out of his mouth. He was by all means familiar flirting with girls and having them flirt right back but with a guy?! He felt like a deer caught in the headlights as his mind raced with a liable answer. It took a minute and good amount of tongue biting before Key manged to stutter a barely coherent sentence. "B-but I t-thought with...y-you and...d-don't you uh..." He mumbled glancing at Lex then at the counter top, absolutely refusing to make eye contact with Rod at this point. That was when Angel announced that they had less than forty five minutes to start eating and held back a sigh of relief. "W-well you better s-start eating then right Rod-san? Ah Mr. Pink s-still hasn't gotten a b-bowl yet c-can you get him s-some??". 'Please say yes, MAKE HIM SAY YES WORLD!!' Key mentally screamed. His hands were starting to shake ever so slightly and he didn't want to know what else his body would involuntarily do if this continued. ( xD oh my god that last sentence though...)
As Key’s cheeks turned bright red and he fumbled with his words, Rod could barely contain himself from busting out laughing. ‘Oh, this is perfect!’ he squealed in his mind, ‘If only I had a camera to take embarrassing photos!’. He caught a glimpse of Key directing his eyes over to Alex as he stumbled over his word choices, unable to say the words he wanted. Rod did get the gist of it though and whispered again, “Yes, I do like him…but I don’t have to be exclusive, do I?”, his devious grin spreading even wider across his face as he batted his eyelashes at Key. ‘This is too good! I can’t stop now!’ he decided as Key attempted to shoo him off by begging him to bring the pink haired one a bowl. The smaller male’s hands were shaking, but Rod grasped them tighter, for fear of the contents of the bowl might overflow. That, and he couldn’t help but torment the poor man in his grasp.
(Sorry going to break up the amazing BL forming but the time is short people!)

Angel looked over at the two boys holding hands and fought back the urge to get Rod to sit down so he could eat his Ramen. Looking at the time she noticed that five minutes had already passed and her boss mode came out going up to the boys she gave them a smile (it was a scary smile) and looked at both the boys.

"Time is running out boys. You can continue this some time else but right now Rod needs to go eat and so does Key if he hasn't done so already and if he has then I am stealing him to wash the dishes."

Geez... You would think they would be more worried...

"What? 45 minutes! Let me help you out Angel!" Celestia said as she grabbed the bowls that was empty and brought them to Angel on the kitchen to Angel. It was only now that she realized that Rod stood there holding what seemed to be a flustered Key's hand, and quite tightly as well. "Hey Rod! You should be that determined when you dance! If you hold that strongly then it would be great!" Celestia praised him completely unknown of what was happening and grabbed Rod's hand and smiled. "We should take that dance one day! You know, since you like it so much! Ah... only if you want to if course," Celestia added to her previous statements as her cheek lit up a little bit. (I am jumping far too much into this... what if he doesn't want to dance? Oh I must look like such a pushy person!) Celestia thought and looked away from Rod's eyes, only due to her being a bit embarrassed from jumping to conclusions.
"I-I can go right now!!" Key exclaimed. He was willing to go hungry just one more night if it would get him out of this quickly escalating situation. He admittedly felt comfortable around Rod but not that comfortable! This time he visibly sighed with relief when Cece came popping out of nowhere, diverting Rod's attention for just a second but that was all that Key really needed. In a swift and quick motion, he manged to slip his hands right out of the man's grip while replacing it with the bowl of Ramen. "Ahaha d-dancing yes!! Rod you should do it..." Key exclaimed, his voice trailing off as he grabbed random empty bowls here and there before practically sprinting into the kitchen. When he was safely out of sight, he slumped onto the ground with palms covering his still heated cheeks. "T-that idiot...he wasn't playing fair..." He mumbled, pouting slightly.
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A defeated sigh escaped from Rod’s lips as Angel came over and reminded them of the time…although the look on her face was a bit disconcerting. “Uh, yeah…we got it.” He simply stated before a bowl of ramen was slipped into his hands and the girl who was doing the tango earlier came over to join in. She mentioned perhaps dancing together one day, and that thought got his heart pumping hard. A touch of pink ran over his cheeks as she promptly grabbed one of his hands. “I…uh…yeah, I’ll take you up on that. Maybe we can, uh, figure something out later?” he said, floundering with his word choice. He usually didn’t go for girls, but there was something about her…something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. ‘Come on, Rod…ask to have your meal with her! You can do it!’ his mind egged him on, trying to work up the courage to vocalize the words in his head. “Hey…” he casually asked the girl, trying to capture her gaze again, “…I’ve still gotta eat…do, do you wanna sit with me?”.
Yuki had gotten up from his seat at the mention of washing dishes, his gentlemanly instincts taking over. Though before he could engage in such acts he first needed to eat, judging from the way his stomach seemed to quietly grumble in protest. He walked towards the cafeteria counter and picked up one of the steaming bowls before abruptly turning away from the group, shielding whatever he was doing from prying eyes. In less than a minute or two he turned back with a completely spotless bowl and tiny speck of soup on the corner of his lips. "I'll assist you with the task" Yuki stated, turning to Angel.

