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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

Absolutely no one​

And so they had parted ways, Artyom proceeding to the boys dorm, as Krystal to the girls. The others within the room were quite lively, and quickly took their leave before he could even take a second glance. 'They really are the carefree bunch...', his mind spoke as he proceeded to watch the door only for a moment. Commotion taking place within the halls already as the two groups converged once more. These people, they truly presented the aura of an idol with this fairly open nature, whilst he himself remained alone within the room. 'So long as results are produced, our daily lives are of little importance.' He shrugged away any minor thoughts of attempting to join the ruckus, choosing instead to hold firm on readying himself for the actually academic value rather than the social benefits.

Without allowing further contemplation, he walked towards the wall by the door, retrieving his suitcase which arrived before even he himself. It was his parent's the sent his things for him to the proper address, and luckily, they did arrive properly. Rather than unpacking it's contents, he only bothered dragging it to the foot of the unclaimed bed, before leaving it behind. Artyom desired to get a small idea of about the layout of the room, and only once that was complete did he return to his bag. Retrieving a single set of clothes he made his way back to the bathroom door.

Soon after, Artyom would emerge from the bathroom, towel draped around his neck, and deep blue hair, loose of it's bindings, fell almost to the middle of his back. He had grown accustomed to the colder showers provided by that apartments standards, so the warmth of the water came as a decent surprise. Not like it mattered either way however, seeing as he was perfectly fine so long as the facilities did in fact work. 'The other's aren't back yet?' His mind noted as he crossed the room once more, choosing to sit at the end of his bed to rummage through the bag. His first grab was a simple breakfast bar, which immediately made it's way to hang from his mouth with a delicate pinching of teeth as he continued to search. Sure enough, all the essential were there, including a memento from his parents. The dogtags, engraved with the name of his father hung from his hand as he merely stared at it. 'I will not abide to your preferences father.', it came across as a mental sigh before he dropped the item back into the bag, pushing himself backwards, further onto the bed. 'I will achieve my own dreams.'
Key was one of the first ones back to the dorm room, along with Alex and Mr. Pink who he was still dragging around by hand. They really did only have ten minutes left before they had to return and it was mostly spent returning all the plates and dishes to their proper places along with actually trying to get back to the room. Okay, maybe the last part wouldn't have happened if Key didn't take the occasional wrong turns but Mr. Pink's sighing and Lex's silence were certainly no help! At least along the way they got a small, private and slightly creepy tour of the academy once again but this time in the darkness of the night. He was glad when they had made it back in and immediately came plopping onto his bed, his hand still clasped with Mr. Pink. There had been many distractions at this point that had prevented him from asking what the pink haired boy's name really was and it seemed like the day had one more to offer as he spotted one of the students at the far right corner bed. A sudden idea came to mind as he stealthy made his way towards the long haired man and gently tugged on his slightly damp hair before grabbing the towel around his neck with a swift swish of his hand. In the next second, he slipped his hand from Mr. Pink's replacing it with the towel and practically flipping backwards onto the neighboring bed, scrambling over Alex's until he sat safely on his own mattress. He whistled innocently to the side as he sat apparently 'surveying the room' and giving Lex the international quite sign with his forefinger pressed against his lips. This would do for a revenge for now. Next would be Rod, but he would have to wait until early in the morning for what he was planning to do...
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Claire took her bowl to the kitchen still full of ramen and put it on the counter and walked away. She never did a chore in her life so it didn't even cross her mind to offer to help. She made her way to the dorm where she grabbed some pajamas from her suitcase and changed. As she went to get in bed, she thought about putting her stuff away, but decided to slip it under her bed for the night 'ill do it in the morning' she thought as she jumped onto her bed. Being so tired made the bed ten times more comfortable than it was when she first sat on it. Getting comfortable Claire glanced at the alarm clock near her bed to see what time it was and she fell asleep right after that.

Within a moments notice, a trio entered the room, all of which he attempted to ignore at the current moment. Instead, closing his eyes as if practicing some form of meditation, perhaps he would be capable of escaping their antics. Rather, he desired to observe them for a while longer before attempting to converse with them, seeing as their joyous ways may very well distract him from his current goal. Perhaps if he could seclude one at a time in order to build a slow partner like relationship he would be fine, but immediately diving as a group of close friends that thought loud outbursts and meaningless displays of talent as interaction.. 'Perhaps tonight I will manage to escape additional alterations', his mind only managed to ring momentarily before a small, tugging sensation could be felt. The pain irked Artyom, knowing full well that these individuals probably had no idea what the shock was like.

