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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

Practically no one​

Artyom watched as the last member left the room, not a single word exchanged between the two. Though, interaction was not the goal, so it did not matter whether anything was said or not. Perhaps it was his positioning included, located against the wall, opposite of the direction everyone was designated to go. Nodding to himself, he simply accepted those thoughts as fact. Pushing himself away from the wall, he proceeded towards the cafeteria, a little cry from his stomach quickening his pace.

Upon entering the room for breakfast, the others already formed their various groups. At least this time the odds and ends managed to find their place. For the most part, it was girls with girls and boys with boys, but there was one little couple pairing standing out from the others. Without allowing himself to debate on the rules and the possible difficulties to arise, he simply came to overlook them. Proceeding onwards to the counter, retrieving a quick bowl before retreating to his own table. 'Next on the schedule is to meet in the general room, is it?' Artyom quietly sat, simply eating his food at a moderated pace whilst letting his thoughts continue. All he had to do, was retain the schedule placed upon him for awhile longer..
"Anything you say sensei but make it worth it" His smile getting wide and more wider as heard Key's plan while Mr. Pink decided to stay off the business. "Let me change my shirt first, this one is my favourite" Alex quickly ran to his room and change into a sleveless shirt. As his peperation done, he only awaits for Key's next plan
'Wet...' Yuki thought with a comically mixed expression between being stoic and apprehensive. This was bound to end in disaster if he didn't intervene and was slightly glad when Angel announced that classes were going to be starting soon. It looked like Alex and Key had spent all their time exchanging ideas that a whole thirty minutes had passed by in what seemed like a few minutes. He got up from his seat and loomed over the two with a slightly dark and authoritative stare. "There will be no pranking until after classes, understood?". Though it was a more of a rhetorical question and the dangerously calm air he seemed to exude left little to no room for arguments.
"Do we have to leave already? I mean, we got some more time, don't we?" Celestia asked as she turned to Angel and Krystal, not thinking about the boys who had seemingly grouped up together. She looked over to the watch on her wrist. The class was beginning soon, so she had no choice, but to hurry up and eat her dry cereal as she had never added some milk after all. Celestia giggled that Roderick kept drinking his coffee, he was almost taking it all in one shot. "Take it easy, you'll end up with a stomachache if you drink it too quickly," Celestia laughed as she watched his blushed cheeks. "You know, on first impressions you look like a scary guy, but you're actually very sweet. Especially your shyness," Celestia said as she stood up, and looked at Angel. "Do you know where we are going? I have no clue," Celestia said a bit embarrassed as she hadn't had the chance to see Rune before she hurried off to who knew where.
"Oh come on old ma-" Key began but immediately quelled against Mr. Pink's all to familiar stare that he had experienced last night. He felt little shivers run down his spine at the memory. He pouted a little but gave a limp nod before glancing at Alex and mouthing the word 'later'. Key nonchalantly slipped a carton of milk into his roomy pant pocket and winked before holding a finger to his lips. He would wait obediently after class like Mr. Pink wanted. Exactly after class.
Angel smiled as Celestia joined them and fixed up the tie again. Realising that this was happening quite often Angel noted to herself to buy Celestia a tie once she got the chance to. Stroking the top of Celestia's head Angel nodded. She had a good memory and the tour from Rune had been engraved into her mind.

"Just follow me, I know where we are going to be needed. Rune said the general room so we must be meeting our general teacher today. Hmmm...."

I wonder if they are nice or interesting, maybe even cute? don't know how I would deal with a handsome teacher...

"Ow come on... I just changed my shirt into sleeveless." Alex dissapointed but Key gave a nod to Alex, Alex nod him back, they both smiled at the same time giving a negative vibe. "Okay Mr. Pink no more prank before the class start.." He went out to the class with Key and Mr.Pink.
More compliments were hurled from Cece to Rod as he chugged the last of his coffee, his cheeks getting redder and redder as she went on. The fact that she could see that he was a rather sweet guy was amazing to him. Very few people in his many years of schooling actually bothered to talk to him, let alone got to know him. A contented smirk quickly came and went on his face, vanishing when Cece asked another girl what they were doing next. He was saddened by the fact that they’d probably soon have to separate, but there was always lunchtime and dinner to look forward to.

