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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

Celestia returns Yuki's polite bow with a courtesy of her own. She had been with her father on those fancy dinners far too often that her mannerism was quite good, and she found the older eras interesting. She grabbed the corners of her checkered skirt and crossed her legs, before lowering her head and bending her knees. "The pleasure is all mine," She answered as she saw Angel had joined them too and smiled to her as she slowed down her pace to match both Yuki's and Angel's pace. She noticed that her tie was yet again a bit crooked as she began tying it, she knew how to do it, but it usually ended up a bit sloppy as she didn't think much about her appearance. "A- Angel..." Celestia asked shyly as she didn't like asking for other's help. It wasn't that she didn't want it, but she wanted to prove she was more than just a pretty rich girl that got everything she wanted, but the tie seemed to be impossible for her to tie on her own. "Could you teach me... how to tie a tie properly?" She asked a bit embarrassed, scratching her slightly reddened cheek, as she looked away from the two of them.
Angel looked at Celestia and smiled as she saw the girl fumble with the tie. Wondering how old the girl was Angel decided to ask the girl her age not wanting to be rude she added her age as well as she began to fix the tie.

"I can teach you but I enjoy fixing your tie for you... So may I continue doing so? And Celestia I was wondering how old you are? You look younger than me but you never know... Especially after meeting Rune..."

If you think about it carefully, Rune, our boss is 20 years old...

She just seems to like to keep up the appearance of someone at around 10 years old.

Celestia blushed a bit more once Angel said she wanted to continue. If she enjoyed it so much that was completely fine with her. It was almost like having the older sister she never had. Just as that thought struck her Angel asked for her age, and she had to chuckle a bit. It was as if Angel had read her mind. "I am fifteen years old, and Rune... well... she's an interesting looking person to say the least... but she seems like a person you'll never get bored of," Celestia answered as she flung her ponytail behind her back again as she tried to pay attention to what Angel was doing, but she was already confused before she had finished half of it. Angel is so nice to everyone... I wish I could be as open as she is... but I suppose I can learn a bit from her, hopefully at the very least. Especially since we're all here, we might as well get along. Celestia thought to herself feeling a bit more encouraged to be a bit more open to everyone, hoping to leave a good first impress despite arriving in a limousine.
Angel smiled and finished Celestia's tie, patting it down again she flattened the tie and smiled cheerfully and nodded at Celestia's comment about things never being boring with someone like Rune around to keep things entertaining.

"Yes you are right Celestia… And it looks like I am older than you by a year. I hope we can get along and learn from each other."

I really like Celestia… …She is soo cute….

Yuki acknowledged Angel's words with a nod. It was then that Celestia had decided to join their conversation and had sheepishly asked if Angel could tie her slightly crooked tie. Yuki politely moved to the side to allow them the room and watched silently as Angel began to fix the piece of cloth with little delicate motions. She seemed to exude a gentle nature that slightly reminded him of a softly played piano note. He turned to Celestia as she began to speak of a person called Rune. He wondered if it had been the peculiar red head that had led them to their dorms. Yuki admittedly had been confused by the sudden appearance of what seemed to be a grade school student but had otherwise kept his questions to himself when the others had followed the little girl's instructions.
Rune having decided that the poor children should actually eat something she hoped over and spotted Angel fixing up Celestia's tie as she had done so probably more than twice before. Giggling she walked over to the boy who hadn't seemed to have been there earlier and patted him on the back smiling happily in her little red ride hoodie outfit.

"Hello there! I haven't introduced myself to you Yuki but my name is Rune and I am the company head and in other words your boss!"

He has nice hair, I really like it.

"You're sixteen? How old are you Yuki?" Celestia asked in an almost desperate act to not be the youngest. She couldn't be the youngest.... could she? Of course she had heard from her model colleagues that she was young and all, but it wasn't that young was it? Hopefully she would find someone her age, even if Angel was just one year older than herself. Just then Rune came up in yet another cute outfit, she liked it. How many cute outfits did this woman own? She glanced at it noticing it looked a lot like little Red Ride Hood, and smiled. It almost fitted Rune too well as she had red hair as well. "Hi there Rune, and thank you Angel. You're so reliable," Celestia said with a slight blush and smiles shyly. It was weird thanking her too, as her tie had been crooked so many times. Maybe if she stopped moving so much, it would stay in one place.

Rune looked around and smiled at them it was nice that they were all getting along and she knew that this work, hopefully. taking a deep breath she told the three in front of her about dinner and showed them the way to go and have dinner. Placing her hoodie over her head she smiled and waved good bye to find the others.

"You are going to have ramen tonight! I hope you all like it~!"

Off I go~! Off I go to see the Wizard of IX~!

Angel watched as Rune skipped away and looked at the other two with her. Ramen sounded nice but she had never had ramen before. Wondering how it would taste she looked at them smiling waiting for them to come along with her to the cafeteria.