Next, he felt the weight of the towel be released from his shoulders and neck. Artyom finally opened his eyes once more, simply staring in the opposite direction as he attempted to fight away any negative urges. He could hear the shuffling of movement behind him, perhaps one, two, maybe all three individuals? Were they possibly transpiring against him, or were they attempting to drag him into their games by rather uncanny means. 'It's seems my hopes go against truth.' A sigh escaped him, a moment passing before he decided to turn his head to look upon the perpetrators. It was a pink haired individual that held his towel, but seeing as he remained within an arm's length, and from the severe movements he heard, another was likely involved. "My apologies for not understanding these childish ploys. but are these mannerisms fitting to a game?"

His deep azure eyes looked to the pink haired individual, not giving way to annoyance nor anger despite a mild twinge of both carrying within his voice. "I would normally wish for us both to proceed fulfilling lives within the academy. But if I have been ultimately mistaken, I would prefer you tell me now." His eye trailed from his current target to the others, allowing them to know he was not amused the slightest of bits. "But due not fear, I will not let your faults be the downfalls of myself, nor the others which you may choose to hinder." He allowed the words to sink for a moment before allowing himself to forget the scenario. Laying his head, despite the damp hair, onto the pillow of his bed. "That said, I shall look forward to our peaceful continuation of this academy. My name is Artyom, if you choose to bother me within my resting moments, I will be certain to repay the favor my friends."
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Yuki blinked, standing completely still as he stood glancing between the slightly moist towel and the long haired student it had belonged to. He had assumed Key's 'revenge' would be childish but this...had just been extremely peculiar, even for him. He wasn't exactly sure how to react to such a situation so opted for silence until the man seemed to acknowledge his and the other's presence. Yuki held back another sigh as he realized he had been dragged into another troublesome situation caused by the smaller blond boy. Though it seemed at least this man could keep his anger in check and the situation hadn't escalated like the previous incident. But then the inevitable seemed to happen as the man laid down right after his speech with hair still clearly wet. Too many times had Yuki's father done this and had woken up with a head ache or a mild cold that Yuki no longer tolerated such acts, for the health of others and for his peace of mind. So knowing full well where his actions would get him, he knelt down beside the bed and proceeded to dry the mans hair with the towel he already had in hand. He made quick work of it before folding the damp cloth and placing it on top of beds head board. Yuki made his way to his own bed as if nothing had happened and grabbed an already pre-placed set of pajamas from his luggage along with a light pink colored towel and some other toiletries before disappearing into the lavatory. He decided he would deal with the consequences later if need be.

Artyom came to freeze, a mild chill running through his spine as he felt another individual mess with his hair once more. However, this time around the means seemed somewhat gentler, pulling nor making aggressive movements whilst doing so. By the corner of his eye he could see the towel being used, which brought further confusion to him. Was this a form of apology for his actions, or could it have been something else? He was unaware of other nation's customs and how they handled various situations. Sometimes it was difficult to tell an individual's preferences, and simple habits due to their corresponding methods of being raised. To sum it up, he really didn't know how to feel about this situation, but he would not allow embarrassment to settle merely because awkwardness was settling in. He merely chose to close his eyes and proceed to remain still until the deed was done. 'So it seems I have misread one. I must offer my apologies, as well my gratitude later.'