As Cece conversed with the other female, Rod gathered up all of the dishes and placed them on the counter, hoping someone would take care of them. After that, he wandered back over to the girl with the long black hair, hoping to escort her to their next destination.
Angel walked up to Celestia and had to fix her tie yet again. Was she really that bad? Maybe she should learn how to properly tie it, or maybe just drop it? Her love for wearing ties were harder when her butler wouldn't help her at all times. Angel patted her head as Celestia blushed to the motion, no one had ever patted her head... it felt quite nice and even though she didn't do anything to deserve it, but she didn't comment on it as she quietly took the quick stroke without a sound and stared down at the floor, shuffling her legs shyly as she stared at her black sneakers, not noticing that Roderick had walked up to her.
Angel looked at Rod and smiled softly as she remembered their first meeting before hand and his surprising confession for his love of dance. Of course though Angel wasn't one to judge and was happy that Rod and Celestia were getting along. Angel thought of Celestia as a little sister and Rod seemed nice enough, although she still wasn't completely comfortable around him due to the fact that Rod didn't remind her of a child or of an animal. Sighing and giving him another shy smile Angel motioned him to follow her.

"We are all going to the same place so follow us... Maybe we should wait for the others...?"

I guess we should wait but maybe... No we should go together as a group.

Nicol Lee

The teacher sat within the room, his delicate eyes glued to the doorway, legs shaking in anticipation. He was excited, hands crossed into his lap as his mind raced. ' I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready at all.' A light sigh escaped his lips, one that could be easily mistaken as a young maiden's. "I'm being silly..", his right hand trailed from his lap to cradle the back of his neck with a gentle rubbing motion "Everything will be fine, I'm sure.".

He stood, at first quite lopsidedly as his legs were still shaking. What if the students didn't approve of him as their teacher? 'No, no... Nononononono, I will be fine.' With actual momentary confidence, he managed to approach the front of the empty class. He was doing fine, that is, until his head dropped against the stand before as all confidence was once more lost. 'Chris, what the hell am I doing!?' Dropping his hands on the stand as if to snap out of her own thoughts, he stared straight, followed by his hands then meeting his cheeks. 'I can do this!'


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

Still practically no one​

Artyom, finished with his meal watched as a member of the staff came to retrieve the bowl, only receiving a small nod in appreciation. 'Never underestimate an Academy I suppose.' his mind echoed the thought of being taking care of even in the smallest of ways like this. But alas, he was not residing within these halls to be pampered, nor be carried to his dreams. This place was a stepping stone that would open the chance for him to advance with his path.

Pushing himself away from the table, for once he actually came to join the group as they seemed to be moving towards their next location.
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(Sorry have to go to bed~!)

Rune chuckled as Nichol tried to calm himself down. Pushing the fake glasses she wore up the bridge of her small nose. She smiled calmly at Nichol and gave a small pat of encouragement noticing Angel enter the room with several other student she smiled as they each took a seat at different desks clustering together as one group as if they were all one massive group of friends.

"Welcome to you general class. This is Nichol and he will be your teacher, I will allow Nichol to explain and introduce himself."

I wonder how the kids reaction will be...

Angel decided to go off with the group she had formed and entered the classroom. At first she noticed Rune still cosplaying as a typical teacher and then noticed another female standing next to her after hearing the word 'he' and 'himself' Angel realised that the teacher was male, sighing with relief that the teacher was cute, Angel gave him a warm smile. Running her fingers through her hair again Angel found herself looking at the others looking to see their expressions of the teacher. Chuckling Angel watched as they connected the dotes that the feminine teacher was a male.

I was extremely surprised to find out that he was not a 'she', oh well, everyone has a different side to themselves....

Celestia walked in together with the rest and smiled, they were really getting to know each other well now and just to think that none of them knew each other just yesterday. That seemed almost impossible to her. The teacher that stood in front and as Rune said was a "he" she looked at "him" a bit. It wasn't impossible, but it didn't seem like it was a "he", but she was not one to judge out of appearance, she knew that far too well as people believed her to be a pretty face. She gave him a gentle smile before she looked around the classroom. Celestia had never been in a classroom before, due to her having home school until now. Her father said that was best, but he was such an overprotective person that she wasn't sure if it was for her own best, or his.

