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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

Angel smiled and clapped along as they sung their songs and humming along with Celestia silently as she listened to their voices intertwine. Suddenly she noticed Rune running towards them looking a little puffed and in a new outfit. Looking at the 'Alicien in Fantasyland' outfit she smiled as Rune fixed up the white bow in her hair as she walked up to the children.

"Celestia you have a lovely voice... Oh! Is everything alright Rune?"

She looks so cute...

...Like a little doll...

...I want to hug her really badly...

Rune rushed to the cafeteria, the outfit had taken a little time to put on due to her lack of ability to actually tie bows and sighed as she managed to do a sad looking bow. As she neared them she looked up at Angel and watched the girl tie up the bow and listened to their humming and singing as their voices carried out. She was glad that they were getting along.

"Thanks Angel for fixing the bow... Everyone! I am going to take you to your dorms! The boys and girls rooms are placed near each other due to both of you collaborating but we will not tolerate seeing a girl sleeping in the boys room and the same goes the other way around! Now come along! Chop! Chop! We need to keep moving!"

Angel is so lovely, fixing the bow up for me like that...

....reminds of having a mother in this madhouse...

...Wait, aren't I'm the one suppose to have that role?

Well, it isn't like the children will see me like that anyway so it doesn't matter...

...Now to lead them to their rooms!

(okay I need to leave for a bit! There is a picture of the dorms in the Map section which you should have looked at already, but there is probably someone who hasn't. I will be back later and by later probably in around 4-5 hours)

Yuki gave Key a slightly patronizing gaze but still went ahead and did as he was requested. He opened his instrument case and pulled out a beautiful guitar, shaded in various tones of light brown and deep burgundy. He sat down on a near-by bench and gingerly placed the instrument on his lap before pulling a hidden guitar pick from the folds of his black beanie. It looked to be pure white with a single double bar line note placed on the middle. Slowly, he began to strum out a melody and began to hum softly to the rhythm before eventually joining the two.

(I know me too~!! >///<)


"Ahhhh Lex-kun and Mr. Pink you both sound awesome!!!" Key exclaimed, mock punching the both of them on the arm. Their voices had melted together perfectly, sounding as if they had already sung together a million times before! 'Maybe we really could be the three musketeers~' Key thought with an excited laugh. He grabbed his backpack before running quickly back to the other two, a seemingly permanent smile etched across his face. "Hurry hurry I want to get the middle bed~" He breathed. As Key was waiting for them to finish packing, he made a mental note to tell them about his secret talent the next time they jammed together, which he had a feeling would be very soon.
Key punched Alex and the pink haired boy. "はい はい...(sushi! that hurts a lot)" Alex indirectly asked Key to stop punching him although Alex smiled to Key. Key went ahead leaving Alex with the pink hair boy. "Hmm.. Mr.Pink, may I know what's your name?" Alex asked the pink hair boy but Key went back before the pink hair boy can talk.

Alex was disappointed when Key said that he chose the middle bed (aw.. I want the middle but oh well..) "Then I chose the left one~!" Alex followed Key to the room
Yuki sighed and began putting away his guitar. Though it didn't really register on his face, he had enjoyed their singing. He never really had the chance to do such things back in England as he had never had the time and thought to do so. He was about to introduce himself when Key suddenly returned, saying something about getting the middle bed. The blonde boy's easy going attitude was both refreshing and taxing on his otherwise strict persona but he found his childishness endearing in a way that he didn't really mind. It was then that Lex added he would be going for the left one. Yuki followed after them and silently took the right side bed, placing his belongings on the white sheets.


Artyom Garin

-Interacting with-


Artyom turned his attention to the girl once more when her voice came. It would seem as though her confidence had be restored for some reason, perhaps it was what he said? His thoughts told him she found a way to restore her own confidence, but then she actually came to thank him. Of course he was not the type to tell the innocent girl that he was simply speaking his own thoughts aloud, especially if it had a chance of shelling her away once again. Even more so when she smiled, it was simply a moment he did not wish to take away from her. With no other choice, all he could do was return the nod and be somewhat proud in her new found determination.

With the call of Rune's name, he twisted around to look at the approaching girl. Who apparently during there absence changed wardrobe seeing as the girl now resembled a character from a certain famous series. It was actually kind of entertaining seeing the female in her seemingly energetic personality. Already she was preparing the group to move to the next location of the tour which would happen to be the dorms. Believe it or not, this seemingly random pace Rune set was actually kind of refreshing, almost as if she intended for the others to talk with one another and already begin forming bonds. " It seems it is time to proceed," Artyom spoke, pushing himself out of the chair and taking a few steps before turning back to look at his new friend, "Would you like to walk with me, Krystal? "
Krystal turned at Rune's voice. Ah, she was finally back. And it seems she had changed her outfit.. it was just as cute as the previous one.

Dorms, huh. Krystal noted Rune's words about girls not being allowed to sleep in boys' room and vice versa, but she didn't quite get it. Why would anyone want to sleep in the other's room, when they clearly have their own?