Artyom waited for the pink haired individual to leave the room before shifting to glare at the others. With how easily that one went about dealing with the situation, was it probable that he was not actually the one who did it? 'It doesn't even seem worth thinking about anymore.', his mind hummed, rolling over once more to face away from the others.
"...what the heck..." Was all Key managed to grumble out as his plan...well didn't really go according to plan (corpse bride reference!!) at all! It looked like poking with Mr. Pink's nerves would take a lot more than his usual tricks, no, he needed to be conniving and completely merciless with this one. So he thought hard about all the interactions he had with the man when everything seemed to fall into place like a great big puzzle! Key had suddenly remembered that for the entire day, it looked like the pink haired boy had showed not a speck of his skin other than his face and neck. Mr. Pink had been wearing a jacket that covered his arms and gloves that he didn't even take off while drying the bowls back in the kitchen. A mischievously little grin stretched across his face as he realized the mans' weakness. 'He's an extreme germapobe!!' He concluded, which was completely and utterly wrong. He thought of ways of how to catch Mr. Pink without his usual 'protection' when a light bulb switch seemed to snap on. 'When he's taking a bath of course!'. Key quietly congratulated himself for his brilliant (extremely stupid =_=) idea as he hopped off of his bed and stuck a hand into his back pack before taking out random pieces of cloth and a bright yellow towel. He went up to the bathroom door, tested the doorknob and pumped his fist into the air when it came open with a barely audible click. 'Mr. Pink underestimates me too much~' Key sing songed in his mind before slipping into the fog covered room.
Swirls of white mist surrounded Yuki as he stood under the scalding heat of the water that cascaded from what appeared to be a multi facetted shower head. He had a strange little quirk about him which was that he preferred either washing in ice cold or boiling hot water, there was never an in between for him. He had literally just gotten done with washing the shampoo from his hair and soap from his body when he heard the unmistakable sound of the door clicking open. He immediately grabbed for his towel that he had conveniently placed close to his side and wrapped it around his abdomen. Who could have possibly been insane enough to barge into an occupied bathroom? His question was answered not a moment later when he opened the fog covered glass shower doors and spotted Key poking around with the faucets on the bath tub that rested on the far left side of the room. Yuki stood rooted to the spot, his face turning red from more than the dizzying heat of the water. "What. Are. You. Doing?" He said trough gritted teeth. He would have usually just brushed this situation aside but with the jetlag, aching muscles, and extreme fatigue, he had all about reached his limit.
'Why does this thing have five handles?!' Key thought as he fiddled around with bath tub controls like a curious but slightly intimidated toddler using the toilet for the first time. He had decided to wait for Mr. Pink to finish up with his bath before continuing with his plans since he wasn't very well going to be jumping into the shower with him! That would have just been extremely uncalled for (and this whole thing isn't already because...?). So instead he settled on getting his bath ready for the mean time but hadn't even managed to turn on the water yet when he heard the shower door sliding open. "Ah finally you're...." But the words seemed to lodge in his throat as he saw the dangerously calm anger that radiated off the taller man. 'Abort mission! I REPEAT ABORT MISSION!!!' His consciousness screamed as a nervous laugh seemed to bubble from his mouth. "I-I mean uh you're alive! I was starting think you slipped and hit your head or somethin hahaha...". Mr. Pink did not look the least bit amused. "I a-ah d-do you know how to turn this thing on??" Key exclaimed and gestured to the bath tub as a last, desperate attempt to get out of trouble.
Yuki closed his eyes and took a quick calming breath before relaxing his tense muscles. He reigned in the pointless emotion of anger and let it dissipate like the fog that surrounded him. He then turned his attention back to Key and the blondes skittish mumbling. He knew that this boy would continue to try his patience but had strangely come to accept the fact since he already had someone quite similar that had been constantly doing so for as long as he could remember. Though he made a mental note to teach this one some well needed manners in the future. Yuki let a long breath of air escape his lips before walking forward and turning the middle valve all the way to the right, causing a gentle wave of water to fall from the tap. He set to work on the rest, turning the other faucets until a nice, mildly warm water had filled the porcelain tub. After he was done, Yuki made his way to the sink counter and retrieved his change of cloths, slipping on the dark grey pajama pants underneath his towel. After that was done and over with he turned back to Key with a stoic face but a clear warning in his eyes that he would not tolerate such acts if the boy dared to do them again. Yuki left the bathroom shortly after, closing the door politely behind him and sat down on his bed. He hadn't even gotten a chance to put his shirt on but resisted the urge and instead began drying his hair. If he slipped it on now, it would have just gotten wet anyways.
(Sorry for the late reply I was out all of yesterday @AbraxasNine are you up?)

After the others left the cafeteria she followed them, taking a quick bath she looked at the other girls in the dorm and smiled softly at them. They had gone through a busy day and she knew it was time for bed for all of them. Smiling at the girls she ushered them into the shower and then waited for them all to clamber into their respective beds. Smiling she turned off the light and left a night light on incase one of the girls didn't like to stay in the dark.

"Good night everyone, make sure you all sleep well..."

We probably have a big day tomorrow...

...Although Rune never said anything about us having a big day...


Rune smiled as she skipped down to wake up the sleeping future idols. Standing in front of both of the doors she slammed the pans in her hands together and started yelling at the to wake up. They had a big day and they needed an early start. Rune looked around searching for the person that was suppose to be waiting for her here already.


Hehe~! This is actually really fun!

I never thought it would be so fun~!