"...Would you like to go to the cafeteria and have some of that 'ramen'. Have you had that before? I haven't tried it before..."

I heard Celestia and one of the boys talking about it before...

It might taste nice...

Is it a noodle?

Alan sneakily grabbed Key's hand and whispered to him, "follow me" Alex went to the Cafeteria's kitchen, as Alex scanned the kitchen, Key seems to be confused, "Help me cook Key!" Alex smiled to key "Heish... I know that you want to do something for her, it was written all over your face when I offered my hand to you" Although Alex was jealous, he can't help helping friends when their in need. "I'll start cooking, so make up your mind Key," Alex has founded the ingredients, it was a pork, angel hair pasta, and a lot more. "I guess we're going to have pork ramen for everyone."
It would have been lie if Yuki said he wasn't the least bit surprised about the fact that the little girl in front of him was the company president. She could barely just reach past his shoulders. But he just nodded his head in confirmation and turned back to Celestia as she asked how old he was. "17" He answered, before taking a seat on one of the empty tables right by the wide set windows.
"A-ah sure!" Key exclaimed, quickly walking over to Alex's. He had been cooking for eight hungry mouths ever since he was able to peel a potato so he was used to these kind of things. He obediently stood off to the side and waited for further orders when he recalled Alex talking about 'doing something for her'. Key tilted his head to the side, confused when he remembered Angel and the complete mess that he had unintentionally caused. He let a small, slightly forced laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yea...I kind of owe her after..." He began to explain before trailing off, too embarrassed to continue. It seemed as though he was turning just as clumsy in real life as he was on the dance floor...
Alex smiled broader when Key decided to help out "Okay let's cook!" Alex was happy since he never cooked with someone else. "Key could you please chop the pork thinly," Alex hand over a chunk of pork belly to Key. "If you're done then please chop other ingredients," Alex constantly ordered Key. (fast foward) 45 minutes had past and finally 11 bowls of pork ramen ready to be serve. Alex slightly giggled andonce again whispered to Alex with a playful tone, "look who's coming, go get it boy!(whatever I still have Mary anyways)" as Alex handed him a bowl of ramen and kick his butt to give extra courage to Key.
"Ramen sounds good. While we're talking about ramen... where did Key and Lex go? He invited me to ramen in the first place," Celestia asked as she looked around herself, but it seemed as they must have gone ahead while she wasn't looking. When Yuki told her his age, she pouted a bit as she realized she might be the youngest among them all! They entered the cafeteria and the sweet smell of Ramen filled the room as Celestia smiled to see both Key and Alex behind the counter. "Did you guys cook all this? Wow~!" Celestia asked impressed as a very childlike smile spread across her face. She hadn't had ramen since she was a child herself, her father was strongly against it as he meant it wasn't 'good enough for her'. "You need to teach me how to cook this!" Celestia said to the both of them as she was almost a bit too excited over a bowl of ramen.
"W-waah!!" Key stuttered as the soup threatened to slosh right out of the bowl. He sighed in relief as he managed to settle the warm liquid and turned his head slightly to stick a tongue out at Lex before grinning impishly. Key made his way towards where Angel was sitting and placed the bowl of noodles carefully on the table in front of her. "Bon appetit~" He exclaimed with a little bow "Courtesy of chef Alex and your's truly". Key gave a quick wink before rushing back behind the counter with Alex and breathing a thanks under his breath. He immediately straightened up though when Cece came up to the counter and grinned at all her compliments. "Sure~ It'd be fun" Key responded, genuinely looking forward to spending some time with one of his fellow would-be-idols.
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Cece came to the kitchen counter with a smille just like a child standing in front of a toy store, she looked so fascinated with ramen. Alex could she a splitting image of himself when he was young."Actually you should give all the credit to Key, he did amazing well on slicing the ingredients evenly" then Alex continued "I could teach my secret base making broth, my father taught me how to make the finest broth using limited ingredients." Alex proudly brag his cooking talent to Cece. "but for exchange Cece, could you teach me something (now's my chance to learn dance!) like dancing or things you enjoy? or maybe teach me the dance you did just now when we're at the corridor?" Alex felt that it is his chance to know Cece better.