(Its 4 in the morning...I really have no idea why I got up so early but I might just pass out randomly so sorry if I suddenly disappear ^ ^ ;)
Angel looked at Key and gave a small chuckle, her scary expression long gone and found the flustered Key extremely cute. Ruffling his hair Angel smiled at him and placed the dishes in the sink and began to wash the bowls being handed to her. Looking at Yuki she gave a small nod and went back to washing the dishes

"Well... I think it is safe to say that Rune didn't see that because if she did... She might have reminded us about the number one rule... Also Yuki can you dry the bowls for me?"

The number one rule of no romance with anyone inside or outside of the academy....

...Not that i would be interested in something like that...

Key disappeared in a flash to help Angel as she was left there with Roderick, some things which wasn't anything bad to say the least. Celestia had done her share of the work, so she smiled to Roderick before gladly accepting his offer. "Sure!" She said and smiled as she noticed she wasn't the only one with some redness in her cheeks. Could it be that he was still embarrassed over his love for dancing? She found it to be pretty cool for a guy his size to be interested in dancing. "You know, I think it's pretty cool that someone like you likes dancing! It shows that looks can be deceiving, I sort of envy you for that as people think I'm just a pretty face," Celestia said with a smile, as she realized she hadn't introduced herself to him, she had only overheard his name in one of the conversations from earlier. "I didn't introduce myself did I?" Celestia said and knocked herself gently on the head. "I'm Celestia Shire. Cece for short. Pleasure to meet ya!" Celestia introduced herself to Roderick with a smile.
Yuki nodded and picked up a fresh towel from one of the stainless steel counters and began wiping each bowl clean in a quite, proficient pace. It was then that he noticed a lump of meat unattended beside Angel but found it had only been Key, slumped forward on the counter as he passed along dirty bowls. Yuki only spared him a brief glance before returning to the task at hand. He had seen the entire spectacle that had happened between said boy and the man he had run into earlier. A tiny speckle of heat seemed to rise to his cheeks at the memory since he wasn't accustomed to such open displays of affection. Yuki had gotten his fair share of flirtations and romantic suggestions but had turned them all down before anything remotely close to physical affection could occur.
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(I miss the fun! T_T)

Everyone were done with eating and most of them loved the ramen, Alex was ready to get hit by negative feedback. Alex watched his friends and found Claire wasn't really eating the Ramen, Alex though that she wasn't accustomed with japanese traditional cuisine. Angel, Key and Yuki went to the counter and washed the dishes, "Hey guys sorry to put you into a lot if trouble, It should have been me who do the dishes alone." he scratched his neck .
Key was still slightly worn out from all the 'emotional turmoil' (=_= dramatic much?) he had gone through and was practically laying down on top of the counters while lazily pushing unwashed dishes towards Angel. He had perked up slightly from having his head rubbed by such a pretty girl and gathered enough strength to help her with cleaning out all the bowls. Honestly, now he had two revenges to keep tabs on! He glanced at one of his soon-to-be victims as he dried the wet dishes and was about to call out his name when he stopped, mouth partly open. Key realized with a start that he had been calling the pink haired guy Mr. Pink the whole time and never really asked for his name...in fact had the guy ever even said his name?! He was just about to bust out with the question when Alex decided to join in too. "Ah its no trouble! And teamwork taste better, remember~" Key responded, with a thumbs up.
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Rod breathed an internal sigh of relief when the lady he was conversing with agreed to sit with him while he ate. As he headed over to an empty table with her by his side, he attentively listened as she brought up the topic of dancing once again. A genuine smile formed on his face as she complimented him and his interest in dancing. Before now, he had kind of regretted blurting that out earlier, but the joy on her face and the excitement in her voice was worth it. She proceeded to introduce herself to him with an energetic tone in her voice, clearly happy to be with him. ‘See Rod? It isn’t that hard…it seems she already likes you!’ he exclaimed in his mind.

“I-it’s ok that you forgot, Cece…e-e-everyone does it once in a while. I’m, uh, Roderick by the way, just in case you didn’t catch that earlier…but please, call me Rod.” He replied, introducing himself as well, “And I can tell you’re more than just a pretty face…I, uh…I can tell you’re more than that.”. ‘Damnit, Rod, pull it together and quit stuttering like a child. Yes, she’s pretty and yes she’s talented, but that’s not an excuse.’ he was mentally kicking himself yet again that day. He could feel the temperature start to rise again in his cheeks yet again, so he quickly sat down and buried his face in his bowl of ramen. He hoped she couldn’t see the massive amount of blushing he had going on.
Krystal parted ways with Artyom and headed for the girls' dorm room. It was huge! Though it did have to hold five people. She walked further in and saw the row of five, plush looking beds. Wow, she was getting her own bed. Well of course she was! It was what everyone else here's accustomed to, right? She was probably the only one that had to share a bed with her siblings. She really didn't mind, though.