Hearing pots and pans outside Angel rubbed her eyes wearily as she heard Rune yelling out for them to wake up. Looking at the clock she noticed the time was still only 6 o'clock. Sighing she fell out of bed and casually walked towards the bathroom. If someone was awake they could hear her scurrying about the bathroom trying to do something about her bed hair. As quickly as she went in she came out looking spectacular. Having changed she allowed her hair fall down to her waist and her blue jeans were placed over a pale pink top. Her crystal blues eyes smiled at everyone and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Good morning everyone, I think Rune is calling us..."

I am still really tired...

...But Rune is calling us...

...At least the sun is waking up with us...

Celestia said goodbye to Rod as they both walked back to their respective dorms. Claire was already sleeping, so she quietly slipped past her before walking into thw bathroom to change into her pajamas. She put her hairband next to the sink as she let her long dark blue hair down, it was almost long enough to reach to the back of her knees, as she brushed her teeth. Angel had returned by that time as she gave her a gentle, but tired smile. Celestia made her way over to the bed next to Angel and let out a tired smile, before she whispered. "Good night everyone," and fell asleep.

(I hadn't left, so I did it that way! Next morning!)

The sounds of the pots broke their way through her sleep as she groaned and threw a pillow to the sound's source. "It's so noisy..." Celestia complained as she heard Rune was the one holding the pots, and luckily had her pillow only hit the door. "I'm going..." Celestia said as she walked into the bathroom and put up her hair in a high ponytail, having some trouble brushing all of it, but she barely managed to do so. She washed her face with some cold water to wake up, and got dressed properly, fixing the collar of her white shirt as the tie was thrown over her shoulders like a scarf. "Good morning Angel," Celestia said with a yawn, stretching her arms into the air as she was excited for her first day, but thw thought of waking up at 6 am everyday seemed like a nightmare.
Yuki put a page marker in between the worn and aged pages before putting the book he was reading beside his bedside table. He had been awake for a good hour now and had taken the liberty of getting dressed and ready as to not have a repeat of yesterday's incident. He patted down his already made bed and glanced around at all the shifting figures that had been awakened by the clattering outside. Yuki made his way to the windows and began to open one by one before heading towards the door and opening it. "Good morning Rune" He greeted pleasantly, though still as stone faced as ever.
Key abruptly flung forward, like a corpse emerging from the bundle of blankets before rapidly looking around the room. "Wha?! Yuna stop messing with the pans!!!" He yelled as he stumbled out of bed and practically tripped his way towards the noise. He seemed to hit what could be only be an invisible force field as he bumped into a solid mass. Key groggily rubbed his eyes and looked up to a stranger with pink hair looming over him. "AHHH!! INTRUDER!!! STRANGER DANGER!!!!" He screamed in a surprisingly high pitched voice as he scrambled backwards to end up tripping on his feet and falling ungracefully on his rear. It was then that he had fully awakened and realized with a start that the 'intruder' had been Mr. Pink! All the memories from the previous day seemed to crash onto him and he let his body fall completely backwards onto the floor, sprawled out like a rag doll. "Sorry! False alarm guys~" Key yawned, waving a limp hand in the air.
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Rune smiled at Yuki and greeted him with a good morning she watched as one by one the students came out and she placed the pans down to her side and looked at them in her 'teacher' outfit and smiled happily at them.

"Breakfast is being served so head towards the cafeteria and grab some munchies and we have different types of cereals today. Then head towards the general room after you all have finished eating. There is someone waiting for you there~! Of course I will be there as well so see you soon~!"

Well off I go~!

(Abraxas-chan just woke up from her nap ^^)

Krystal returned to the dorm after attempting to help Angel with the dishes. She didn't need much help, though, the guys were already helping her. Although Key did give her clean bowls to wash.. Good thing the boy with pink hair spotted the action.

Back in the dorm room, Krystal took a quick shower. The water was nice and warm, something that was rare back at her house. She then brushed her teeth, and quickly went to bed. "Goodnight," she whispered back, her voice barely audible, responding to Celestia. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


Krystal had been awake since about 5 o'clock in the morning. It had always been a habit of her to wake up early back home (she had to prepare breakfast and get her younger siblings ready for school). She wanted to go to the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth, and such, but the others weren't awake yet, and she didn't want to wake them up by her activities. So she just laid on her bed, stared at the ceiling, and thought about things. She thought about how blessed she was to be able to be here, and how crazy of an opportunity this was. She thought about how much more talented everyone else was than her, and about Artyom's words. Work hard. She had to work hard, harder than everyone else!