Artyom got up, and Krystal began to stand herself, shouldering her rucksack, when the boy invited her to walk with him. She glanced at the others- most of them were already starting to follow Rune, heading for the dorms. She then looked back at Artyom and replied, "Mm, if you don't mind." She caught up to his side and began to match his pace, though his strides were longer than hers and she had to walk faster to match it.
As soon as Key had stepped into the dorm room he made a bee line for the center bed, discarding his back pack to the side. "Haaaaahhh~ I could really get used to this" He mumbled as he pressed his face into the soft mattress. Finally after seven long years, Key had his very own bed. The very thought caused him to flail around like an over excited five year old that had gotten his Christmas present early. Eventually he settled down and curled up in the center of the smooth, white blankets, sighing contentedly. "Ne, Mr. Pink-kun, Alex-kun" He began, shifting on his back to get a better look at them "Do you wanna go and explore the rest of the place??".
Angel looked at the dorm and noticed the five beds and beside each of them was their beds. Placing herself onto the bed that her luggage she opened it and began to slowly un pack noticing the extremely large walk in wardrobe. Placing her bags in and grabbed her two most used outfits and placed it up onto the rack. Deciding that she wanted to have a little bit more of a look around the school she left the dorm.

"I wonder where I should go? I wonder where the music room is?"

I hope that I bump into someone new...

...But even someone that I know already would be nice...

...I wonder how everyone is?

Alex was unpacking his stuff when Key asked them. "Hmm.. I don't know? how about the cafeteria? I bet there's food awaiting for us or I could borrow their kitchen to cook some for you guys." Alex smiled to them, "Should we ask the other to join us?" Alex wanted to know more about them and rebuilt him image in front of them.
Yuki instinctively grabbed Key's backpack and moved to a less obstructive place rather than the middle of the floor. He was used to cleaning up after the usual mess his father would constantly make so this was second nature to him by now. He glanced at Key's flailing figure and slightly shook his head before beginning to put away all of his items. It didn't really take long since he opted to bring only a folder full of concerto notes, the essentials, and of course his guitar. The rest of his luggage was made up of books and novels. Yuki turned towards Key as the boy called for their attention. "...Alright" He answered a bit indifferently. Though he did admit he was beginning feel a bit peckish since he hadn't eaten anything the whole cab drive there.
Claire walked into the dorm and saw her stuff beside the last bed in the row. She sat down on the bed to see how comfortable it was 'I should have brought a pillow topper for this bed but I guess ill live. If I have to ill call my daddy, I'm sure he would bring me one.' Claire looked around the room at the others unpacking and checking out the room. 'I think i'll wait till everyone unpacks and see where to put my stuff afterwards' Claire wasn't great with sharing space so this was difficult for her. Claire got up from the bed and checked out the rest of the dorm. 'I'm hungry, I wonder when we get lunch or what's even being served.' Claire thought to herself. Everyone was busy talking to each other and angel had left so she decided to wander towards the kitchen on her own.
"Sure sure!!" Key agreed, abruptly hopping off the bed with a little bounce. "I'll go see if one of the girls want to come with~" He added and practically skipped out of the room. He barely got a foot out the doorway when he suddenly collided with an on coming figure. "WAAHH!!" He yelled in surprise before tumbling to the ground, pulling whoever he had crashed into with him. Key at least managed to catch himself at the last minute before he fell full force on top of the person. "Sorry sorry..." He muttered, wincing slightly at his more than likely bruised arms and elbows that took most of the fall. "Ah! Angel-san!!" He exclaimed, looking down at the bright blue eyes. "Do you wanna come to the cafeteria with us?" He asked with a bright smile. They were still in a less than comfortable position on the floor but it seemed that Key had forgotten or had just chosen to ignore that little fact.
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Crystal slowly made her way out of the room and then was suddenly greeted by Key as he toppled over her. Giving a silent squeal she fell onto the floor with Key on top of her. She stared with large eyes as he asked about wether she wanted to go to the cafeteria with the boys that had seemed to be coming out one by one. Giving a shy and embarrassed chuckle she gave a small nod. But not before she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. Trying to lift her head to check what was wrong she quickly decided not to due to Key still being on top of her.

"....Umm... Sure.... But Key, would you mind...? I think I might have hit my head...."

This is so awkward, I wonder what the others are thinking about this situation....

...so embarrassing...


...My head really does hurt a little...

As Claire walked out the door, she tripped over someone on the floor. She caught herself and looked down. "Um, what are you guys doing down there!?" She asked looking down and angel and key. She would normally not ask questions but it was an odd looking situation she couldn't pass up.
During the activities in the cafeteria, Rod decided to take a laid-back approach and watched the others. People-watching was rather entertaining in his opinion. But he couldn’t get the image of Celestia’s dance moves out of his mind. ‘Stupid, self…why didn’t you barge on in there and dance with her?!’ he mentally kicked himself, ‘There you go again, just standing around like an idiot.’. It was then that he decided he’d have to dance with her, one way or another.