Alex relieved that Key was able to give his "sorry" to Angel. Alex always love to see people's smile, especially the ones he love or care. "Thanks Key (why I'm so open in here while I never made an intiative to talk anyone on my hometown) for helping me out there, couldn't done it without you." Alex felt that he already make a progress with Key or should he say his first 'real' best friend.
"I believe it was more of team effort. That tastes the best after all! Some old fashioned friendship and teamwork!" Celestia said as she smiled to Alex and watched Key make his way over to Angel and Yuki. Celestia came from a rich family, so the mere thought of making food with her own hands excited her a lot. The thought of eating something that was homemade food made her even happier, she wondered how that would taste. Celestia blushed a bit as Alex pointed out the fencing practice she did in the hallway and scratched her cheek a bit embarrassed. "That sounds great! Even though I wasn't dancing in the hallway..." Celestia answered with a small embarrassed smile to Alex. To think I'll learn how to cook! I'm so excited! My father would never allow it though.... a model working in the kitchen it would have driven him insane. I wish he would come and see it. His reaction would have been priceless! Celestia thought as she could already imagine her father's rage, and giggled.
Key smiled, playfully punching Alex on the arm with a gentle little tap. "Our teamwork tastes pretty good then~" He commented with a slightly mischievous wink "But it wouldn't have tasted half as good without you". And it was true since he had sneaked in a few bites here and there while somebodies back was turned (;p). He had enjoyed cooking with Alex and it seemed like he had warmed up to Key just as much as the boy had warmed up to him. Key felt completely at ease with the guy and he let his cheerful disposition drop for a second as his shoulders slumped forward; showing how truly worn and tired he felt. It didn't last long though as that familiar grin slipped back into place. Key began whistling a tune as he nonchalantly rocked back and forth on his feet, waiting behind the counter to hand out the rest of the soup.
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Claire walked up to the counter to grab some dinner. As she took the food she made a disgusted face. 'Are they serious here?!? This is a joke right!' She thought to herself and looked up at the guys on the other side of the counter and back at her food. "Thanks, " she said and turned to sit and eat her food. As she sat down at a table by herself she sighed. 'It could be worse, I guess.' Just let it play out it will get better.' Claire poked at her food with her fork. She suddenly wasn't as hungry anymore. Feeling homesick Claire held back some tears. 'Don't cry, don't cry' she kept repeating it in her head as she poked at her food.
Angel smiled and looked around her. The food tasted fantastic and she had thanked the boys several times with her bright face. Looking around she watched as everyone began to eat. She then noticed Claire sitting by herself looking like she was about to cry. Being a fast eater she placed her fork (or whatever cutlery it is you use for Ramen) down and walked over to her. Smiling Angel patted the girls head.

"Feeling a little homesick?"

She looks a lovely girl but it seems like she is taking herself away from the rest of the group...

...I hope everyone will get along together.....

Claire looked up as she felt someone patting her head. "Um .... Hi" Claire couldn't say anything she felt the lump in her throat grow larger as she thought about the question. She looked down at her food for a few seconds as she grabbed her composure. "The food is a bit different here..." she continued to stare at her food to focus on something other than her feelings. "That's all, " she brought herself to look up at Angel and put on a slight smile. "Thank you for your concern though. Are you feeling homesick at all?" She said as she looked back at her food. She hoped the girl was a little homesick as well. At least then she wouldn't feel so dumb. 'What kind of person gets homesick in less than twenty four hours. I have to be the lamest person ever!' She thought to herself.
Angel smiled softly, most children that arrived at the orphanage had only been by themselves for not even 24 hours ad grew homesick in the first 12 hours of arriving at the orphanage. Still stroking the girls hair Angel smiled happily and gave a shrug.

"I can't help but worry about everyone at home... Hehe... But I guess it can't be helped that my tummy churns as well..."

I really do miss home...

...But I must make the most of this opportunity and help mother and father.

Hearing angel's words brought a calm to Claire. She sighed a sigh of relief as she felt the lump start to dissipate in her throat. She looked up and smiled. "I heard you run an orphanage! That must be really hard to have time away from. " Claire was completely guessing at this point she knew nothing about children, but she felt angel playing with her hair the way her dad did when she was little and she didn't want her to stop.
Angel noticed that she had calmed down and watched as she gave a small sigh of relief. As she listened to Claire ask about the orphanage Angel smiled happily and gave a small smile and continued to stroke the girls hair.

"Yes... My mother runs an orphanage... I love it there, the children, the laughter, the memories that are created..."

I am still in contact with that one person from a long time ago...

....I wonder how he is doing lately?

I should send a letter some time soon...

Claire looked up at Angel and smiled "thank you" she said softly. She figured angel would know what she meant. 'It was very sweet of her to come and help me calm down I didn't realize I was that obvious'

"Your mom sounds like a very sweet lady I see where you get it now."

She said as she pushed her bowl away

'I actually kind of miss mine' Claire was surprised by her own thought.

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Rod took his time moseying on over to the cafeteria, taking in the sights, sounds ans smells of the academy. ‘How am I ever going to get used to a place this huge?’ he contemplated. To be honest, he was a bit anxious about this whole new experience. It was his first extended stay away from home in a new place with new people in a new school. It was all a bit daunting.

He absentmindedly strode into the cafeteria and up to the counter where the smell of food was the strongest. Rod assumed that that’s where the Ramen was being distributed. The aroma of noodles and pork began to make him relax a bit, but that enjoyment was soon interrupted by an unexpected and unfortunate sight: Key was there, behind the counter. His warm-grey eyes eyed the other male like a potential threat as he asked, “So, Ramen…it’s what’s for dinner?”.

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