At around 6 o'clock, Krystal heard loud clanging, and Rune's lively voice telling them to get up. She sat up and glanced around the room. Angel and Cece were up. "Good morning," she greeted them, getting out of her bed. She hurried to the bathroom, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and changed into a pair of worn-out jeans and a t-shirt. She threw on a light blue hoodie on top of that, the colour making her own blue eyes seem brighter.

Krystal made her bed, and looked over to Angel's and Cece's. Seeing that they were not made yet, she walked over and quickly made the two beds. It was part of her morning routine back home, and she hoped the girls didn't mind. Following through certain habits made her feel calmer.
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There was only a short amount of time left for the evening meal, so Rod scarfed down the bowl of hot noodles and pork bits as fast has he could. But something happened that stopped him dead in his tracks. 'Oh…my…God. She’s touching my hair. CECE’S TOUCHING MY HAIR!’ he screamed in his mind, equally shocked and excited. If he was a bit more feminine, he would have let out a squeal of joy. He was completely paralyzed as she excitedly spoke to him, leaving a dangling noodle swinging from his pursed lips. It took Rod a moment to regain his composure, but after a moment or two, he could only manage a single sentence: “T-thank you…and, and yes we can be friends. Th-that’s a great idea!”.

With that out of the way, he finished his dinner and placed the bowl in the kitchen, hoping he wouldn’t get reprimanded for not washing it. He casually walked on back to Cece, rubbed the back of his neck and said, “Well, uh, I’d like to continue this, but I-I-I need to get back to my dorm before I get in trouble. I’ll see you tomorrow, I’ll make sure of it.”. Rod gave her a slight nod and wandered up to the men’s dorm. He could hear Cece’s faint voice saying goodbye to him as he wandered off, and he responded with, “Good night Cece!”.

Rod sprinted up the stairs and down the halls that lead to his designated dorm room, eventually entering with a quiet creek of the door. A quizzical look was on his face as he spotted a blue-haired guy on a random bed. ‘Huh…I wonder who that guy is. And why does everyone around here have weird colored hair?!’ he asked himself as he closed the door behind him. Rod shook his head as he headed towards a closet, hoping the package full of clothes and other stuff his mother had sent before him had made it there intact. Luckily, that’s what he found. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he opened the cardboard box, hoping to find a pajama set somewhere in the void of clothing.

With a yawn, Rod slapped on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top before collapsing one of the end beds like a sack of potatoes. The next morning came with the racket of something coming from outside the dorm door. Like a bear just coming out of hibernation, Rod flung the sheets to the side, groaned an annoyed groan and stomped over to the door. He flung open the door and glared down at the disturber. It was the red-haired girl from yesterday with frying pans in her hands. With a thoroughly annoyed look on his face he addressed the little woman, “You can stop that now…I think we’re ALL awake.”. With that, he slammed the door shut, and promptly went over to the closet to retrieve some daytime clothing.

((Sorry for the wall o' text. I had a lot to say!))
(Yep~! I know, was chatting to her just before~! But thank you Hikarii ^^)

Angel went back to the dorm and then noticed that they were already made smiling she remembered Krystal waking up after them and giggled at the girls kindness. Laughing at the fact that she believed herself to be the one to be like a mother, she smiled at the act of kindness from Krystal and noted the act in her mind. Looking at Rune skipping off in what seemed to be a cosplay of a teacher, she walked towards the direction of the cafeteria motioning to the others behind her to follow.

"Well... It seems like we are going to have to go and eat quickly."

I don't generally eat cereal but I am a little hungry...

Key lazily made his way to the bathroom, dragging his back pack with him. He splashed a wave of cold water against his face and neck before taking a quick gurgle and shoving on what random clothing he managed to grab. Today it looked like a white t-shirt with blue, yellow, and black graffiti and a pair of comfortable black pants. "Ahhh food~" He sighed, his stomach rumbling in excitement since he hadn't gotten the chance of eating a bowl of ramen yesterday. Key happily followed Angel to the cafeteria, whistling a chirpy tune along the way.
"Good morning.... um..." Celestia said as she couldn't remember if she introduced herself to Krystal or not. If she didn't know her name, she couldn't have told it to her yesterday could she? "I'm sorry, I don't think I've introduced myself to you yet. I'm Celestia Shire, but just call me Shire," Celestia said as she reached out her hand and attempted to tie her tie with the free hand. "I don't mind waking up early, but there is a nicer way to wake someone up... like not blasting their ear drums 6 am in the morning..."Celestia said to herself as she yet again fixed her shirt collar.