Everyone had already claimed a bed, so she took the only one left, the one nearest to the door. She set her rucksack on the bed, and began to unpack. Taking out some clothes from her luggage, she hung them in the walk-in wardrobe (which was the size of her room back home, she noted). Krystal noticed that the other girls' clothes were much nicer and fancier than hers. She tried to not be too embarrassed- it was just a trivial thing, after all.

She then heard a loud thud come from outside the room. She rushed outside to see what it was. Apparently the blonde boy from earlier, Key, had fallen on Angel. Was she bleeding? Krystal made a move to help, but the others were already there, so she decided otherwise. Crowding Angel would've just made the girl feel uncomfortable, wouldn't it?

So Krystal, after making sure that Angel was okay (from afar), went back inside the dorm room to finish unpacking. The other girls had already left, and she was alone. It was kind of nice to have some peace and quiet after the rather eventful day. She began to hum as she finished the last bit of her unpacking- she didn't own that much stuff, so she didn't have much to unpack.

After she finished unpacking, Krystal headed outside. She looked around- the halls were empty. Where is everyone? She then glanced at her watch- wow, it was already pretty late. Ah, they must be having dinner. She quickly made her way to the cafeteria. In the midst of unpacking, she had forgotten how hungry she was.

She finally reached the cafeteria. She would've gotten lost, if not for the others' lively chatter leading the way. Krystal looked around- a few were still eating, but most of them were already done. She quickly grabbed a bowl of.. Ramen (YES!), and sat at a nearby table. She began to eat the hot noodle soup as fast as she could, burning her tongue a little. Eating ramen reminded her of home, and her siblings. They loved ramen- it was a dish she often cooked. She wondered how everyone was doing..

After she finished her bowl of (rather delicious) ramen, Krystal headed towards the kitchen with her empty bowl. She saw Angel by the sink, and Key, Lex, and Yuki not to far away, handing the used bowls to the girl.

"Um, please, let me help you," Krystal said to Angel, standing next to the taller girl by the sink, glancing at her.
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Celestia noticed how Roderick was both blushing and stuttering as she had to giggle at his shy behavior. She reached out her hand and ruffled through his hair as she smiled. "You don't need to be that shy. We're friends right Rod?" Celestia said and giggled again to his shy behavior before she retreated her hand. "You can tell that I am more than just a pretty face, really?! Rod you're the best!" Celestia exclaimed as she ruffles through his hair one more time, before she looked over to see the others clean around the kitchen. Key seemed pretty worn out, Yuki was doing his own thing quietly as he seemed to normally do, Angel was cleaning and Alex was being cheerful as ever.

She smiled as she had gotten to know so many new people, and they were all unique in their own way. It felt nice to be in this academy, especially considering all the things they probably had in common. She had even promised a few dancing sessions, she looked forward to it. It was a good thing to convince her father to let her go to increase her skills.
Yuki looked up as Alex and one of the other students he hadn't gotten acquainted yet entered the kitchen. He briefly acknowledged their presence before continuing the drying process. He wondered slightly how many bowls of soup Key and Lex could have possibly made when he noticed that the blonde haired boy was distractedly passing along the clean bowls from the neatly stacked pile near-by. He had his suspicions since not even all the others had finished eating yet and he had already seemed to have cleaned fifteen bowls not a few minutes ago. And now that his intuition had been proven correct, he really didn't seem to over react like most would have surely done and instead, put the dish he was in the middle of drying down and walked over to Key. He grabbed the boy's hand just as it was reaching for another clean bowl and gave him a slightly patronizing gaze. "Pay attention to what you're doing" Yuki sighed.

(Hehe I actually did kind of pass out... ^ ^; But I'm back!!!)
Key was still talking, having a slightly one-sided conversation with Lex when he spotted Mr. Pink coming his way. 'Oho so the prey comes to beg for forgiveness~' He thought slyly when his hand was suddenly grabbed by none other than the 'prey'. He automatically thought if he was going to have to go through another repeat process of what happened between him and Rod. But it seemed that wasn't the case and Key blushed from a completely different reason as he finally noticed the numerous amounts of bowls that had been stacked over in Mr. Pink's side while the previously big pile by his side had all but fifteen left, all still perfectly clean. Had he been passing clean dishes to Angel this whole time?! "A-ah really really sorry..." He mummered with teary eyes, his head bowed. Key didn't even attempt to pull his hand away and at this point actually preferred the contact then the reprimanding he was sure to receive from the others. He held tightly onto Mr. Pink's hand, having no intention of letting go until this ordeal was over and done with. Besides, the guy was the one that had pointed out his mistake thus making him liable for Key getting into trouble. So it was kind of Mr. Pink's fault too. (Wow, that logic though xD )
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(Arghhh my internet down just as everyone start to reply!)

"Well here's the last plate" Alex handed in the last dish to Angel, Alex went outside the counter to look at the clock, "We got only 10 minutes left until bedtime guys, do you guys want to do something before we go back to our room?" he asked Mr.Pink, Key, and Angel who's helping with him with dirty dishes.

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