(Well that that post of mine was a complete flop every which way. As well, the header for Nicol will be kind of missing until I can put it together ^^'.)

Nicol Lee

Nicol only had a moment to flash a smile back at Rune, he was thankful that she was such a kind person. Initially he was actually kind of worried that the head of the place would be some brute of a man that would constantly bully him. But, instead there was only the cute individual standing there now. ' Nice assist, Rune!', his mind called, making it kind of difficult to refrain from saying allowed as students were being seated. ' Alright, I can do this..', Nicol nodded before taking a quick bow to the students, attempting to look as formal as possible.

" Good morning everyone!", a smile spread his lips and the words flowed better than he could have hoped. " My name is Nicol Lee, but please call me Nicol. From today on I will be your general...." Oh dear, we lost him. His eyes finally set upon the faces of the individuals filling the classroom. ' Oooh', Nicol's feminine voice cooed within his mind as his eyes became glued to each person for a moment's time. ' Idols are really cute, even when they are learning...' It was trailing, so very far away, forgetting pretty much the entire teacher thing momentarily. ' I wish I could be one..'

And then a sound occurred, he could not tell if it was a murmur, a cough, or even a pen dropping. All that he knew was that suddenly everything came back and his cheeks were becoming flushed. "Ah!", his voice peeped, attempting to recollect his thoughts as nervousness took over from the embarrassing situation. " That's right I ha-" His words cut short, he spoke whilst walking, but with shaky legs they fumbled, bringing him quickly down to the ground and into a faceplant. ' It's over.. It's definitely over.'

He looked towards the students, tears forming in his eyes but with all his might he tried to keep them from flowing. Forcing himself to sit cross-legged as he stared at each individual his eyes were begging for the very same thing that flowed through his mind. ' Please... Pretend you didn't see that.. You didn't see that! Your teacher did not just faceplant..' A slight tremble took to his form with the plea, desperately wanting the moment to fade. ' Just pretend I am not here, do anything, just pretend I am not here! '


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-

Still practically no one​

Artyom managed to follow the group to the General Class without any issues. He eyed the two girls at the front of the room as he proceeded to find an available seat. 'At last, we get to work, where all stand on the same level.' Rune was the first to speak, introducing the teacher. The only sign of surprise by her statement of the teacher being male was his eyes opening ever so slightly before returning to normal. He could put up with one or two surprises like this, after all, it was his own misconception. As well, at first everything seemed to be going smoothly which was somewhat comforting. But soon, the teacher came to pause his words, 'General...?'. The moment of awkward silence passed as he simply stared at him. It was around the time that he finally chose to tilt his head in curiosity did the teacher come back to his senses.

As soon as the teacher hit the ground, a mildly amused breathe of air escaped Artyom. It was peculiar coming from him, but perhaps one of the others had a peculiarly infectious personality of some sort.
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Key had to practically smash his face into the table to hold in the explosive laughter that threatened to escape his body. He had always been the impulsive type when it came to laughter and had barely held the first one in when the teacher had suddenly stopped mid sentence. It had thrown the room in awkward silence which Key had felt the urge to fill but held back for obvious reasons. Now the face plant action mixed with the slightly inaudible chuckles from the rest of the group threw Key over the edge. Taking a deep breath he let out a really loud, literally teetering on the edge of a scream, 'HA' that echoed around the room for several seconds. "HAAAAA--re you okay?!?!?!!?" He yelled, jumping to his feet. He tried to play his little outburst off but the heat that blossomed on his cheeks gave him completely away.

(alright, probably going to pass out after this post so possible Good Night!! ^ ^)
(Good night Hyung! :D )

Celestia had listened to Nicol as he seemed to be very nervous, he even stuttered on his words. She became a bit worried when Nicol seemed as he was going to cry, but she didn't utter one word as the rest also didn't. In her heart she could somewhat emphasize with him, it wasn't strange to be nervous in front of a bunch of teenagers, all who were hopefully going to be future idols! It would be stranger for him to not be worried or nervous. Key sprung up, once Nicol's head hit the desk, with red cheeks and asked if he was okay, but it was quite obvious he almost laughed. Celestia stood up and walked over to Nicol, patting him friendly on the shoulder."It's okay. You're nervous. Just breathe in and try one more time. Try to relax a bit, you were doing so good," Celestia said with her friendly smile as she looked at him with her deep purple eyes, hoping her comforting words helped him a little bit.
Krystal followed Angel to the general classroom, though she did remember where it was herself. She could actually recall the layout of the academy quite well, remembering routes to all the places Rune took them to yesterday, during the tour.