Celestia made her way out of the door to see Yuki, Key and Angel were already on their way as Rune had yet a silly outfit. She waa wondering if Rune ever wore something considered 'normal'. Instead of catching up to them Celestia stood patiently by the door, waiting for Rod as they had become good friends and it seemed as the others wouldn't wait, so out of kindness she waited.
Yuki resisted the urge to sigh as he watched Key stumble about, leaving a complete mess behind him before leaving to follow Angel towards the cafeteria. He went back into the room and casually started picking up the strewn pieces of clothing, folding them into neat little piles before proceeding to make the blonde's bed. He didn't know when he had become so accustomed to cleaning after the boy but it seemed to just come naturally to him now. After he was done and satisfied with his work, he made his to the door and politely nodded his head in greeting to Celestia before joining Key and Angel to the cafeteria.
Still in the haze of residual sleepiness, Rod threw on some clothing, not really caring what he looked like at the moment. A dark tee-shirt and some pants would do just fine. Now it was time for the rest of the morning routine: brushing hair, brushing teeth, flossing and making his bed. With that all done, he had become a bit more awake, although still a bit annoyed at the rude awakening of pans banging together. With a frustrated groan, he opened the door and eyed something calming and familiar a little ways away: Cece. A tired smile formed on his mouth as he headed over to her, happy to be in the company of someone who considered him a friend. “Shall we get breakfast? I could make you some espresso too if you’d like.”, he offered the dark-haired girl in front of him.
"Krystal," Krystal quickly provided. "Krystal Ishikawa. I-it's fine, please don't apologize. It's nice to meet you." She gave Celestia a small smile.

Before she headed outside, Krystal quickly tied her long, blonde hair up in a messy bun on top of her head. She had a determined look on her face as she headed towards the cafeteria. She was going to properly introduce herself to everyone today. Yesterday, she got cut off by Key's invasion of personal space, and ended up chickening out, but... she would do it today!

Angel, Key, and Yuki were already ahead of her, and she quickly caught up to them. "E-excuse me," she said to them, letting her presence be known. "M-my name is Krystal Ishikawa. It's nice to meet you all." She bowed slightly, not looking at any of them directly in the eyes. She felt her face heat up. This was so embarrassing! She was introducing herself now, when everyone else had introduced themselves yesterday.
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Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

No one in particular​

For how long did the boy lay within that bed, eyes closed as he attempted to fall back asleep? No matter, seeing as the loud noise filled the halls, forcing Artyom's eyes to open. Rolling over, he would only glance at the clock before sitting up to look at the others. It would appear that he would need to start setting an alarm, perhaps then he will be able to stop Rune from resorting to these means.

Within moments of standing, Artyom already made his loop around the room, including getting dressed, both brushing and tying up his hair, making his bed, as well as eyeing a single other to make mildly judgmental inputs within his mind. It was possibly the shortest of the bunch that made his appearance as a little prankster as of last night, and his early morning stature was apparently no better. But, perhaps in a way, that annoyingly open nature of his that allowed him to present himself like a fool, was partially warming. Perhaps like how one would feel about a child who can't help themselves..

Artyom shook away the thoughts, exiting the door only to stand on the other side. For some reason or another it did not feel quite correct to leave without all the inhabitants, and if he was paying enough attention, there was at least one more within the room, Lex. So, arms crossed he leaned against the wall by the wooden frame, watching the others as they continued down the hall. The girls quickly joined their numbers, if not proceeded. Amongst their numbers he could only recall two faces along with their names, Krystal of course, and Angel. 'I'll get to know the others eventually.' His mindset to only work, seemed to falter only for the moment as he watched the mass move.
"Good morning Rod,"Celestia said once she recognized his blonde hair poking out of the door. He seemed tired, but who wouldn't be when the clock was 6 am in the morning ans being waked up by the horrible sounds of pots being slammed together, but she had to hand it to Rune. It was quite the sound it made, which made it a very good alarm clock. "The other's already waked ahead, but I decided to wait. It's what friends do for each other," Celstia said with her normal cheerful smile as she had woken up a lot by now. "You know how to make espresso? I've never made it before!" Celestia said impressed, even if she knew it probably wasn't THAT impressive, but for her it sounded amazing that people could do that themselves. "Should we get going then?" Celstia asked as she tied her tie around her neck, it looked sort of good, but usually her Butler would do it for her. It was good to do something on her own after all.

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