Eventually Rune came back, this time with another weird outfit, and escorted them to their dorms. The rest of the guys were so enthusiastic about claiming their beds, he didn’t really get a word in edge-wise. But that was alright, he was ok with whatever bed was open. As long as he didn’t get a bed by that one named Key, he’d live. But then again, he’d have to learn how to put up with the guy anyway, so it didn’t really matter after all. Rod had taken his time getting to the dorm, and by the time he got there, a random commotion and bodies on the floor signaled that mayhem had already begun. He acknowledged his presence with a cough, trying to announce his presence without being all obvious about it.
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Alex was extremely jelous when he saw Key was on top of Angel (Remember about Mary, Lex!). Alex quickly went pass them and pretend nothing happend "Guys let's go to kitchen right now, I'm getting hungry (Right Lex you need to calm down, don't make enemies here)." Alex turned back and offer Key and Angel his hand (just get over with it). Alex also noticed Rod's cough, "Oh hi Rod, do you want to grab some food at the Cafeteria with us?"
"Wha? O-oh yea sorry!" Key stuttered, immediately untangling himself and shuffling off to a kneeling position next to her. "Ah! Nothing! Well I mean I fell...on top of Angel-chan..." He explained, sheepishly scratching the back of his head as an embarrassed blush coated his cheeks. "Hmmm?" He tilted his head slightly to the side as he noticed something red and lumpy forming on the back of Angel's head. His eyes widened when he realized that it was a bruise, a pretty bad one at that, she must have gotten from the fall. "AH!! Angel-san y-your bleeding!!" He yelled, panicking slightly at the sight of the open wound.
"Key what..." Yuki began as he walked out of the dorm and trailed off at the sight before him. He had heard the commotion and had come to investigate to find the girl who had given him a biscuit earlier, on the floor with a panic stricken Key next to her. He caught a few words about something bleeding and immediately went into action. He knelt down beside the girl and checked the wound. It wasn't as bad as the ones he had treated before since his father was prone to such injuries. "This will only sting for a bit..." He muttered, before ripping a piece of his shirt and proceeded to dab at the blood.
Angel sighed as Key got off her and looked at the girl who had tripped over them. Giving an apologetic smile Angel gave a small chuckle and then reached to touch the paining area. Taking her hands away she felt the blood on her finger tips and looked at the blood on her fingers with surprise.

"Oh dear... Looks like I am bleeding..."

I was wondering why it hurt so much....

Rune came running down the hall in a nurse outfit and brought a first aid kit. Quickly she took out the equipment needed and moved Yuki away. Bendaging the girl Rune looked her age for a mere second before she returned to her childlike appearance and goofily smiled at them.

"All done~! It shouldn't hurt anymore! Make sure to go into your dorms in around 2-3 hours."

Well off I go~!

Angel touched her head and smiled softly as she remembered the serious expression on Rune's face. Looking at Yuki she smiled at him and dusted her outfit and stood up awkwardly.

"Thank you~... For the help...."

...My legs want to give away...

...Oh dear this is not good...

The sight of a wounded fellow student made Rod want to leap into action, but apparently the others were already ahead of him. Some guy with pink hair was attending her and it seemed like he'd done this before. It was a bit curious, yes, but it was a small matter. The one named Lex offered to get some food with him, and just that thought made his empty stomach growl in anticipation. "Uh, yeah...I could go for some food, I guess." he replied with his head turned downward, trying to hide a small amount of blushing redness on his cheeks. 'Damn, that guy has a cute voice...and he's attractive too.' he thought to himself.
Key shuffled to his feet and gave Angel another apologetic smile before trudging off toward Yuki and Lex. "Aggghh...that was so bad..." He mumbled with slumped shoulders. At least he had some delicious food to look forward to but even that thought didn't seem to completely revive him from his stupor. He swore that he was going to make it up to Angel somehow. He glanced at Rod and saw the slight blush on his cheeks. Key opened his mouth to comment on it but closed it again when he realized that it would probably earn him another death glare if he did.
Claire stood back as everything happened so fast. She was genuinely worried when she heard the girl was bleeding, but when she found out she was okay, she decided to continue her quest for food. Starving couldn't even begin to describe how hungry she was.
Angel sighed and looked at Yuki and smiled at him. Looking at his shirt her face saddened and looked sadly at him. She had even caused someone to tear up their clothes let alone disturb others.

"I am sorry about your clothes Yuki..."

I am really sorry...

...I wonder if I can make it up to him...

Yuki shook his head, pocketing the torn cloth and returning a reassuring smile towards Angel. "It was no trouble" He reassured her and it truly wasn't. In fact he was more than glad that he could have been of some use to the situation. But he could tell that his words had not convince her so he decided to elaborate further. "Consider it a favor in exchange for the biscuit" He added. Though his expression gave nothing away, his eyes twinkled with a hidden slyness.

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