She entered the classroom and headed straight for the back row. That's where she usually sat in class, to avoid any attention. As she entered, she had kept her head down, and her gaze at the floor, so she didn't quite see Rune and the figure beside her. She was aware of their presence, though.

Krystal took a seat and looked up. Her eyes widened slightly. Wow, that teacher was sure pretty. Wait a minute.. Rune addressed the teacher as a 'he'..? She looked at him curiously. Huh.

Krystal listened to the teacher as he introduced himself. He sounded feminine, too. He stopped mid-sentence.. did he get distracted? Oh, there, he seemed to have come back. It was clear to everyone in the room that he was nervous.. Krystal's curious gaze softened. Keep going, she thought, You're doing great..

That's when the teacher, Nicol, he said his name was, fell flat on his face. Krystal's eyes widened and her mouth hung open slightly in a silent gasp. She started to stand up, to go up there and help him, but then he looked up. The look on his face froze her mid-stand, and made her sit back down on her seat. She knew that look. It was the look of wanting to be ignored, wanting to be invisible. She knew that look because she had often wore it herself. So she stayed in her seat, hoping that everyone else would understand and do the same. But alas, that was not the case.
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As Alex went into the general classroom, he noticed a cute blue haired lady standing next to Rune. Alex sat beside Key and Mr.Pink (Alex getting used to call Yuki, Mr.Pink). The blue haired lady started to introduce herself, her sound were slighly like a male voice but it was clearly too feminime to be male voice or so Alex thought. Alex found that the lady was cute he even blushed over her until it was ruined after Rune called her, a him. Alex was shocked and embarassed at the same time, deep on his thought he said "What? a boy?! I could swear that his total appearence were feminime including his voice"

Alex also heard Nicol the entire time, he was doing it because he ever experience of what Nicol done. Stuttering over and over, being laughed at, it was all experience that he wanted to condemn. So he kept on giving Nicol a smile and a nod to indicate that Nicol's doing great.
(I'm going to summarize everything i missed lol sorry been super busy)

After waking up showering and eating Claire followed everyone in the classroom and found a seat up front. She loved sitting up front because it helped her focus. Claire watched as the teacher seemed nervous and fumbled with words and then hit the floor.


Claire rushed to the teacher's side to help him up and check on him. She quickly made sure he wasn't hurt before realizing her outburst and rush to aid wasn't necessary.

'Oh, I feel so stupid'

Her cheeks flushed as she realized she was in front of everyone and looked like an idiot.

(I should stop eating, I keep getting sick every time I eat anything

O.o '..)

Nicol Lee

It was a pitiable state, wasn't it? Nicol remained sitting on the floor, looking between each student . ' He was laughing right there, wasn't he? That was a laugh right!?' Even more so when some actually came up to the front of the class to check on him. Tears already began to flow within his mind, now because of more reasons than one. ' Such good girls, but they can't read the situation at all!', his voice cried out in his mind. "Mmm", the sound that escaped his lips sounded more like a puppy whining rather than a confirmation that he was alright. ' I want to die..', his thoughts once again whined as he stood. Twisting around to face the board rather than the members of the class, he wiped away what tears did manage to form within his eyes. ' My students are pitying me, Chris..'

An audible breath escaped him, one that was probably even heard by the students as he attempted to calm himself. They were a good batch of kids, at least none of them outwardly judged him, nor did any refuse him as their teacher. That's right, these were idols! They were meant to be the people who made people smile, not feel cornered! Nicol twisted around with regained confidence, dropping his hands on the stand as he leaned forward towards the students almost trying to impose the new look as to make them forget all previous events. " Good morning everyone, my name is Nicol, and starting today, I will be your general teacher." His voice, now somehow called, continued releasing that peculiar feminine charm. "Over there," he continued, the only real indication of direction being his head slightly tilting and the locking of eyes, "you will see your books for the school year. Feel free to grab them whenever you all want."

In a way, he was actually starting to feel relaxed, presented by him tucking back to himself, arms dropping as they held each other loosely before him. "We thought it was best for everyone to study at their own pace, so I am really only here to help out those in need during this class. The class was scheduled so you all have the time to do your studies between your work as an idol." A smile spread his lips, just as his eyes closed in order to form an expression that could only say 'I hope we can all get along'. "Ah!" his eyes opened widely once again as a thought came to mind. "But I still will be presenting different group projects to the class, we want to promote teamwork after all!"

Another minor bow came from Nicol as he actually managed to finish. "And for the one who tried to mask his laughing! I'll get my revenge!" light laughter filled his voice, only ending with him playfully sticking out his tongue at the student. And with that, he took a step back, tightening his hands' grip to one another as he idly stood before the class. They were pretty much free to do as they pleased now when it came to self studying, so he didn't really have much to do unless someone needed her. And seeing as his eyes drifted off to the side and another awkward silence was forming around him, one could only guess he already went to his own little world again.
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Claire stepped back as the teacher turned towards the board. "Um...." she watched him as he then turned to the stand and leaned against it and started speaking to the class. "Okay, " she said under her breath as she walked towards her seat. 'That was weird right?!?' She thought to herself. The teacher nodded towards the classroom books. After he was done, she made her way to grab one of the books and went back to her seat. 'So we just read this and study it?' She thought as she flipped through the pages. She looked around, glancing at everyone else.
Celestia smiled as Nicol found some new courage to try again, and sat back to her seat. She had never heard of this 'self study' before. Was she suppose to study herself? That didn't make any sense at all, home school was perhaps a bad idea where the only thing she got was 'homework'. Celestia wanted to ask, but was a bit embarrassed as most of them knew what they were suppose to so she just looked at them and did the same. She was half-tempted to begin ans draw again as she had the other day before they arrived, but it this was class. She was suppose to do some kind of work, even if she looked more

forward to the other classes to see what the others were capable of, and she didn't doubt it was going to be interesting to say the least.
Nicol Lee

Nicol was shaken from his thoughts, a question immediately arising within the room. ' Oh.. That's right, they might not be used to self study..', with the thought he released a light comforting laugh, attempting to let them know that was probably his fault. With a nod he she confirmed the question, "Yes, in a way you are just reading and studying at your own pace.." Engaged in the topic, he once again stepped forward, "And whenever you feel comfortable with a chapter, you just need to tell me so I can give you the test."

Coming to the next part, which still left his at a partial loss, his left hand would meet his lips to display that he was thinking. "Though I don't think you are required to even do work within the classroom. So long as you study during your time at the Academy, and continue taking tests to prove that you are keeping up educationally..." With the though coming to a close he once again passed it off with a delicate smile. "In other words, we are hoping that you work on improving your stature and capability of being an idol. It would be far too much to try to balance practice, training, concerts, and education if they were all on a strict schedule that only provided stress." His head came to bob with a couple nods as he thought back over his own words. "So if you really want, just think of this class as free time where you can get help with your studies if needed."
(I guess my works done here) Alex was happy that Nicol aren't stuttering anymore. "Hai Sensei" After Nicol finished his speech pacticularly eveyone were free to do anything, they're suppose to be self studying but Alex would think that it'll be more better if he studying with other members. Alex looked at Cece bit her lips as if she want to talked but held it. Alex went to cece and offered his right hand, "Cece mind studying with me? I'm having hard time singing (PFTT AS IF LEX!), could sing a song with me? I'll start the rhythm first."

Key slumped back into his seat at the mention of studying. It had been what? Two years since he had last attended class and he was still just as lazy to do the actual work. He read over the words in the book five to ten times but they just didn't seem to sink in his mind that was already filled with nothing but thoughts about singing and the academy. He inwardly groaned as he failed time and time again to shush is mind when he over heard Lex's suggestion. A singing study session? Now that was something Key could into.

(Will be looking forward to it!! I was saving it for the actual music class but what the heck XP)

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